The Nightmare Returns!

I'd wait to see what's going on. They may have strayed into territorial waters.
I concur...lets wait to get official word. It looks like they wandered into Irans waters, were picked up, Iran knew it was a mistake and will release. We'll see
Such confidence for a country that finances terrorism, but then obuthole kisses their ass so what else do expect.
Not at all, I just don't have knee jerk reactions to everything.
I'd wait to see what's going on. They may have strayed into territorial waters.
I concur...lets wait to get official word. It looks like they wandered into Irans waters, were picked up, Iran knew it was a mistake and will release. We'll see
Such confidence for a country that finances terrorism, but then obuthole kisses their ass so what else do expect.
Not at all, I just don't have knee jerk reactions to everything.
I was an auctioneer, we talk quick and live faster. New stage every night almost in five different states.

Hand wringing and waiting does not make money or finish issues. Did it end well? Yes, VERY well and ALL credit and thanks to ALL those who played a role.

Was it expected? No, quite frankly it was not. Welcomed and Thanked but not expected.

I'd wait to see what's going on. They may have strayed into territorial waters.
I concur...lets wait to get official word. It looks like they wandered into Irans waters, were picked up, Iran knew it was a mistake and will release. We'll see
Such confidence for a country that finances terrorism, but then obuthole kisses their ass so what else do expect.
Not at all, I just don't have knee jerk reactions to everything.
I was an auctioneer, we talk quick and live faster. New stage every night almost in five different states.

Hand wringing and waiting does not make money or finish issues. Did it end well? Yes, VERY well and ALL credit and thanks to ALL those who played a role.

Was it expected? No, quite frankly it was not. Welcomed and Thanked but not expected.
It didn't end well per se. Yes they were released but did you see the pics of them kneeling with their hands behinds their heads? Iran humiliated them. Then John Kerry thanks them...embarrassing really.
I'd wait to see what's going on. They may have strayed into territorial waters.
I concur...lets wait to get official word. It looks like they wandered into Irans waters, were picked up, Iran knew it was a mistake and will release. We'll see
Such confidence for a country that finances terrorism, but then obuthole kisses their ass so what else do expect.
Not at all, I just don't have knee jerk reactions to everything.
I was an auctioneer, we talk quick and live faster. New stage every night almost in five different states.

Hand wringing and waiting does not make money or finish issues. Did it end well? Yes, VERY well and ALL credit and thanks to ALL those who played a role.

Was it expected? No, quite frankly it was not. Welcomed and Thanked but not expected.
It didn't end well per se. Yes they were released but did you see the pics of them kneeling with their hands behinds their heads? Iran humiliated them. Then John Kerry thanks them...embarrassing really.
If you look at the pictures with them kneeling in that room you will see each one is kneeling on an islamic prayer rug. Something stinks about the story but what?

Why was that non-running ship/boat NOT under tow by the running ship/boat? My dad was a ship's captain and ANY seamen would know First you secure the ship/boat THEN you begin its transport. ANY repairs to ship/boat number 2 are done underway.

Its like going in to get your wounded CK. You get them the hell out first and cast a leg or whatever later. You DON'T stick around and build a damn hospital. Something STINKS.
Why, DarkFury, would you offer when you are one of the softest patty cakes on the Board?

We all have no trouble batting you around.
I'd wait to see what's going on. They may have strayed into territorial waters.
I concur...lets wait to get official word. It looks like they wandered into Irans waters, were picked up, Iran knew it was a mistake and will release. We'll see
Such confidence for a country that finances terrorism, but then obuthole kisses their ass so what else do expect.
Not at all, I just don't have knee jerk reactions to everything.
I was an auctioneer, we talk quick and live faster. New stage every night almost in five different states.

Hand wringing and waiting does not make money or finish issues. Did it end well? Yes, VERY well and ALL credit and thanks to ALL those who played a role.

Was it expected? No, quite frankly it was not. Welcomed and Thanked but not expected.
It didn't end well per se. Yes they were released but did you see the pics of them kneeling with their hands behinds their heads? Iran humiliated them. Then John Kerry thanks them...embarrassing really.
CK, have you gone to the dark side? We don't know if the images are accurate, first, and, second, you would have had your crew do the same thing if you were the Iranian commander, and, third, the sailors' commander did the right thing in having them comply.
It's amazing how some relatively intelligent human beings debase themselves by reverting to 'toddlerhood' when they can't think of anything else to say thereby revealing themselves for the blood engorged mosquito they really are, especially when they provide a bigger 'SPLAT'

just sayin
bravo! You are going to fit right in when we go mob handed, like we are now.
I don't 'fit' in with any mob of any kind, so that 'we' you speak of must include the proverbial mouse in your pocket.
Nah, you are nothing new, just a better version of the attack do. There are plenty bigger ones here than you.

I have no problem being the new little kid on the block, and I'm not in any competition for the biggest either. I learned real quick about how this crowd gathers to pick apart the newbie like sharks for the kill. I have no desire to fight anyone, but I don't back down either. I will comment when & how I determine fit to do so. My original post you've been quoting wasn't directed at you, so back off. Sheesh
Don't feel that you are being singled out for the attack. Many posters are plain nasty to everyone that is across the aisle. Welcome to the board. Regardless of your opinions, I will post with you respectively.
I concur...lets wait to get official word. It looks like they wandered into Irans waters, were picked up, Iran knew it was a mistake and will release. We'll see
Such confidence for a country that finances terrorism, but then obuthole kisses their ass so what else do expect.
Not at all, I just don't have knee jerk reactions to everything.
I was an auctioneer, we talk quick and live faster. New stage every night almost in five different states.

Hand wringing and waiting does not make money or finish issues. Did it end well? Yes, VERY well and ALL credit and thanks to ALL those who played a role.

Was it expected? No, quite frankly it was not. Welcomed and Thanked but not expected.
It didn't end well per se. Yes they were released but did you see the pics of them kneeling with their hands behinds their heads? Iran humiliated them. Then John Kerry thanks them...embarrassing really.
CK, have you gone to the dark side? We don't know if the images are accurate, first, and, second, you would have had your crew do the same thing if you were the Iranian commander, and, third, the sailors' commander did the right thing in having them comply.
JS, you are amusing. First you say you don't know if those images are correct ( I'd say "proof" is more accurate)., then you say you would do the same thing if you are the Iranian commander, admitting it DID happen and compounding that, said the sailors did the right thing by surrendering! That is talking out of both sides of your mouth. At least you admit that our "sailors" were photographed while surrendering and the picture is indeed correct. :eusa_shhh:
Jackson, you are drinking early again. If that its what happened, sure. And if you had been either the American or Iranian commander, you would have done the same thing. At least you admit to the basic scenario if it is true. Do you think it was a far right wing American reactionary black flag operation? Don't.
I concur...lets wait to get official word. It looks like they wandered into Irans waters, were picked up, Iran knew it was a mistake and will release. We'll see
Such confidence for a country that finances terrorism, but then obuthole kisses their ass so what else do expect.
Not at all, I just don't have knee jerk reactions to everything.
I was an auctioneer, we talk quick and live faster. New stage every night almost in five different states.

Hand wringing and waiting does not make money or finish issues. Did it end well? Yes, VERY well and ALL credit and thanks to ALL those who played a role.

Was it expected? No, quite frankly it was not. Welcomed and Thanked but not expected.
It didn't end well per se. Yes they were released but did you see the pics of them kneeling with their hands behinds their heads? Iran humiliated them. Then John Kerry thanks them...embarrassing really.
CK, have you gone to the dark side? We don't know if the images are accurate, first, and, second, you would have had your crew do the same thing if you were the Iranian commander, and, third, the sailors' commander did the right thing in having them comply.
CK has not gone to the "dark side." He recognizes reality when he sees it. Not only does Kerry thank him but it was after the apologies. The "Thank You" was not necessary and made us look as weak as we really are.
No, it did not; I am glad CK is not on the dark side; you, however, are growing more flaky the longer you stay on the Board.
I concur...lets wait to get official word. It looks like they wandered into Irans waters, were picked up, Iran knew it was a mistake and will release. We'll see
Such confidence for a country that finances terrorism, but then obuthole kisses their ass so what else do expect.
Not at all, I just don't have knee jerk reactions to everything.
I was an auctioneer, we talk quick and live faster. New stage every night almost in five different states.

Hand wringing and waiting does not make money or finish issues. Did it end well? Yes, VERY well and ALL credit and thanks to ALL those who played a role.

Was it expected? No, quite frankly it was not. Welcomed and Thanked but not expected.
It didn't end well per se. Yes they were released but did you see the pics of them kneeling with their hands behinds their heads? Iran humiliated them. Then John Kerry thanks them...embarrassing really.
CK, have you gone to the dark side? We don't know if the images are accurate, first, and, second, you would have had your crew do the same thing if you were the Iranian commander, and, third, the sailors' commander did the right thing in having them comply.
When you see 9 men and 1 woman (Navy) on a boat being arrested that's pretty consistent with the reports of 9 men and 1 woman being held by Iran. Secondly, yes I would have contained them the same way HOWEVER I wouldn't release pics for the world to see. As military men they know damn well its humiliating, that's why they did it. It's a big fuck you to the US. Third, I never said it wasn't a good idea to comply, but it didn't need to go down that way. They humiliated and fucked with those men and women, not to mention the US. Fucking Kerry is a giant pussy for thanking them.
Jackson, you are drinking early again. If that its what happened, sure. And if you had been either the American or Iranian commander, you would have done the same thing. At least you admit to the basic scenario if it is true. Do you think it was a far right wing American reactionary black flag operation? Don't.
Enough of your insinuations. I will forget that insult.
I'm not sure if an American commander would behave the same way. I think it is most likely we would stop and show our weapons if they found Iranians in our water, but they would have asked what their purpose was for being there. I can see the Iranian say they accidently went into forbidden waters and we would just tell them to get out. And we would monitor their path out of our waters.
Just to say, if we had balls, they should make the Iranians surrender and we'd keep them until our other hostages are returned! But with a feckless leader like Obama, I can't see that scenario ever happening.
No, it did not; I am glad CK is not on the dark side; you, however, are growing more flaky the longer you stay on the Board.
We disagree. It is not uncommon when there are two distinct factions on the board. Those that can debate and those that insult instead.
CK, thanks for staying in reality. I have corrected the rest of you all clearly and cogently.

Jackson, you made false insinuations about me, and I spiked that ball in your mouth. Now try to stay with the facts, hmmm?

Yep, Iran got some points for the photos. We would do the same thing, I believe.
It's amazing how some relatively intelligent human beings debase themselves by reverting to 'toddlerhood' when they can't think of anything else to say thereby revealing themselves for the blood engorged mosquito they really are, especially when they provide a bigger 'SPLAT'

just sayin
bravo! You are going to fit right in when we go mob handed, like we are now.
I don't 'fit' in with any mob of any kind, so that 'we' you speak of must include the proverbial mouse in your pocket.
Nah, you are nothing new, just a better version of the attack do. There are plenty bigger ones here than you.

I have no problem being the new little kid on the block, and I'm not in any competition for the biggest either. I learned real quick about how this crowd gathers to pick apart the newbie like sharks for the kill. I have no desire to fight anyone, but I don't back down either. I will comment when & how I determine fit to do so. My original post you've been quoting wasn't directed at you, so back off. Sheesh
Don't feel that you are being singled out for the attack. Many posters are plain nasty to everyone that is across the aisle. Welcome to the board. Regardless of your opinions, I will post with you respectively.

Thank you and I don't feel singled out. I have no problem putting people in their place. I see that there are many nasty posters though I'm not so sure it depends on political leanings as it is testosterone levels

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