The Obama Way: Selling Failure as Success


Gold Member
Dec 19, 2011
Articles: The Obama Way: Selling Failure as Success

Bob Dylan once wrote, "There's no success like failure [we learn from our mistakes], and failure is no success at all."

Barak Obama, in 2008, won the presidency on the platform that (among other things) he understood the country's economic problems and, more importantly, knew how to solve them. Three-plus years later, the administration is now telling us that "The economy turns out to have been far worse ... than we knew at the time," "we are moving in the right direction," and that he now "needs more time to fix the economy."

"The economy turns out to have been far worse ... than we knew at the time" simply tells us that Mr. Obama never understood the problems to begin with.

"Moving in the right direction"? :eusa_shifty: Despite more than three years and some $2 trillion spent on bailouts, handouts, and so-called stimulus, there are approximately three million fewer people employed today than were employed in 2008. Approximately three quarters of a million fewer women are employed today than were employed in 2008. Several million others have given up looking for employment entirely, gone into retirement, taken permanent disability, or taken jobs in the underground economy. Few if any of these people will ever again contribute to our tax base.

Despite the failure of this administration's policies, Mr. Obama now claims to "need more time." Having no plan in hand while simultaneously claiming that we are moving in the right direction, Mr. Obama is clearly telling us that if he is re-elected, we can expect more deficit spending to pay for the same failed policies over the next four years.

If these three statements tell us anything, they tell us that Mr. Obama campaigned in 2008 with no understanding of the problem, has chosen the old liberal solution of throwing money at the problem while hoping things improve, and worse yet, cannot come up with a new plan because to do so would not only admit failure, but concede that he never had a clue to begin with.

Only in the liberal Democratic world is failure proof of success. We see it not only in the White House, but in Congress, at our universities, and in increases in compensation for fewer hours and less productivity demanded by our municipal unions.

Dylan told us that "There is no success like failure," but in fact, Mr. Obama has learned nothing from his failures during more than three years of on-the-job training. And failure is no success at all.

Send the loser packing in November....:clap2:

You can't prove he did. In fact, there's no evidence to support that theory.

I think the ball was put in motion to stop a lot of bad shit from happening
just before Obama was sworn in...
But you won't get that part of the story from the
Libs...Of course we are all still required to recite our Hail Obama chants
every morning. :eusa_whistle:

You can't prove he did. In fact, there's no evidence to support that theory.

I think the ball was put in motion to stop a lot of bad shit from happening
just before Obama was sworn in...
But you won't get that part of the story from the
Libs...Of course we are all still required to recite our Hail Obama chants
every morning. :eusa_whistle:

If anyone deserves credit for stopping the next great depression, it's Bush. Imagine where we'd be without TARP.
Articles: The Obama Way: Selling Failure as Success

Bob Dylan once wrote, "There's no success like failure [we learn from our mistakes], and failure is no success at all."

Barak Obama, in 2008, won the presidency on the platform that (among other things) he understood the country's economic problems and, more importantly, knew how to solve them. Three-plus years later, the administration is now telling us that "The economy turns out to have been far worse ... than we knew at the time," "we are moving in the right direction," and that he now "needs more time to fix the economy."

"The economy turns out to have been far worse ... than we knew at the time" simply tells us that Mr. Obama never understood the problems to begin with.

"Moving in the right direction"? :eusa_shifty: Despite more than three years and some $2 trillion spent on bailouts, handouts, and so-called stimulus, there are approximately three million fewer people employed today than were employed in 2008. Approximately three quarters of a million fewer women are employed today than were employed in 2008. Several million others have given up looking for employment entirely, gone into retirement, taken permanent disability, or taken jobs in the underground economy. Few if any of these people will ever again contribute to our tax base.

Despite the failure of this administration's policies, Mr. Obama now claims to "need more time." Having no plan in hand while simultaneously claiming that we are moving in the right direction, Mr. Obama is clearly telling us that if he is re-elected, we can expect more deficit spending to pay for the same failed policies over the next four years.

If these three statements tell us anything, they tell us that Mr. Obama campaigned in 2008 with no understanding of the problem, has chosen the old liberal solution of throwing money at the problem while hoping things improve, and worse yet, cannot come up with a new plan because to do so would not only admit failure, but concede that he never had a clue to begin with.

Only in the liberal Democratic world is failure proof of success. We see it not only in the White House, but in Congress, at our universities, and in increases in compensation for fewer hours and less productivity demanded by our municipal unions.

Dylan told us that "There is no success like failure," but in fact, Mr. Obama has learned nothing from his failures during more than three years of on-the-job training. And failure is no success at all.

Send the loser packing in November....:clap2:

Obama didn't become president until 2009.

These are pictures of Republicans who voted against the stimulus taking credit for jobs they created with stimulus. Republicans hating something government has always done to help the economy. They can be made to believe anything.


Stimulating Hypocrisy: 114 Lawmakers Block Recovery While Taking Credit For Its Success
It's nothing new. The liberal media re-wrote FDR's failed four terms and they turned Harry Truman's timid administration into Hollywood fiction. They created freaking "Camelot" out of a drug dependent womanizer and his crazy brother. As long as the union education system and Hollywood pop culture continue to turn kids into zombies who can't even think for themselves we will get fake icons who run this Country into the ground.

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