The NRA is still in the fight for our Rights against Black Face wearing Governor....

How about this...don’t want a gun, don’t buy one. Quit telling other people what they need or don’t need to protect themselves & their families. It’s been explained to you many times that owning a gun is an individual right protected by the Constitution.

No, the constitution only protects the right of a state to have a militia.

The problem with you gun nuts is that your twisted fetish affects us all. We all live in a world of active shooter drills, security guards, key-lock doors and so on because of your sick fetish.
Na, not really
The European out of wedlock birth rate hadn't reached the same destructive level that we have reached in our inner cities.....that is no longer true, which is why their violence rates are spiking.

Someone was never killed by a lack of a father.

Guns, on the other hand, are pretty fucking deadly.

Killed by lack of a Dad- 0
Killed by guns - 33,000
Suicides do not count, after all suicides do take care of themselves
The European out of wedlock birth rate hadn't reached the same destructive level that we have reached in our inner cities.....that is no longer true, which is why their violence rates are spiking.

Someone was never killed by a lack of a father.

Guns, on the other hand, are pretty fucking deadly.

Killed by lack of a Dad- 0
Killed by guns - 33,000

Your ignorance is massive. Intact families kept the crime rate low even through the Great Depression.

Study: Crime rates linked to out-of-wedlock births

A study in the latest issue of The Journal of Law and Economics finds a link between out-of-wedlock births and rates of murder and other crimes.
According to the study, in the years from 1965 to 2002, higher rates of out-of-wedlock births in a given year correlate with higher crime rates roughly 20 years later, when members of that birth cohort had become adults. The findings suggest that children born out of wedlock may receive lower educational and other resource investments from their parents, and may therefore be more likely to commit crimes as adults, say the study’s authors, economists Todd D. Kendall, of the consulting firm Compass Lexecon, and Robert Tamura of Clemson University.
Your ignorance is massive. Intact families kept the crime rate low even through the Great Depression.

Uh, guy, during the Great Depression, you had a national crime wave. It's why they actually implemented some of the common sense gun laws that you nutters are trying to overturn today.


Dillinger, Pretty Boy Floyd, Al Capone... any of those ring a bell.
Your ignorance is massive. Intact families kept the crime rate low even through the Great Depression.

Uh, guy, during the Great Depression, you had a national crime wave. It's why they actually implemented some of the common sense gun laws that you nutters are trying to overturn today.

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Dillinger, Pretty Boy Floyd, Al Capone... any of those ring a bell.

No, actually, we didn't....we had low rates of crime outside of drug (alcohol) crime in major cities.....

there is so much you think you know that has no bearing on actual truth, facts or reality.

Crime and the Great Recession

Further, during the Great Depression, when unemployment hit 25 percent, the crime rate in many cities went down. (True, national crime statistics weren’t very useful back in the 1930s, but studies of local police records and individual citizens by scholars such as Glen Elder have generally found reduced crime, too.) Among the explanations offered for this puzzle is that unemployment and poverty were so common during the Great Depression that families became closer, devoted themselves to mutual support, and kept young people, who might be more inclined to criminal behavior, under constant adult supervision.

Do hard times spark more crime?

On the other hand, as the economic recovery proceeded from 1934 to 1937, the homicide rate declined by 20%. This may or may not have been due to the New Deal, for at the same time that millions were getting federal relief payments and young men were being marched off to the countryside to work in Civilian Conservation Corps camps, other events also may have affected crime rates. Prohibition ended in 1933, and immigration, along with the great black migration to Northern cities, plunged dramatically at about the same time, driving down urban crime.

But whatever the reasons, crime continued to fall.

The economy stalled again in 1937 and 1938 (Republicans called it the Roosevelt recession), but homicide rates kept going down, reaching 6.4 per 100,000 by the end of the decade. In fact, the mid-'30s launched a multi-decade crime trough that ran, despite occasional spikes, right up to the 1960s.
No, actually, we didn't....we had low rates of crime outside of drug (alcohol) crime in major cities.....

there is so much you think you know that has no bearing on actual truth, facts or reality.

Wow, it always amazes me that you guys think that if you can eliminate the cities where people live, the inbred, farm areas somehow prove your point.

The fact was, crime got so bad in the 1920's and 1930's that the government had to form a rather Fascist FBI and impose draconian gun laws.
No, actually, we didn't....we had low rates of crime outside of drug (alcohol) crime in major cities.....

there is so much you think you know that has no bearing on actual truth, facts or reality.

Wow, it always amazes me that you guys think that if you can eliminate the cities where people live, the inbred, farm areas somehow prove your point.

The fact was, crime got so bad in the 1920's and 1930's that the government had to form a rather Fascist FBI and impose draconian gun laws.

Wow....I give you links to actual stats on the reduction of murder during the Great Depression, and you want to rely on movies to make your point......

We had intact and extended families in the kept young males from murdering each my links show....
Wow....I give you links to actual stats on the reduction of murder during the Great Depression, and you want to rely on movies to make your point......

We had intact and extended families in the kept young males from murdering each my links show....

Most of your stats are bullshit, so I ignore them.

The reality- Crime was so bad in the 1920's and 1930's that we created huge federal bureaucracies to deal with it. THat's how bad it was.
Wow....I give you links to actual stats on the reduction of murder during the Great Depression, and you want to rely on movies to make your point......

We had intact and extended families in the kept young males from murdering each my links show....

Most of your stats are bullshit, so I ignore them.

The reality- Crime was so bad in the 1920's and 1930's that we created huge federal bureaucracies to deal with it. THat's how bad it was.

Again...actual facts, and statistics show that you are wrong......yes, we had to deal with organized crime, but homicide, as my posts show, went down are an idiot......did you grow up watching the Untouchables and thought it was a documentary? You moron.
Again...actual facts, and statistics show that you are wrong......

Guy, Organized crime got so bad they took over the government of Chicago and other major cities... that's how bad it got.

Of course, it seems quaint compared to the absolute slaughter we have today thanks to the National Rampage Association seeing THESE GUYS as a prime market.

Again...actual facts, and statistics show that you are wrong......

Guy, Organized crime got so bad they took over the government of Chicago and other major cities... that's how bad it got.

Of course, it seems quaint compared to the absolute slaughter we have today thanks to the National Rampage Association seeing THESE GUYS as a prime market.

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Moron...the Untouchables was a t.v. show.......actual research shows that you don't know what you are talking about.
Moron...the Untouchables was a t.v. show.......actual research shows that you don't know what you are talking about.

Reality- the Mob became the Government of Chicago in the 1930's.... that's why the feds had to step in.
Cities & states don’t get the power to override the US Constitution.
DUI checkpoints override the Constitution. It`s a public safety issue Vladimir just like seat belts.

DUI checkpoints are in response to an illegal activity, drunk driving. They aren’t checkpoints to check your papers. Owning a gun is a right not a crime.
So all of our firearms are in the hands of law abiding citizens?

When a criminal uses a gun to commit a crime you go after the criminal. You don’t punish the law abiding citizen who exercises their rights in a responsible manner.
You were punished when a criminal committed a crime with a gun? Tell us about this punishment.

Every single time some politician talks about “common sense” gun regulation even though the Constitution states “shall not be infringed”.
How about this...don’t want a gun, don’t buy one. Quit telling other people what they need or don’t need to protect themselves & their families. It’s been explained to you many times that owning a gun is an individual right protected by the Constitution.

No, the constitution only protects the right of a state to have a militia.

The problem with you gun nuts is that your twisted fetish affects us all. We all live in a world of active shooter drills, security guards, key-lock doors and so on because of your sick fetish.

The Supreme Court ruled on this already. It’s a right of the people.

Our “sick fetish”? Schools had rifle teams & kids used to bring their weapons to school to go hunting after/before class & no one batted an eye. We have lock down drills & active shooters now because of a break down in societal morals, not because of people exercising their rights.
The Right of THE PEOPLE to Keep and Bear Arms is NOT tied to being in the Militia. It says Right of the People, not the Right of the Government. However, even if it were tied to being in the Militia the unorganized militia which this references means all able bodied men who must own firearms privately in order to fulfill that role.

Or we ban private gun ownership, as there is ABSOLUTELY NO GOOD REASON FOR IT, and limit guns to well-regulated militias such as the police and the military.

How about this...don’t want a gun, don’t buy one. Quit telling other people what they need or don’t need to protect themselves & their families. It’s been explained to you many times that owning a gun is an individual right protected by the Constitution.

Militias aren’t official law enforcement agencies or standing armies like the US military. Well regulated means well trained.
Where do you train and who is your commander?

Train for what? I go to my local range to practice.
And over all crime went actual facts show.

Right, it did.

AFTER the government imposed gun control!


Moron, they said you couldn't have a Thompson.......and they still got them, you moron. Those very criminals you named went on to get Thompsons and Brownings automatic rifles...

You don't know what you are talking about......
The Right of THE PEOPLE to Keep and Bear Arms is NOT tied to being in the Militia. It says Right of the People, not the Right of the Government. However, even if it were tied to being in the Militia the unorganized militia which this references means all able bodied men who must own firearms privately in order to fulfill that role.

Or we ban private gun ownership, as there is ABSOLUTELY NO GOOD REASON FOR IT, and limit guns to well-regulated militias such as the police and the military.

How about this...don’t want a gun, don’t buy one. Quit telling other people what they need or don’t need to protect themselves & their families. It’s been explained to you many times that owning a gun is an individual right protected by the Constitution.

Militias aren’t official law enforcement agencies or standing armies like the US military. Well regulated means well trained.
Where do you train and who is your commander?

Train for what? I go to my local range to practice.

He's your typical brain washed, anti gun, Progressive BED WETTER. I go to my range because I like to target shoot, and have fun. I also practice defensive shooting that I've been trained to do., but that is also fun, but productive as it keeps my skills sharp.

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