Zone1 The officer did not murder Floyd, should he get a new trial?

So when determining the "parameters" for murder your personal opinion is more valid than the legal definition? That's convenient.

But let's test that premise without putting Chauvin's name on it.

A paramedic comes to the scene of an accident finds a victim without a pulse and doesn't lift a finger to help that victim. Now the accident might be the reason for the victim not having a pulse but it is a conscious choice to not do the job you are literally there for. Would you agree with a murder charge in that case?

I see somebody fall on the street. I proceed to keep everybody who wants to help away by swinging a baseball bat. Now I might have nothing to do with the fall but I don't think a judge would accept that as an argument to escape a murder charge don't you think?

A doctor is performing a surgery. He decides that the patient can stay on the table for him to have lunch. The patient subsequently bleeds out. Murder or not?

And again in this case the premise that Chauvin had nothing to do with Floyd losing consciousness and eventually dying is highly suspect, but leaving that as it is. Chauvin was a police officer. Trained at first aid by definition. He didn't render aid, prevented anyone else from rendering aid and kept on sitting on Floyd even though it was clear he wasn't a treat anymore and was actually in distress. That is murder.
So yeah they just released the autopsy. George Floyd just fucking died. He was not murdered. He had a bad heart and he was hopped up on fentanyl amphetamines and marijuana. You assholes make us all less safe by what you've done because of this situation. Stand down.
Actually. There was a lot of evidence that Chauvin was wrong. First. Training. Chauvin was trained that the knee hold was suitable until the suspect is in custody and restrained. Floyd was restrained. He wore handcuffs. At that time, policy and training told Chauvin to get off of Floyd.

As everyone knows. You can violate policy, but you better have a really good reason. If your Boss tells you he wants you to do a job one way and you don’t do it the way he said. You could get fired if you don’t have a really good reason.

Number two. The Cardiologist which was quoted earlier said that it was positional asphyxiation.

This isn’t a new thing. It is something that is well understood and the reason that the Police Policy required officers to cease its use once the suspect was restrained.

Then we get to the ME that Chauvin hired as a Defense Expert. That defense expert drove the nails into the coffin of the defense.

The Cross Examination showed the Defense Expert was pulling it out of his ass. And worse. Had no basis for his conclusions.

Now that would be bad enough for Chauvin. But the questions about Chauvin’s actions were devastating.

I’ve said this before. The most damning witness for the case against Chauvin was his own defense expert Medical Examiner.

So there is a lot of evidence that Chauvin was responsible. And much of it came from his own defense case.
All very interesting but the conflicting points of view remain. Blisterfinger, once again, adds his view, and other than the profanity I think it is worth attention.

So yeah they just released the autopsy. George Floyd just fucking died. He was not murdered. He had a bad heart and he was hopped up on fentanyl amphetamines and marijuana. You assholes make us all less safe by what you've done because of this situation. Stand down.
It's fun watching you just make shit up to fit your narrative. No, he did not enter his car in response to "seeing the officer." He went into his car to get his license in response to the cop's directive to show him his license. Even the cop himself admitted he was wrong to shoot him.

The department said the cop was wrong.

The court said the cop was wrong.

The cop himself said he was wrong.

An idiot named 2aguy says the cop was right.


He moved in a fast way that looked like he was reaching for a weapon,
So yeah they just released the autopsy. George Floyd just fucking died. He was not murdered. He had a bad heart and he was hopped up on fentanyl amphetamines and marijuana. You assholes make us all less safe by what you've done because of this situation. Stand down.

Actually. It is the same report released more than three years ago.

All very interesting but the conflicting points of view remain. Blisterfinger, once again, adds his view, and other than the profanity I think it is worth attention.


The problem is that it isn’t new. And it ignores page one. It doesn’t even cherry pick, it pretends the Cherry’s are actually Apples.

I gave you the raw data. The cross examination of the Defense Expert Witness. The cross examination that destroyed your own argument, and of course Blisterfinger

The Defense Expert made those arguments on the stand. He said he would rule the death undetermined. Then the cross examination. He admitted that there are often circumstances that positional asphyxiation will not leave traditional strangulation marks or evidence. He admitted that it is impossible to prove that positional asphyxiation did not occur in those cases.

Then the death nails. The Prosecutor asked if the Doctor as a medical expert would recommend that Officer Chauvin kneel on an individual for an extended time. No the Doctor testified. He would not as a Medical Expert recommend such a thing. As a medical expert would you want to see a check of the suspect after he lost consciousness? Yes. As a medical expert I would recommend that a check on the person be performed. As a medical expert would you recommend that Officer Chauvin continue kneeling on the suspect George Floyd after he lost consciousness? No. I would not recommend that as a medical expert.

The Defense Expert just proved the Prosecutions case. For some reason this was never covered in the RW news sites. For some reason they utterly ignored that. Why? You tell me why they ignored the testimony of the Defense Expert?
Actually. It is the same report released more than three years ago.

The problem is that it isn’t new. And it ignores page one. It doesn’t even cherry pick, it pretends the Cherry’s are actually Apples.

I gave you the raw data. The cross examination of the Defense Expert Witness. The cross examination that destroyed your own argument, and of course Blisterfinger

The Defense Expert made those arguments on the stand. He said he would rule the death undetermined. Then the cross examination. He admitted that there are often circumstances that positional asphyxiation will not leave traditional strangulation marks or evidence. He admitted that it is impossible to prove that positional asphyxiation did not occur in those cases.

Then the death nails. The Prosecutor asked if the Doctor as a medical expert would recommend that Officer Chauvin kneel on an individual for an extended time. No the Doctor testified. He would not as a Medical Expert recommend such a thing. As a medical expert would you want to see a check of the suspect after he lost consciousness? Yes. As a medical expert I would recommend that a check on the person be performed. As a medical expert would you recommend that Officer Chauvin continue kneeling on the suspect George Floyd after he lost consciousness? No. I would not recommend that as a medical expert.

The Defense Expert just proved the Prosecutions case. For some reason this was never covered in the RW news sites. For some reason they utterly ignored that. Why? You tell me why they ignored the testimony of the Defense Expert?
Well, your view is filled with holes and (at times) is illogical. You are saying IT IS. Blisterfinger is saying It might be this or It could be that and his explanation is supported by logic without holes. But the two of you can fight it out if you want.
Well, your view is filled with holes and (at times) is illogical. You are saying IT IS. Blisterfinger is saying It might be this or It could be that and his explanation is supported by logic without holes. But the two of you can fight it out if you want.

Yeah. Look. The new report was released three years ago. It was debated in the courtroom with the witnesses. The jury heard it. They rejected the defense argument.

So the jury was convinced, despite the not new evidence, which they heard, beyond a reasonable doubt, that Chauvin was guilty.

Was the case perfect? No. But no case ever is. Was it more than sufficient to prove beyond that reasonable doubt that Chauvin killed Floyd? You betcha.
All very interesting but the conflicting points of view remain. Blisterfinger, once again, adds his view, and other than the profanity I think it is worth attention.

I just have to put myself in chauvin's position. Maybe he had had a bad day and here is this criminal breaking the law, hopped up on drugs, that he needs to restrain. I might not have the best attitude about it either and give it a little extra oomf but not meaning to kill. The thing is really a tragedy especially that chauvin has to go to jail for the rest of his life for something he didn't really do. Then all hell breaks loose with Society because of a lie and we are all less safe. What a shit show. Pardon the profanity
Yeah. Look. The new report was released three years ago. It was debated in the courtroom with the witnesses. The jury heard it. They rejected the defense argument.

So the jury was convinced, despite the not new evidence, which they heard, beyond a reasonable doubt, that Chauvin was guilty.

Was the case perfect? No. But no case ever is. Was it more than sufficient to prove beyond that reasonable doubt that Chauvin killed Floyd? You betcha.
Did you major in gaslighting in school? Oh wait.. a reasonable doubt that Chavin killed Floyd LOL that gives me a chuckle, there certainly was. The autopsy showed that Chavin didn't die from the knee on the neck. That is unproven by anyone, meaning you have to let Chavin go. I'm sure the jury was under a lot of pressure from the left, and you know what they can do.. the left has shown you haven't they?
Did you major in gaslighting in school? Oh wait.. a reasonable doubt that Chavin killed Floyd LOL that gives me a chuckle, there certainly was. The autopsy showed that Chavin didn't die from the knee on the neck. That is unproven by anyone, meaning you have to let Chavin go. I'm sure the jury was under a lot of pressure from the left, and you know what they can do.. the left has shown you haven't they?

No the autopsy didn’t show that. The autopsy report was twenty pages long. You ignored the first page with your new evidence. You ignored all the supporting documentation. Your “new evidence” released more than three years ago, so why is it suddenly news now?

It was released July 2020. More than three years ago. How is it you never saw it or heard about it until now? What did you base your opinion that Chauvin was innocent on if not the report that had been released before the trial ever started?
No the autopsy didn’t show that. The autopsy report was twenty pages long. You ignored the first page with your new evidence. You ignored all the supporting documentation. Your “new evidence” released more than three years ago, so why is it suddenly news now?

It was released July 2020. More than three years ago. How is it you never saw it or heard about it until now? What did you base your opinion that Chauvin was innocent on if not the report that had been released before the trial ever started?
Show me where it says the cause of death was a knee on the back of the neck. You know it was partially on his shoulders. It is what the cops are taught to do and it is proven not to be a death hold.
No the autopsy didn’t show that.
The autopsy report was twenty pages long.
Yada-yada-yada .....

Show me where it says the cause of death was a knee on the back of the neck. ...
That's what we want to see ... if it can be determined at all. It can't be so difficult, can it? I mean, a knife in the heart: A wound in the chest with a laceration the same width as the knife. Got it! Blunt force trauma: A bashed-in skull with a dent that fits the shape of a tyre iron. Got it! Collapsed throat or whatever it's called: Indentation caused by the size and force similar to that of someone's knee. Uhhhh, maybe?

Come on, you guys. :huddle:

Yada-yada-yada .....

That's what we want to see ... if it can be determined at all. It can't be so difficult, can it? I mean, a knife in the heart: A wound in the chest with a laceration the same width as the knife. Got it! Blunt force trauma: A bashed-in skull with a dent that fits the shape of a tyre iron. Got it! Collapsed throat or whatever it's called: Indentation caused by the size and force similar to that of someone's knee. Uhhhh, maybe?

Come on, you guys. :huddle:
Where did it say collapse throat? Do a little screenshot for me there buddy. What good does it do you side with anti-police Lawless Democrats?

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