The newest emails HAVE BEEN READ by the FBI

Classified info placed on a public server IS a crime, idiot.

She did not hand over all devices - Perjury.

She DID save copies of e-mails - Perjury.

She gave access to classified to those without security clearances - hackers who hacked Yahoo and her pedophile husband - CRIME.

Keep proving your ignorance...
Classified info placed on a public server IS a crime, idiot.

She did not hand over akl fevices - Perjury.

She DID save copies of e-mails - Perjury.

She gave access to classified to those without security clearances - havkers who hacked Yahoo and her pedophile husband - CRIME.

Keep proving your ignorance...
You don't know any of the particulars of this case, do you?

You are making stuff up then drawing unwarranted conclusions.
Yes, I do.

Huma is claiming she doesn't know how thousands of emails got on her computer...

Even long time Clinton surrogate Doug Schone just announced on FOX News that he can "No longer support Hillary Clinton's campaign"... He has long been an avid and vocal Hillary supporter...

Democrats are beginning to run from Hillary..

Hey, Spelling Bee, this Doug Schoen?

Douglas Schoen is an American political analyst, pollster, author, and commentator. He is a political analyst for Fox News and a columnist for Newsmax. He partnered with political strategist Mark Penn and Michael Berland in the firm of Penn, Schoen & Berland. He believes that lower taxes would be a successful Democratic strategy, opposed President Barack Obama's Affordable Care Act, warned the Democratic Party to reject the Occupy Wall Street protest, and recommended that President Obama not run for reelection in 2012.[3][4]
First off a warrant isn't necessary because the pedophile freely gave the computer during their investigation into his pedophilia.

Second, the agents in charge of the Weiner investigation read the emails & reported to Comey what they had discovered which resulted in him reopening the investigation.

And lastly, the FBI is under no situation that requires them to release ANY information to the public or Hillary.
The Justice Department punted all responsibilities to the FBI when that stupid woman compromised herself by meeting with Bill Clinton in private just days before getting the case buried.

On a side note this may or may not effect the outcome of the election but it is most enjoyable to watch all the left shit themselves.
Pure conjecture on your part

If they had found anything of substance, they would have said so
Hillary is so scared, she says release them all at this point
Conjecture my ass.

And of course Hillary says release them all, BECAUSE SHE KNOWS THEY WON'T

OK ...if not conjecture, show some proof

What Republicans want right now is the appearance of scandal. Once the actual evidence comes out, the public will once again yawn
Proof of what? I made 3 points in the op. Those points are all known facts for those that follow current events without blinders on.
Absolutely...proof of nothing

FBI has merely stated there are more emails

If they had found something...we would know
FBI gets a warrant GRAMPA MURKED told them they don't need:

FBI gets warrant to start probe of emails on laptop used by Huma Abedin

If only FBI would listen to our very own expert GRAMPS.

Legally they already had one in the Wiener investigation. They did not need one. But as any good investigator can tell you, its prudent to get one for your purposes so that none of the information can be considered "fruit of the poisonous vine". Now that they have one, all of the information is able to be used in prosecution.

The fun is just beginning...

Irrelevant, the WHOLE POINT is about them not yet having seen the emails. Or are you going to tell me that they were prude enough to get a warrant but not prude enough to not potentially break the law by reviewing emails before receiving said warrant?

Again, for the legally impaired...

1)They already had a warrant.

2)They used that warrant to look into the emails and found Department of State and classified data. They had to read some of them to determine what it was they had.

3) Once they determined they had data which Wiener should not be having access too, they refereed the information back to the espionage wing of the FBI.

4) Once the espionage team got the data they did a meta data search and found the addresses of both Clinton and Obama. They then requested a warrant to do a more thorough search and once they obtained the warrant they did a sub data search finding over 650,000 emails.

5) They now have a warrant for all emails with attachments and content and are processing them to retrieve them.

Once they are retrieved they will be individually looked at and evaluated as to their classification. They also found digital image files of top secret documents with and without their document markings.

This thing is a huge bomb that just went off...

To add insult to injury, Huma violated her sworn oath statement to the FBI. This being found due to an investigation. which was unrelated. makes all of what is found usable in a new prosecution rendering all of the immunity deals null and void.

Its going to take months to sift through the mess.. And no on is immune to prosecution... Ill bet there are some seriously worried folks in the Clinton Camp about now...
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First off a warrant isn't necessary because the pedophile freely gave the computer during their investigation into his pedophilia.

Second, the agents in charge of the Weiner investigation read the emails & reported to Comey what they had discovered which resulted in him reopening the investigation.

And lastly, the FBI is under no situation that requires them to release ANY information to the public or Hillary.
The Justice Department punted all responsibilities to the FBI when that stupid woman compromised herself by meeting with Bill Clinton in private just days before getting the case buried.

On a side note this may or may not effect the outcome of the election but it is most enjoyable to watch all the left shit themselves.
This really doesn't bother me much simply because of Comey's exact words about the emails.
They could see emails from Huma to Hillary in a search for the Weiner stuff, but I doubt they could legally open the emails under that search warrant.
so now on top of everything else you are an expert on law.

I expressed an opinion. If you have a better one post it. if not, go back to your oatmeal.
go back to my oatmeal? WTF is that supposed to mean. LOL
Guess the dems are too busy with damage control to give you all your new talking points and insults.
a search warrant is for specific content, with probable cause. NOT for all other files....of other persons....

The FBI while searching, simply found a cache of Huma's files on his laptop that was a cache of State dept emails...

When Weiner replaced the laptop Huma turned over to the FBI, Weiner probably transfered his files to the new laptop and caught Huma's files in the transfer... huma could be unaware of this?

The FBI does not know if the new State dept emails are emails that were already turned over and given to the people with FOIA requests or not, the FBI doesn't know if any are ones that were later classified top secret, they do NOT know the contents of the HUMA/State dept CACHE on the computer....period. They need a specific warrant to review them is what is being reported.

Wrong, if the owner does not limit access, there is no other warrant required.
nope, you are wrong!
First off a warrant isn't necessary because the pedophile freely gave the computer during their investigation into his pedophilia.

Second, the agents in charge of the Weiner investigation read the emails & reported to Comey what they had discovered which resulted in him reopening the investigation.

And lastly, the FBI is under no situation that requires them to release ANY information to the public or Hillary.
The Justice Department punted all responsibilities to the FBI when that stupid woman compromised herself by meeting with Bill Clinton in private just days before getting the case buried.

On a side note this may or may not effect the outcome of the election but it is most enjoyable to watch all the left shit themselves.

Completely erroneous information.
First off a warrant isn't necessary because the pedophile freely gave the computer during their investigation into his pedophilia.

Second, the agents in charge of the Weiner investigation read the emails & reported to Comey what they had discovered which resulted in him reopening the investigation.

And lastly, the FBI is under no situation that requires them to release ANY information to the public or Hillary.
The Justice Department punted all responsibilities to the FBI when that stupid woman compromised herself by meeting with Bill Clinton in private just days before getting the case buried.

On a side note this may or may not effect the outcome of the election but it is most enjoyable to watch all the left shit themselves.
Then why did I hear this a.m. that the DOJ had not given them a warrant to read them? Has something changed or are you saying the FBI is lying?

Why then would a warrant be necessary?

Federal authorities have obtained a warrant to review a tranche of newly-discovered emails that could be related to the previously-closed investigation of Hillary Clinton’ handling of classified information, an official familiar with the matter said Sunday.

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