The Obama legacy: 92898000 Americans not working


U6 ^^^

The U6 unemployment rate counts not only people without work seeking full-time employment (the more familiar U-3 rate), but also counts "marginally attached workers and those working part-time for economic reasons." Note that some of these part-time workers counted as employed by U-3 could be working as little as an hour a week. And the "marginally attached workers" include those who have gotten discouraged and stopped looking, but still want to work. The age considered for this calculation is 16 years and over
By any measure, unemployment is dropping under Obama. The broadest measure possible ... taking the U6 underutilization rate and even adding to it the number of folks not in the labor force but still want a job, we find 23,808,220 people. For comparison timeframes and as a percentage of the total civilian noninstitutional population:

Jan/1994: 17,411,328 - 8.9% ...... when BLS changed their measuring
Jan/2001: 14,898,400 - 7.0% ...... when Bush became president
Nov/2007: 17,570,140 - 7.5% ...... just prior to the Great Recession
Jan/2009: 27,605,820 - 11.8% .... when Obama became president
Dec/2009: 32,367,981 - 13.7% .... the peak following the Great Recession
Feb/2015: 23,808,220 - 9.5% ...... currently
One nutter after another......desperate to soothe their butthurt over the fact that the US economy has improved under the guidance of President Barack Hussein Obama.
You really think this is an economic boom? How fucking stupid does a person have to be to believe that? If you ever choose to venture out of your mom's basement you will see things aren't all that great out here. God forbid your mom cut you off and make you participate in this sewer of obie's economy and support yourself. Maybe then you would actually get it.
Whether you can deal with it or not -- we are at full employment.

Hardly. And the majority of those jobs are shit jobs to be filled by illegals.
Prove that ........

Are you denying how many illegals have been let in or the jobs?
Why choose? Prove both...

Why would anyone accept your definition of the U6 rate? Need I remind you, you idiotically think it's a measurement of unemployment?

Because moron it comes from the BLS. They are the ones that calculate it.

Table A-15. Alternative measures of labor underutilization

Am I debating with a bunch of 4th graders? I know that you idiots that voted for Obama don't know your ass from a hole in the ground but this is basic stuff here.

I also know it is hard for you Moon Bats to understand that you made a terrible mistake voting for Obama because he has screwed up the economy so bad but live with it instead posting foolish comments like you just did.

U6 unemployment rate - Dictionary The Opportune Time

U6 unemployment rate
Category: Macroeconomics

The percentage of the labor force that does not have a job, or is part-time employed and would like full-time employment. Unlike U3, the U6 unemployment rate expands the definition of the labor force to include "discouraged workers," or people without jobs who have given up looking for work; "marginally attached workers," or people without jobs who would like to work but have not sought employment recently; and part-time workers who would like to be employed full-time.
Wow, you are especially rightarded. Did you even notice the link to the BLS you posted doesn't call the U-6 rate a measurement of unemployment, as you idiotically call it? The BLS calls it an "alternative measure of labor underutilization."
Are ya taking notes?

Are ya learning??

Do you realize yet your own link proves you wrong?

Do you realize you are a moron?

I can't believe you are that much of an idiot to make a statement that U-6 is not a measurement of unemployment. U-6 covers more than just the U-3 numbers to include those that have given up looking for work and about everybody else that wants a job but doesn't have one. It also includes the engineer that has to work at McDonalds because there is nothing else available and the guy that works at a department store that has been cut back to only a few hours per week because the store has no business. U-6 is the Big Enchilada that is a great measurement of how poorly Obama's economy is doing. You acting like a dumbass and making stupid statements isn't going to change any of that.

No wonder you were a dumbass that voted for Obama. You are an absolute idiot. You are the poster child for a Moon Bat that is so confused as to think Obama was going to make a good President.

Definitions for the economic characteristics underlying the three broader measures of labor underutilization are worth mentioning here. Discouraged workers (U-4, U-5, and U-6 measures) are persons who are not in the labor force, want and are available for work, and had looked for a job sometime in the prior 12 months. They are not counted as unemployed because they had not searched for work in the prior 4 weeks, for the specific reason that they believed no jobs were available for them. The marginally attached (U-5 and U-6 measures) are a group that includes discouraged workers. The criteria for the marginally attached are the same as for discouraged workers, with the exception that any reason could have been cited for the lack of job search in the prior 4 weeks. Persons employed part time for economic reasons (U-6 measure) are those working less than 35 hours per week who want to work full time, are available to do so, and gave an economic reason (their hours had been cut back or they were unable to find a full-time job) for working part time. These individuals are sometimes referred to as involuntary part-time workers.

Why would anyone accept your definition of the U6 rate? Need I remind you, you idiotically think it's a measurement of unemployment?

Because moron it comes from the BLS. They are the ones that calculate it.

Table A-15. Alternative measures of labor underutilization

Am I debating with a bunch of 4th graders? I know that you idiots that voted for Obama don't know your ass from a hole in the ground but this is basic stuff here.

I also know it is hard for you Moon Bats to understand that you made a terrible mistake voting for Obama because he has screwed up the economy so bad but live with it instead posting foolish comments like you just did.

U6 unemployment rate - Dictionary The Opportune Time

U6 unemployment rate
Category: Macroeconomics

The percentage of the labor force that does not have a job, or is part-time employed and would like full-time employment. Unlike U3, the U6 unemployment rate expands the definition of the labor force to include "discouraged workers," or people without jobs who have given up looking for work; "marginally attached workers," or people without jobs who would like to work but have not sought employment recently; and part-time workers who would like to be employed full-time.
Wow, you are especially rightarded. Did you even notice the link to the BLS you posted doesn't call the U-6 rate a measurement of unemployment, as you idiotically call it? The BLS calls it an "alternative measure of labor underutilization."
Are ya taking notes?

Are ya learning??

Do you realize yet your own link proves you wrong?

Do you realize you are a moron?

I can't believe you are that much of an idiot to make a statement that U-6 is not a measurement of unemployment. U-6 covers more than just the U-3 numbers to include those that have given up looking for work and about everybody else that wants a job but doesn't have one. It also includes the engineer that has to work at McDonalds because there is nothing else available and the guy that works at a department store that has been cut back to only a few hours per week because the store has no business. U-6 is the Big Enchilada that is a great measurement of how poorly Obama's economy is doing. You acting like a dumbass and making stupid statements isn't going to change any of that.

No wonder you were a dumbass that voted for Obama. You are an absolute idiot. You are the poster child for a Moon Bat that is so confused as to think Obama was going to make a good President.

Definitions for the economic characteristics underlying the three broader measures of labor underutilization are worth mentioning here. Discouraged workers (U-4, U-5, and U-6 measures) are persons who are not in the labor force, want and are available for work, and had looked for a job sometime in the prior 12 months. They are not counted as unemployed because they had not searched for work in the prior 4 weeks, for the specific reason that they believed no jobs were available for them. The marginally attached (U-5 and U-6 measures) are a group that includes discouraged workers. The criteria for the marginally attached are the same as for discouraged workers, with the exception that any reason could have been cited for the lack of job search in the prior 4 weeks. Persons employed part time for economic reasons (U-6 measure) are those working less than 35 hours per week who want to work full time, are available to do so, and gave an economic reason (their hours had been cut back or they were unable to find a full-time job) for working part time. These individuals are sometimes referred to as involuntary part-time workers.
You are such a flaming retard. I guess this means the answer is a resounding "NO." No, you still haven't figured out yet that your link to the BLS proves you wrong.

The BLS does not refer to the U-6 rate as an "unemployment rate." The reason the BLS does not refer to it as an unemployment rate is because it's not a measurement of unemployment. It contains other factors, including folks who are working.

You have to be a special kind of stupid to think an "unemployment rate" measures people who are working. :eusa_doh::eusa_doh::eusa_doh:
Poor progtards... expending such energy spinning, contorting, obfuscating and lying.

What a pathetic bunch of human trash.
Poor progtards... expending such energy spinning, contorting, obfuscating and lying.

What a pathetic bunch of human trash.
Hmmm, that contains about as much impact as being disparaged by the term, "Nazi," by Hitler.
U6 ^^^

The U6 unemployment rate counts not only people without work seeking full-time employment (the more familiar U-3 rate),
First incorrect statement. Unemployed is not working and actively looking for work, unless on temporary layoff. Why did you make up that it was only full time?

but also counts "marginally attached workers and those working part-time for economic reasons." Note that some of these part-time workers counted as employed by U-3 could be working as little as an hour a week.
This is also true for the U-6.
And the "marginally attached workers" include those who have gotten discouraged and stopped looking, but still want to work.
That's less than half of the marginally attached.

The point is that the U-3 and the U-6 measure different things, answer different questions, and are not comparable.
One nutter after another......desperate to soothe their butthurt over the fact that the US economy has improved under the guidance of President Barack Hussein Obama.


Yes let's celebrate the 'worst recovery' in US History, which includes the 15 years of recovery that FDR guided us through in the 1930s.

LOL! You can NOT make this crap up. (In truth, the US Economy cannot recover, until the Left is removed from power. And the failure of any evidence of recovery, is proof certain of that.)

Has there been a recovery?
One nutter after another......desperate to soothe their butthurt over the fact that the US economy has improved under the guidance of President Barack Hussein Obama.


Yes let's celebrate the 'worst recovery' in US History, which includes the 15 years of recovery that FDR guided us through in the 1930s.

LOL! You can NOT make this crap up. (In truth, the US Economy cannot recover, until the Left is removed from power. And the failure of any evidence of recovery, is proof certain of that.)

Has there been a recovery?
Makes one wonder why Conservatives have such a hard on for Reagan? After 73 months in office, Reagan lowered the unemployment rate less than one percentage point to 6.6%. Compared to Obama who's lowered it 2.3 percentage points to 5.5% during his first 73 months in office.


In fact, comparing all presidents up to this point going back as far as BLS records allows, we find....

Clinton -3.0 -41%
Johnson! -2.3 -40%
Obama -2.3 -30%
Kennedy** -0.9 -14%
Reagan -0.9 -12%
Carter*** 0.0 0%
Bush +0.3 +7%
GHW Bush*** +1.9 +35%
Ford* +2.0 +36%
Nixon!! +2.1 +62%
Eisenhower +3.0 +103%

* = in office 29 months

** = in office 34 months

*** = in office 48 months

! = in office 62 months

!! = in office 67 months

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
You are wrong as always.

What I discussed was that some of the polls WERE skewed and that when one undertook an effort to cancel that shit out, the numbers were often quite different than the nonsense getting reported. (It is true nonetheless, that there were some difficulties in the methodology for unskewing the clearly skewed polls).

YOU lap up whatever "poll" supports your desired conclusion as though you had been given a chance to toss Obumbler's salad. Why? Because you are a willing tool. A hack. A bitch. That's the long and short of it, deuce.
Wrong. I follow the polls closely and don't support only those that give me a desired conclusion. I wasn't in denial about the Dems taking a beating in 2014. You on the other hand unskew those that don't fit your desired conclusion. Who's the hack again?

You are. Thanks for asking, you hack tool.

I may have placed a bit too much stock in the effort to unskew clearly skewed polls. But YOU absolutely do lap up any poll favorable to your desired conclusion.
The polls were right you fucking dolt.

No no, you fucking hack. The question is NOT whether the polls turned out to be fairly close to the mark, you dopey twat.

The question was WHETHER (or not) they were skewed. And they were.

Due to a much larger than anticipated voter turnout, however, the skewed polls (much like a broken clock being "right" twice a day) did correspond roughly with the actual results.
Wrong again. Voter turnout in 2012 was expected to be close to 2008. It ended up being lower in 2012. Are you ever right about anything?

It is more of an issue of you not understanding the numbers. You've already shown your ass when it comes to mathematics and statistics during the 2012 election. It wasn't pretty.

Wrong as you tend to always be, duecebigadolt.

What I showed is that you ARE an ass.

You are easily confused.

Meanwhile, if we put aside your dishonest ad hominem efforts, your argument is reduced to -- nothing.

That's good. It is better for you to say nothing than your usual litany of dumb, dull and drek.
You bought the unskewed polls nonsense. Don't try to rewrite history now. You have a difficult time understanding math and stats.
I may be pathetic at spelling and Grammar..

But reading all these boards the past 15 years , liberals dont know math,

I never understood it,I guess why they thought common core was such a good idea, fuck facts of 12 plus 7 = 19

They accept a passing grade if the answer is 26

As long as the student tried...

Try that bullshit crap Programming a 6 axis robot, the motherfucker will crash
I am quoting my own thread again

Common core is bullshit in the real world. It might make dumb ass liberals feel good about their fucking

But it Don't work

What do you know about "common core"? In your own words....what is it?
Why you asking? you Don't know what it is? Ask your boyfriend . Or google it

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