The New York Times calls the word "Freedom" an "anti-government slogan"

marvin martian

I'm an atheist and proud of it.

No, you aren't. You're a fundamentalist, the worst kind.
while the cubans want vaccinations, the republicans dance from turning them down.
Cubans aren't demonstrating over vaccines.
Yes they are!!

Why don't they have vaccines? You people are always telling us Cuba has a great health care system. What happened?
marvin martian

I'm an atheist and proud of it.

No, you aren't. You're a fundamentalist, the worst kind.
while the cubans want vaccinations, the republicans dance from turning them down.
Cubans aren't demonstrating over vaccines.
Yes they are!!

Why don't they have vaccines? You people are always telling us Cuba has a great health care system. What happened?
Yeah, according to Michael Moore, Cuba's health care is better than ours.
marvin martian

I'm an atheist and proud of it.

No, you aren't. You're a fundamentalist, the worst kind.
while the cubans want vaccinations, the republicans dance from turning them down.
Cubans aren't demonstrating over vaccines.
Yes they are!!

Why don't they have vaccines? You people are always telling us Cuba has a great health care system. What happened?
Yeah, according to Michael Moore, Cuba's health care is better than ours.

Yet they were unable to produce a vaccine, or even distribute one produced elsewhere to their citizens.
marvin martian

I'm an atheist and proud of it.

No, you aren't. You're a fundamentalist, the worst kind.
while the cubans want vaccinations, the republicans dance from turning them down.
Cubans aren't demonstrating over vaccines.
Yes they are!!
You're an idiot.
If the Democrats hadn't stolen the election from Trump he would be President now and he would be encouraging Liberty in Cuba.

We ain't hearing jackshit out of Joe Dufus.

He was part of that Worthless Negro's Democrat delegation of filth that went down to Cuba a few years ago to suck Castro's cock in front of the whole world. He likes authoritative Communism, no matter how failed and abusive it is.
Not true. As far as using out on context quote to disseminate a false narrative, this one is probably the dumbest. As soon as I read the story I had no doubt the Cuban were protesting against their government. Furthermore I nor any rational Americans I know, would think the Times was saying the use of "Freedom" in a protest would ever be an Anti-American Government Chant unless it was over masks and pandemic related lock down by the neo-fascist goon squad.
No one has any doubts that Cubans were protesting their gulag infested fascist nation, which the left,
including the NY Times and Barry Obama, consistently has tried to paint a charming smiley face over the grim
life and death struggle that caused so many to risk their lives making a very risky trip to the US
by rafts and whatever across open sea.

That you freely admit the NY Times openly and pejoratively labels some calls for freedom as fascist or Putin aligned, should illustrate even to someone like you where the problem lies.

Maybe someone with the history and record of the Times should be more careful with what they
write, all things considered.

Thanks for equations the suffering of the Cuban people at the hands of the Authoritarian Castro Regime with the punishing sanction and guerrilla war the US has waged against them, to the mask mandate and pandemic lock downs. "I demand the freedom to determine my own destiny" verse "I demand to be free to spread the germs I carry where ever I want to, no matter what." Two very different ideas of freedom if you ask me.
These people are evil and must be destroyed for the good of humanity.

The NY Times is a propaganda piece of the left. Freedom is a dirty word to leftist that openly support the leftist, oppressive tyrants in Cuba.

Are you able to have abortions in the states of the USA. answer: NO

Are you allowed to have an insurrection in the capital of the US. answer: YES if you are a tramper.


yes you are allowed to have abortions in the USA

and no you aren't allowed to have an insurrection, nor are you allowed to trepass, riot etc.

What the f are you talking about?
Thanks for equations the suffering of the Cuban people at the hands of the Authoritarian Castro Regime with the punishing sanction and guerrilla war the US has waged against them, to the mask mandate and pandemic lock downs. "I demand the freedom to determine my own destiny" verse "I demand to be free to spread the germs I carry where ever I want to, no matter what." Two very different ideas of freedom if you ask me.
Thanks for pointing out what I was doing...pretending one sort of freedom was exactly the same as another.
I had no idea, since I never stated any sort of equivalency between the two, either expressly or implied.
Where did you get that idea, I wonder? Oh, right...winning.

Sorry about being so rough on Raoul and Fidel. They were such nice authoritarian dictators
and thieves of Cuba's wealth. I guess many of us never got over how Cuba let itself be a staging
ground for Soviet nuclear weapons and an existential threat to our very beings.
And Castro made Cuba a refuge for some of America's most infamous criminals who robbed and killed here
and then went and hid under Fidel's beard there.
These people are evil and must be destroyed for the good of humanity.

Wow... This must be the dumbest post yet...

These are Cuban complaining about the Cuban Government... There is still no fear of Cuba changing regime... Best way to change it is to trade with them, the more open the trade the more they will see life in US is better and they will want that for themselves...
These people are evil and must be destroyed for the good of humanity.

LOL. Except that's not what the first line of the tweet says. "Shouting "Freedom" and other anti-government slogans". But nice try at transference.
Oh my, you alt-righters are simpletons. I truly wonder sometime if you people should be allowed to vote. :auiqs.jpg:

It's a poorly written line, and should have been something like, "Shouting "Freedom" as well as anti-government slogans", if that's what the author intended. By inserting the word "other", the author left open the interpretation that he considered "freedom" to be anti-government. One would assume that a writer for the NYTimes would be a professional and know exactly what he's saying, so there's that.

It's not poorly written, it says exactly what the author wants it to say; they view the word "freedom" as an anti-government slogan. Very clear. And very, very evil.

I guess we could also take the approach that, to the Cuban government, "freedom" is indeed a very anti-government slogan.

It is anti government to our communist democrats also.
NYT had no opinion about the left using the word "resistance" when Trump was elected. Now they are going to come down on the word "freedom"? WTF?
Some people think of socialism as synonymous with government. As freedom, most especially free trade, is in direct opposition to socialism, it's easy to see how they'd make the mistake of thinking that freedom is anti-government. But the very purpose of government is to protect our liberty, so from that perspective I see government as anti-socialism. If it's to fulfill its core purpose, it must be.
NYT had no opinion about the left using the word "resistance" when Trump was elected. Now they are going to come down on the word "freedom"? WTF?
Well if old Trumpyberra's team can get you guys to lose faith in our founding documents including the Constitution, it is not surprising at all that you'd get sucker into believing that.
Some people think of socialism as synonymous with government. As freedom, most especially free trade, is in direct opposition to socialism, it's easy to see how they'd make the mistake of thinking that freedom is anti-government. But the very purpose of government is to protect our liberty, so from that perspective I see government as anti-socialism. If it's to fulfill its core purpose, it must be.

So it doesn't matter which government the people were shouting at to you? Because to me, shouting "Freedom" to an "anti-freedom" government is an anti-government shout!
Some people think of socialism as synonymous with government. As freedom, most especially free trade, is in direct opposition to socialism, it's easy to see how they'd make the mistake of thinking that freedom is anti-government. But the very purpose of government is to protect our liberty, so from that perspective I see government as anti-socialism. If it's to fulfill its core purpose, it must be.

So it doesn't matter which government the people were shouting at to you? Because to me, shouting "Freedom" to an "anti-freedom" government is an anti-government shout!
And all of this because a professional writer didn't make his statement abundantly clear, something he should have no problem doing.
These people are evil and must be destroyed for the good of humanity.

LOL. Except that's not what the first line of the tweet says. "Shouting "Freedom" and other anti-government slogans". But nice try at transference.
Oh my, you alt-righters are simpletons. I truly wonder sometime if you people should be allowed to vote. :auiqs.jpg:

Freedom AND other anti-governments slogans. Meaning the word freedom is included in anti-government slogans. My you’re quite stupid.
These people are evil and must be destroyed for the good of humanity.

LOL. Except that's not what the first line of the tweet says. "Shouting "Freedom" and other anti-government slogans". But nice try at transference.
Oh my, you alt-righters are simpletons. I truly wonder sometime if you people should be allowed to vote. :auiqs.jpg:

And other implies that the example given had similar themes. Freedom, and other chants along the same anti- government pronouncements are the point in this headline. Freedom as history shows is actually an anti- government expression. And this is bad how?
It’s crazy watching the left get upset because people are rejecting the government they want.

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