Zone1 The Number One Driver Of The Debt Is The Bush, And Trump Tax Cuts ForThe Rich

Half of the country receives welfare in some form.
That is not true if Social Security and Medicate are included. People who benefit from those programs paid into them. They are enormously popular with the voters. Republican politicians discover that pretty quickly whenever they try to reduce funding for them.
That is not true if Social Security and Medicate are included. People who benefit from those programs paid into them. They are enormously popular with the voters. Republican politicians discover that pretty quickly whenever they try to reduce funding for them.
Perhaps many are receiving aid from multiple programs.
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I didn't include SS or Medicare.
Most people receiving welfare checks are virtually unemployable. That is not their fault, but they should not be spreading their bad gene alleles. I would like to make sterilization a requirement for receiving welfare benefits. That would not be compulsory sterilization, because they would be denied benefits which, as you have pointed out, they have done nothing to earn.

Whether or not people are employed, I do not think they should receive federal assistance for illegitimate children. They should be able to attend public schools, use public libraries, and so on, but that's about it.
And watch the economy grind to a screeching halt. Why do you think businesses are hightailing it out of New York, Commiefornia, and other high tax blue shitholes?
That is why progressive taxation needs to be high at the national level.
/——-/ That’s where the money is.
The following chart demonstrates changes in the distribution of income that began during the Reagan administration.

That is why progressive taxation needs to be high at the national level.
No it doesn't dipshit. Has it occurred to you that the economy was changing back between the late 70s and early 80s? Going away were the heavy manufacturing jobs because we just could not compete with the Japs in terms of manufacturing processes and cost. If I were rich and I saw that Big Daddy Government was taking 90% of MY wealth, plus add on state and local taxes I would get nothing! Is that what you asshole Leftists really want? I would take each cent of my wealth and hightail it out of the US until a business friendly administration was installed.
Those are private companies that contract for work with City, State and Federal governments. I'm referring to people who receive tax-funded benefits without producing anything of value in exchange.
Totally out of touch with my post. You're nuts.
No it doesn't dipshit. Has it occurred to you that the economy was changing back between the late 70s and early 80s? Going away were the heavy manufacturing jobs because we just could not compete with the Japs in terms of manufacturing processes and cost. If I were rich and I saw that Big Daddy Government was taking 90% of MY wealth, plus add on state and local taxes I would get nothing! Is that what you asshole Leftists really want? I would take each cent of my wealth and hightail it out of the US until a business friendly administration was installed.
Your obscene words are neither intimidating, nor do they strengthen your argument. They expose you as a low class, and probably ignorant vulgarian.

From 1932 to 1944 the top tax rate rose from 63% to 94%.
In 1929, when the Stock Market Crash began the Great Depression, the top tax rate was 24%.

The per capita gross domestic product (GDP) rose from $4,901 to $12,380 in 1996 dollars.

Singularity is Near -SIN Graph - Per-Capita GDP

The unemployment rate declined form 23.6% to 1.2%

Most Americans benefit from high taxes on the rich. Polls have indicated for years that that is what most Americans want.

That is not true if Social Security and Medicate are included. People who benefit from those programs paid into them. They are enormously popular with the voters. Republican politicians discover that pretty quickly whenever they try to reduce funding for them.
when did republicans try to reduce funding for Social Security or Medicare?
Your obscene words are neither intimidating, nor do they strengthen your argument. They expose you as a low class, and probably ignorant vulgarian.

From 1932 to 1944 the top tax rate rose from 63% to 94%.
In 1929, when the Stock Market Crash began the Great Depression, the top tax rate was 24%.

The per capita gross domestic product (GDP) rose from $4,901 to $12,380 in 1996 dollars.

Singularity is Near -SIN Graph - Per-Capita GDP

The unemployment rate declined form 23.6% to 1.2%

Most Americans benefit from high taxes on the rich. Polls have indicated for years that that is what most Americans want.

Many support double taxing the rich as well in the form of a 'wealth tax', which is a tax on certain assets (not income).
Many support double taxing the rich as well in the form of a 'wealth tax', which is a tax on certain assets (not income).
/----/ ALL COMMUNISTS SUPPORT double taxing the rich as well in the form of a 'wealth tax', which is a tax on certain assets (not income).
There, I fixed it for you.
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Back in the day, when America was great, the wealthy were looking at a 90% tax bracket.
Back in the day, when America was great, the wealthy were looking at a 90% tax bracket.
Yes, when abortion was illegal, homosexuals were not pretending to be married and adopting heterosexual children. When electricity and food was cheap. When racism was on the decline.
Cellblock2429, You mark my fact based arguments as "fake news." What is fake about my facts?

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