The Obama legacy: 92898000 Americans not working

Poor little .

U6 ^^^

The U6 unemployment rate counts not only people without work seeking full-time employment (the more familiar U-3 rate), but also counts "marginally attached workers and those working part-time for economic reasons." Note that some of these part-time workers counted as employed by U-3 could be working as little as an hour a week. And the "marginally attached workers" include those who have gotten discouraged and stopped looking, but still want to work. The age considered for this calculation is 16 years and over

U3 or U6

Obama has lowered them both
I can't believe you are that much of an idiot to make a statement that U-6 is not a measurement of unemployment.
The U-6 is unemployed plus marginally attached plus part time for economic reasons divided by the Labor Force plus marginally attached. Marginally attached are not unemployed and part time for economic reasons are not unemployed. So it measures more than unemployed, and therefore not an unemployment rate.

U-6 covers more than just the U-3 numbers to include those that have given up looking for work and about everybody else that wants a job but doesn't have one.
No, the marginally attached are about a third of those not in the Labor Force who say they want a job
A-38. Persons not in the labor force by desire and availability for work age and sex

It also includes the engineer that has to work at McDonalds because there is nothing else available
Not really. Only if he's working part time and is not differentiated from the high school drop out working g part to.e who wants to work full time.

and the guy that works at a department store that has been cut back to only a few hours per week because the store has no business.
Wow, you got that completely correct.

U-6 is the Big Enchilada that is a great measurement of how poorly Obama's economy is doing.
No, it's a measurement of how much a available and potential labor is not used to the fullest
It doesn't matter where it comes from ... 86 million of them still don't want a job.
As a person who studies economics I wouldn't blame Obama for all of these. Labor force participation was declining way before Obama got into office. The recovery will take more time then a year or so job creation takes longer then job destruction. More jobs are being created then being destroyed. You say 56,023,000 women are not in labor force you don't know why and you can't assume its because of Obama that crazy and illogical. Black unemployment has always been twice the national average and that do to many variable one is job discrimination don't believe me look at the study from Chicago university talking about job discrimination based off of name with identical resumes. Net Employment gains are going to foreign born and that has nothing to do with Obama it has everything to do with U.S. Citizens being unskilled and that due to local education systems and poor employment practices and poor parenting. I love my country but we are shallow and arrogant and we need to learn humility because everything isn't good in America blame the stupidity on the American people not Obama.
As a person who studies economics I wouldn't blame Obama for all of these. Labor force participation was declining way before Obama got into office. The recovery will take more time then a year or so job creation takes longer then job destruction. More jobs are being created then being destroyed. You say 56,023,000 women are not in labor force you don't know why and you can't assume its because of Obama that crazy and illogical. Black unemployment has always been twice the national average and that do to many variable one is job discrimination don't believe me look at the study from Chicago university talking about job discrimination based off of name with identical resumes. Net Employment gains are going to foreign born and that has nothing to do with Obama it has everything to do with U.S. Citizens being unskilled and that due to local education systems and poor employment practices and poor parenting. I love my country but we are shallow and arrogant and we need to learn humility because everything isn't good in America blame the stupidity on the American people not Obama.

Good first post!!!

As a person who studies economics I wouldn't blame Obama for all of these. Labor force participation was declining way before Obama got into office. The recovery will take more time then a year or so job creation takes longer then job destruction. More jobs are being created then being destroyed. You say 56,023,000 women are not in labor force you don't know why and you can't assume its because of Obama that crazy and illogical. Black unemployment has always been twice the national average and that do to many variable one is job discrimination don't believe me look at the study from Chicago university talking about job discrimination based off of name with identical resumes. Net Employment gains are going to foreign born and that has nothing to do with Obama it has everything to do with U.S. Citizens being unskilled and that due to local education systems and poor employment practices and poor parenting. I love my country but we are shallow and arrogant and we need to learn humility because everything isn't good in America blame the stupidity on the American people not Obama.

Put of course not, nothing is Obama's fault all good is tribute to his glory. I think a nice nickname for you can be three dollar bill. Just like all Obama supporters/liberals you preface telling us how much America sucks with how much you love what apparently you think sucks. HEY wake up we have a black president. There are black doctors. We root for teams everyday made up predominately of BLACKS. The opportunities are there for all not just white or black not in spite of what America is but because of what America is. How much more does those who don't have the initiative to get off the couch want given until they are proud of a country that offers them much more opportunity then their homelands?
As a person who studies economics I wouldn't blame Obama for all of these. Labor force participation was declining way before Obama got into office. The recovery will take more time then a year or so job creation takes longer then job destruction. More jobs are being created then being destroyed. You say 56,023,000 women are not in labor force you don't know why and you can't assume its because of Obama that crazy and illogical. Black unemployment has always been twice the national average and that do to many variable one is job discrimination don't believe me look at the study from Chicago university talking about job discrimination based off of name with identical resumes. Net Employment gains are going to foreign born and that has nothing to do with Obama it has everything to do with U.S. Citizens being unskilled and that due to local education systems and poor employment practices and poor parenting. I love my country but we are shallow and arrogant and we need to learn humility because everything isn't good in America blame the stupidity on the American people not Obama.

Put of course not, nothing is Obama's fault all good is tribute to his glory. I think a nice nickname for you can be three dollar bill. Just like all Obama supporters/liberals you preface telling us how much America sucks with how much you love what apparently you think sucks. HEY wake up we have a black president. There are black doctors. We root for teams everyday made up predominately of BLACKS. The opportunities are there for all not just white or black not in spite of what America is but because of what America is. How much more does those who don't have the initiative to get off the couch want given until they are proud of a country that offers them much more opportunity then their homelands?

Unemployment is down, dummy.
As a person who studies economics I wouldn't blame Obama for all of these. Labor force participation was declining way before Obama got into office. The recovery will take more time then a year or so job creation takes longer then job destruction. More jobs are being created then being destroyed. You say 56,023,000 women are not in labor force you don't know why and you can't assume its because of Obama that crazy and illogical. Black unemployment has always been twice the national average and that do to many variable one is job discrimination don't believe me look at the study from Chicago university talking about job discrimination based off of name with identical resumes. Net Employment gains are going to foreign born and that has nothing to do with Obama it has everything to do with U.S. Citizens being unskilled and that due to local education systems and poor employment practices and poor parenting. I love my country but we are shallow and arrogant and we need to learn humility because everything isn't good in America blame the stupidity on the American people not Obama.

Put of course not, nothing is Obama's fault all good is tribute to his glory. I think a nice nickname for you can be three dollar bill. Just like all Obama supporters/liberals you preface telling us how much America sucks with how much you love what apparently you think sucks. HEY wake up we have a black president. There are black doctors. We root for teams everyday made up predominately of BLACKS. The opportunities are there for all not just white or black not in spite of what America is but because of what America is. How much more does those who don't have the initiative to get off the couch want given until they are proud of a country that offers them much more opportunity then their homelands?

Unemployment is down, dummy.

By any measure
As a person who studies economics I wouldn't blame Obama for all of these. Labor force participation was declining way before Obama got into office. The recovery will take more time then a year or so job creation takes longer then job destruction. More jobs are being created then being destroyed. You say 56,023,000 women are not in labor force you don't know why and you can't assume its because of Obama that crazy and illogical. Black unemployment has always been twice the national average and that do to many variable one is job discrimination don't believe me look at the study from Chicago university talking about job discrimination based off of name with identical resumes. Net Employment gains are going to foreign born and that has nothing to do with Obama it has everything to do with U.S. Citizens being unskilled and that due to local education systems and poor employment practices and poor parenting. I love my country but we are shallow and arrogant and we need to learn humility because everything isn't good in America blame the stupidity on the American people not Obama.

Put of course not, nothing is Obama's fault all good is tribute to his glory. I think a nice nickname for you can be three dollar bill. Just like all Obama supporters/liberals you preface telling us how much America sucks with how much you love what apparently you think sucks. HEY wake up we have a black president. There are black doctors. We root for teams everyday made up predominately of BLACKS. The opportunities are there for all not just white or black not in spite of what America is but because of what America is. How much more does those who don't have the initiative to get off the couch want given until they are proud of a country that offers them much more opportunity then their homelands?

Unemployment is down, dummy.

Debt is way up idiot. Only took 10 days to hit the debt ceiling.

Maybe if the trend continues Obama's drawn out recovery will have UE numbers like GWB had before the democrat take over and the destruction of the country began.
Sorry bout that,

1. That means in reality that 33% of the work force isn't working, sure old people don't work, but that means a huge amount of able body people are not!
2. The bullshit I keep hearing is the unemployment rate is 7%….LIE!


Here is a little bit of information for those who are blaming the low rate on students and those over 64.

Question: What is the Labor Force Participation Rate?

Answer: The labor force participation rate is the percentage of working-age persons in an economy who:

What is the Labor Force Participation Rate
  • Are employed
  • Are unemployed but looking for a job
Typically "working-age persons" is defined as people between the ages of 16-64. People in those age groups who are not counted as participating in the labor force are typically students, homemakers, and persons under the age of 64 who are retired.

The other group that isn't included in the labor force are students, homemakers, retired people and those under 16 who are working. They are, however, counted in the population.

Labor Force Participation Rate Formula and Examples
Sorry bout that,

1. That means in reality that 33% of the work force isn't working, sure old people don't work, but that means a huge amount of able body people are not!
2. The bullshit I keep hearing is the unemployment rate is 7%….LIE!


Here is a little bit of information for those who are blaming the low rate on students and those over 64.

Question: What is the Labor Force Participation Rate?

Answer: The labor force participation rate is the percentage of working-age persons in an economy who:

What is the Labor Force Participation Rate
  • Are employed
  • Are unemployed but looking for a job
Typically "working-age persons" is defined as people between the ages of 16-64. People in those age groups who are not counted as participating in the labor force are typically students, homemakers, and persons under the age of 64 who are retired.

The other group that isn't included in the labor force are students, homemakers, retired people and those under 16 who are working. They are, however, counted in the population.

Labor Force Participation Rate Formula and Examples
Who knows why you reference instead of when offering such statistics? But regardless, the labor force is comprised of ALL people, 16 and over, whom the BLS classifies as employed or unemployed. Including ALL those over age 64 who are also classified as employed or unemployed.

BLS: labor force components

And every person who retires is defined as not in the labor force. Since 2009, that's been about 1.2 million per year or about 7.3 million since Obama became president.
Ok , sory to disagree here, but even conceeding that this numbers are right. This is an inheritance from Dubya's mortgage crisis and Dubya's Iraq war.

I don't think its fair at all to blame all on Obama.
You mean this rate that is down 6%?

Thanks president Obama


Quite a drop, don't ya think?

If you believe the numbers (which I don't) that's a good start. Sure.

But why would anyone give "credit" to Obumbler for any improvement in the nation's employment figures? Is he hiring more Secret Service agents or sumpin'?

Denial....then, Obama didn't do it

About what I expected

And we all expect you to "buy" the notion that a President IS personally responsible for and deserving of credit when the economy generates jobs.

Job cycles have nothing to do with it. No no. An uptick in the reported economy MUST be the personal accomplishment of that hack in the Oval Office.

Of course. Now that you've explained it all so clearly, it's obvious.

As we all expected.
Of course Obama is personally responsible for employment

Just read the OP

No. At MOST a President (by his policies) can help foster an economic atmosphere that assists the economy OR undermines the economy. And in a working Constitutional Republic, the legislative branch would also share that power and ability.

Many of your fellow liberals are more than happy to USE the fairly random upticks in the economy as evidence that The ONE must be doing a good job. But it remains a fantasy.

At present, Obumbler is more of a stumbling block than anything else. The Keystone veto springs to mind.

"The Keystone veto springs to mind"

You mean the 35 permanent jobs?
But the unemployment rate is almost zero.... LOL. Who you gonna believe, facts, math or the Obama admin?
Here is a little bit of information for those who are blaming the low rate on students and those over 64.

Question: What is the Labor Force Participation Rate?

Answer: The labor force participation rate is the percentage of working-age persons in an economy who:

What is the Labor Force Participation Rate
  • Are employed
  • Are unemployed but looking for a job
Incorrect. The Population used is the Civilian Non-institutional Population: "Included are persons 16 years of age and older residing in the 50 States and the District of Columbia who are not inmates of institutions (for example, penal and mental facilities, homes for the aged), and who are not on active duty in the Armed Forces." (Employment and Earnings, Concepts and Definitions
Labor Force is Employed plus Unemployed. Employed means during the reference week worked at least one hour for pay or at least 15 hours unpaid in family business/farm or temporarily absent from usual job due to vacation, illness/injury, bad weather or strike. Unemployed means during the reference week did not work and actively looked for work in the 4 weeks ending in the reference week. Those on temporary layoff are unemployed whether or not they looked.

Everyone else in the population is "Not in the Labor Force."

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