The Next Chapter of the FBI's Trump Raid Saga Just Dropped

Uh yeah and there would be paper trail to prove it. If there’s no paper trail, he definitely did not do it.

Since presidents are above and immune to the classified documents laws, they can do whatever they want.
No paper trail.
Come on. Now you expect the FBI/DoJ to spill out everything during an investigation just to satisfy what you think or don't think and not at all trust.

No, but they likely should have done a whole lot more before a reckless search.
For example, they could have use the Congressional Security Council or the National Security Council to demand things.
The National Security Council (NSC) was established by statute in 1947 to create an interdepartmental body to advise the President on matters of national security. More specifically, the NSC was created to integrate domestic, foreign, and military policies related to national security, and to facilitate cooperation among the military services and other government departments and agencies in matters of national security. Currently, statutory members of the NSC are the President, the Vice President, the Secretary of State, the Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of Energy and the Secretary of the Treasury. Other senior officials participate in NSC deliberations at the President’s request. The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Director of National Intelligence are statutory advisers. The President clearly holds final decisionmaking authority in the executive branch. Over the years, however, the NSC staff has emerged as a major factor in the formulation (and at times in the implementation) of national security policy. Similarly, the head of the NSC staff, the National Security Adviser, has played an important, and occasionally highly public, role in policymaking. This report summarizes the evolution of the NSC from its creation to the present.

Instead they used a crude search, which likely was illegal.
No, but they likely should have done a whole lot more before a reckless search.
For example, they could have use the Congressional Security Council or the National Security Council to demand things.
The National Security Council (NSC) was established by statute in 1947 to create an interdepartmental body to advise the President on matters of national security. More specifically, the NSC was created to integrate domestic, foreign, and military policies related to national security, and to facilitate cooperation among the military services and other government departments and agencies in matters of national security. Currently, statutory members of the NSC are the President, the Vice President, the Secretary of State, the Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of Energy and the Secretary of the Treasury. Other senior officials participate in NSC deliberations at the President’s request. The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Director of National Intelligence are statutory advisers. The President clearly holds final decisionmaking authority in the executive branch. Over the years, however, the NSC staff has emerged as a major factor in the formulation (and at times in the implementation) of national security policy. Similarly, the head of the NSC staff, the National Security Adviser, has played an important, and occasionally highly public, role in policymaking. This report summarizes the evolution of the NSC from its creation to the present.

Instead they used a crude search, which likely was illegal.
Forget it. You are impossible.
All documents are automatically declassified as far as presidents go, because they are above the classified document law.
The classified document law is the rules of how you gain classified doc access from government.
Presidents and vice presidents do not gain classified access from government, but directly from the people who voted for them.

Classified doc clearance is narrow, temporary, and highly regulated as to how it is to be done.
Presidents have absolute clearance to everything, forever, in any way they want.
They are above government employees completely.
You are so incredibly wrong. The president declassifying any docs involves a specific formal process. If the documents happen to relate to nuclear weapons, the president has no authority whatsoever to declassify them.
No, but they likely should have done a whole lot more before a reckless search.
For example, they could have use the Congressional Security Council or the National Security Council to demand things.
The National Security Council (NSC) was established by statute in 1947 to create an interdepartmental body to advise the President on matters of national security. More specifically, the NSC was created to integrate domestic, foreign, and military policies related to national security, and to facilitate cooperation among the military services and other government departments and agencies in matters of national security. Currently, statutory members of the NSC are the President, the Vice President, the Secretary of State, the Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of Energy and the Secretary of the Treasury. Other senior officials participate in NSC deliberations at the President’s request. The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Director of National Intelligence are statutory advisers. The President clearly holds final decisionmaking authority in the executive branch. Over the years, however, the NSC staff has emerged as a major factor in the formulation (and at times in the implementation) of national security policy. Similarly, the head of the NSC staff, the National Security Adviser, has played an important, and occasionally highly public, role in policymaking. This report summarizes the evolution of the NSC from its creation to the present.

Instead they used a crude search, which likely was illegal.

According to my knowledge, there is no such animal. Google redirects to the NSC.

The NSC is advisory in nature and cannot demand anything. Have a nice day!
You are so incredibly wrong. The president declassifying any docs involves a specific formal process. If the documents happen to relate to nuclear weapons, the president has no authority whatsoever to declassify them.
Who said he had any documents at all, especially nuclear weapons documents?

The FBI showed a bunch of folders and claimed there were classified documents. I guess the Special Master will decide if they are telling the truth.

This is DECLAS!​

HUGE revelations pertaining to the content of the documents seized by the FBI from Mar-a-Lago. Trump made some comments to Newsmax and now today Devin Nunes saying he thinks that the docs are about Russiagate.

In Report today from Newsmax, Trump claims he kept them under Executive Privilege, to PROTECT THEM FROM BEING DESTROYED BY THE DEEP STATE.
"I think they thought it was something to do with the Russia, Russia, Russia hoax,"​
Initially, I found this peculiar, because Trump himself confirmed some of the docs were pertaining to the Iran Deal last week, when he retruthed this post from Paul Sperry.

But based on Trump’s most recent comments to Newsmax, the docs are about essentially EVERYTHING! Trump said that the documents in question “expose a Deep State plot” against him. Which is the reason he Declassified them, and took the docs for protection. There are reportedly “11 sets of documents”, the FBI were interested in.
So what are the docs about? ALL of the docs about Deep State’s crimes that Trump was concerned they might destroy. That could cover a wide variety of subjects. Thus far, we know some of the docs to pertain to the Iran Deal and Russiagate/Crossfire Hurricane, but what other crimes is Trump aware of that he might want to prevent the Deep State from destroying? Uranium One? Libya? Haiti? Benghazi? 9/11? JFK Assassination?
Whatever else is in those docs, Trump is insinuating the FBI are looking to retrieve them to prevent him from showing it to the American People.
Folks… the FBI raid opened the door to DECLAS… whether Trump controls the FBI or not, its quite apparent Trump controls the situation.

The object of the DOJ/Stasi is to raid all of Trump's offices.
Today Devin Nunes saying he thinks that the docs are about Russia Gate. In a report today from Newsmax, Trump claims he kept them under Executive Privilege, to "PROTECT THEM FROM BEING DESTROYED BY THE DEEP STATE".
It boggles the mind of the idea of Trump leaving important, incriminating data so vulnerable. Feels and smells a bit like choreography. It's like a script playing out on the reality of what's really going on.
If these documents are so damaging, why did the DoJ/Stasi-FBI wait 19 months to raid Mar a Lago and get them back? The time line does not seem to fit with the view of DOJ desperation. It does fit, however, with trying to influence an election.
Sure, everyone wants a reveal at this point. But don’t bet it will ever come. Garland will allow leaks on a daily basis to WAPO and the Slimes.
Judge shop, which the DOJ is now doing, and the entire case stays under seal.

I am not at all confused.
The FBI is making claims about Top Secrets being carelessly handled, and we need more information before anyone gets to say that is true.
I do not at all trust the FBI that supported the lie that Iraq had WMD and terrorist ties.

FBI are liars.

Not to be trusted.

This is DECLAS!​

HUGE revelations pertaining to the content of the documents seized by the FBI from Mar-a-Lago. Trump made some comments to Newsmax and now today Devin Nunes saying he thinks that the docs are about Russiagate.

In Report today from Newsmax, Trump claims he kept them under Executive Privilege, to PROTECT THEM FROM BEING DESTROYED BY THE DEEP STATE.
"I think they thought it was something to do with the Russia, Russia, Russia hoax,"​
Initially, I found this peculiar, because Trump himself confirmed some of the docs were pertaining to the Iran Deal last week, when he retruthed this post from Paul Sperry.

But based on Trump’s most recent comments to Newsmax, the docs are about essentially EVERYTHING! Trump said that the documents in question “expose a Deep State plot” against him. Which is the reason he Declassified them, and took the docs for protection. There are reportedly “11 sets of documents”, the FBI were interested in.
So what are the docs about? ALL of the docs about Deep State’s crimes that Trump was concerned they might destroy. That could cover a wide variety of subjects. Thus far, we know some of the docs to pertain to the Iran Deal and Russiagate/Crossfire Hurricane, but what other crimes is Trump aware of that he might want to prevent the Deep State from destroying? Uranium One? Libya? Haiti? Benghazi? 9/11? JFK Assassination?
Whatever else is in those docs, Trump is insinuating the FBI are looking to retrieve them to prevent him from showing it to the American People.
Folks… the FBI raid opened the door to DECLAS… whether Trump controls the FBI or not, its quite apparent Trump controls the situation.

The object of the DOJ/Stasi is to raid all of Trump's offices.
Today Devin Nunes saying he thinks that the docs are about Russia Gate. In a report today from Newsmax, Trump claims he kept them under Executive Privilege, to "PROTECT THEM FROM BEING DESTROYED BY THE DEEP STATE".
It boggles the mind of the idea of Trump leaving important, incriminating data so vulnerable. Feels and smells a bit like choreography. It's like a script playing out on the reality of what's really going on.
If these documents are so damaging, why did the DoJ/Stasi-FBI wait 19 months to raid Mar a Lago and get them back? The time line does not seem to fit with the view of DOJ desperation. It does fit, however, with trying to influence an election.
Sure, everyone wants a reveal at this point. But don’t bet it will ever come. Garland will allow leaks on a daily basis to WAPO and the Slimes.
Judge shop, which the DOJ is now doing, and the entire case stays under seal.

Trump has no interest in taking down Hillary, Obama, Biden or the Deep State. It's all Kabuki Theater to make you believe Trump is something other than Lindsay Graham in the White House.

The controlled implosion of the USA continues

This is DECLAS!​

HUGE revelations pertaining to the content of the documents seized by the FBI from Mar-a-Lago. Trump made some comments to Newsmax and now today Devin Nunes saying he thinks that the docs are about Russiagate.

In Report today from Newsmax, Trump claims he kept them under Executive Privilege, to PROTECT THEM FROM BEING DESTROYED BY THE DEEP STATE.
"I think they thought it was something to do with the Russia, Russia, Russia hoax,"​
Initially, I found this peculiar, because Trump himself confirmed some of the docs were pertaining to the Iran Deal last week, when he retruthed this post from Paul Sperry.

But based on Trump’s most recent comments to Newsmax, the docs are about essentially EVERYTHING! Trump said that the documents in question “expose a Deep State plot” against him. Which is the reason he Declassified them, and took the docs for protection. There are reportedly “11 sets of documents”, the FBI were interested in.
So what are the docs about? ALL of the docs about Deep State’s crimes that Trump was concerned they might destroy. That could cover a wide variety of subjects. Thus far, we know some of the docs to pertain to the Iran Deal and Russiagate/Crossfire Hurricane, but what other crimes is Trump aware of that he might want to prevent the Deep State from destroying? Uranium One? Libya? Haiti? Benghazi? 9/11? JFK Assassination?
Whatever else is in those docs, Trump is insinuating the FBI are looking to retrieve them to prevent him from showing it to the American People.
Folks… the FBI raid opened the door to DECLAS… whether Trump controls the FBI or not, its quite apparent Trump controls the situation.

The object of the DOJ/Stasi is to raid all of Trump's offices.
Today Devin Nunes saying he thinks that the docs are about Russia Gate. In a report today from Newsmax, Trump claims he kept them under Executive Privilege, to "PROTECT THEM FROM BEING DESTROYED BY THE DEEP STATE".
It boggles the mind of the idea of Trump leaving important, incriminating data so vulnerable. Feels and smells a bit like choreography. It's like a script playing out on the reality of what's really going on.
If these documents are so damaging, why did the DoJ/Stasi-FBI wait 19 months to raid Mar a Lago and get them back? The time line does not seem to fit with the view of DOJ desperation. It does fit, however, with trying to influence an election.
Sure, everyone wants a reveal at this point. But don’t bet it will ever come. Garland will allow leaks on a daily basis to WAPO and the Slimes.
Judge shop, which the DOJ is now doing, and the entire case stays under seal.

It was all to find the dirt Trump had on them disguised with liberal lying bullshit about National Security
It’s Democrat Winning security they are concerned with

The Next Chapter of the FBI's Trump Raid Saga Just Dropped

31 Aug 2022 ~~ By Matt Vespa

Of course, this development would drop late at night. The Biden Department of Justice has declared that Donald Trump’s ‘special master’ request to review the documents the FBI seized in their August 8 raid of Mar-a-Lago should be denied on national security grounds. You heard that right; the Justice Department thinks that reviewing the letters to Trump from Kim Jong-un would endanger us irreparably. The cocktail napkins have nuclear codes on them. Photographs of state dinners would lead to nuclear war, and the dinner menus could reveal who killed John F. Kennedy. At least this development has a tinge of entertainment value. The most recent updates have been grounded in email exchanges between lawyers that didn’t show any criminal or prevaricating intent on behalf of Trump’s lawyers. There was no smoking gun. And now, if anyone but us, the DOJ, review the documents we took in an unlawful search, it’s a national security risk. Last weekend, a judge announced her preliminary intent to appoint a special master to review the records, which the DOJ also said was unnecessary since they had analyzed them:
Classified documents are not an issue here. Trump was the president. He can declassify any record with absolute authority. The media is trying to make this seem like a Hillary Clinton-like story. It’s not. She did mishandle classified information since she was never president, had an email server that was not authorized or secured from which she transmitted classified information as secretary of state, and destroyed 33,000 emails under federal subpoena. Hillary’s communications set-up was designed to circumvent public records regulations.

It sounds like no one can read them; even super-secret cleared people.
Maybe a good question for Biden’s next press conference...if he was cleared himself to read the Trump documents?
The Biden Regime’s tainted DoJ now argues national security prevents justice for the return of the legitimate presidents' personal records. WOW! If the judge accepts this bogus argument, it may be 2nd Amendment time.
This is all about the Crossfire Hurricane documents that were in the possession of Trump showing the corrupt conspiracy that was created during the end of the Obama presidency. A threat to the Democrat Party is NOT a threat to National Security.
The FBI/DoJ spokesman has lied when they claimed Trump had nuclear secrets in his possession at Mar-a-Lago.
This is a Deep State attempt to gather up documents which make them look bad. They will next claim that all should be shredded and burned since they are too secret for anyone to see.

Anyone that has been watching these treasonous pieces of shit since 2015 knows they are lying. They should be tried for treason and lined up against a wall for Operation Russian Collusion Crossfire Hurricane alone.
Except apparently a handful of FBI agents who laid them all out and took a photo of them for the world to see. :th_waiting:
Hey DemNazi Freak:

Those pictures are not real. You cannot take photos of classified documents and publish them anywhere. It is against The Law. You cannot even tell unauthorized persons that anyone has classified documents in their possession, so stories The President had them are lies. That makes you a liar too.
It was all to find the dirt Trump had on them disguised with liberal lying bullshit about National Security
It’s Democrat Winning security they are concerned with
Just like when Clinton and The DNC hired Pakistani Hackers with criminal records to hack into Congressional files for the sole purpose of looking for black mail material or anything that would give them an advantage in the election.

Maro Lago is Joe Biden's Watergate!
Biden is ruining the Nation. He’s dedicated to destroying middle class wealth and assets under the pitiful concept that it’s more fair for all to be equally broke.
This hysteria regarding interest rates returning to 40 year norms is In Fact another Covid style, harm America, overreactive Hoax.

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