The newest emails HAVE BEEN READ by the FBI

First off a warrant isn't necessary

I'm sorry who are you?

Some sort of legal expert perhaps?

Maybe you work for FBI and are involved in this case? You can't be since you say "case was re-opened" but we know that is false, it was never technically closed.

Did you just make this sht up?
Even long time Clinton surrogate Doug Schone just announced on FOX News that he can "No longer support Hillary Clinton's campaign"... He has long been an avid and vocal Hillary supporter...

Democrats are beginning to run from Hillary..
FBI gets a warrant GRAMPA MURKED told them they don't need:

FBI gets warrant to start probe of emails on laptop used by Huma Abedin

If only FBI would listen to our very own expert GRAMPS.

Legally they already had one in the Wiener investigation. They did not need one. But as any good investigator can tell you, its prudent to get one for your purposes so that none of the information can be considered "fruit of the poisonous vine". Now that they have one, all of the information is able to be used in prosecution.

The fun is just beginning...
Not really. The election will not be decided by this.

This will put it into context for you. From an OldRocks post.

Election 2016 Clinton Trump Spread
RCP Poll Average 47.6 43.3 Clinton +4.3

4-Way RCP Average 45.0 41.6 Clinton +3.4

Favorability Ratings -7.4 -21.2 Clinton +13.8
Live Betting Odds 82.0 18.0
Electoral College Clinton Trump Spread
RCP Electoral Map 263 126 Clinton +137
No Toss Up States 304 234
Clinton Trump Spread
Ohio 44.3 45.3 Trump +1.0
Florida 44.4 44.4 Tie
Pennsylvania 46.4 40.6 Clinton +5.8

Colorado 44.0 39.5 Clinton +4.5

North Carolina 47.0 44.1 Clinton +2.9

Iowa 40.3 41.7 Trump +1.4
Nevada 45.2 43.5 Clinton +1.7
Clinton Trump Spread
Michigan 45.0 38.8 Clinton +6.2
Wisconsin 47.0 40.5 Clinton +6.5
Arizona 43.3 42.7 Clinton +0.6

Maine 44.0 37.3 Clinton +6.7

New Hampshire 45.0 39.8 Clinton +5.2
Virginia 48.0 40.0 Clinton +8.0
Georgia 43.5 46.3 Trump +2.8
Electoral Map | No Toss Ups | Senate Map | Latest Polls

RealClearPolitics - Opinion, News, Analysis, Video and Polls

Clinton 4.3% ahead, leads in 10 of the 14 battleground states, tied in Florida.
No, they could not have all been read.

The FBI is looking for agents with the security clearance required.

So they found incriminating emails right off the bat?
I guess thats not all that surprising....
You have trouble finding the bathroom at night.

You have no idea of what they have found.

Hell, i'm agreeing with you.
If they already kickstarted the investigation it had to be through early findings with all the emails they had to go through.
FBI gets a warrant GRAMPA MURKED told them they don't need:

FBI gets warrant to start probe of emails on laptop used by Huma Abedin

If only FBI would listen to our very own expert GRAMPS.

Legally they already had one in the Wiener investigation. They did not need one. But as any good investigator can tell you, its prudent to get one for your purposes so that none of the information can be considered "fruit of the poisonous vine". Now that they have one, all of the information is able to be used in prosecution.

The fun is just beginning...

Irrelevant, the WHOLE POINT is about them not yet having seen the emails. Or are you going to tell me that they were prude enough to get a warrant but not prude enough to not potentially break the law by reviewing emails before receiving said warrant?
No, they could not have all been read.

The FBI is looking for agents with the security clearance required.

So they found incriminating emails right off the bat?
I guess thats not all that surprising....
You have trouble finding the bathroom at night.

You have no idea of what they have found.

Hell, i'm agreeing with you.
If they already kickstarted the investigation it had to be through early findings with all the emails they had to go through.
Nope. They don't know what they have other than it is pertinent. They have no idea whether it is significant. I hope there is something in there that sends Weiner to jail for life.
No, they could not have all been read.

The FBI is looking for agents with the security clearance required.

So they found incriminating emails right off the bat?
I guess thats not all that surprising....
You have trouble finding the bathroom at night.

You have no idea of what they have found.

Hell, i'm agreeing with you.
If they already kickstarted the investigation it had to be through early findings with all the emails they had to go through.
Nope. They don't know what they have other than it is pertinent. They have no idea whether it is significant. I hope there is something in there that sends Weiner to jail for life.

.....along with hillary and the crew.
First off a warrant isn't necessary because the pedophile freely gave the computer during their investigation into his pedophilia.

Second, the agents in charge of the Weiner investigation read the emails & reported to Comey what they had discovered which resulted in him reopening the investigation.

And lastly, the FBI is under no situation that requires them to release ANY information to the public or Hillary.
The Justice Department punted all responsibilities to the FBI when that stupid woman compromised herself by meeting with Bill Clinton in private just days before getting the case buried.

On a side note this may or may not effect the outcome of the election but it is most enjoyable to watch all the left shit themselves.

The scariest part is those emails were on a device that was used to surf the web for sexting on sites that lack the proper security!
I bet Weiner had a lot of spyware on it....
I just read where the FBI JUST got the Search Warrant they needed to read them...
No, they could not have all been read.

The FBI is looking for agents with the security clearance required.

So they found incriminating emails right off the bat?
I guess thats not all that surprising....
You have trouble finding the bathroom at night.

You have no idea of what they have found.

Hell, i'm agreeing with you.
If they already kickstarted the investigation it had to be through early findings with all the emails they had to go through.
Nope. They don't know what they have other than it is pertinent. They have no idea whether it is significant. I hope there is something in there that sends Weiner to jail for life.

.....along with hillary and the crew.
if they are guilty, sure.
Huma is guilty petiod.

She testified she often sent classified wmails to her personal YAHOO account to PRINT THEM OUT...
- Yahoo is an unencrypted, unsecure public e-mail system THAT WAS HACKED

She testified she had handed over all of her devices and was not keeping copies of e-mails...

Lynch will give her complete Immunity...

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