'The New York Times' Reports that Trump Made Blatantly Racist Statements About Immigrants

if you visit haiti, you can't donate blood.

all hospitals and the redcross is racist and therefore should be shut down.

and he said that Nigerians won't want to return, to their huts after seeing America.

that's hyperbole, not that you don't have to c-p that into dictionary dot com to understand, since you will have to and still won't understand.
It's racist hyperbole. Hyperbole or not, it's racist. A racist joke is still racist; being a joke doesn't excuse it from being racist. Being hyperbole doesn't excuse the comment from being racist.

As well, this is not the way the leader of the free world would talk. Of course, now, the US no longer leads the free world. Since Trump took over, we have fallen by the wayside, into the gutter actually. The US is in the gutter with a gutter mouthed president. Sad.
if you visit haiti, you can't donate blood.

all hospitals and the redcross is racist and therefore should be shut down.

and he said that Nigerians won't want to return, to their huts after seeing America.

that's hyperbole, not that you don't have to c-p that into dictionary dot com to understand, since you will have to and still won't understand.
It's racist hyperbole. Hyperbole or not, it's racist. A racist joke is still racist; being a joke doesn't excuse it from being racist. Being hyperbole doesn't excuse the comment from being racist.

As well, this is not the way the leader of the free world would talk. Of course, now, the US no longer leads the free world. Since Trump took over, we have fallen by the wayside, into the gutter actually. The US is in the gutter with a gutter mouthed president. Sad.
So when he talks about Russia or Britain or China he's also racist.

You should learn what racism is for your New Year's Resolution.
what will it be next week? Trump was overheard telling a joke that started with "How Many {fill in the blank} does it take to screw in a light bulb"
It's fine if he fills in the blank with "white people."

Some fools enjoy their embarrassment.
No one should be surprised that the son of a man arrested at a KKK rally and who re-tweets posts from white supremacists can't keep from spewing racist garbage.

Although this really isn't news given how he started his campaign.

Check, the only people questioning this are Trump apologists (including of course Trump Central -- Fox) - nobody else is the slightest bit surprised.
Dotard has a long and storied history of racism.
Learnt it from Daddy Dearest.
FBI releases documents related to Trump apartment discrimination case
It's racist hyperbole. Hyperbole or not, it's racist. A racist joke is still racist; being a joke doesn't excuse it from being racist. Being hyperbole doesn't excuse the comment from being racist.

As well, this is not the way the leader of the free world would talk. Of course, now, the US no longer leads the free world. Since Trump took over, we have fallen by the wayside, into the gutter actually. The US is in the gutter with a gutter mouthed president. Sad.

Esmerelda Wins Thread :)
big deal,, but it was OK for Hillary to mock the black accent and Joe Biden reminding blacks that they were just freed, but be careful of the republicans because they wanna put dem back in dem cotton fields?
I agree with those members who feel that the Times was irresponsible in publishing such an explosive story based on anonymous sources.
The Times is very happy with its growing digital subscribers, most of whom look to that newspaper as the leader of the "Resistance."
Understandably, the Times wants to please its anti-Trump readers by printing stories that show President Trump in a bad light, whether the "news" is true or false.
Although I like President Trump, I nevertheless would NOT be surprised if he actually said those words.
I agree that those words (if he actually said them) were undiplomatic, but I do NOT consider them "racist."
At most, his alleged words were insensitive and exaggerated.
If he did say those words, those are comments that many people (both conservatives and liberals) say in the privacy of their homes but do not dare say in public.

Sorry, but there is a process by which legitimate journalists from NYT, NBC, WaPo etc release a story based on anonymous sources. If they have 3 or 4 people who were IN THE ROOM and another couple dozen corroborating witnesses who those people TOLD shortly afterward because it bothered them, then THAT is totally legit journalism.

And legitimate news organizations have tightened up the rules in past couple of years.. They require crosschecking all the way up the chain.

Tightening the Screws on Anonymous Sources
if you visit haiti, you can't donate blood.

all hospitals and the redcross is racist and therefore should be shut down.

and he said that Nigerians won't want to return, to their huts after seeing America.

that's hyperbole, not that you don't have to c-p that into dictionary dot com to understand, since you will have to and still won't understand.
It's racist hyperbole. Hyperbole or not, it's racist. A racist joke is still racist; being a joke doesn't excuse it from being racist. Being hyperbole doesn't excuse the comment from being racist.

As well, this is not the way the leader of the free world would talk. Of course, now, the US no longer leads the free world. Since Trump took over, we have fallen by the wayside, into the gutter actually. The US is in the gutter with a gutter mouthed president. Sad.
if you visit haiti, you can't donate blood.

all hospitals and the redcross is racist and therefore should be shut down.

and he said that Nigerians won't want to return, to their huts after seeing America.

that's hyperbole, not that you don't have to c-p that into dictionary dot com to understand, since you will have to and still won't understand.
It's racist hyperbole. Hyperbole or not, it's racist. A racist joke is still racist; being a joke doesn't excuse it from being racist. Being hyperbole doesn't excuse the comment from being racist.

As well, this is not the way the leader of the free world would talk. Of course, now, the US no longer leads the free world. Since Trump took over, we have fallen by the wayside, into the gutter actually. The US is in the gutter with a gutter mouthed president. Sad.
So when he talks about Russia or Britain or China he's also racist.

You should learn what racism is for your New Year's Resolution.
You are not making any sense. You need to learn what racism is. Just mentioning a country isn't racism. Saying everyone in Haiti has AIDS or that everyone in Nigeria lives in a hut: that's racism because it is making a negative generalization about an entire people, all of whom are black.
if you visit haiti, you can't donate blood.

all hospitals and the redcross is racist and therefore should be shut down.

and he said that Nigerians won't want to return, to their huts after seeing America.

that's hyperbole, not that you don't have to c-p that into dictionary dot com to understand, since you will have to and still won't understand.
It's racist hyperbole. Hyperbole or not, it's racist. A racist joke is still racist; being a joke doesn't excuse it from being racist. Being hyperbole doesn't excuse the comment from being racist.

As well, this is not the way the leader of the free world would talk. Of course, now, the US no longer leads the free world. Since Trump took over, we have fallen by the wayside, into the gutter actually. The US is in the gutter with a gutter mouthed president. Sad.
if you visit haiti, you can't donate blood.

all hospitals and the redcross is racist and therefore should be shut down.

and he said that Nigerians won't want to return, to their huts after seeing America.

that's hyperbole, not that you don't have to c-p that into dictionary dot com to understand, since you will have to and still won't understand.
It's racist hyperbole. Hyperbole or not, it's racist. A racist joke is still racist; being a joke doesn't excuse it from being racist. Being hyperbole doesn't excuse the comment from being racist.

As well, this is not the way the leader of the free world would talk. Of course, now, the US no longer leads the free world. Since Trump took over, we have fallen by the wayside, into the gutter actually. The US is in the gutter with a gutter mouthed president. Sad.
So when he talks about Russia or Britain or China he's also racist.

You should learn what racism is for your New Year's Resolution.
You are not making any sense. You need to learn what racism is. Just mentioning a country isn't racism. Saying everyone in Haiti has AIDS or that everyone in Nigeria lives in a hut: that's racism because it is making a negative generalization about an entire people, all of whom are black.
Being wrong has become your way of life. Nations are not races. There are Asian and white Haitians and Nigerians. Just like America.

You have a lot of work ahead of you this New Year.
big deal,, but it was OK for Hillary to mock the black accent and Joe Biden reminding blacks that they were just freed, but be careful of the republicans because they wanna put dem back in dem cotton fields?
Please provide links to these assertions. :link:

Anyway, what is the matter with you people. If, and it is an if, it is true that Biden or Clinton said something that was racist, why does that make it okay for Trump to do so? Is this how you raise your children, that if someone else does something, it is okay for them to do it too? If you child's friend takes drugs or robs a mini-mart, it's okay for your child to do it too? That's your ethical base? That's your reasoning? Anything Clinton or Biden or Obama mayhave done (according to you, for which you provide no proof BTW) as far as being racist or bigoted, Trump can do and do better? That's your moral compass? As long as someone else does it, you're excused from doing it too?
No surprise, coming from Trump.

'The New York Times' Reports that Trump Made Blatantly Racist Statements About Immigrants

Sources say that Trump said Haitian visa holders “all have AIDS” and Nigerians live in “huts.”

ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION ISN'T A RACE, you idiot of another kind. It's a criminal burden on society that costs countless billions of dollars a year and uses up resources that should benefit actual American citizens. Hell, California is going through constant droughts and STILL, its liberal jizzbags want to bring MORE illegals here to consume the dwindling water supply.

Idiot of another kind...thats funny!!
if you visit haiti, you can't donate blood.

all hospitals and the redcross is racist and therefore should be shut down.

and he said that Nigerians won't want to return, to their huts after seeing America.

that's hyperbole, not that you don't have to c-p that into dictionary dot com to understand, since you will have to and still won't understand.
It's racist hyperbole. Hyperbole or not, it's racist. A racist joke is still racist; being a joke doesn't excuse it from being racist. Being hyperbole doesn't excuse the comment from being racist.

As well, this is not the way the leader of the free world would talk. Of course, now, the US no longer leads the free world. Since Trump took over, we have fallen by the wayside, into the gutter actually. The US is in the gutter with a gutter mouthed president. Sad.
if you visit haiti, you can't donate blood.

all hospitals and the redcross is racist and therefore should be shut down.

and he said that Nigerians won't want to return, to their huts after seeing America.

that's hyperbole, not that you don't have to c-p that into dictionary dot com to understand, since you will have to and still won't understand.
It's racist hyperbole. Hyperbole or not, it's racist. A racist joke is still racist; being a joke doesn't excuse it from being racist. Being hyperbole doesn't excuse the comment from being racist.

As well, this is not the way the leader of the free world would talk. Of course, now, the US no longer leads the free world. Since Trump took over, we have fallen by the wayside, into the gutter actually. The US is in the gutter with a gutter mouthed president. Sad.
So when he talks about Russia or Britain or China he's also racist.

You should learn what racism is for your New Year's Resolution.
You are not making any sense. You need to learn what racism is. Just mentioning a country isn't racism. Saying everyone in Haiti has AIDS or that everyone in Nigeria lives in a hut: that's racism because it is making a negative generalization about an entire people, all of whom are black.
Being wrong has become your way of life. Nations are not races. There are Asian and white Haitians and Nigerians. Just like America.

You have a lot of work ahead of you this New Year.
Are you intentionally blind to racism or are you really that ignorant?
big deal,, but it was OK for Hillary to mock the black accent and Joe Biden reminding blacks that they were just freed, but be careful of the republicans because they wanna put dem back in dem cotton fields?
Please provide links to these assertions. :link:

Anyway, what is the matter with you people. If, and it is an if, it is true that Biden or Clinton said something that was racist, why does that make it okay for Trump to do so? Is this how you raise your children, that if someone else does something, it is okay for them to do it too? If you child's friend takes drugs or robs a mini-mart, it's okay for you child to do it too? That's your ethical base? That's your reasoning? Anything Clinton or Biden or Obama did, as far as being racist or bigoted, Trump can do and do better? That's your moral compass? As long as someone else does it, you're excused from doing it?
All those words and not one decried the racism of Biden and Clinton. Is nationalism
if you visit haiti, you can't donate blood.

all hospitals and the redcross is racist and therefore should be shut down.

and he said that Nigerians won't want to return, to their huts after seeing America.

that's hyperbole, not that you don't have to c-p that into dictionary dot com to understand, since you will have to and still won't understand.
It's racist hyperbole. Hyperbole or not, it's racist. A racist joke is still racist; being a joke doesn't excuse it from being racist. Being hyperbole doesn't excuse the comment from being racist.

As well, this is not the way the leader of the free world would talk. Of course, now, the US no longer leads the free world. Since Trump took over, we have fallen by the wayside, into the gutter actually. The US is in the gutter with a gutter mouthed president. Sad.
if you visit haiti, you can't donate blood.

all hospitals and the redcross is racist and therefore should be shut down.

and he said that Nigerians won't want to return, to their huts after seeing America.

that's hyperbole, not that you don't have to c-p that into dictionary dot com to understand, since you will have to and still won't understand.
It's racist hyperbole. Hyperbole or not, it's racist. A racist joke is still racist; being a joke doesn't excuse it from being racist. Being hyperbole doesn't excuse the comment from being racist.

As well, this is not the way the leader of the free world would talk. Of course, now, the US no longer leads the free world. Since Trump took over, we have fallen by the wayside, into the gutter actually. The US is in the gutter with a gutter mouthed president. Sad.
So when he talks about Russia or Britain or China he's also racist.

You should learn what racism is for your New Year's Resolution.
You are not making any sense. You need to learn what racism is. Just mentioning a country isn't racism. Saying everyone in Haiti has AIDS or that everyone in Nigeria lives in a hut: that's racism because it is making a negative generalization about an entire people, all of whom are black.
Being wrong has become your way of life. Nations are not races. There are Asian and white Haitians and Nigerians. Just like America.

You have a lot of work ahead of you this New Year.
Are you intentionally blind to racism or are you really that ignorant?
I know what racism is. And what it isn't. Don't you claim horrible things about Russians? How racist of you.
big deal,, but it was OK for Hillary to mock the black accent and Joe Biden reminding blacks that they were just freed, but be careful of the republicans because they wanna put dem back in dem cotton fields?
Please provide links to these assertions. :link:

Anyway, what is the matter with you people. If, and it is an if, it is true that Biden or Clinton said something that was racist, why does that make it okay for Trump to do so? Is this how you raise your children, that if someone else does something, it is okay for them to do it too? If you child's friend takes drugs or robs a mini-mart, it's okay for you child to do it too? That's your ethical base? That's your reasoning? Anything Clinton or Biden or Obama did, as far as being racist or bigoted, Trump can do and do better? That's your moral compass? As long as someone else does it, you're excused from doing it?
All those words and not one decried the racism of Biden and Clinton. Is nationalism
It's racist hyperbole. Hyperbole or not, it's racist. A racist joke is still racist; being a joke doesn't excuse it from being racist. Being hyperbole doesn't excuse the comment from being racist.

As well, this is not the way the leader of the free world would talk. Of course, now, the US no longer leads the free world. Since Trump took over, we have fallen by the wayside, into the gutter actually. The US is in the gutter with a gutter mouthed president. Sad.
It's racist hyperbole. Hyperbole or not, it's racist. A racist joke is still racist; being a joke doesn't excuse it from being racist. Being hyperbole doesn't excuse the comment from being racist.

As well, this is not the way the leader of the free world would talk. Of course, now, the US no longer leads the free world. Since Trump took over, we have fallen by the wayside, into the gutter actually. The US is in the gutter with a gutter mouthed president. Sad.
So when he talks about Russia or Britain or China he's also racist.

You should learn what racism is for your New Year's Resolution.
You are not making any sense. You need to learn what racism is. Just mentioning a country isn't racism. Saying everyone in Haiti has AIDS or that everyone in Nigeria lives in a hut: that's racism because it is making a negative generalization about an entire people, all of whom are black.
Being wrong has become your way of life. Nations are not races. There are Asian and white Haitians and Nigerians. Just like America.

You have a lot of work ahead of you this New Year.
Are you intentionally blind to racism or are you really that ignorant?
I know what racism is. And what it isn't. Don't you claim horrible things about Russians? How racist of you.
You must be mentally ill or something. When the entire people of a country are one race, as in China and Haiti, or Nigeria, it is racism. Is that simple enough for you? When during WWII we talked about 'Japs,' that was racist. I see your grasp of things is pretty elementary.

Maybe this is it. You have probably never been outside the US, which is a multi-racial country. China, Japan, Nigeria, & Haiti are instances of countries that are not multi-racial. That's why you don't understant this issue.
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