Zone1 The Number One Driver Of The Debt Is The Bush, And Trump Tax Cuts ForThe Rich

/——-/ Stealing is very popular with the democRAT base.
If the government takes it is not stealing; it is taxation. All I advocate is that return to the high taxes on the rich that existed before Reagan. Most American want that too. Raising taxes on the rich is the best issue the Democrats have. I wish they took advantage of it.
If the government takes it is not stealing; it is taxation. All I advocate is that return to the high taxes on the rich that existed before Reagan. Most American want that too. Raising taxes on the rich is the best issue the Democrats have. I wish they took advantage of it.
It isn't being "rich" or "poor" that guarantees happiness. Being happy with what one has, so long as certain basics are being satisfied, can be pure joy for the person in the correct mindset.
What galls us in society is the "poor" who are ungrateful for all that have and the "rich" who don't understand the atrocious image they present to the world.
If the government takes it is not stealing; it is taxation. All I advocate is that return to the high taxes on the rich that existed before Reagan. Most American want that too. Raising taxes on the rich is the best issue the Democrats have. I wish they took advantage of it.
/——-/ But you’re a know nothing lite man. I was 30 and working back then. We had plenty of deductions to lower our tax rates. We could deduct the interest payments on car loans and credit cards for instance. Business lunches were fully deductible. Nobody but a few paid 70%.
But I’m guessing you already knew that. It’s been explained here many times.
Because most Americans want it, so it is a winning issue for the Democrats. Identity politics has been a losing issue for the Democrats.
That isn’t an answer on why they need a tax increase. Your hatred of people with money is noted! Makes you pathetic, especially because you have no reason
/——-/ But you’re a know nothing lite man. I was 30 and working back then. We had plenty of deductions to lower our tax rates. We could deduct the interest payments on car loans and credit cards for instance. Business lunches were fully deductible. Nobody but a few paid 70%.
But I’m guessing you already knew that. It’s been explained here many times.
A high top tax rate gives the government considerable control over the economic behavior of the well to do.
That isn’t an answer on why they need a tax increase. Your hatred of people with money is noted! Makes you pathetic, especially because you have no reason
I do not hate people with money. I just realize that it is in my interest for them to be heavily taxed. Most Americans agree with me. That is why we favor high taxes for the well to do.
Oh Wow... what do you know... Obama's multi $trillion is not on this chart.
What do you know....

I do not hate people with money. I just realize that it is in my interest for them to be heavily taxed. Most Americans agree with me. That is why we favor high taxes for the well to do.
Why? Who gives two shits about you?

For your information they do pay an extra bracket.

Btw, I favor them creating jobs and keeping prices down for everyone, not just you
Why? Who gives two shits about you?
My opinion does not matter. The fact that most Americans agree with me does matter. We want high taxes for the rich. Their money will not do us any good until the government takes it from them and spends it on programs that benefit us.
We have a huge federal debt because the Congresspersons want to ingratiate themselves to the voters so they'll get reelected. Realizing this the people take full advantage of the largess. It's self-destruction by both groups.
We have a huge federal debt because of Republican tax cuts for the rich. When the top tax rate was at least 70% and usually much higher, the national debt was under control.
Both sides love their dumbass spending. Republican lawmakers pretend they don't, and Democrat lawmakers admit they love it and can't get enough of it. And no, Dems don't have any high ground because they tax the crap out of people. They come nowhere close to their insatiable need to spend. They just kick working people in the nuts as they add to the debt. Such lovely people.
There is plenty of money in this country. All we need is for the government to take the money from those who have it. That is what most Americans went.
My opinion does not matter. The fact that most Americans agree with me does matter. We want high taxes for the rich. Their money will not do us any good until the government takes it from them and spends it on programs that benefit us.
Who’s most Americans? Where’s your figures?

It’s obvious you know nothing about the tax system

So you’re a communist
We have a huge federal debt because of Republican tax cuts for the rich. When the top tax rate was at least 70% and usually much higher, the national debt was under control.
Dude, I posted the irs saying otherwise, so now you’re blatantly lying over and over again

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