Zone1 The Number One Driver Of The Debt Is The Bush, And Trump Tax Cuts ForThe Rich

there's a reason the West has been at the top of the world leadership hierarchy for over the past 200 years.
our rich don't play foolish games with their money or influence strategies.
Our wealthy elites control our politicians and engineer our foreign policy to serve their vested interests, often to the point of hegemonic bullying and war.

war is a racket.png


tax cuts can create the need for borrowing through deficits.
The local and state governments "borrow", and the US Federal Government "prints" the money (types the amount into a keyboard) at the FED, our nation's central bank, under the authority of the US Congress. The only reason we have a federal income tax is to maintain the value of the dollar and control inflation. Taxes and all required government fees in general, whether, local, state, or federal, boost production, because you and I have to produce or generate a product or service (via our labor, business.. etc.), to pay our property taxes, our license, permit..etc in USD (not in Canadian dollars or Mexican pesos).

What the federal government can spend is based on our nation's GDP (our national production capacity). We don't want too much money chasing goods and services. Products and services have to be available to the consumer. This avoids true, genuine hyperinflation. This type of Inflation collapses the economy. As long as our federal budget remains under our GDP and government money is allocated to infrastructural projects, which includes providing labor with a social safety net, we are fine. When the government prioritizes the public good, rather than private profits, we get a robust economy.


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That's how the US economy was between the late 1940s and 1980. It was a stakeholder economy based on production capitalism, rather than the Wall Street finance capitalism we have today. The stakeholders in the 1950s weren't just wealthy investors but the working class. The American public. Capitalism for the public good. Not what we have today.







The so-called "national debt" is a myth, a paper tiger designed to scare you into thinking the government "can't pay for it". Right-wing politicians, in the pockets of the wealthy elites, want everything in the hands of the rich, not in the hands of the public through a democratic government (or a well-regulated capitalism that is more socially conscious and prioritizes the public good). If the government is proven to do it well or is proficient in doing anything, it undermines the power of the rich elites, the big-money capitalists. A democratic government that serves the public good is the strong arm of the people. It undermines the non-democratic power of the wealthy elites.

Ask yourself when was the last time your employer held an election? Do you vote in the workplace? No, the place is run like a tyranny. Your employer (exploiter) is the unaccountable king of the workplace. The master, as Adam Smith admitted in his book "The Wealth Of Nations". The employer exploits his employees/exploitees, for a profit (surplus value). You are a cog in the machine of production, commodified in a labor market and up for sale. Stakeholder capitalism was a better-regulated capitalism, which was based on production rather than finance or the Wall Street casino (unproductive capitalism). There were strong labor unions back then, protecting the rights of workers. That was the golden age of our capitalist economy.

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Treasury bonds are a vestigial remnant of the gold-back dollar and no longer a borrowing operation or instrument as it once was. Here is an explanation by top economists as to what and why treasury bonds still exist under a fiat USD:

The US Federal Government will never go insolvent or "go broke":

Notice how our politicians, especially right-wing Republicans, never ask "How are we going to pay for that", when it comes to war or or bailout money. There's always enough money for war and socialism for the rich (bailouts, subsidies, grants, non-interest loans, tax cuts..). It's socialism for the wealthy and pick yourself up by your bootstraps capitalism for the rest of us. The so-called national debt is a ploy to place everything in the hands of the rich. Privatize every single sector and industry of the economy, stripping Americans of their commonwealth and democracy.

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Our wealthy elites control our politicians and engineer our foreign policy to serve their vested interests, often to the point of hegemonic bullying and war.

/-----/ The presidents can't give tax cuts, only Congress can. GEEEZE how many times do you have to be told this simple fact?

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Diamond Member · 72 · From New York
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What part of my post is "fake news" and why? Present your evidence.
/----/ Here is the first fake news. Some of what you said in your text is true, but you ruined it all by your ridiculous memes that prove you have no idea what you're talking about. You should have quit while you were ahead.
1. Fake meme. The setting never happened, it's photoshopped.
2. Trickle down means that when a wealthy person buys a yacht, the money spent trickles down through the manufacturing process for materials and labor. The workers have a paying, job to support their families. Suppliers earn profits and create jobs, and the transportation and banking industries make profits, The truckers who supply the materials need to purchase trucks, replacement parts, and fuel, which generates money for localities and the federal government. Unless, of course, you think it all happens in a vacuum.

Under a fiat, sovereign currency as we have today in the US, our federal government doesn't rely on taxes to fund itself (only local and state governments do + they receive federal government funding). The budgetary constraints or limits of the US Federal Government is our nation's GDP or production capacity. If you believe Uncle Sam needs your "tax dollars" to fund itself, you're the one who's ignorant.
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Under a fiat, sovereign currency as we have today in the US, our federal government doesn't rely on taxes to fund itself (only local and state governments do + they receive federal government funding). The budgetary constraints or limits of the US Federal Government is our nation's GDP or production capacity. If you believe Uncle Sam needs your taxes to fund itself, you're the one who's ignorant.
/----/ 5 Reasons Tax Revenues Are Way Down, Even Though Biden Hiked Taxes
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  • Fake News

How is what I said "fake news"? Present your evidence or you're just a loser flagging down posts, running away from debating those you disagree with, like a pathetic punk.
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  • Fake News

How is what I said "fake news"? Present your evidence or you're just a loser flagging down posts, running away from debating those you disagree with, like a pathetic punk.
/----/ I just did. Do you have comprehension issues? What part of my answer confuses you? Be specific.
If the Bush tax cuts are so bad, why didn’t Obama repeal them immediately? If the Bush tax cuts were so bad, why in January 2013 did Obama sign a bill that made 82% of the Bush tax cuts permanent?

More of the skews blame game.
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You mean you are blambing both parties? You must not be a Leftist as Leftist believe they can't do wrong. They even believe biden is right when he is wondering on the stage totally lost, sniffing hair, and loving his sickness, but the kids don't care much for it. Get this child rapist out of government.
I blame everyone, the gov't and the people.
If the Bush tax cuts are so bad, why didn’t Obama repeal them immediately? If the Bush tax cuts were so bad, why in January 2013 did Obama sign a bill that made 82% of the Bush tax cuts permanent?

More of the skews blame game.
/---/ Don't expect an answer from onepercenter, just some more lame insults.

Now it's even lower. From a productive economy based on manufacturing, self-sufficiency, and American-paying consumers buying American, exporting high-quality American products, with well-paid, unionized workers, to an economy based on finance, Wall Street speculation, low-paying service jobs, credit card consumer debt, cheap foreign labor, importing products from China, war..etc. Then we wonder why America is all screwed up economically and otherwise?
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Now it's even lower. From a productive economy based on manufacturing, self-sufficiency, and American-paying consumers buying American, exporting high-quality American products, with well-paid, unionized workers, to an economy based on finance, Wall Street speculation, low-paying service jobs, credit card consumer debt, cheap foreign labor, importing products from China, war..etc. Then we wonder why America is all screwed up economically and otherwise?
Wait, are you talking about manufacturing being good for America or are you talking about manufacturing employment being what we want? My preference is having our manufacturing increase with fewer people and having the American salaries increase while being employed elsewhere.

otoh, if your goal is to have the American labor force take a cut in salaries so they can grind away in factories then we can part ways.
Our wealthy elites control our politicians and engineer our foreign policy to serve their vested interests, often to the point of hegemonic bullying and war.

Funny you say that, I was watching a Netflix short series based off the true story OxiContin Richard Sackler, the Prosecutor was all ready to take Sackler's executives out, got told to settle with a misdemeanor charge, one for each exec, instead of going for felony convictions. Interesting series for sure. But elite's money interfered. And it was during Trump's tenure.

Now it's even lower. From a productive economy based on manufacturing, self-sufficiency, and American-paying consumers buying American, exporting high-quality American products, with well-paid, unionized workers, to an economy based on finance, Wall Street speculation, low-paying service jobs, credit card consumer debt, cheap foreign labor, importing products from China, war..etc. Then we wonder why America is all screwed up economically and otherwise?
/----/ You can thank democRATs for the high taxes, oppressive employment and environmental laws for driving businesses overseas.
/----/ You can thank democRATs for the high taxes, oppressive employment and environmental laws for driving businesses overseas.
The stupid still think DNC is for them. I laugh at them. DNC is only for itself. PERIOD. They'd actaully do what they campaign on if they did. Ask any black how much they've progressed after voting for DNC. Remarkable.
/——/ Tax cuts increase revenue to the Treasury because they spur economic growth. Tax hikes does the opposite.

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