'The New York Times' Reports that Trump Made Blatantly Racist Statements About Immigrants

Even if it's the simple truth what these offhand and informal comments reflect more than anything is Trump's comparatively honest and candid nature as opposed to the vast majority of politicians, most of whom diligently avoid revealing their true feelings about many socially relevant issues. For example, one can only wonder about Obama's personal feelings about many aspects of White society.

The naked truth about white liberals is that they are actually white supremacist who believe that the average middle class American is inferior to them.
Remember Hillary calls them "deplorable".
No surprise, coming from Trump.

'The New York Times' Reports that Trump Made Blatantly Racist Statements About Immigrants

Sources say that Trump said Haitian visa holders “all have AIDS” and Nigerians live in “huts.”

^^^^ This:


Trump has demonstrated time and again that he is in fact a racist and bigot, the Times article notwithstanding.
if you visit haiti, you can't donate blood.

all hospitals and the redcross is racist and therefore should be shut down.

and he said that Nigerians won't want to return, to their huts after seeing America.

that's hyperbole, not that you don't have to c-p that into dictionary dot com to understand, since you will have to and still won't understand.
It's racist hyperbole. Hyperbole or not, it's racist. A racist joke is still racist; being a joke doesn't excuse it from being racist. Being hyperbole doesn't excuse the comment from being racist.

As well, this is not the way the leader of the free world would talk. Of course, now, the US no longer leads the free world. Since Trump took over, we have fallen by the wayside, into the gutter actually. The US is in the gutter with a gutter mouthed president. Sad.
Even if it's the simple truth what these offhand and informal comments reflect more than anything is Trump's comparatively honest and candid nature as opposed to the vast majority of politicians, most of whom diligently avoid revealing their true feelings about many socially relevant issues. For example, one can only wonder about Obama's personal feelings about many aspects of White society.
We all know how Oboma's 'trany' wife feels about America. And the terrorist bomber Ayers thinks and Rev. Wright. All good buddies with Obama.
I'm sure that if the NYT prints something negative about Trump based entirely on hearsay, it's going to be 100% accurate.

Because they wouldn't THINK of printing it otherwise.
Even if it's the simple truth what these offhand and informal comments reflect more than anything is Trump's comparatively honest and candid nature as opposed to the vast majority of politicians, most of whom diligently avoid revealing their true feelings about many socially relevant issues. For example, one can only wonder about Obama's personal feelings about many aspects of White society.
We all know how Oboma's 'trany' wife feels about America. And the terrorist bomber Ayers thinks and Rev. Wright. All good buddies with Obama.
You just caused them to put their heads back upthey asses!
More than 2,500 were from Afghanistan, a terrorist haven, the president complained.

Haiti had sent 15,000 people. They “all have AIDS,” he grumbled, according to one person who attended the meeting and another person who was briefed about it by a different person who was there.

Forty thousand had come from Nigeria, Mr. Trump added. Once they had seen the United States, they would never “go back to their huts” in Africa, recalled the two officials, who asked for anonymity to discuss a sensitive conversation in the Oval Office.

When the NYT starts cutting The anonimity bs and starts naming names they might regain some credibility.
And you believe anything Breitbart prints. LOL

The problem with you cupcake is the NYT has been shown to be wrong far more than breitbart. And that's hard.
^^ Bullshit
Nope, he is stating the truth. You will believe anything negative said about Trump.
what will it be next week? Trump was overheard telling a joke that started with "How Many {fill in the blank} does it take to screw in a light bulb"
I agree with those members who feel that the Times was irresponsible in publishing such an explosive story based on anonymous sources.

The Times is very happy with its growing digital subscribers, most of whom look to that newspaper as the leader of the "Resistance."

Understandably, the Times wants to please its anti-Trump readers by printing stories that show President Trump in a bad light, whether the "news" is true or false.


Although I like President Trump, I nevertheless would NOT be surprised if he actually said those words.

I agree that those words (if he actually said them) were undiplomatic, but I do NOT consider them "racist."

At most, his alleged words were insensitive and exaggerated.

If he did say those words, those are comments that many people (both conservatives and liberals) say in the privacy of their homes but do not dare say in public.

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