Zone1 The officer did not murder Floyd, should he get a new trial?

Nope.....the ignorant mov scared the paramedics away, and even if they were right there, his clogged arteries and illegal drugs had killed him.
You didn't address the question at all.

What justification is there for not moving of the body and rendering aid to an unconscious man you deem in need of a handoff to paramedics?
No.....she was just another asshole making the situation worse, the ignorant mob scared away the paramedics which delayed the hand off from police
No the police made everything worse & murdered Floyd.
We now have evidence that the prosecutors in the George Floyd case and the coroner knew that the police officer restraining the violent criminal, George Floyd, did not murder him and was not the cause of his death………as many people pointed out, but the democrat party needed a reason to riot leading up to the 2024 election…….

Now that this is out in public, should the officers get new trials?

I called Dr. Baker early that morning to tell him about the case and to ask him if he would perform the autopsy on Mr. Floyd,” she explained.

“He called me later in the day on that Tuesday and he told me that there were no medical findings that showed any injury to the vital structures of Mr. Floyd’s neck. There were no medical indications of asphyxia or strangulation,” Sweasy said, according to the transcript.

“He said to me, ‘Amy, what happens when the actual evidence doesn’t match up with the public narrative that everyone’s already decided on?’ And then he said, ‘This is the kind of case that ends careers.’”
Ellison increased the charge to second-degree murder—again, knowing Chauvin was innocent. Sadly, prosecutorial immunity means that the corrupt individuals who put Chauvin behind bars for the rest of his life will face no consequences for their evil act.

Evidence showing he didn't kill him or not that cop should never have gone to trial.

George Floyd killed himself.

George Floyd was a thug, a criminal, a dopehead, a felon and so on. The life he lived meant everything he did led up to that moment.

If he wasn't doing criminal shit that day then that cop would have never been called to go there that day. If he didn't resist arrest (and don't give me that claustrophobia bullshit because he sitting in a car when the cops showed up just fine) then they wouldn't have restrained him. Neither of those things were the cops fault.

George Floyd is a thug criminal dopehead piece of shit that died because he couldn't even manage to be a decent human being.
Interesting standard you have there. One cop, by himself, against a dozen or so angry, shouting, people who are trying to break down doors, to get to the elected officials that cop is charged with protecting and defending. One cop, doing the Horacio on the Bridge routine.

You say he was too much of a coward. The cop fired one shot. One. He didn’t empty his magazine at the crowd. He fired one aimed shot at the first person to cross the line of the door. One shot.

You see, I also watched the videos. And I wasn’t happy with the death, but like many, I can’t find fault with the cop. He didn’t empty his magazine into the crowd. He fired one round. Now, I might be able to be convinced the single round was an error. He was stressed out and screwed up and put the trigger finger on the bang switch when he should have had it along the side of the weapon. But even so, if the round was unintentional, he would have to say something about that, or have video that contradicted his story.

One round and the crowd fell back, ceasing the attempt to get to the Elected Officials.

In California, Police fired a combined 600 rounds of ammunition at four bank robbers holding a hostage. The police killed three of the robbers, and the hostage. The reconstruction of the shooting clearly showed that several officers fired despite not being able to see the baddies. They fired perilously close to fellow officers, if that officer in front of them had moved a foot left or right, they would have been killed by friendly fire.

Now, I have issues with that shooting. Firing when you can’t see the baddies is dumb. Firing perilously close to your fellow cops is incredibly dangerous and idiotic. And the review agrees with me. Those cops were shooting like mad, and I’m sure it resembled a mad minute at a Military Range where they are expending all the ammunition not required for qualification. If you didn’t serve, you get to load up as many mags as you can, and go and dump the round down range as fast as you want. The idea is to finish the range with zero unexpended ammunition.

So six hundred rounds fired by the police at four bank robbers holding a hostage. But that isn’t among the worst examples of excessive force. During the Dornier Manhunt two cops fired over a hundred rounds at a pick up truck holding two women delivering newspapers. They managed to wound one of the two women. I’m fairly certain that if they carried enough ammunition to kill both occupants that the cops would literally be staggering under the load.

I can name a lot of examples of excessive force or bad shootings. I can give you examples where the shootings were justified. Even if we failed to learn lessons that would prevent them from happening again.

But I find it interesting that you called the cop at the Capital a coward. He stood alone against multiple people. People who assaulted police officers to gain entry. Who had already demonstrated a willingness to injure, and perhaps kill cops to get what they wanted. And in that situation he fired a single round at the first person to cross the line. A single round.

To me, that sounds like restraint. He didn’t run from the crowd. He didn’t flee from the same group that had already assaulted other cops. He didn’t empty his magazine and reload to get those fuckers who were beating cops. He fired one round.

If you had a mind capable of discussing the matter, I might be willing to explain why I would be willing to consider it an unintended discharge of a round. But you are a radical and motivated by political idealism instead of a desire to be honest.
You too have an interesting standard. BLM riots in Portland 2016, cop haters everywhere throwing large fireworks at cops, beating them with umbrellas, shining Green Lasers and blinding them in the eyes, throwing shit and urine. Cops shot no one. Seattle riots and establishment of Chaz. Same. I do give you credit for actually viewing this video but I question as how you could come away saying that it was not a murder. I guess you're ideology will not let you project anything into it other than your own narrow leftist framework.
If you watch the video you'll see the coward Boyd come in from the left unseen by Babbitt point the gun and with no warning pull the trigger to shoot her in the head from about 8 ft. Clearly against any precedent I've ever seen for a cop. If he wasn't a coward he would have walked over there where Babbitt was coming through put a gun in her face and said backup bitch before murdering her.
You too have an interesting standard. BLM riots in Portland 2016, cop haters everywhere throwing large fireworks at cops, beating them with umbrellas, shining Green Lasers and blinding them in the eyes, throwing shit and urine. Cops shot no one. Seattle riots and establishment of Chaz. Same. I do give you credit for actually viewing this video but I question as how you could come away saying that it was not a murder. I guess you're ideology will not let you project anything into it other than your own narrow leftist framework.
If you watch the video you'll see the coward Boyd come in from the left unseen by Babbitt point the gun and with no warning pull the trigger to shoot her in the head from about 8 ft. Clearly against any precedent I've ever seen for a cop. If he wasn't a coward he would have walked over there where Babbitt was coming through put a gun in her face and said backup bitch before murdering her.

Yep.....simply standing in front of her would have stopped her.....

If you watch all of the video from that encounter, you see a couple of cops standing in front of those doors with babbit and the crowd facing one touches the cops or the door.....then, some cops in riot gear come in, and pull the cops from in front of the door....that is when the crowd goes up to the door......they pulled those cops. Those cops just standing there kept the crowd from approaching the doors....and they pulled them.
Yep.....simply standing in front of her would have stopped her.....

If you watch all of the video from that encounter, you see a couple of cops standing in front of those doors with babbit and the crowd facing one touches the cops or the door.....then, some cops in riot gear come in, and pull the cops from in front of the door....that is when the crowd goes up to the door......they pulled those cops. Those cops just standing there kept the crowd from approaching the doors....and they pulled them.
It was clear that Boyd murdered Babbitt. Babbitt was in a very vulnerable position and could have been easily stopped by a gun in her face and being blocked. It was almost as if Boyd was sent down there to do what he did. What a travesty, and the leftists who can't recognize it as such and the two tier justice system which punishes conservatives. Don't these people realize it's going to bite them in the ass also someday? They think they are immune somehow from a developing tyrannical government because they share the ideology.

Screenshot_20220109-220949_Read Chan.jpg
You too have an interesting standard. BLM riots in Portland 2016, cop haters everywhere throwing large fireworks at cops, beating them with umbrellas, shining Green Lasers and blinding them in the eyes, throwing shit and urine. Cops shot no one. Seattle riots and establishment of Chaz. Same. I do give you credit for actually viewing this video but I question as how you could come away saying that it was not a murder. I guess you're ideology will not let you project anything into it other than your own narrow leftist framework.
If you watch the video you'll see the coward Boyd come in from the left unseen by Babbitt point the gun and with no warning pull the trigger to shoot her in the head from about 8 ft. Clearly against any precedent I've ever seen for a cop. If he wasn't a coward he would have walked over there where Babbitt was coming through put a gun in her face and said backup bitch before murdering her.

Since we have left the topic long behind. Perhaps other than declaring what I apparently support. With no such comments from me ever. I’ll get specific. Was this a justified use of force?

Since we have left the topic long behind. Perhaps other than declaring what I apparently support. With no such comments from me ever. I’ll get specific. Was this a justified use of force?

Well that was weird, do you think it was justified use of force? Keep in mind because of your opinion on Ashley Babbitt, your point of view really means nothing to me. You would justify murder of someone who's political ideology was not the same as yours. That leaves you out of my Loop. The cop in the video could have and should have handled this in a different way.

Since we have left the topic long behind. Perhaps other than declaring what I apparently support. With no such comments from me ever. I’ll get specific. Was this a justified use of force?

Yes. He was reaching into his car in response to seeing the officer....

What part of these things do you not comprehend?
Yes. He was reaching into his car in response to seeing the officer....

What part of these things do you not comprehend?

That officer was arrested and pled guilty for the shooting. He was reaching into the car in response to the command to see the license.
Since we have left the topic long behind. Perhaps other than declaring what I apparently support. With no such comments from me ever. I’ll get specific. Was this a justified use of force?

Hell No! - That Officer told him to get his license, then shot him for obeying his order. Now that officer is in jail where he belongs.
Murder is usually when one person causes another person's death. You Cherry Picked Me because I said Chavin might have been negligent in his arrest of Saint Floyd ( there was never any malice or even racism proven). My statement of negligence really means nothing unless you're a hack like you are and you'll use any nitpick for your narrative. Floyd caused his own death so whether Chavin was negligent or not it doesn't matter. Floyd killed himself. Hack on that cherry picker.
So when determining the "parameters" for murder your personal opinion is more valid than the legal definition? That's convenient.

But let's test that premise without putting Chauvin's name on it.

A paramedic comes to the scene of an accident finds a victim without a pulse and doesn't lift a finger to help that victim. Now the accident might be the reason for the victim not having a pulse but it is a conscious choice to not do the job you are literally there for. Would you agree with a murder charge in that case?

I see somebody fall on the street. I proceed to keep everybody who wants to help away by swinging a baseball bat. Now I might have nothing to do with the fall but I don't think a judge would accept that as an argument to escape a murder charge don't you think?

A doctor is performing a surgery. He decides that the patient can stay on the table for him to have lunch. The patient subsequently bleeds out. Murder or not?

And again in this case the premise that Chauvin had nothing to do with Floyd losing consciousness and eventually dying is highly suspect, but leaving that as it is. Chauvin was a police officer. Trained at first aid by definition. He didn't render aid, prevented anyone else from rendering aid and kept on sitting on Floyd even though it was clear he wasn't a treat anymore and was actually in distress. That is murder.
... You Cherry Picked Me because I said Chavin might have been negligent in his arrest of Saint Floyd ( there was never any malice or even racism proven). ....
So when determining the "parameters" for murder your personal opinion is more valid than the legal definition? That's convenient.
:huh1:You read Blisterfinger's post about "neglect" (it's an English term, look it up if you don't believe me) rather than "murder" and he supports that theory by the lack of proof of malice or of racism - but this is your overall response to it?
Yep.....simply standing in front of her would have stopped her.....

If you watch all of the video from that encounter, you see a couple of cops standing in front of those doors with babbit and the crowd facing one touches the cops or the door.....then, some cops in riot gear come in, and pull the cops from in front of the door....that is when the crowd goes up to the door......they pulled those cops. Those cops just standing there kept the crowd from approaching the doors....and they pulled them.

If no one hit the door until those 3 cops stepped aside, how did the window behind them crack while they were still there?


:huh1:You read Blisterfinger's post about "neglect" (it's an English term, look it up if you don't believe me) rather than "murder" and he supports that theory by the lack of proof of malice or of racism - but this is your overall response to it?
Second degree murder is such a killing without premeditation, as in the heat of passion or in a sudden quarrel or fight. Malice in second degree murder may be implied from a death due to the reckless lack of concern for the life of others.

Sitting on an unconscious man a fact of which you are notified by other people, is most definitely a reckless lack of concern for the life of others. Something Blister is aware as shown by his comment. It is how a showing of "malice" literally is described in the legal dictionary.

So how do you get to lack of proof of malice?

Feel free to address my examples and tell me how Chauvin's actions are different from them?
Yes. He was reaching into his car in response to seeing the officer....

What part of these things do you not comprehend?

It's fun watching you just make shit up to fit your narrative. No, he did not enter his car in response to "seeing the officer." He went into his car to get his license in response to the cop's directive to show him his license. Even the cop himself admitted he was wrong to shoot him.

The department said the cop was wrong.

The court said the cop was wrong.

The cop himself said he was wrong.

An idiot named 2aguy says the cop was right.

Second degree murder is such a killing without premeditation, as in the heat of passion or in a sudden quarrel or fight. Malice in second degree murder may be implied from a death due to the reckless lack of concern for the life of others.
All very interesting and worth discussion or clarification.
Sitting on an unconscious man a fact of which you are notified by other people,

by other people. :auiqs.jpg:"I know my rights!" "Don't touch me!" "He didn't do anything!" Other people. :icon_sjung:
So how do you get to lack of proof of malice?
I refer to Blisterfinger's statement and from what you've just written now there is no indication that he is wrong. Oh yeah, I forgot - "other people". :icon_rolleyes:
Feel free to address my examples and tell me how Chauvin's actions are different from them?
I just have.
All very interesting and worth discussion or clarification.

by other people. :auiqs.jpg:"I know my rights!" "Don't touch me!" "He didn't do anything!" Other people. :icon_sjung:

I refer to Blisterfinger's statement and from what you've just written now there is no indication that he is wrong. Oh yeah, I forgot - "other people". :icon_rolleyes:

I just have.

Actually. There was a lot of evidence that Chauvin was wrong. First. Training. Chauvin was trained that the knee hold was suitable until the suspect is in custody and restrained. Floyd was restrained. He wore handcuffs. At that time, policy and training told Chauvin to get off of Floyd.

As everyone knows. You can violate policy, but you better have a really good reason. If your Boss tells you he wants you to do a job one way and you don’t do it the way he said. You could get fired if you don’t have a really good reason.

Number two. The Cardiologist which was quoted earlier said that it was positional asphyxiation.

This isn’t a new thing. It is something that is well understood and the reason that the Police Policy required officers to cease its use once the suspect was restrained.

Then we get to the ME that Chauvin hired as a Defense Expert. That defense expert drove the nails into the coffin of the defense.

The Cross Examination showed the Defense Expert was pulling it out of his ass. And worse. Had no basis for his conclusions.

Now that would be bad enough for Chauvin. But the questions about Chauvin’s actions were devastating.

I’ve said this before. The most damning witness for the case against Chauvin was his own defense expert Medical Examiner.

So there is a lot of evidence that Chauvin was responsible. And much of it came from his own defense case.

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