The Obama administration has gotten its veto-proof margin for the 5 nation nuke deal w/ Iran

So what will the dem's do when the arms race intensifies? How will Iran react when Egypt and Saudi's push for a nuclear deterrent. What happens when they flip off the US? So lets say they preemptively strike Israel, what will the dem's do then, sit back and blame baby Bush? What will the dem's do when the inspectors are turned back or are limited from validating compliance, call it a day, smoke a bowl and drink some more Kool-aid?
"I wonder how much that COST us taxpayers in BRIBES and other goodies offered these politicians are all SNAKES with Obama being the head snake." S #39
President Obama is neither the first U.S. president to go to treaty, nor is he the first obtain one that did not receive universal support, or perhaps more correctly, receive such strident partisan opposition.
"the majority of the people is against this"
You're welcome to post a quotation of a recent reputable public opinion poll, with link, that substantiates your claim.
But the most recent poll data I've reviewed on it refutes your claim.
"yet here they go against the WILL of the people again. It's for Obama the dear leader, so the hell with what you the people want from them."
If he did as you wish, he would be criticized for pandering.
Instead of pandering, he demonstrates true leadership, and so you criticize him for that. Must be nice to have it both ways ...
Good. We don't have to worry about it for at least 10 years. By that time, who knows what it will be like in the Middle East?
And if Iran violates the accord, a military strike can be authorized that comports with international law.
LOL! Yeah we saw how fast Obama was to strike against Syria for using chem weapons.
No there will be no military strikes. There will be no snap back sanctions. There will be massive violations by Iran and probably a nuke tested. With any luck that will happen after Obozo, the worst president in history, is out of office. Of coure libs will be blaming President Cruz for this mess.

No badass, just a jackass. I wonder how much arm twisting he had to do to get it.
Good. We don't have to worry about it for at least 10 years. By that time, who knows what it will be like in the Middle East?
And if Iran violates the accord, a military strike can be authorized that comports with international law.
LOL! Yeah we saw how fast Obama was to strike against Syria for using chem weapons.
No there will be no military strikes. There will be no snap back sanctions. There will be massive violations by Iran and probably a nuke tested. With any luck that will happen after Obozo, the worst president in history, is out of office. Of coure libs will be blaming President Cruz for this mess.

LOL, Petraeus just said this morning that we should partner with al Qaeda to fight ISIL. Is there a better statement that a military solution is all but impossible?
A military coup looks better everyday.

You cannot even get a single Democratic Senator to yield to you. How are you going to put up a coup? LOL

1) The statement was made largely in jest.

2) Do you know what a military coup is?

Petraeus was dead serious, spew your falsehoods at someone else. Petraeus: Use Al Qaeda Fighters to Beat ISIS

The Patraeus post was not mine.
The Democrats are becoming a party of atom bomb spies.
August 25, 2015
Daniel Greenfield

Internet posts say three Democratic senators 'took bribes from Iran' to support nuclear deal
By Louis Jacobson on Tuesday, September 1st, 2015 at 5:43 p.m.

Internet posts say three Democratic senators 'took bribes from Iran' to support nuclear deal

obama-lying (1) (1).jpg
So, Billy_Kinetta did not say 1) "The statement was made largely in jest?."
Good. We don't have to worry about it for at least 10 years. By that time, who knows what it will be like in the Middle East?
And if Iran violates the accord, a military strike can be authorized that comports with international law.

They will violate the accord and Obama won't do a damned thing about it. He will merely draw another red line for them to cross.
You want war!!!! You want ten more years of nation building and trillions of bucks that could be better spent here in America. You're a idiot.
The crazees are on the loose, and the America public laughs at folks like 1st Rambutt

Atom spies, you dope. What a thread.
i wonder if the op is equally upset about congressmen that "took bribes" from israel to oppose the plan. my guess is there's a lot more evidence that there's israeli money at play in the opinions of our officials than iranian money.
From your own link:


Our ruling
Posts on the Internet said that Markey, Franken and Shaheen "took bribes from Iran" on their way to supporting the nuclear agreement with Iran.
The "bribes" in this case are campaign contributions, and there’s no evidence they are anything more than that. The donations came from a group of Iranian-Americans and not the government of Iran, and the allegation glosses over the fact that many top Republicans who oppose the nuclear deal also received the same type of support from the same group.
The Democrats are becoming a party of atom bomb spies.
August 25, 2015
Daniel Greenfield
View attachment 49148

Internet posts say three Democratic senators 'took bribes from Iran' to support nuclear deal
By Louis Jacobson on Tuesday, September 1st, 2015 at 5:43 p.m.
View attachment 49147

Internet posts say three Democratic senators 'took bribes from Iran' to support nuclear deal

View attachment 49149
Yo, Rambo's troll status is confirmed! One of his links supporting this is to a Politifact article rating it "pants on fire!" :rofl:

You obviously didn't even read the second article you posted which debunked the first article you posted. :lmao:

EDIT: Dammit! Three people already beat me to it. That's what I get for (unlike Rambo) reading the entire article.
i wonder if the op is equally upset about congressmen that "took bribes" from israel to oppose the plan. my guess is there's a lot more evidence that there's israeli money at play in the opinions of our officials than iranian money.
Of course not, it is perfectly OK to be in the bag for a foreign government if it is Israel.

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