The Obama legacy: 92898000 Americans not working

How many of those "not working" are retired Baby Boomers? Conservatives have been ignoring the large numbers of retirees since the Boomers started retiring when W was President. It only became a problem for conservatives after Obama was elected, then they started referring to retirees as people who had "given up looking for work".
How many of those "not working" are retired Baby Boomers? Conservatives have been ignoring the large numbers of retirees since the Boomers started retiring when W was President. It only became a problem for conservatives after Obama was elected, then they started referring to retirees as people who had "given up looking for work".

Oh. THEY started that lingo. So the Democrap continuation of that line of bullshit is A-OK?

Seriously, take your meds.
Of course Obama is personally responsible for employment

Just read the OP

No. At MOST a President (by his policies) can help foster an economic atmosphere that assists the economy OR undermines the economy. And in a working Constitutional Republic, the legislative branch would also share that power and ability.

Many of your fellow liberals are more than happy to USE the fairly random upticks in the economy as evidence that The ONE must be doing a good job. But it remains a fantasy.

At present, Obumbler is more of a stumbling block than anything else. The Keystone veto springs to mind.
Keystone has minimal I pact on employment. You could create more jobs by building a dozen McDonalds

Obama has been pumping money into the economy for six years, he prevented the banks and auto industries from collapsing......Republicans complained the whole time

The miracle of the Obama economy is that he did it in spite of Republicans dragging their feet

It is quite nonsensical to claim that the Keystone Pipeline would have a minimal impact on our economy. It is flatly false.

And Obumbler has NOT been "pumping" money into our economy. He HAS no money. He is taking it from those who have it and redistributing it. (He can take no credit for that and evades full blame for the same reason).

And while that can obviously have an impact, it is not the creation of anything.

He and his actions (akin to Bush's before him) did not "save" the auto industry, either. That is another ignorant contention. He acted. And it surely had some short term impact. But assholes like him never contemplate the costs. FORD didn't take any of "his" largesse and guess what? They fucking thrived.

And if you think the GOP dragged its feet, then you don't get our GOP. They are like enablers to a drug addict. When the fuck have they ever succeeded in stopping that asshole from doing the agenda of the liberal Democraps?

The Federal Government can print money. Which Obama managed to do without devaluing the dollar or creating inflation. Quantitative easement enabled a crashing economy to stabilize

Bush started TARP but it was too little and did not require any restructuring. Obama stopped the auto companies from failing in an economic collapse. Ford had restructured prior to the Bush meltdown so was able to obtain private financing.......GM and Chrysler could not

The recovery would have happened much sooner if Republicans had allowed a larger stimulus and had not insisted on tackling debt at a time we were trying to have an economic recovery

Yes, Obama impacted the recovery

The massive printing of money DOES devalue it.

You libs refuse to accept fundamental reality. You regurgitate the silly tripe you are told and you even choose to believe the plainly unbelievable (and untrue).

Obumbler and his actions did NOT stop the auto companies from failing. It is a "success" story without a basis in truth. It is propaganda and it is fiction. Dangerous nonsense.

No. Obumbler did not "impact" shit.

Obama was able to feed extra money into the economy without devaluing the dollar or causing rampant inflation. Call it an economic miracle if you want, but it happened
The conservative mime that the car companies would have been just fine without a government bailout is nonsense. There were no banks willing to bail out the auto companies. The banks themselves were failing. For $10 billion, Obama saved our auto industry....a wise investment
Of course Obama is personally responsible for employment

Just read the OP

No. At MOST a President (by his policies) can help foster an economic atmosphere that assists the economy OR undermines the economy. And in a working Constitutional Republic, the legislative branch would also share that power and ability.

Many of your fellow liberals are more than happy to USE the fairly random upticks in the economy as evidence that The ONE must be doing a good job. But it remains a fantasy.

At present, Obumbler is more of a stumbling block than anything else. The Keystone veto springs to mind.
Keystone has minimal I pact on employment. You could create more jobs by building a dozen McDonalds

Obama has been pumping money into the economy for six years, he prevented the banks and auto industries from collapsing......Republicans complained the whole time

The miracle of the Obama economy is that he did it in spite of Republicans dragging their feet

It is quite nonsensical to claim that the Keystone Pipeline would have a minimal impact on our economy. It is flatly false.

And Obumbler has NOT been "pumping" money into our economy. He HAS no money. He is taking it from those who have it and redistributing it. (He can take no credit for that and evades full blame for the same reason).

And while that can obviously have an impact, it is not the creation of anything.

He and his actions (akin to Bush's before him) did not "save" the auto industry, either. That is another ignorant contention. He acted. And it surely had some short term impact. But assholes like him never contemplate the costs. FORD didn't take any of "his" largesse and guess what? They fucking thrived.

And if you think the GOP dragged its feet, then you don't get our GOP. They are like enablers to a drug addict. When the fuck have they ever succeeded in stopping that asshole from doing the agenda of the liberal Democraps?

The Federal Government can print money. Which Obama managed to do without devaluing the dollar or creating inflation. Quantitative easement enabled a crashing economy to stabilize

Bush started TARP but it was too little and did not require any restructuring. Obama stopped the auto companies from failing in an economic collapse. Ford had restructured prior to the Bush meltdown so was able to obtain private financing.......GM and Chrysler could not

The recovery would have happened much sooner if Republicans had allowed a larger stimulus and had not insisted on tackling debt at a time we were trying to have an economic recovery

Yes, Obama impacted the recovery

The massive printing of money DOES devalue it.

You libs refuse to accept fundamental reality. You regurgitate the silly tripe you are told and you even choose to believe the plainly unbelievable (and untrue).

Obumbler and his actions did NOT stop the auto companies from failing. It is a "success" story without a basis in truth. It is propaganda and it is fiction. Dangerous nonsense.

No. Obumbler did not "impact" shit.
Funny how rightards can't get shit right.

Already-strong dollar hits a 9-year high

The dollar is still king at the start of 2015, hitting a nine-year peak as the U.S. economy continues to improve while other nations struggle.​
What I reject (your misquote or fictionalized recounting of my words don't control what I have said, by the way) is the notion that a 5.5% unemployment rate is somehow FULL employment.

Even a complete hack imbecile (such as you) ought to appreciate that full means full.

If you were part of the 5.5 unemployed ( even as that figure is concocted by the BLS), you PROBABLY would find it sufficiently easy to be honest enough to dispute that the economy is at "full" employment. So would the others in that alleged 5.5%.

Here's a startling notion to you dishonest hack bitch lolberals. Words DO have actual meaning and 5.5% UNemployment is not the same as FULL employment.
As if more evidence was needed that you have no clue what "full employment" means. It does not mean that 100% of every able-bodied individual is working. You're drawn to shiny objects;and in this case, the shiny object is the word, "full," which you seem to think is meant to ignore frictional unemployment.

It's no one else's fault you fail because you have your own definition for words and your own sources for statistics.

You remain a wholly dishonest cun't.

The PROBLEM, you moron, is not what it does or does not mean. The PROBLEM, you twat, is that it DOESN'T "mean" what it SHOULD mean.

God damn, you are a rancid hack propagandist cu'nt.

Your make believe fantasy daffynition denies reality its due.

Thank goodness we have folks like you to tell us economists have no idea what they're talking about, huh? :cuckoo:
No. At MOST a President (by his policies) can help foster an economic atmosphere that assists the economy OR undermines the economy. And in a working Constitutional Republic, the legislative branch would also share that power and ability.

Many of your fellow liberals are more than happy to USE the fairly random upticks in the economy as evidence that The ONE must be doing a good job. But it remains a fantasy.

At present, Obumbler is more of a stumbling block than anything else. The Keystone veto springs to mind.
Keystone has minimal I pact on employment. You could create more jobs by building a dozen McDonalds

Obama has been pumping money into the economy for six years, he prevented the banks and auto industries from collapsing......Republicans complained the whole time

The miracle of the Obama economy is that he did it in spite of Republicans dragging their feet

It is quite nonsensical to claim that the Keystone Pipeline would have a minimal impact on our economy. It is flatly false.

And Obumbler has NOT been "pumping" money into our economy. He HAS no money. He is taking it from those who have it and redistributing it. (He can take no credit for that and evades full blame for the same reason).

And while that can obviously have an impact, it is not the creation of anything.

He and his actions (akin to Bush's before him) did not "save" the auto industry, either. That is another ignorant contention. He acted. And it surely had some short term impact. But assholes like him never contemplate the costs. FORD didn't take any of "his" largesse and guess what? They fucking thrived.

And if you think the GOP dragged its feet, then you don't get our GOP. They are like enablers to a drug addict. When the fuck have they ever succeeded in stopping that asshole from doing the agenda of the liberal Democraps?

The Federal Government can print money. Which Obama managed to do without devaluing the dollar or creating inflation. Quantitative easement enabled a crashing economy to stabilize

Bush started TARP but it was too little and did not require any restructuring. Obama stopped the auto companies from failing in an economic collapse. Ford had restructured prior to the Bush meltdown so was able to obtain private financing.......GM and Chrysler could not

The recovery would have happened much sooner if Republicans had allowed a larger stimulus and had not insisted on tackling debt at a time we were trying to have an economic recovery

Yes, Obama impacted the recovery

The massive printing of money DOES devalue it.

You libs refuse to accept fundamental reality. You regurgitate the silly tripe you are told and you even choose to believe the plainly unbelievable (and untrue).

Obumbler and his actions did NOT stop the auto companies from failing. It is a "success" story without a basis in truth. It is propaganda and it is fiction. Dangerous nonsense.

No. Obumbler did not "impact" shit.
Funny how rightards can't get shit right.

Already-strong dollar hits a 9-year high

The dollar is still king at the start of 2015, hitting a nine-year peak as the U.S. economy continues to improve while other nations struggle.​


You are abysmally ignorant and would "cite" Mad magazine if it appeared on its face to support your preconceived, ignorant and erroneous hypothesis.

However, if we accept for now that the dollar is "strong" that still has nothing to do with the issue at hand which is whether Obumbler deserves any credit for it, you tragically drooling foolish imbecile.
What I reject (your misquote or fictionalized recounting of my words don't control what I have said, by the way) is the notion that a 5.5% unemployment rate is somehow FULL employment.

Even a complete hack imbecile (such as you) ought to appreciate that full means full.

If you were part of the 5.5 unemployed ( even as that figure is concocted by the BLS), you PROBABLY would find it sufficiently easy to be honest enough to dispute that the economy is at "full" employment. So would the others in that alleged 5.5%.

Here's a startling notion to you dishonest hack bitch lolberals. Words DO have actual meaning and 5.5% UNemployment is not the same as FULL employment.
As if more evidence was needed that you have no clue what "full employment" means. It does not mean that 100% of every able-bodied individual is working. You're drawn to shiny objects;and in this case, the shiny object is the word, "full," which you seem to think is meant to ignore frictional unemployment.

It's no one else's fault you fail because you have your own definition for words and your own sources for statistics.

You remain a wholly dishonest cun't.

The PROBLEM, you moron, is not what it does or does not mean. The PROBLEM, you twat, is that it DOESN'T "mean" what it SHOULD mean.

God damn, you are a rancid hack propagandist cu'nt.

Your make believe fantasy daffynition denies reality its due.
Oh.... and why am I still waiting for you to inform me whom you source for unemployment statistics if not the BLS. Are you that embarrassed of it to share? Is it that far rightwinged? Rush? Levine? Savage?? Who's your source?

Oh, and cunt is spelled "cunt." You can't even do that right. :rolleyes:
U6 is down over 6 percent. Why aren't you thrilled?

It is at 11 fucking percent you moron. That is a lot of people out of work in Obama's dismal economy. You didn't even understand what U-6 was until I explained it to you so you don't have a clue what you are talking about, do you? Every time you post you say something silly.

This terrible economy started when the 2006 elected Democrats took over Congress and Obama has not been able to turn things around because he was part of that Congress that screwed everything up. He has had the worse recovery since the Great Depression,

Take responsibility for voting for the most incompetent shithead that ever held that office.

Libtard economics have never worked, they don't work now and they never will.

You don't create jobs by taking money from the people that earn it and giving it to the shitheads that didn't earn it. It feeds the greedy pigs like the people that are getting Obama's filthy ass health care subsidies and pay no income taxes but it doesn't do a damn thing to create jobs.

You don't create jobs by stealing money from our children's future like with Obama's enormous debt.

You create jobs by stimulating capitalism, minimal government, low taxation and getting out of the way of the job creators. Those basic economic principles are all very hard for Moon Bats to understand because they are greedy and want to be given everything.
U6 is down over 6 percent. Why aren't you thrilled?

It is at 11 fucking percent you moron. That is a lot of people out of work in Obama's dismal economy. You didn't even understand what U-6 was until I explained it to you so you don't have a clue what you are talking about, do you? Every time you post you say something silly.

This terrible economy started when the 2006 elected Democrats took over Congress and Obama has not been able to turn things around because he was part of that Congress that screwed everything up. He has had the worse recovery since the Great Depression,

Take responsibility for voting for the most incompetent shithead that ever held that office.

Libtard economics have never worked, they don't work now and they never will.

You don't create jobs by taking money from the people that earn it and giving it to the shitheads that didn't earn it. It feeds the greedy pigs like the people that are getting Obama's filthy ass health care subsidies and pay no income taxes but it doesn't do a damn thing to create jobs.

You don't create jobs by stealing money from our children's future like with Obama's enormous debt.

You create jobs by stimulating capitalism, minimal government, low taxation and getting out of the way of the job creators. Those basic economic principles are all very hard for Moon Bats to understand because they are greedy and want to be given everything.
11 percent you say?

What is an acceptable level for U6? Are you trying to apply the same level of acceptable U3 for U6?

That wouldn't make much sense would it?
Keystone has minimal I pact on employment. You could create more jobs by building a dozen McDonalds

Obama has been pumping money into the economy for six years, he prevented the banks and auto industries from collapsing......Republicans complained the whole time

The miracle of the Obama economy is that he did it in spite of Republicans dragging their feet

It is quite nonsensical to claim that the Keystone Pipeline would have a minimal impact on our economy. It is flatly false.

And Obumbler has NOT been "pumping" money into our economy. He HAS no money. He is taking it from those who have it and redistributing it. (He can take no credit for that and evades full blame for the same reason).

And while that can obviously have an impact, it is not the creation of anything.

He and his actions (akin to Bush's before him) did not "save" the auto industry, either. That is another ignorant contention. He acted. And it surely had some short term impact. But assholes like him never contemplate the costs. FORD didn't take any of "his" largesse and guess what? They fucking thrived.

And if you think the GOP dragged its feet, then you don't get our GOP. They are like enablers to a drug addict. When the fuck have they ever succeeded in stopping that asshole from doing the agenda of the liberal Democraps?

The Federal Government can print money. Which Obama managed to do without devaluing the dollar or creating inflation. Quantitative easement enabled a crashing economy to stabilize

Bush started TARP but it was too little and did not require any restructuring. Obama stopped the auto companies from failing in an economic collapse. Ford had restructured prior to the Bush meltdown so was able to obtain private financing.......GM and Chrysler could not

The recovery would have happened much sooner if Republicans had allowed a larger stimulus and had not insisted on tackling debt at a time we were trying to have an economic recovery

Yes, Obama impacted the recovery

The massive printing of money DOES devalue it.

You libs refuse to accept fundamental reality. You regurgitate the silly tripe you are told and you even choose to believe the plainly unbelievable (and untrue).

Obumbler and his actions did NOT stop the auto companies from failing. It is a "success" story without a basis in truth. It is propaganda and it is fiction. Dangerous nonsense.

No. Obumbler did not "impact" shit.
Funny how rightards can't get shit right.

Already-strong dollar hits a 9-year high

The dollar is still king at the start of 2015, hitting a nine-year peak as the U.S. economy continues to improve while other nations struggle.​


You are abysmally ignorant and would "cite" Mad magazine if it appeared on its face to support your preconceived, ignorant and erroneous hypothesis.

However, if we accept for now that the dollar is "strong" that still has nothing to do with the issue at hand which is whether Obumbler deserves any credit for it, you tragically drooling foolish imbecile.
Imbecile, you idiotically claimed massively printing money devalues it. You've been schooled. Again. And not even with Mad magazine, which is far above your reading comprehension anyway.
U6 is down over 6 percent. Why aren't you thrilled?

It is at 11 fucking percent you moron. That is a lot of people out of work in Obama's dismal economy. You didn't even understand what U-6 was until I explained it to you so you don't have a clue what you are talking about, do you? Every time you post you say something silly.

This terrible economy started when the 2006 elected Democrats took over Congress and Obama has not been able to turn things around because he was part of that Congress that screwed everything up. He has had the worse recovery since the Great Depression,

Take responsibility for voting for the most incompetent shithead that ever held that office.

Libtard economics have never worked, they don't work now and they never will.

You don't create jobs by taking money from the people that earn it and giving it to the shitheads that didn't earn it. It feeds the greedy pigs like the people that are getting Obama's filthy ass health care subsidies and pay no income taxes but it doesn't do a damn thing to create jobs.

You don't create jobs by stealing money from our children's future like with Obama's enormous debt.

You create jobs by stimulating capitalism, minimal government, low taxation and getting out of the way of the job creators. Those basic economic principles are all very hard for Moon Bats to understand because they are greedy and want to be given everything.
Why would anyone accept your definition of the U6 rate? Need I remind you, you idiotically think it's a measurement of unemployment?
How many of those "not working" are retired Baby Boomers? Conservatives have been ignoring the large numbers of retirees since the Boomers started retiring when W was President. It only became a problem for conservatives after Obama was elected, then they started referring to retirees as people who had "given up looking for work".

A retired person is not including in the people that want jobs but have given up. that doesn't go into the U-6 unemployment calculation.

The 11% are that want jobs but can't find them because of Obama's dismal economy.

The sad thing is that when they do get a job it is low paying because Obama has discouraged real innovation and job creation. All we have left are low paying service jobs for the most part. If it wasn't for union thuggery the wages would be lower than they are now.

The problem that Libtards have is none of their redistribution of wealth economics ever work out to create jobs. That is why we have the lowest workforce participation rate in 40 years, the U-6 rate is at 11%, the amount of family income is declining, the poverty rate is increasing, we have more people on welfare than anytime in history and there are more people getting government transfer payments than there are working.

Obama has been a disaster for this country and anybody that voted for him was an idiot.
One nutter after another......desperate to soothe their butthurt over the fact that the US economy has improved under the guidance of President Barack Hussein Obama.


Yes let's celebrate the 'worst recovery' in US History, which includes the 15 years of recovery that FDR guided us through in the 1930s.

LOL! You can NOT make this crap up. (In truth, the US Economy cannot recover, until the Left is removed from power. And the failure of any evidence of recovery, is proof certain of that.)

Why would anyone accept your definition of the U6 rate? Need I remind you, you idiotically think it's a measurement of unemployment?

Because moron it comes from the BLS. They are the ones that calculate it.

Table A-15. Alternative measures of labor underutilization

Am I debating with a bunch of 4th graders? I know that you idiots that voted for Obama don't know your ass from a hole in the ground but this is basic stuff here.

I also know it is hard for you Moon Bats to understand that you made a terrible mistake voting for Obama because he has screwed up the economy so bad but live with it instead posting foolish comments like you just did.

U6 unemployment rate - Dictionary The Opportune Time

U6 unemployment rate
Category: Macroeconomics

The percentage of the labor force that does not have a job, or is part-time employed and would like full-time employment. Unlike U3, the U6 unemployment rate expands the definition of the labor force to include "discouraged workers," or people without jobs who have given up looking for work; "marginally attached workers," or people without jobs who would like to work but have not sought employment recently; and part-time workers who would like to be employed full-time.
How many of those "not working" are retired Baby Boomers? Conservatives have been ignoring the large numbers of retirees since the Boomers started retiring when W was President. It only became a problem for conservatives after Obama was elected, then they started referring to retirees as people who had "given up looking for work".

A retired person is not including in the people that want jobs but have given up. that doesn't go into the U-6 unemployment calculation.

The 11% are that want jobs but can't find them because of Obama's dismal economy.

The sad thing is that when they do get a job it is low paying because Obama has discouraged real innovation and job creation. All we have left are low paying service jobs for the most part. If it wasn't for union thuggery the wages would be lower than they are now.

The problem that Libtards have is none of their redistribution of wealth economics ever work out to create jobs. That is why we have the lowest workforce participation rate in 40 years, the U-6 rate is at 11%, the amount of family income is declining, the poverty rate is increasing, we have more people on welfare than anytime in history and there are more people getting government transfer payments than there are working.

Obama has been a disaster for this country and anybody that voted for him was an idiot.
Hmmm, yet under Obama, the U-6 rate has decreased from 14.2% to 11%; while under Bush, it almost doubled from 7.3% to 14.2%;and under Clinton, it decreased from 11.8% to 7.3%.

Seems the lesson here, based on the U-6 rate was changed in 1994, is if you want to lower the U-6 rate -- elect a Democrat for president. :thup:

Yes let's celebrate the 'worst recovery' in US History, which includes the 15 years of recovery that FDR guided us through in the 1930s.

LOL! You can NOT make this crap up. (In truth, the US Economy cannot recover, until the Left is removed from power. And the failure of any evidence of recovery, is proof certain of that.)

Thanks to Republicans, corporate America and the rich are making record profits. And there you have the problem.

Republicans, Libertarians, teabaggers are NOT the friends of the middle class, but unfortunately are promoted by the ignorant and sociopath middle class.

Why would anyone accept your definition of the U6 rate? Need I remind you, you idiotically think it's a measurement of unemployment?

Because moron it comes from the BLS. They are the ones that calculate it.

Table A-15. Alternative measures of labor underutilization

Am I debating with a bunch of 4th graders? I know that you idiots that voted for Obama don't know your ass from a hole in the ground but this is basic stuff here.

I also know it is hard for you Moon Bats to understand that you made a terrible mistake voting for Obama because he has screwed up the economy so bad but live with it instead posting foolish comments like you just did.

U6 unemployment rate - Dictionary The Opportune Time

U6 unemployment rate
Category: Macroeconomics

The percentage of the labor force that does not have a job, or is part-time employed and would like full-time employment. Unlike U3, the U6 unemployment rate expands the definition of the labor force to include "discouraged workers," or people without jobs who have given up looking for work; "marginally attached workers," or people without jobs who would like to work but have not sought employment recently; and part-time workers who would like to be employed full-time.
Wow, you are especially rightarded. Did you even notice the link to the BLS you posted doesn't call the U-6 rate a measurement of unemployment, as you idiotically call it? The BLS calls it an "alternative measure of labor underutilization."
Are ya taking notes?

Are ya learning??

Do you realize yet your own link proves you wrong?
One nutter after another......desperate to soothe their butthurt over the fact that the US economy has improved under the guidance of President Barack Hussein Obama.


Yes let's celebrate the 'worst recovery' in US History, which includes the 15 years of recovery that FDR guided us through in the 1930s.

LOL! You can NOT make this crap up. (In truth, the US Economy cannot recover, until the Left is removed from power. And the failure of any evidence of recovery, is proof certain of that.)
Did you just say you can't make this crap up after saying the recovery for the Great Depression was better than the recovery for the Great Recession? Talk about not being able to make crap up...
One nutter after another......desperate to soothe their butthurt over the fact that the US economy has improved under the guidance of President Barack Hussein Obama.


Yes let's celebrate the 'worst recovery' in US History, which includes the 15 years of recovery that FDR guided us through in the 1930s.

LOL! You can NOT make this crap up. (In truth, the US Economy cannot recover, until the Left is removed from power. And the failure of any evidence of recovery, is proof certain of that.)
Did you just say you can't make this crap up after saying the recovery for the Great Depression was better than the recovery for the Great Recession? Talk about not being able to make crap up...
It is difficult to recover from any Republucan recession

When they screw stays screwed up

Especially with Republicans trying to block you from fixing things
One nutter after another......desperate to soothe their butthurt over the fact that the US economy has improved under the guidance of President Barack Hussein Obama.
You really think this is an economic boom? How fucking stupid does a person have to be to believe that? If you ever choose to venture out of your mom's basement you will see things aren't all that great out here. God forbid your mom cut you off and make you participate in this sewer of obie's economy and support yourself. Maybe then you would actually get it.
Whether you can deal with it or not -- we are at full employment.

Hardly. And the majority of those jobs are shit jobs to be filled by illegals.
Prove that ........

Are you denying how many illegals have been let in or the jobs?

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