Zone1 The Number One Driver Of The Debt Is The Bush, And Trump Tax Cuts ForThe Rich

When the top tax rate was high the national debt was low, and the government had lots of money to spend on programs that helped working Americans. Back then the Democratic Party dominated the country.
/——-/ You have no idea what you’re talking about. I can’t make it any simpler.
If not for the Bush tax cuts and their extensions—as well as the Trump tax cuts—revenues would be on track to keep pace with spending indefinitely, and the debt ratio... would be declining," a new
report finds.

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The Number One Driver Of The Debt Is The Bush, And Trump Tax Cuts ForThe Rich​

TOO FUNNY! :auiqs.jpg: Biden throws money away like there is no tomorrow and you want us to think it is due to letting the rich (successful) keep their money so that they can REINVEST IT in more jobs and economic activity! :lmao:

And your "solution" is for the government to tax the ass off the rich and bleed them of their surplus, the fruits of their efforts, until they are rich no more and just like the rest of us!

THEN, you think this will solve all our economic problems freeing the Fed to throw away even MORE money!

Unbelievable, stunning ignorance.

The way to respond to tax avoidance for the rich is to make the punishment for tax avoidance very severe. Rich people who try to avoid paying high taxes should have all of their wealth confiscated by the government.
Communist much?
So, I called it.
Worrying about Communist is so last century. There never was a remote chance of a Communist dictatorship in the United States. The fear of Communism was exploited by conservatives to defame the entire democratic left, including the Democratic Party.

I am a democratic socialist. I want the government to become more democratic. That is why I want to get money out of politics. I also want to end the Senate and the Electoral Congress, and make it easier to vote.

I want a large, powerful, expensive government, paid for by high taxes for the rich. If the rich complain about high taxes, the government should raise their taxes. If they evade paying taxes I want the government to confiscate everything they have.
The way to respond to tax avoidance for the rich is to make the punishment for tax avoidance very severe. Rich people who try to avoid paying high taxes should have all of their wealth confiscated by the government.
/——/ So taking perfectly legal tax breaks and deductions should be illegal?
There is plenty of money in this country. All we need is for the government to take the money from those who have it. That is what most Americans went.
I'm not rich by today's standards but I have a pretty good nest egg saved. This money is available for borrowing at low interest rates to those who qualify. Problem is that many have ruined their credit rating by irresponsible spending and are unable to secure needed loans.

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