The Next Chapter of the FBI's Trump Raid Saga Just Dropped

He did not retain the permitted documents outside of his time of permission to go so.
Stop lying
He was not entitled to retain classified documents or any presidential records. No one gave him permission to retain any of those.
The Second Circuit isn't the SCOTUS

Moreover, your own link says yes the President can declassify anything and there is no set protacal to it.
They are so fact absent and so wish driven that they counter their own offerings and bleat that they didn’t
yes, his statements on it, and that of others

Kash Patel wouldn’t say what the documents were.

If he testifies to this (doubt it since he’s a chickenshit liar) then he would be chewed up on the specifics.

Hey DemNazi Freak:
How do you get that I'm a Nazi? Wow, man, you are not even in the ballpark with that one.

Those pictures are not real. You cannot take photos of classified documents and publish them anywhere. It is against The Law. You cannot even tell unauthorized persons that anyone has classified documents in their possession, so stories The President had them are lies. That makes you a liar too.
Geesus, where did you learn to read? Are you having a bad day? Got me confused with someone else? Dude, you just reiterated what I have said/implied here many times while calling me a Nazi and a liar for agreeing with you. Wow.
They are so fact absent and so wish driven that they counter their own offerings and bleat that they didn’t
Fact is that Trump received a grand jury subpoena for everything marked classified. He failed to comply with the subpoena and his lawyers lied about doing so.
Surely you read AP News and Reuters.
Answer the question...Is there proof that the classified documents Obama had in a warehouse were declassified by Obama.
Why would the documents in the warehouse need to be declassified?
Fact is that Trump received a grand jury subpoena for everything marked classified. He failed to comply with the subpoena and his lawyers lied about doing so.
All of this is feelings and wishes about what could have happened with No factual support. Just hopes and wishes.

The Next Chapter of the FBI's Trump Raid Saga Just Dropped

31 Aug 2022 ~~ By Matt Vespa

Of course, this development would drop late at night. The Biden Department of Justice has declared that Donald Trump’s ‘special master’ request to review the documents the FBI seized in their August 8 raid of Mar-a-Lago should be denied on national security grounds. You heard that right; the Justice Department thinks that reviewing the letters to Trump from Kim Jong-un would endanger us irreparably. The cocktail napkins have nuclear codes on them. Photographs of state dinners would lead to nuclear war, and the dinner menus could reveal who killed John F. Kennedy. At least this development has a tinge of entertainment value. The most recent updates have been grounded in email exchanges between lawyers that didn’t show any criminal or prevaricating intent on behalf of Trump’s lawyers. There was no smoking gun. And now, if anyone but us, the DOJ, review the documents we took in an unlawful search, it’s a national security risk. Last weekend, a judge announced her preliminary intent to appoint a special master to review the records, which the DOJ also said was unnecessary since they had analyzed them:
Classified documents are not an issue here. Trump was the president. He can declassify any record with absolute authority. The media is trying to make this seem like a Hillary Clinton-like story. It’s not. She did mishandle classified information since she was never president, had an email server that was not authorized or secured from which she transmitted classified information as secretary of state, and destroyed 33,000 emails under federal subpoena. Hillary’s communications set-up was designed to circumvent public records regulations.

It sounds like no one can read them; even super-secret cleared people.
Maybe a good question for Biden’s next press conference...if he was cleared himself to read the Trump documents?
The Biden Regime’s tainted DoJ now argues national security prevents justice for the return of the legitimate presidents' personal records. WOW! If the judge accepts this bogus argument, it may be 2nd Amendment time.
This is all about the Crossfire Hurricane documents that were in the possession of Trump showing the corrupt conspiracy that was created during the end of the Obama presidency. A threat to the Democrat Party is NOT a threat to National Security.
The FBI/DoJ spokesman has lied when they claimed Trump had nuclear secrets in his possession at Mar-a-Lago.
This is a Deep State attempt to gather up documents which make them look bad. They will next claim that all should be shredded and burned since they are too secret for anyone to see.

Since the 31st, how's that working out for you? :abgg2q.jpg:
Because when Obama took them they were Classified.
Are you playing ignorant and stupid or just pretending?
Because Obama didn’t take them. The warehouse isn’t Obama’s. It’s run by the national archives.

I’m not ignorant. You’re a fool.
Because Obama didn’t take them. The warehouse isn’t Obama’s. It’s run by the national archives.

I’m not ignorant. You’re a fool.
Obama's documents were not in NARA until try again.
All of this is feelings and wishes about what could have happened with No factual support. Just hopes and wishes.
Factual support? You haven’t been paying attention to the facts introduced to the courts.

Fact is there was a grand jury subpoena. We’ve seen it.
Fact is there was a letter from Trump’s lawyers saying they complied with the subpoena. We’ve seen it.
Fact is Trump did not comply and kept classified documents. We’ve seen them.

All facts.

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