The New York Times calls the word "Freedom" an "anti-government slogan"

These people are evil and must be destroyed for the good of humanity.

LOL. Except that's not what the first line of the tweet says. "Shouting "Freedom" and other anti-government slogans". But nice try at transference.
Oh my, you alt-righters are simpletons. I truly wonder sometime if you people should be allowed to vote. :auiqs.jpg:

It's a poorly written line, and should have been something like, "Shouting "Freedom" as well as anti-government slogans", if that's what the author intended. By inserting the word "other", the author left open the interpretation that he considered "freedom" to be anti-government. One would assume that a writer for the NYTimes would be a professional and know exactly what he's saying, so there's that.

It's not poorly written, it says exactly what the author wants it to say; they view the word "freedom" as an anti-government slogan. Very clear. And very, very evil.

I guess we could also take the approach that, to the Cuban government, "freedom" is indeed a very anti-government slogan.

"Freedom" is indeed an anti-government slogan to the Cuban commies, and the New York Times. And much of the American left, as evidenced by their vigorous defense of Cuban communism here on this board.
As long as Americans are being convinced by their wealthy masters that they have 'freedom' and America is the most free democracy in the world, they don't question that they've lost all the freedoms the other democracies actually have.

The list is a long one and can start with their rotten health care system. Or their lack of freedom to be safe and have their children safe from gun violence.

Here's the list from that link that the truly free countries take for granted as their rights.

  • A good job market
  • Affordability
  • Economic stability
  • Family friendly
  • Income equality
  • Politically stable
  • Safety
  • Well-developed public health system
  • Well-developed public education system
That's what freedom really is all about, not just a word used to uphold working class Americans' illusions.

That Canadian horseshit is a joke.

We have Canadians that are snowbirds here in Florida. They will tell you the ways that Canada sucks. It is not just the weather.
LOL. Except that's not what the first line of the tweet says. "Shouting "Freedom" and other anti-government slogans". But nice try at transference.
Oh my, you alt-righters are simpletons. I truly wonder sometime if you people should be allowed to vote
But it DOES say "shouting freedom", as you yourself admit, in an anti government
slogan. Right?

Who is the "simpleton" here? Who doesn't know what "transference" is, apparently?
It's better for you to stay quiet and be thought a moron than to make your little absurd posts
and remove all doubt.
Isn't Freedom an Anti Cuban Government chant from Cubans? As well as for Russians or anybody stuck under authoritarian rule.

Granted they weren't protesting Masks or a pandemic lock down. or anything so important to the Neo-GOP, just food, vaccines and stuff.
Yes. Exactly! An anti CUBAN government chant. Not an anti government chant per se...a little detail the progressive fascists at the NY Times "forgot" to clarify.

This reaction to the NYT piece is my nomination for the lowest denominator possible. Not quit zero which we all know is a mathematically impossibility, but damn close.
This reaction to the NYT piece is my nomination for the lowest denominator possible. Not quit zero which we all know is a mathematically impossibility, but damn close.
I don't see it as atypical. The very people who tell them not to pay attention to covid have been innoculated and socially distance. (Trump and Murdoch)
These people are evil and must be destroyed for the good of humanity.

LOL. Except that's not what the first line of the tweet says. "Shouting "Freedom" and other anti-government slogans". But nice try at transference.
Oh my, you alt-righters are simpletons. I truly wonder sometime if you people should be allowed to vote. :auiqs.jpg:

Your last sentence proves you're a commie.

Removing your right to vote would be fascist. Not commie. :auiqs.jpg:
I wonder if people like you posses the intelligence to be entrusted with that sacred privilege.

So you admit that you're a fascist. Okay, I'll give you that.
Isn't Freedom an Anti Cuban Government chant from Cubans? As well as for Russians or anybody stuck under authoritarian rule.

Granted they weren't protesting Masks or a pandemic lock down. or anything so important to the Neo-GOP, just food, vaccines and stuff.
Yes. Exactly! An anti CUBAN government chant. Not an anti government chant per se...a little detail the progressive fascists at the NY Times "forgot" to clarify.

Sounds like deliberate misconstruing in an attempt to generate phony outrage by pretending you don't understand the context of a Cuban Protest.
Isn't Freedom an Anti Cuban Government chant from Cubans? As well as for Russians or anybody stuck under authoritarian rule.

Granted they weren't protesting Masks or a pandemic lock down. or anything so important to the Neo-GOP, just food, vaccines and stuff.
Yes. Exactly! An anti CUBAN government chant. Not an anti government chant per se...a little detail the progressive fascists at the NY Times "forgot" to clarify.

Sounds like deliberate misconstruing in an attempt to generate phony outrage by pretending you don't understand the context of a Cuban Protest.
It is what it is. I'd prefer not to give them the satisfaction of responding to their lies more than one. But if it amuses you, go for it. But don't expect them to either learn how to read of choose not to lie.
Sounds like deliberate misconstruing in an attempt to generate phony outrage by pretending you don't understand the context of a Cuban Protest.
The "deliberate" misconstruing seems to be all yours.
To pretend anti Cuban sentiment is a referendum on ALL government, in order to smear and slur
those trying to dismantle the long time gulag-state in our own back yard that has long been a leftist
pet is disingenuous to say the very least.
It is what it is. I'd prefer not to give them the satisfaction of responding to their lies more than one. But if it amuses you, go for it. But don't expect them to either learn how to read of choose not to lie.
I've always been a top of the ladder reader and user of language.
And I do not lie, though some people prefer to think views that contradict theirs constitute lies.

And repeated references to "them" don't do much to make your point clear.
These Moon Bats loved it when the Worthless Negro went down to Cuba and gave Castro a blow job in front of the whole world. Despicable!

No wonder they hate the concept of freedom.
Great photo, crappy houses and 1950's autos.

That is a lib utopia. They're always yearning and romanticizing about old cars and the awesome healthcare in cuba.
Perhaps the New York Times should change its name to Pravda. After all it is the propaganda outlet for the Marist Democratic Party.
Sounds like deliberate misconstruing in an attempt to generate phony outrage by pretending you don't understand the context of a Cuban Protest.
The "deliberate" misconstruing seems to be all yours.
To pretend anti Cuban sentiment is a referendum on ALL government, in order to smear and slur
those trying to dismantle the long time gulag-state in our own back yard that has long been a leftist
pet is disingenuous to say the very least.
Not true. As far as using out on context quote to disseminate a false narrative, this one is probably the dumbest. As soon as I read the story I had no doubt the Cuban were protesting against their government. Furthermore I nor any rational Americans I know, would think the Times was saying the use of "Freedom" in a protest would ever be an Anti-American Government Chant unless it was over masks and pandemic related lock down by the neo-fascist goon squad.

or this guy

These people are evil and must be destroyed for the good of humanity.

LOL. Except that's not what the first line of the tweet says. "Shouting "Freedom" and other anti-government slogans". But nice try at transference.
Oh my, you alt-righters are simpletons. I truly wonder sometime if you people should be allowed to vote. :auiqs.jpg:

you scum demonRATS are simpletons. I truly wonder sometime, if you people should be allowed to breathe, and spew lies

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