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The NEWER Official Discussion Thread for the creation of Israel, the UN and the British Mandate

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Arab anti-Zionism runs deeper than disputes over borders, water, and settlements.

In 1929, Arab clerics and politicians provoked riots across Palestine by accusing Jews of plotting to take control of Jerusalem’s al-Aqsa Mosque. This month marks the 90th anniversary of those riots — but they are not a bygone. Palestinian Authority and Hamas leaders incite violence today using similar falsehoods and ideology.

The 1929 riots destroyed the Jewish community in Hebron. They persuaded Labor Zionist leader David Ben-Gurion that socialist fraternity among Jewish and Arab workers and peasants would not ensure peace. They impelled Palestine’s Jews to bolster the Haganah, their underground self-defense group. And they vindicated Zionist warnings against relying on foreigners for security.

To investigate the riots, the British government, which controlled Palestine at the time, appointed an inquiry board known as the Shaw Commission.

The commission noted that Arab objections to Zionism were ideological, comprehensive, intense, and inflexible. In its report, it nonetheless devoted thousands of words to minute details of specific Arab grievances. It plumbed complaints that Jews, on one occasion, brought a chair to Jerusalem’s Western Wall and, on another, set up a screen there to divide male and female worshipers.

(full article online)

Hebron Riots of 1929: Anti-Jewish Terrorism Predates the 1967 War | National Review
RE: The NEWER Official Discussion Thread for the creation of Israel, the UN and the British Mandate
⁜→ et al,

This is just an Arab Palestinian Lovefest. The only thing that is even remotely interesting is the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) speaks for "all" the Palestinian people. The PLO has a "Political Platform → end the Occupation;" includes:

◈ State of Palestine
◈ East Jerusalem as its Capitol
◈ Based on 1967 Borders​

The PLO Representative said it twice.

What's the question that befuddles you?

The rest of the discussion is not very important. The point the PLO Representative about "spread" is advocating a hostility.

......... •  Smaller then Smallest.png
Most Respectfully,
RE: The NEWER Official Discussion Thread for the creation of Israel, the UN and the British Mandate
⁜→ et al,

This is just an Arab Palestinian Lovefest. The only thing that is even remotely interesting is the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) speaks for "all" the Palestinian people. The PLO has a "Political Platform → end the Occupation;" includes:

◈ State of Palestine
◈ East Jerusalem as its Capitol
◈ Based on 1967 Borders​

The PLO Representative said it twice.

What's the question that befuddles you?

The rest of the discussion is not very important. The point the PLO Representative about "spread" is advocating a hostility.

.........View attachment 277452
Most Respectfully,
I didn't have any expectation that the poster P F Tinmore would respond to a question about the YouTube videos he cuts and pastes, thus, the rhetorical question.

The issue I see with these endless, canned YouTube videos is that the source producing the video is often agenda driven. A YouTube video produced by Press TV, for example, carries with it a lot of predefined conclusions and are utterly predictable. Additionally, and depending on the source of the video, editing and parsing of content undertaken by the producer will alter what the viewer sees such that there is no way to determine what may have been offered as divergent or contrary facts and/or commentary.
The question was:

Why would Britain need military forces to render administrative assistance and advice as prescribed in the LoN covenant?​

How much military force is required to establish a post office, monetary system, etc.?

No military force is necessary at ALL. Arab Palestinians need to stop using weapons against Israel and Jews and build a state. Not rocket science. But they seem to be utterly incapable of doing so.
What the Muzzys need is pass a gun control bill and gather up all the Russian gun in the Nation, Then there will be Peace. The American Progressives would help I am sure. LOL :abgg2q.jpg:
"The Greek Palaistine and the Latin [Rome] Palaestina… appear to refer not to the Land of the Philistines [Pleshet in Hebrew], but to the Land of Israel…. The Philistines [Plishtim in Hebrew] arrived on the eastern coast of the Mediterranean from Greece or Cyprus in approximately the 13th century BCE…. The Israelites’ traditional foes, the Philistines lived in a small area along the Mediterranean coast south of what is today Tel Aviv, an area that embraced the five towns of Gaza [hometown of Delilah], Ashdod, Ashkelon, Gath [hometown of Goliath] and Ekron….

“As early as the Histories of Herodotus [the Greek founding father of Western historians] written in the second half of the 5th century BCE, the term Palaistine is used to describe not just the [Philistines’] geographical area, but the entire area between Phoenicia and Egypt – in other words, the Land of Israel [including the Judean Hills, referred to by some as the ‘West Bank’]…. Like Herodotus, Aristotle [along with his teacher, Plato, the founding fathers of Western philosophers] gives the strong impression that when he uses the term Palestine, he is referring to the Land of Israel…. In the 2nd century BCE, a Greek writer and historian Polemo of Ilium made a similar link between the people of Israel and Palestine….

“The early 1st century Roman poet, Ovid, writes of ‘the seventh day feast [the Sabbath] that the Syrians of Palestine [the Hebrews] observe….’ Another Latin poet, Statius, and the writer Dio Chrysostom use ‘Palestine’ and ‘Palestinian’ in the same sense….

“Likewise the early 1st century CE Jewish philosopher, Philo of Alexandria, occasionally, uses the name Palestine when referring to the Land of Israel….

“’Palestine’ is the Greek equivalent of ‘Israel.’”

The Greek word ‘Palaistine’ is remarkably similar to the Greek ‘Palaistes’, meaning ‘wrestler’…. The name ‘Israel’ arose from the incident in which Jacob [the Patriarch] wrestled with an angel (Genesis 32-25-27). Jacob received the name Israel because he wrestled successfully (sarita’ in Hebrew) with the Lord (El in Hebrew)….

"The striking similarity between the Greek word for wrestler (palaistes) and the name Palaistine – which share seven letters in a row, including a diphthong – is strong evidence of a connection between them…. The central event of a wrestling contest by the ancestor of this Semitic people against a divine adversary is likely to have made a deep impression on the Greeks [who admired wrestling, which took place in structures called ‘palaestra’]….

“The Roman Emperor, Hadrian, officially renamed Judea Syria-Palaestina after his Roman armies suppressed the [Jewish] Bar-Kokhba Revolt in 135 CE. This is commonly viewed as a move intended to sever the connection of the Jews to their historic homeland. However, that Jewish writers such as Philo and Josephus used the name Palestine for the Land of Israel in their Greek works, suggests that this interpretation of history is incorrect.

(full article online)

Clarifying the Palestine Saga
The Arab Liberation Army was set up by the Arab League in late 1947 specifically to fight the Jews in Palestine, before the British Mandate expired. It was staffed with volunteers.

Its first attack inside the boundaries of the Mandate was in January, 1948.

Given that its name was the Arab Liberation Army, one might think that the primary goal of the army was to set up an Arab state in liberated Palestine.

But its logo showed that the purpose was not to build a political entity - but to destroy one.

How much more obvious does it need to be?

Here is an armored vehicle used by the ALA that was captured by the Haganah, which has the logo:

Remember, this is before the State of Israel and its flag. While Zionist did use the Star of David, this representation of the dagger through the Star cannot be interpreted as anything but pure antisemitism.

(full article online)

Pro-Palestine or anti-Israel? The logo of the Arab Liberation Army makes it obvious ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
The report also notes that there was an influx of African Muslims to Jerusalem under the British Mandate, and they now consider themselves "Palestinians:"
Most contemporary members of the African community came to Jerusalem as pilgrims and workers under the British Mandate of Palestine (1917-1948). They came mostly from Senegal, Chad, Nigeria and Sudan. They regard themselves as Palestinian and played an active role in the Intifada. Some of the Africans arrived as part of the Egyptian led 'Salvation Army' which aimed to liberate the Palestinian areas held by Jews in 1948. After the defeat of that army and its retreat to Egypt many Africans returned to their original countries, while others preferred to stay in Palestine.I found a little corroboration that Bedouin in the Negev had slaves as late as the 1925 from this JTA article:

(full article online)

Slavery by Palestinian Arabs continued into the 1950s ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
The report also notes that there was an influx of African Muslims to Jerusalem under the British Mandate, and they now consider themselves "Palestinians:"
Most contemporary members of the African community came to Jerusalem as pilgrims and workers under the British Mandate of Palestine (1917-1948). They came mostly from Senegal, Chad, Nigeria and Sudan. They regard themselves as Palestinian and played an active role in the Intifada. Some of the Africans arrived as part of the Egyptian led 'Salvation Army' which aimed to liberate the Palestinian areas held by Jews in 1948. After the defeat of that army and its retreat to Egypt many Africans returned to their original countries, while others preferred to stay in Palestine.I found a little corroboration that Bedouin in the Negev had slaves as late as the 1925 from this JTA article:

(full article online)

Slavery by Palestinian Arabs continued into the 1950s ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Is that relevant? Religious texts do not say that Jews came from Israel, just that they were chosen to live there. And they were also slaves in Egypt.
All the governmental agencies and offices went from named "Palestine" to being named Israel. The Anglo-Palestine Bank became Bank Leumi. The Palestine Post became the Jerusalem Post. The Palestine Orchestra became the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra. The Palestine Football Association became the Israel Football Association.

Every tourism poster for Palestine before 1948 was made by Zionists.

Before 1948, Arabs in Palestine generally did not want to be known as Palestinians. They were against creating a Palestinian currency or postage stamps.

Everything legally named "Palestine" became Israel. They were dominated by Zionists before 1948 and that continued after 1948.

What people call "Palestine" today has absolutely nothing to do with British Mandate Palestine. It is an entirely new construct. There is no link whatsoever between today's Palestinian Authority or its institutions and those of Palestine before 1948.

Every single time someone claims a Palestinian history by pointing to any official logo, document or newspaper from before 1948 they are lying. All that stuff was either British or Zionist, and the vast majority of those examples became Israeli.

(full article online)

Sure Palestine existed. It became Israel. Today's "Palestine" has NOTHING to do with pre-1948 Palestine. ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
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