The Nine Circles of Hell for the Democratic Front-Runner

If you were asked what sins the current contender for the presidency of the United States of America, Joe Biden, has committed, what circle of hell would you place him in ???


As a Catholic, I can say that Biden, wo also claims to be a Catholic, is an evil within the Church. The things the Church teaches is evil, he embraces, just like Pelosi and all other Catholic Democrats. They are anti-Christ. Gay marriage, abortion, you name it. He, and they, are evil incarnate

I despise the Jews who, because of the political conjuncture, renounce the faith of their ancestors. I am talking about Biden. Do not take it personally. By the way, look closely into his face - to what extend he has a so-called "diabolical" face, as we know it from movies and horror dreams...

Of course it's a Photoshop, but still....:laugh:

I despise the Jews who, because of the political conjuncture, renounce the faith of their ancestors. I am talking about Biden. Do not take it personally. By the way, look closely into his face - to what extend he has a so-called "diabolical" face, as we know it from movies and horror dreams...

There are millions of Jews who are only cultural Jews, not practicing Jews. The same goes for the Catholics. I despise them both.

As for Biden's face, evil does not always appear twirling its mustache
If you were asked what sins the current contender for the presidency of the United States of America, Joe Biden, has committed, what circle of hell would you place him in ???


As a Catholic, I can say that Biden, wo also claims to be a Catholic, is an evil within the Church. The things the Church teaches is evil, he embraces, just like Pelosi and all other Catholic Democrats. They are anti-Christ. Gay marriage, abortion, you name it. He, and they, are evil incarnate

I despise the Jews who, because of the political conjuncture, renounce the faith of their ancestors. I am talking about Biden. Do not take it personally. By the way, look closely into his face - to what extend he has a so-called "diabolical" face, as we know it from movies and horror dreams...

Of course it's a Photoshop, but still....:laugh:


I think you managed to reveal the deep motives of this rogue from politics. Woman as the personification of America
I despise the Jews who, because of the political conjuncture, renounce the faith of their ancestors. I am talking about Biden. Do not take it personally. By the way, look closely into his face - to what extend he has a so-called "diabolical" face, as we know it from movies and horror dreams...

There are millions of Jews who are only cultural Jews, not practicing Jews. The same goes for the Catholics. I despise them both.

As for Biden's face, evil does not always appear twirling its mustache

That's certainly true enough, but Sleepy Joe says he's a devout Catholic
I despise the Jews who, because of the political conjuncture, renounce the faith of their ancestors. I am talking about Biden. Do not take it personally. By the way, look closely into his face - to what extend he has a so-called "diabolical" face, as we know it from movies and horror dreams...

There are millions of Jews who are only cultural Jews, not practicing Jews. The same goes for the Catholics. I despise them both.

As for Biden's face, evil does not always appear twirling its mustache

That's certainly true enough, but Sleepy Joe says he's a devout Catholic

He must not be all that devout, seeing as how that parish, SC Reverend refused to give him communion.

I despise the Jews who, because of the political conjuncture, renounce the faith of their ancestors. I am talking about Biden. Do not take it personally. By the way, look closely into his face - to what extend he has a so-called "diabolical" face, as we know it from movies and horror dreams...

There are millions of Jews who are only cultural Jews, not practicing Jews. The same goes for the Catholics. I despise them both.

As for Biden's face, evil does not always appear twirling its mustache

That's certainly true enough, but Sleepy Joe says he's a devout Catholic

As I wrote, I do not believe apostates. This, of course, is fashionable among a certain category of emigrants from Europe, but it does not do them honor. I am sure that if the only condition for election for president would be transgenderism, Biden would quickly change into trunks of rainbow colors
I despise the Jews who, because of the political conjuncture, renounce the faith of their ancestors. I am talking about Biden. Do not take it personally. By the way, look closely into his face - to what extend he has a so-called "diabolical" face, as we know it from movies and horror dreams...

There are millions of Jews who are only cultural Jews, not practicing Jews. The same goes for the Catholics. I despise them both.

As for Biden's face, evil does not always appear twirling its mustache

That's certainly true enough, but Sleepy Joe says he's a devout Catholic

He must not be all that devout, seeing as how that parish, SC Reverend refused to give him communion.


I think that the Vice President and the pastor are just having a theological debate here,like Luther and Eck did, back in the day.

Although I can't see how Biden wins this.

His advance men should have checked out this priest before Biden decided to go there. Make sure they were on the same page in regards to abortion. A medium sized city like Florence has dozens of churches he could have attended where the pastor would have been glad to make Biden look holy attending.
I despise the Jews who, because of the political conjuncture, renounce the faith of their ancestors. I am talking about Biden. Do not take it personally. By the way, look closely into his face - to what extend he has a so-called "diabolical" face, as we know it from movies and horror dreams...

There are millions of Jews who are only cultural Jews, not practicing Jews. The same goes for the Catholics. I despise them both.

As for Biden's face, evil does not always appear twirling its mustache

That's certainly true enough, but Sleepy Joe says he's a devout Catholic

He must not be all that devout, seeing as how that parish, SC Reverend refused to give him communion.


I think that the Vice President and the pastor are just having a theological debate here,like Luther and Eck did, back in the day.

Although I can't see how Biden wins this.

His advance men should have checked out this priest before Biden decided to go there. Make sure they were on the same page in regards to abortion. A medium sized city like Florence has dozens of churches he could have attended where the pastor would have been glad to make Biden look holy attending.

Listen, we live in the REAL American world. You demand that a woman gives birth whenever she has sex for pleasure, and not for procreation! Then she should know that the state will FULLY ensure her motherhood - from the time of birth until her kids grow up honestly. DOES it today???!

In this regard, the Jewish community in the kibbutz treats women very honestly. And to engage in gibberish and talk about the pricelessness of life "in general" - then liquidate the army and stop killing OTHERS and send YOURS to death!
I UNDERSTAND that the banks need a new generation of credit slaves, but THAT has NOTHING to do with the REAL value of LIFE.

Neoconservatives either exist in the world of abstract ideas or simply fool people. Or they do both at the same time

Now. How to be in the case of random sex, when a woman becomes pregnant from the one she then remembers contact with with disgust or shudder??? Do not put the cart before the horse.

I visited Harlem two times in my life recently and saw the consequences of a life-saving policy for the sake of life. Have you been to Harlem? Or in Brooklyn? Or in Queens? Or do you all live in a different world ???

What is better - to have an abortion or to give birth to a child who is almost likely to become a drug addict or, at best, will receive a life sentence ???

A message has just arrived that in Siberia, children found a frozen body of a newborn girl in the river. As it turned out, the mother, who already has two children, chose to kill her child, knowing that she cannot feed her ...

And who is the criminal here? The mother? Or the political and economic regime of those who, in 1993, seized power in Russia by means of a bloody coup (thanks to the Clintons!) and robbed and continues robbing indigenous peoples of Russia ???
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I despise the Jews who, because of the political conjuncture, renounce the faith of their ancestors. I am talking about Biden. Do not take it personally. By the way, look closely into his face - to what extend he has a so-called "diabolical" face, as we know it from movies and horror dreams...

There are millions of Jews who are only cultural Jews, not practicing Jews. The same goes for the Catholics. I despise them both.

As for Biden's face, evil does not always appear twirling its mustache

That's certainly true enough, but Sleepy Joe says he's a devout Catholic

He must not be all that devout, seeing as how that parish, SC Reverend refused to give him communion.


Could you be more specific???
I despise the Jews who, because of the political conjuncture, renounce the faith of their ancestors. I am talking about Biden. Do not take it personally. By the way, look closely into his face - to what extend he has a so-called "diabolical" face, as we know it from movies and horror dreams...

There are millions of Jews who are only cultural Jews, not practicing Jews. The same goes for the Catholics. I despise them both.

As for Biden's face, evil does not always appear twirling its mustache

That's certainly true enough, but Sleepy Joe says he's a devout Catholic

He must not be all that devout, seeing as how that parish, SC Reverend refused to give him communion.


Could you be more specific???
I despise the Jews who, because of the political conjuncture, renounce the faith of their ancestors. I am talking about Biden. Do not take it personally. By the way, look closely into his face - to what extend he has a so-called "diabolical" face, as we know it from movies and horror dreams...

There are millions of Jews who are only cultural Jews, not practicing Jews. The same goes for the Catholics. I despise them both.

As for Biden's face, evil does not always appear twirling its mustache

Listen, I DO NOT KNOW WHO SUCH "cultural Jews" are, but I know very well who are ETHNIC Jews with the corresponding haplogroup. If I correctly understood your hint of a sadly outstanding historical figure, whose brother worked as a cook in a Jewish canteen in Vienna, I completely agree with you.
I despise the Jews who, because of the political conjuncture, renounce the faith of their ancestors. I am talking about Biden. Do not take it personally. By the way, look closely into his face - to what extend he has a so-called "diabolical" face, as we know it from movies and horror dreams...

There are millions of Jews who are only cultural Jews, not practicing Jews. The same goes for the Catholics. I despise them both.

As for Biden's face, evil does not always appear twirling its mustache

In the Middle Ages, artists who wanted to depict Satan–among them, Hieronymus Bosch, Albrecht Dürer, and Hendrick Goltzius, all from Germany–were given surprisingly few details from the Bible about how he should appear. “The Bible is very vague,” Barryte says. To visualize this ruler of Hell, artists cobbled together imagery from older traditions that had already decided what demons looked like. “Bits and pieces from lots of now-defunct religions got synthesized: The cloven feet from Pan, the horns from the gods of various cults in the near east,” Barryte says. “In the 15th and 16th century, these solidified into this personification of evil, seen as the great enemy of Christ, the Church, and mankind: a horned, bestial, furry figure.”

I guess in the first half of the XXI-st we can add ONE more character... That's of the dem. front-runner. He is a valuable asset of a new version the picture of our times...

I despise the Jews who, because of the political conjuncture, renounce the faith of their ancestors. I am talking about Biden. Do not take it personally. By the way, look closely into his face - to what extend he has a so-called "diabolical" face, as we know it from movies and horror dreams...

There are millions of Jews who are only cultural Jews, not practicing Jews. The same goes for the Catholics. I despise them both.

As for Biden's face, evil does not always appear twirling its mustache

That's certainly true enough, but Sleepy Joe says he's a devout Catholic

He must not be all that devout, seeing as how that parish, SC Reverend refused to give him communion.


Could you be more specific???

Joe Biden denied Communion at Mass because of abortion stance
By Ben Feuerherd

October 29, 2019 | 12:08am


Joe BidenGetty Images
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Democratic front-runner Joe Biden reportedly was denied Communion by a priest at a South Carolina Catholic church over the weekend.

Biden, a lifelong Catholic, stopped by Saint Anthony Catholic Church in Florence on Sunday, but was denied Holy Communion by the Rev. Robert E. Morey, local newspaper the South Carolina Morning News reported.

“Sadly, this past Sunday, I had to refuse Holy Communion to former Vice President Joe Biden,” Morey told the newspaper in a statement.

“Holy Communion signifies we are one with God, each other and the Church. Our actions should reflect that. Any public figure who advocates for abortion places himself or herself outside of Church teaching.”

“I will keep Mr. Biden in my prayers,” Morey said in the statement.

The Biden campaign did not return a request for comment Monday night.

Biden’s stance on abortion has for decades been aligned with the more conservative wing of the Democratic Party — but earlier this year, he announced his opposition to the Hyde Amendment, a ban on federal funding for abortions.

Biden said he opposes the Hyde Amendment in June after days of Democratic backlash after saying he did support the amendment.

“If I believe health care is a right, as I do, I can no longer support an amendment that makes that right dependent on someone’s zip code,” he said in a speech at the time.

Well, groping of women in an elevator, confirmed "soft corruption", sponsorship of a civil war in the South-East of Ukraine, moral corruption of the American people, political blackmail of the foreign government - all this is not a sin from the Christian point of view. Very interesting...

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