Zone1 The Number One Driver Of The Debt Is The Bush, And Trump Tax Cuts ForThe Rich

If the government takes it is not stealing; it is taxation. All I advocate is that return to the high taxes on the rich that existed before Reagan. Most American want that too. Raising taxes on the rich is the best issue the Democrats have. I wish they took advantage of it.
And watch the economy grind to a screeching halt. Why do you think businesses are hightailing it out of New York, Commiefornia, and other high tax blue shitholes?
Why not post the money that is spent? Walls that fall down, maybe? How about flying from DC to Florida to play golf? Spending money on rallies?
Among other things money is an 'expression of labor'. When money changes hands usually labor in the form of goods or services is involved. However, much of what the government spends money on doesn't involve any productivity from the recipients. This causes a deficit of needed productivity, which is worse than a monetary deficit.
And watch the economy grind to a screeching halt. Why do you think businesses are hightailing it out of New York, Commiefornia, and other high tax blue shitholes?
True. The government provides for maintenance of the economy, but business provides for expansion of the economy. If you starve the business community of capital through excessive taxation, the economy will stagnate. However, the dynamics are similar. Maintenance begets more maintenance (unproductive social programs), while expansion begets more expansion (productivity, jobs, etc.).
And watch the economy grind to a screeching halt. Why do you think businesses are hightailing it out of New York, Commiefornia, and other high tax blue shitholes?
It seems the comment "Commiefornia" is out of touch with the clean zone. Sadly, the comment hasn't any facts or evidence to support this made-up comment. The post is trolling.

Frankly, neo-fascist is a clear and concise response to Trumpism and DeSantis - an ideology not the people in every State in the Union speaks; mostly We the People don't state/post BIG LIES and Conspiracy Stories.
True. The government provides for maintenance of the economy, but business provides for expansion of the economy. If you starve the business community of capital through excessive taxation, the economy will stagnate. However, the dynamics are similar. Maintenance begets more maintenance (unproductive social programs), while expansion begets more expansion (productivity, jobs, etc.).
During the Roosevelt administration the top tax rate increased. So did the per capita gross domestic product. (GDP). What declined was unemployment.
Thanks to WPA and other tax funded productive programs. Today the Dems want to buy votes with tax money, not build anything useful.
Roosevelt bought votes too. First he blamed the rich for the Great Depression. Then he raised their taxes, imposed more regulations on them, and encouraged their employees to join labor unions. He spent the tax money he took from the rich on programs that helped people who were not rich. It was great fun, and it enabled Roosevelt to be re elected three times.
Roosevelt bought votes too. First he blamed the rich for the Great Depression. Then he raised their taxes, imposed more regulations on them, and encouraged their employees to join labor unions. He spent the tax money he took from the rich on programs that helped people who were not rich. It was great fun, and it enabled Roosevelt to be re elected three times.
The 'goodle' days. The overall character and work ethic of the nation was better then.
Roosevelt bought votes too. First he blamed the rich for the Great Depression. Then he raised their taxes, imposed more regulations on them, and encouraged their employees to join labor unions. He spent the tax money he took from the rich on programs that helped people who were not rich. It was great fun, and it enabled Roosevelt to be re elected three times.
/——/ FDR was an opportunist whose policies dragged out the depression. He also set us up to get into WWII. Socialist pig.
Among other things money is an 'expression of labor'. When money changes hands usually labor in the form of goods or services is involved. However, much of what the government spends money on doesn't involve any productivity from the recipients. This causes a deficit of needed productivity, which is worse than a monetary deficit.
Odd that you don't consider those who build and prepare bridges, dams, highways/roads, tunnels, ports (air and sea), railroads, etc. and pay income taxes and into social security; as well as making people safer and private enterprise less costly to the people (except for the greed and grifters).

The Republican Party in Congress and in the White House never comment on these issues.
Odd that you don't consider those who build and prepare bridges, dams, highways/roads, tunnels, ports (air and sea), railroads, etc. and pay income taxes and into social security; as well as making people safer and private enterprise less costly to the people (except for the greed and grifters).

The Republican Party in Congress and in the White House never comment on these issues.
Those are private companies that contract for work with City, State and Federal governments. I'm referring to people who receive tax-funded benefits without producing anything of value in exchange.
/——/ FDR was an opportunist whose policies dragged out the depression. He also set us up to get into WWII. Socialist pig.
Life for most Americans began to get better almost as soon as Roosevelt was inaugurated. They were more likely to have a job, and they benefited form a growing public sector of the economy that was paid for by steady increases in the top tax rate. That is why he was re elected three times. It is a good thing he got us into World War II. The Axis powers would have won otherwise. Most Americans benefited from the fact that Roosevelt moved the U.S. economy into socialist directions. That is why he was so popular.
Those are private companies that contract for work with City, State and Federal governments. I'm referring to people who receive tax-funded benefits without producing anything of value in exchange.
Who are those people? What are their benefits?
Who are those people? What are their benefits?
Half of the country receives welfare in some form.

Nearly 50 million SNAP recipients.
Over 80 million are on Medicaid.
CHIP and WIC add millions more.
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