The Obama administration has gotten its veto-proof margin for the 5 nation nuke deal w/ Iran

Somehow going to war and spending trillions rebuilding iran is something the republicans want to do!!! Me, I'd rather spend money on infrastructure, science, education and a mission to mars!!!!
So, Billy_Kinetta did not say 1) "The statement was made largely in jest?."

Nothing to do with the Patraeus statement, but a semi-comic aside to the title of the thread and to all Obama's hard work in support of Islamists, and Iran specifically.

But you just got done saying

You misspelled "traitor."

I wasn't talking about any of the Republican candidates.
You want war!!!! You want ten more years of nation building and trillions of bucks that could be better spent here in America. You're a idiot.

You want war!!!! You want ten more years of nation building and trillions of bucks that could be better spent here in America

The only people saying that are the president, his sheep, and some mullahs

You're a idiot.

If you believe your first quote, you qualify as top contender for the second quote
I love it when rubes expose their ignorance of the Iranian program so openly.

If Israel allows Obama to give Iran nukes, then Israel will cease to exist. I realize that Obama has vowed to protect the Iranian nuclear weapons program, but sending American bombers against Israel just might have repercussions for your filthy party.
The Obama administration has gotten its veto-proof margin for the 5 nation nuke deal w/ Iran

Barb McKulsky is reported to have nudged it past the line.

What will Netanyahu do?

What should Boehner & McConnell do?

Netanyahu should bomb the Iranian installation into dust.

Let Obama retaliate on behalf of his Iranian allies - see how that works out for the shameful democrats.

What a stupid reply. Don't you realize you don't start a war with someone who can kick your ass. Israel has about 8 million people and Iran has 70 million, not to mention Syria, Jordan, Egypt and everyone else in the Middle East will be attacking Israel. You want an end to everything there?
I wasn't talking about any of the Republican candidates.

What is the difference between Obama and Julius and Ethyl Rosenberg?

The Russians were unlikely to give nukes to terrorists.

Hey, treason is just part of being a democrat.
What a stupid reply. Don't you realize you don't start a war with someone who can kick your ass. Israel has about 8 million people and Iran has 70 million, not to mention Syria, Jordan, Egypt and everyone else in the Middle East will be attacking Israel. You want an end to everything there?

You realize that Israel took out the Iraqi and the Syrian nuclear programs. Now Syria had North Korea sponsoring them rather than Obama, but Obama will be gone in a little over a year, and a Republican will be in office. So again, Israel should annihilate the Iranian nuclear program. Iran will use nukes against Israel and will provide terrorists with nukes.

Obama is a traitor.
Poor Uncensored. He thinks bombing Iran's nuclear program is as easy as Operation Opera. BWA-HA-HA-HA!
Israel is not going to bomb Iran as long as the United States and five other nations are operating under an international agreement with Iran.
Poor Uncensored. He thinks bombing Iran's nuclear program is as easy as Operation Opera. BWA-HA-HA-HA!

If Israel destroys the Iranian-Obama joint venture, that will tarnish your little god...

Israel stops the Iranian Obamanuke, or they die. Those are the choices. Look, you Obamunists are thrilled that terrorists will finally have nukes, I get it - but Israel WILL be the first target and has the means of ending the Iran's Obamanuke.
From your own link:


Our ruling
Posts on the Internet said that Markey, Franken and Shaheen "took bribes from Iran" on their way to supporting the nuclear agreement with Iran.
The "bribes" in this case are campaign contributions, and there’s no evidence they are anything more than that. The donations came from a group of Iranian-Americans and not the government of Iran, and the allegation glosses over the fact that many top Republicans who oppose the nuclear deal also received the same type of support from the same group.

Yo, put your proof up about the Republicans? And yes, Iranian-Americans? Where do you think they get that kind of money? Rest my case, damn!!!


NRSC - Iranian American Political Action Committee (IAPAC)

The NRSC supports the election of Republicans to the U.S. Senate through direct financial contributions to candidates and provides technical and research assistance to candidates and party organizations. It is the only political committee solely dedicated to electing Republicans to the U.S. Senate.

The NRSC provides invaluable support and assistance to current and prospective Republican U.S. Senate candidates in the areas of budget planning, election law compliance, fundraising, communications tools and messaging, research, and strategy.

The Chairman of the NRSC is elected every two years by the Republican Senate caucus. The current chairman, U.S. Senator John Cornyn (R-TX), was elected at the end of 2008.

By contributing to the NRSC, IAPAC will receive annual membership to the Republican Senate Council. The council provides an opportunity for IAPAC to meet with Republican senators to discuss public policy issues and educate them about the Iranian American community.

There, dummy. From the PAC's own website.

Yo, you still didn`t give me names, who personally received funds? If it`s the Elites? We already know they are screwing America along with Obama!!! Those Democrats where getting a direct deposit into their re-election fund, just for a vote for Obama?

From your own link:


Our ruling
Posts on the Internet said that Markey, Franken and Shaheen "took bribes from Iran" on their way to supporting the nuclear agreement with Iran.
The "bribes" in this case are campaign contributions, and there’s no evidence they are anything more than that. The donations came from a group of Iranian-Americans and not the government of Iran, and the allegation glosses over the fact that many top Republicans who oppose the nuclear deal also received the same type of support from the same group.

Yo, put your proof up about the Republicans? And yes, Iranian-Americans? Where do you think they get that kind of money? Rest my case, damn!!!


NRSC - Iranian American Political Action Committee (IAPAC)

The NRSC supports the election of Republicans to the U.S. Senate through direct financial contributions to candidates and provides technical and research assistance to candidates and party organizations. It is the only political committee solely dedicated to electing Republicans to the U.S. Senate.

The NRSC provides invaluable support and assistance to current and prospective Republican U.S. Senate candidates in the areas of budget planning, election law compliance, fundraising, communications tools and messaging, research, and strategy.

The Chairman of the NRSC is elected every two years by the Republican Senate caucus. The current chairman, U.S. Senator John Cornyn (R-TX), was elected at the end of 2008.

By contributing to the NRSC, IAPAC will receive annual membership to the Republican Senate Council. The council provides an opportunity for IAPAC to meet with Republican senators to discuss public policy issues and educate them about the Iranian American community.

There, dummy. From the PAC's own website.

Yo, you still didn`t give me names, who personally received funds? If it`s the Elites? We already know they are screwing America along with Obama!!! Those Democrats where getting a direct deposit into their re-election fund, just for a vote for Obama?


Candidates - Iranian American Political Action Committee (IAPAC)

Read something yourself for once.
I love it when rubes expose their ignorance of the Iranian program so openly.

If Israel allows Obama to give Iran nukes, then Israel will cease to exist. I realize that Obama has vowed to protect the Iranian nuclear weapons program, but sending American bombers against Israel just might have repercussions for your filthy party.
You really are an ignorant fuck.
Nobody is giving iran nukes, or allowing them to develop them
Israel is not going to bomb Iran as long as the United States and five other nations are operating under an international agreement with Iran.


What's an Obamanuke on Tel Aviv between friends? They won't mind dying, just as long as it makes Obama happy....

You sure are smart, Jake.
From your own link:


Our ruling
Posts on the Internet said that Markey, Franken and Shaheen "took bribes from Iran" on their way to supporting the nuclear agreement with Iran.
The "bribes" in this case are campaign contributions, and there’s no evidence they are anything more than that. The donations came from a group of Iranian-Americans and not the government of Iran, and the allegation glosses over the fact that many top Republicans who oppose the nuclear deal also received the same type of support from the same group.

Yo, put your proof up about the Republicans? And yes, Iranian-Americans? Where do you think they get that kind of money? Rest my case, damn!!!


NRSC - Iranian American Political Action Committee (IAPAC)

The NRSC supports the election of Republicans to the U.S. Senate through direct financial contributions to candidates and provides technical and research assistance to candidates and party organizations. It is the only political committee solely dedicated to electing Republicans to the U.S. Senate.

The NRSC provides invaluable support and assistance to current and prospective Republican U.S. Senate candidates in the areas of budget planning, election law compliance, fundraising, communications tools and messaging, research, and strategy.

The Chairman of the NRSC is elected every two years by the Republican Senate caucus. The current chairman, U.S. Senator John Cornyn (R-TX), was elected at the end of 2008.

By contributing to the NRSC, IAPAC will receive annual membership to the Republican Senate Council. The council provides an opportunity for IAPAC to meet with Republican senators to discuss public policy issues and educate them about the Iranian American community.

There, dummy. From the PAC's own website.

Yo, you still didn`t give me names, who personally received funds? If it`s the Elites? We already know they are screwing America along with Obama!!! Those Democrats where getting a direct deposit into their re-election fund, just for a vote for Obama?

You still flailing around like a fish on a dock? You posted bullshit and you should accept that.
You really are an ignorant fuck.
Nobody is giving iran nukes, or allowing them to develop them

Obama is giving Iran nuclear weapons. This deal of his blocks inspection and funds the program.

The Obamanuke, coming to a terrorist near you - very soon.


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