Zone1 The Number One Driver Of The Debt Is The Bush, And Trump Tax Cuts ForThe Rich

If not for the Bush tax cuts and their extensions—as well as the Trump tax cuts—revenues would be on track to keep pace with spending indefinitely, and the debt ratio... would be declining," a new
report finds.

Is that way revenue to the treasury increased after both?
Hey, does anyone remember the time that dems were in the middle of impeaching Trump and then Pelosi turned around in the middle of his impeachment and gave him everything he wanted in what was the largest spending bill in history at the time?

Ah, the good old days...
They're just passing the baton back and forth now. Klause Schwab and his brood are waiting for it, because, you know, zey haz peneetrateed zee cabeenets; I suppose they'll be running the last leg of the race to destroy enemy number one (that being the traditional American philosophy of governance) in their quest toward the so-called liberal world order they were talking about.

To quote the entity representative running the show for the current baton carrier, ''It's about the future of the liberal world order.''

Remember that?
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Remember the time that lone statesman demonstrated the sincere courage to stand up and speak for the Republic when the party-of-one refused a recorded vote on that monstrosity of a spending bill on the back of the Covid narrative?

President Trump said he should be kicked outta the Republican party and his controlled opposition, Pelosi, said that he was a dangerous nuisance.
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They're all on the same team, save for a very, very, very...very few.

They don't give a shit about you.

You have no purchasing power. They're doing it on purpose. And now they're trying to dramatically slow down production, if anyone is actually paying attention. That's been a gradual affair, however, save for a few useful, dramatic tv events like factory explosions and fires and oh, no, bad weather destroyed our factory, too. Pft.

Quit chasing the ball around...
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If that's "true" why didn't Sleepy Joe or B. Hussein O ever roll back the Bush and Trump tax cuts?

Biden had majorities in 2021-22, and could have done virtually anything. Ditto with Obama in 09-10. Instead Obama wasted his political capital on his Obamacare Atrocity.
The blind partisan right will never abandon the ‘trickle down’ lie, no matter how many times conservatives are proven to be wrong.
The blind partisan right will never abandon the ‘trickle down’ lie, no matter how many times conservatives are proven to be wrong.

During B. Hussein O's first term, he was able to get everything through, no matter how absurd.

But he didn't make a serious effort to roll back Bush or Reagan taxcuts.

Ditto with Sleepy Joe in 2021-22.
Half of the country receives welfare in some form.

Nearly 50 million SNAP recipients.
Over 80 million are on Medicaid.
CHIP and WIC add millions more.
Maybe you need to read this:

Welfare is not what it used to be decades ago. Use the term Temporary Assistance for Needy Families and other bullet points in the link.
/----/ ALL COMMUNISTS SUPPORT double taxing the rich as well in the form of a 'wealth tax', which is a tax on certain assets (not income).
There, I fixed it foe you.
LOL Please post a link proving Communism in The Congress, White House or in every State in the Union. For that matter: Communism and Marxism is rare in the numbers of the 193 Countries in this year.

Your set seems to use these political terms as words that are used to make the ignorant voters to be scared. Maybe you are one of them.
What happened was the increase in the national debt. That is what happens when taxes for the rich are cut, while military spending increases.
/——/ Steve to the Treasury increased after the tax cuts.
What happened was the increase in the national debt. That is what happens when taxes for the rich are cut, while military spending increases.

Federal revenues increased within two years of both tax cut packages. That is a fact. Same thing happened under Reagan. What caused the debt is the Congress' insatiable appetite to spend money we don't have.
Maybe you need to read this:

Welfare is not what it used to be decades ago. Use the term Temporary Assistance for Needy Families and other bullet points in the link.
Welfare is...welfare.

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