The newest emails HAVE BEEN READ by the FBI

No, they could not have all been read.

The FBI is looking for agents with the security clearance required.
Here in lies the rub..

Wiener has no security clearance..

He gave up a computer, under his control, that contained classified information., A Felony in and of itself.

The warrant for Wieners computer allowed the FBI to access all files on it. SO THEY COULD HAVE READ A GREAT DEAL OF THEM prior to referring them to the FBI espionage division due to content..

Huma is in deep shit as she failed to give them up and essentially lied to the FBI. This lays waste to the FBI immunity deals.... Everyone is now open to prosecution because the information was found during an UNRELATED search and investigation not due to their own surrender of information..

Watch this circus go bonkers.
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No, they could not have all been read.

The FBI is looking for agents with the security clearance required.
Here in lies the rub..

Wiener has no security clearance..

He gave up a computer, under his control, that contained classified information., A Felony in and of itself.

The warrant for Wieners computer allowed the FBI to access all files on it. SO THEY COULD HAVE READ A GREAT DEAL OF THEM prior to referring them to the FBI espionage division due to content..

Huma is in deep shit as she failed to give them up and essentially lied to the FBI. This lays waste to the FBI immunity deals.... Everyone is now open to prosecution because the information was found during an UNRELATED search and investigation not due to their own surrender of information..

Watch this circus go bonkers.
bacward spin as already explained

try again
Does anyone think Weiner stole the emails from his wife and provided them to a blackmailer?
Could she be telling the truth that she doesn't know how they got on his laptop?
According to the FBI they were in an encrypted file requiring a password. standard SMTP file format. This means the account owner placed them- or someone with her password.
No, they could not have all been read.

The FBI is looking for agents with the security clearance required.
Here in lies the rub..

Wiener has no security clearance..

He gave up a computer, under his control, that contained classified information., A Felony in and of itself.

The warrant for Wieners computer allowed the FBI to access all files on it. SO THEY COULD HAVE READ A GREAT DEAL OF THEM prior to referring them to the FBI espionage division due to content..

Huma is in deep shit as she failed to give them up and essentially lied to the FBI. This lays waste to the FBI immunity deals.... Everyone is now open to prosecution because the information was found during an UNRELATED search and investigation not due to their own surrender of information..

Watch this circus go bonkers.
bacward spin as already explained

try again

I investigated crimes like this for many years.. Your bull shit spin is noted.
Then you admit there were classified emails in the laptop???

You can't make this chit up folks.

And if they were seen by the agents, that would not cause a legal problem as it is the agents responsibility to collect the documents and give them to the person in charge of the investigation.

It's not as though they were sent to them you moron

"Then you admit there were classified emails in the laptop???

You can't make this chit up folks."

Before calling others "moron", are you saying you know there are classified emails on that laptop?

Or are you, like the OP, "making chit up"?

Me, hell, I don't have a clue, but moron implied that there must be because only an agent with clearance would be allowed to read them. Got that snowflake?

Have a nice day.

You dumb shit. The clearance is needed IN THE EVENT THAT THEY FIND SOMETHING CLASSIFIED not because there absolutely is something classified. He implied the former. You implied the latter.

So stupid.

No dumbshit, then they would need that clearance FOR EVERY WARRANT.

"Just in case" is bullshit.

You've implied something that Redpath didn't imply. Own it.

redpath was defending fake jakes idiocy, if you're gonna butt into a conversation that redpath butted into, try to keep up.

Good Lord you are a dense critter
"Then you admit there were classified emails in the laptop???

You can't make this chit up folks."

Before calling others "moron", are you saying you know there are classified emails on that laptop?

Or are you, like the OP, "making chit up"?

Me, hell, I don't have a clue, but moron implied that there must be because only an agent with clearance would be allowed to read them. Got that snowflake?

Have a nice day.

You dumb shit. The clearance is needed IN THE EVENT THAT THEY FIND SOMETHING CLASSIFIED not because there absolutely is something classified. He implied the former. You implied the latter.

So stupid.

No dumbshit, then they would need that clearance FOR EVERY WARRANT.

"Just in case" is bullshit.

You've implied something that Redpath didn't imply. Own it.

redpath was defending fake jakes idiocy, if you're gonna buy into a conversation that redoath butted into, try to keep up.

Good Lord you are a dense critter

You are mistaken. Why not just admit it?
Me, hell, I don't have a clue, but moron implied that there must be because only an agent with clearance would be allowed to read them. Got that snowflake?

Have a nice day.

You dumb shit. The clearance is needed IN THE EVENT THAT THEY FIND SOMETHING CLASSIFIED not because there absolutely is something classified. He implied the former. You implied the latter.

So stupid.

No dumbshit, then they would need that clearance FOR EVERY WARRANT.

"Just in case" is bullshit.

You've implied something that Redpath didn't imply. Own it.

redpath was defending fake jakes idiocy, if you're gonna buy into a conversation that redoath butted into, try to keep up.

Good Lord you are a dense critter

You are mistaken. Why not just admit it?

Cuz I'm not Snowflake.
You dumb shit. The clearance is needed IN THE EVENT THAT THEY FIND SOMETHING CLASSIFIED not because there absolutely is something classified. He implied the former. You implied the latter.

So stupid.

No dumbshit, then they would need that clearance FOR EVERY WARRANT.

"Just in case" is bullshit.

You've implied something that Redpath didn't imply. Own it.

redpath was defending fake jakes idiocy, if you're gonna buy into a conversation that redoath butted into, try to keep up.

Good Lord you are a dense critter

You are mistaken. Why not just admit it?

Cuz I'm not Snowflake.

You are not a snowflake. Actually, you are a bright guy with some sense. Sadly, you are also a deplorable and you can't shake the desire to pretend that you are an ignorant fuck.

It's cool. You aren't bad as far as ignorant fucks go.
No, they could not have all been read.

The FBI is looking for agents with the security clearance required.
Here in lies the rub..

Wiener has no security clearance..

He gave up a computer, under his control, that contained classified information., A Felony in and of itself.

The warrant for Wieners computer allowed the FBI to access all files on it. SO THEY COULD HAVE READ A GREAT DEAL OF THEM prior to referring them to the FBI espionage division due to content..

Huma is in deep shit as she failed to give them up and essentially lied to the FBI. This lays waste to the FBI immunity deals.... Everyone is now open to prosecution because the information was found during an UNRELATED search and investigation not due to their own surrender of information..

Watch this circus go bonkers.

That guy is one stupid wiener! What a stupid incompetent bunch. Hillary, Huma and Wiener, the 3 stooges.
No, they could not have all been read.

The FBI is looking for agents with the security clearance required.
Here in lies the rub..

Wiener has no security clearance..

He gave up a computer, under his control, that contained classified information., A Felony in and of itself.

The warrant for Wieners computer allowed the FBI to access all files on it. SO THEY COULD HAVE READ A GREAT DEAL OF THEM prior to referring them to the FBI espionage division due to content..

Huma is in deep shit as she failed to give them up and essentially lied to the FBI. This lays waste to the FBI immunity deals.... Everyone is now open to prosecution because the information was found during an UNRELATED search and investigation not due to their own surrender of information..

Watch this circus go bonkers.

That guy is one stupid wiener! What a stupid incompetent bunch. Hillary, Huma and Wiener, the 3 stooges.
Huma single handedly opened up every single one of those who received an immunity deal to prosecution. If its on that computer it is now fair game to use in prosecution.

I am laughing my ass off right now at the stupidity of these criminals..
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No, they could not have all been read.

The FBI is looking for agents with the security clearance required.
Here in lies the rub..

Wiener has no security clearance..

He gave up a computer, under his control, that contained classified information., A Felony in and of itself.

The warrant for Wieners computer allowed the FBI to access all files on it. SO THEY COULD HAVE READ A GREAT DEAL OF THEM prior to referring them to the FBI espionage division due to content..

Huma is in deep shit as she failed to give them up and essentially lied to the FBI. This lays waste to the FBI immunity deals.... Everyone is now open to prosecution because the information was found during an UNRELATED search and investigation not due to their own surrender of information..

Watch this circus go bonkers.
bacward spin as already explained

try again

I investigated crimes like this for many years.. Your bull shit spin is noted.
Says the backward investigator. For all they know, the emails may be copies.
No, they could not have all been read.

The FBI is looking for agents with the security clearance required.
Here in lies the rub..

Wiener has no security clearance..

He gave up a computer, under his control, that contained classified information., A Felony in and of itself.

The warrant for Wieners computer allowed the FBI to access all files on it. SO THEY COULD HAVE READ A GREAT DEAL OF THEM prior to referring them to the FBI espionage division due to content..

Huma is in deep shit as she failed to give them up and essentially lied to the FBI. This lays waste to the FBI immunity deals.... Everyone is now open to prosecution because the information was found during an UNRELATED search and investigation not due to their own surrender of information..

Watch this circus go bonkers.
bacward spin as already explained

try again

I investigated crimes like this for many years.. Your bull shit spin is noted.
Says the backward investigator. For all they know, the emails may be copies.

You are going to pull a muscle with all of these acrobatics. Lol.
First off a warrant isn't necessary because the pedophile freely gave the computer during their investigation into his pedophilia.

Second, the agents in charge of the Weiner investigation read the emails & reported to Comey what they had discovered which resulted in him reopening the investigation.

And lastly, the FBI is under no situation that requires them to release ANY information to the public or Hillary.
The Justice Department punted all responsibilities to the FBI when that stupid woman compromised herself by meeting with Bill Clinton in private just days before getting the case buried.

On a side note this may or may not effect the outcome of the election but it is most enjoyable to watch all the left shit themselves.
Pure conjecture on your part

If they had found anything of substance, they would have said so
Hillary is so scared, she says release them all at this point
Then why doesn't hitlery just realease them all and clear this up....

I am sure yoga and a marriage can be that embarrassing.......
No, they could not have all been read.

The FBI is looking for agents with the security clearance required.
Here in lies the rub..

Wiener has no security clearance..

He gave up a computer, under his control, that contained classified information., A Felony in and of itself.

The warrant for Wieners computer allowed the FBI to access all files on it. SO THEY COULD HAVE READ A GREAT DEAL OF THEM prior to referring them to the FBI espionage division due to content..

Huma is in deep shit as she failed to give them up and essentially lied to the FBI. This lays waste to the FBI immunity deals.... Everyone is now open to prosecution because the information was found during an UNRELATED search and investigation not due to their own surrender of information..

Watch this circus go bonkers.
bacward spin as already explained

try again

I investigated crimes like this for many years.. Your bull shit spin is noted.
Says the backward investigator. For all they know, the emails may be copies.
It doesn't matter now.. They were in possession of a person without clearance to posses them, Copies or not, they are now fair game as Huma failed to give them up and they were found in an unrelated investigation!

but keep dreaming in your fantasy world..
I think the Dems and the mainstream GOP in Congress will come together to impeach, try, and convict Trump.

That would not happen for HRC, so maybe the emails or something heavier will happen.
What offense has Donald Trump been convicted of that you think they can impeach him for.
please as usual, provide whatever proof you have to enhance your statement.
Of course, we have all seen the proof that will allow them to kick hillary into a prison cell. But to date, not Trump.
No, they could not have all been read.

The FBI is looking for agents with the security clearance required.
Here in lies the rub..

Wiener has no security clearance..

He gave up a computer, under his control, that contained classified information., A Felony in and of itself.

The warrant for Wieners computer allowed the FBI to access all files on it. SO THEY COULD HAVE READ A GREAT DEAL OF THEM prior to referring them to the FBI espionage division due to content..

Huma is in deep shit as she failed to give them up and essentially lied to the FBI. This lays waste to the FBI immunity deals.... Everyone is now open to prosecution because the information was found during an UNRELATED search and investigation not due to their own surrender of information..

Watch this circus go bonkers.

That guy is one stupid wiener! What a stupid incompetent bunch. Hillary, Huma and Wiener, the 3 stooges.
Huma single highhandedly opened up every single one of those who received an immunity deal to prosecution. If its on that computer it is now fair game to use in prosecution.

I am laughing my ass of right now at the stupidity of these criminals..

And it gets better... The FBI has released they found 650,000 emails, META data shows they are to and from Hillary Clinton and the POTUS... Ka-BOOM!

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