The Obama Boom

Awesome! I'm hoping it goes down another 1,000, as I want to buy a stock that will go down a ways, then come right back.
This flies in the face of G5000s crying about the GOP being the ones hoping for a decline
Well, they hope so for political reasons only.

I am very secure in President Obama (praise be unto Him!) political legacy, and know that if the DOW goes down for a week or two, it will come right back due to the confidence in his handling of the economy.

I'm hoping for it purely for short-term financial gain. :)

LOL....who is it that has "confidence in (Barry's) handling of the economy"? Please don't tell me that you think the markets will rebound on the strength of Barack Obama's economic acumen! Because if that's what we're hoping for then it's time to buy gold and short the market, Kiddies...'cause we're going down in flames!
Oil is now below $27.
If Obama is the reason gas is cheap is it not logical to also blame the decline of the markets on him since oil is a large part of the decline?

Let's see that pretzel boy
Temporary spasms.

Tell me: has cheap ObamaGas™ been a benefit to you and your business?
When gas was 3.62 in 2012 was the somehow "BushGas"?
And I'm STILL waiting to hear an explanation from you why the Obama Administration came up with "jobs created or saved"!
I already answered that question.

Tell me: why did baseball statisticians come up with WAR - Wins Above Replacement - a few years ago?

No you didn't answer that made a rather pathetic attempt to dodge that question but you've never come close to answering it!

It's a simple question, Synth...why did the Obama Administration feel compelled to replace the "jobs created" statistic...with "jobs created or saved"? I've maintained that it was done in an attempt to "muddy the water" so that the American people wouldn't know how few jobs you liberals created with your almost 800 billion in stimulus! Would you like to give me some OTHER reason for them to do so?
They created it for the same reason baseball statisticians created WAR.

And why was that? What possible reason could they have created it, when we already have hits, RBI, runs scored, and batting average?

I know (or care for that matter) nothing about baseball's statistics, Synth...nor do I have the faintest idea what hits, RBI, or runs scored have to do with the Obama Administration coming up with a new economic statistic to hide how poorly they did at creating jobs with the Obama Stimulus!

Now did you want to explain why they DID have to resort to using a statistic that can't in any way shape or form be verified?
Awesome! I'm hoping it goes down another 1,000, as I want to buy a stock that will go down a ways, then come right back.
This flies in the face of G5000s crying about the GOP being the ones hoping for a decline
Well, they hope so for political reasons only.

I am very secure in President Obama (praise be unto Him!) political legacy, and know that if the DOW goes down for a week or two, it will come right back due to the confidence in his handling of the economy.

I'm hoping for it purely for short-term financial gain. :)

LOL....who is it that has "confidence in (Barry's) handling of the economy"? Please don't tell me that you think the markets will rebound on the strength of Barack Obama's economic acumen! Because if that's what we're hoping for then it's time to buy gold and short the market, Kiddies...'cause we're going down in flames!
What was teh last piece of legislation on the economy Obozo got through Congress? Even Democrats wouldnt vote for his pork laden bills for "infrastructure".
And I'm STILL waiting to hear an explanation from you why the Obama Administration came up with "jobs created or saved"!
I already answered that question.

Tell me: why did baseball statisticians come up with WAR - Wins Above Replacement - a few years ago?

No you didn't answer that made a rather pathetic attempt to dodge that question but you've never come close to answering it!

It's a simple question, Synth...why did the Obama Administration feel compelled to replace the "jobs created" statistic...with "jobs created or saved"? I've maintained that it was done in an attempt to "muddy the water" so that the American people wouldn't know how few jobs you liberals created with your almost 800 billion in stimulus! Would you like to give me some OTHER reason for them to do so?
They created it for the same reason baseball statisticians created WAR.

And why was that? What possible reason could they have created it, when we already have hits, RBI, runs scored, and batting average?

I know (or care for that matter) nothing about baseball's statistics, Synth...nor do I have the faintest idea what hits, RBI, or runs scored have to do with the Obama Administration coming up with a new economic statistic to hide how poorly they did at creating jobs with the Obama Stimulus!

Now did you want to explain why they DID have to resort to using a statistic that can't in any way shape or form be verified?

Someone needs to tell Prezie Obysmal, that without the fed propping his ridiculous economic ideas up with 0 percent interest rates, this is actually what the market thinks of his leftist, socialist, ideas-)

OK, ok, so I exaggerated a little, but not as much as some would have you think!
And I'm STILL waiting to hear an explanation from you why the Obama Administration came up with "jobs created or saved"!
I already answered that question.

Tell me: why did baseball statisticians come up with WAR - Wins Above Replacement - a few years ago?

No you didn't answer that made a rather pathetic attempt to dodge that question but you've never come close to answering it!

It's a simple question, Synth...why did the Obama Administration feel compelled to replace the "jobs created" statistic...with "jobs created or saved"? I've maintained that it was done in an attempt to "muddy the water" so that the American people wouldn't know how few jobs you liberals created with your almost 800 billion in stimulus! Would you like to give me some OTHER reason for them to do so?
They created it for the same reason baseball statisticians created WAR.

And why was that? What possible reason could they have created it, when we already have hits, RBI, runs scored, and batting average?

Just curious, Synth...did MLB stop using statistics on hits, RBI, runs scored and batting average? Did they replace any of those statistics with "WAR"? Because that's what the Obama Administration did. They stopped using jobs created and started using jobs created and saved as their measuring tool...which is kind of strange because there is absolutely no way to quantify jobs saved. So why would anyone stop using a concrete statistic that can be verified for one that can be stated as just about anything you want because there is no way to prove it one way or the other? What would be the purpose of that OTHER THAN TO MISLEAD?
And I'm STILL waiting to hear an explanation from you why the Obama Administration came up with "jobs created or saved"!
I already answered that question.

Tell me: why did baseball statisticians come up with WAR - Wins Above Replacement - a few years ago?

No you didn't answer that made a rather pathetic attempt to dodge that question but you've never come close to answering it!

It's a simple question, Synth...why did the Obama Administration feel compelled to replace the "jobs created" statistic...with "jobs created or saved"? I've maintained that it was done in an attempt to "muddy the water" so that the American people wouldn't know how few jobs you liberals created with your almost 800 billion in stimulus! Would you like to give me some OTHER reason for them to do so?
They created it for the same reason baseball statisticians created WAR.

And why was that? What possible reason could they have created it, when we already have hits, RBI, runs scored, and batting average?

Just curious, Synth...did MLB stop using statistics on hits, RBI, runs scored and batting average? Did they replace any of those statistics with "WAR"? Because that's what the Obama Administration did. They stopped using jobs created and started using jobs created and saved as their measuring tool...which is kind of strange because there is absolutely no way to quantify jobs saved. So why would anyone stop using a concrete statistic that can be verified for one that can be stated as just about anything you want because there is no way to prove it one way or the other? What would be the purpose of that OTHER THAN TO MISLEAD?

It is all poppycock Oldstyle, but let us allow Syn to prove it isn't. Let Syn give us the same formula they are using, and with computer help, give us what the formula tells us Reagan and Clinton did!

You see, the formula he is using is all good when you have nothing or no one to compare it to, but when you use them to see how well others did, Obama will probably seem just as feeble as when using the old formula-)
My point, that Obama's people CHANGED the "formula" because they didn't want Americans to see how badly they mismanaged that 800 billion dollar stimulus! They basically cooked the books. Instead of reporting how many jobs they created and taking the political heat for that number...they made up an arbitrary number of jobs that they had supposedly "saved"...added that to the number that they had created...and proudly declared the stimulus a success!
Now we're seeing the result of seven plus years of non-stop money printing by the Fed as your economic "go-to" policy! We had a stock market bubble that now looks like it has burst. We're looking another recession straight in the face and we have little monetary policy to fight that with because the Fed has kept interest rates at near zero for a record amount of time in order to prop up the stock market. This is what happens when you have a President that is clueless about economics.

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