The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Z has the deer in the headlights thing going on big time.

He is the deer in the headlights.

His karma is catching up to him.:evil:

Your :evil: needs a lude. It's almost trial time. I have enough faith in the system (baby killer and OJ excluded lol) that whatever justice is to be done will be done.

If you take 6 of us here on this thread - 2 over here <<<< and 2 there >>> 2 maybe no agenda ----- and put them in a shaker, shake 'em up, dump them back out again, you get somewhere close to an "average" = justice.
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anyone watch jury selection today

any bombshells

isnt there afternoon court again today

I dozed off.

They're rearranged the court room as we speak for group questions tomorrow (everyone sit in a circle :)

That *should* go quick - strike, strike, strike, strike!
Martin Autopsy Report = 158 lbs

Zimmerman Weight on Police Report = 200 lbs

Zimmerman Weight the Next Day @ Doctors Office = 204 lbs


I thought I have seen on tv that GZ has gained over 100 pounds since the arrest for TM's death. Does that mean he now weighs 300? If so, he sure doesn't look it.

That is the reason I doubt the 200 weight.

You have reason to doubt his measured weight within 24 hours of the event?



The report I saw and it has been a while but I presume it was a police report gave TM's height and weight but just gave GZ's height.

Do you really think he weighs 300+ pounds now? One just has to look at the man to see he has gained a significant amount of weight due to the stress he is under since that incident.

I sure wish I could hide 100 pounds as easily as you think GZ has. lol
Z has the deer in the headlights thing going on big time.

He is the deer in the headlights.

His karma is catching up to him.:evil:

Your :evil: needs a lude. It's almost trial time. I have enough faith in the system (baby killer and OJ excluded lol) that whatever justice is to be done will be done.

If you take 6 of us here on this thread - 2 over here <<<< and 2 there >>> 2 maybe no agenda ----- and put them in a shaker, shake 'em up, dump them back out again, you get somewhere close to an "average" = justice.

I don't mean to sound so flippant about that and I don't mean to just disqualify you - especially after the JoJo trial. I personally don't believe there was evil, malice, intent, premed, psycho or any of that in this. I think it was "a situation" that ended in a tragic death, so I'm not very emotionally wrapped in it. I am emotionally wrapped up in the ripples of that event and the chaos and madness that triggered... as I've said before til I'm sick of myself - it was an event that was a catalyst for personal agenda, whatever broad scope those agendas from the US Justice Dept and POTUS on down to these potential Joe Blow jurors and their agendas that keep tripping them up. I'm not going to do my 1 - 10 again on the bullshit of this process of justice and what transpired last year. The event itself - I'm totally willing to let the evidence come out and justice do it's work. And hope like hell that whatever that is doesn't spark the madness and chaos again.

For me, the agenda, ensuing violence and political ridiculousness of the aftermath overshadowed the event itself.... and I never went back.
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anyone watch jury selection today

any bombshells

isnt there afternoon court again today

I dozed off.

They're rearranged the court room as we speak for group questions tomorrow (everyone sit in a circle :)

That *should* go quick - strike, strike, strike, strike!

so they must have reached 40 jurors

Yepper, I thought I made the trial status big and red enough - should I go to 7 font? lol

So we have the 40...that was a little quicker than expected, huh? or no? How long will the group thing last do you guys think?
So we have the 40...that was a little quicker than expected, huh? or no? How long will the group thing last do you guys think?

Hi 25,

I agree, it went more quickly than I expected too. I bet they can narrow it down to the 10 they need by the end of the week. They have 3 pretty full days, even though there's the continuation of the Frye hearing tomorrow at 4PM, and this judge seems to like to move things along. Hurray for that!

I'm assuming the rest of jury selection will also be broadcast. Has anyone heard?
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