The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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I recall as a young guy buying a house in a black neighborhood. Just fixing it up to sell it and make a few bucks. I worked cleaning it up all day and decided to spend the night and get an early start the next morning.

The sun goes down and all hell broke out, most windows with rocks thrown through them, "come outside white boy", "we're going to kill your white ass".. you name it, I heard it..hate speech extraordinaire.

No phone, no help..worst night of my life...obviously I survived, lost my ass on the investment and had a rude awakening...

Hell, I can even laugh about it now...:lol:
More divisive bullshit whose sole intent is to take the attention away from him and place it somewhere else. Nobody wants to talk about Syria or the NSA when they've got a dead punk and a Hispanic guy to concern themselves with.
And note he didn't say a thing about BOTH men's lives destroyed.

Cowards don't deserve to shoot first and ask questions later.

Zimmerman could have put up with a lot more than a couple of 1 cm cuts to his head and a broken nose before he took out a gun and put it in that kid's chest.

He KNEW when he pulled the trigger that he was killing somebody. He knew it.

If T.M. had brandished a knife or similar weapon and Zimmerman saw that before the fight, you could say he had a reason to use a gun. Otherwise, he's just the fat-faced pussy we saw on television for three weeks, lying his ass off to the court.
He shot Trayvon first? Really? What planet did this take place on? Some alternate Universe? Nope. The jury spoke. You can't accept rule of LAW.
I recall as a young guy buying a house in a black neighborhood. Just fixing it up to sell it and make a few bucks. I worked cleaning it up all day and decided to spend the night and get an early start the next morning.

The sun goes down and all hell broke out, most windows with rocks thrown through them, "come outside white boy", "we're going to kill your white ass".. you name it, I heard it..hate speech extraordinaire.

No phone, no help..worst night of my life...obviously I survived, lost my ass on the investment and had a rude awakening...

Hell, I can even laugh about it now...:lol:
Wowsers! I am glad they didn't succeed. I wouldn't have the pleasure of your company. :)
But according to GADAWG, you have the right to shoot someone just because they hit you. That's it.

It doesn't work like that, you have to be in fear of your life.

We do not live in the wild wild West anymore. Those days are long gone.

I love this quote.
I'm guessing Obama has never been a "White Guy" walking around in an African American neighborhood or such..

The whiner and chief loves divisive politics, just loves it..:eusa_hand:

How could he be? Are you a white guy? And have you ever dared walk around in an African-American neighborhood by yourself? Or are you just more pixelated methane for this board? you specialize in being a dumb ass, sure looks like you do.
In some surprise remarks at today's White House briefing, President Obama injected himself into the Zimmerman/Martin case yet again. He said:

President Obama: 'Trayvon Martin Could've Been Me 35 Years Ago' -

"There are very few African-American men in this country who haven't had the experience of being followed when they were shopping in a department store—that includes me," he said. The same goes for African-American men who have heard "locks click on the doors of cars," or seen a woman in an elevator "clutching her purse nervously and holding her breath until she had a chance to get off."
But for some reason, he still has not mentioned that Martin had attacked an innocent man and beaten him. The jury that found Zimmerman "Not Guilty", clearly decided he had justifiably defended himself against Martin's attack.

If Obama has any respect for our country's justcie system and the jury trial process, why does he not at least mention, in addition to Martin's tragic but justified death brought on by his attack on another man, the fact that that other man, who was not guilty of any crime at all, has been driven into hiding and will never live a normal life again?

Mr. President, doesn't Zimmerman count too?

You do respect the jury process that found him Not Guilty... don't you?


No, you retard, that is not what the jury decided, and yes, you retard, he did mention Zimmerman.

Please stop making retarded threads, you're a disgrace.

If the Jury was not convinced Zimmerman was justifiably defending himself then they would have convicted him on either manslaughter or 2nd degree murder. The only way he is "not guilty" of either of those charges is if he was justified in defending himself from a threat he perceived to be a danger to his life.

So according to YOU since that is not the case why did the jury find him not guilty?
so i'm just curious. with all the black on black violence in places like Chicago and most other major cities, why are they making such a big deal about this one incident? why aren't all these agitators flapping their gums about all the other black kids getting killed?
Why do dumb people post on this message board? But I digress. The fact is the POTUS is considered a "black man" and has had experiences which most whites never have. The issue of race in America needs to be discussed & racism exposed - both institutional and the product of ignorant and dumb people.

Why do dumb people post on this message board?

damn, get out of my head!!!!!!

I always ask myself that when I see your posts....but I digress....:eusa_whistle:

And what did zimmerman consider himself , that is before the media re-christened him, white then white Hispanic? :eusa_eh: you do realize that Zimmerman is more of a "minority" than Obama is, right? :lol:

The issue of race in America needs to be discussed & racism exposed - both institutional and the product of ignorant and dumb people

and you expose yourself here when you post.....we get it:eusa_hand:

If Zimmerman is a White Hispanic, Obama is a Whiter African American.

Obama has more white ancestry than does Zimmerman.

By sharpton's logic, Obama isn't our first black president.
The whining and crying about the outcome of this trial is beginning to be offensive. The man was proven innocent by a jury of his peers. I ask everyone here…If you had a younger and stronger person sitting on your chest hitting you and slamming your head into the ground and then he appears to be going for your gun…What would you do? I feel like I live in crazyland. My own President can’t even get past this. It’s just flat out Ridiculous…
Obama said he could have been Trayvon 35 years ago.

That would mean several things.

Ether Obama was just like Trayvon the dop-smoking thug, or Obama thinks he'd could have been the one to cause someone to shoot him.

But that would mean we wouldn't have that asshole in the White House today.(That would be great)

Obama must hate whites and Hispanics.

Any way you slice it, what Obama said was foolish and one-sided. Hardly what a President should be saying.

Any wonder why much of America feels he isn't our President.
Another thing:

Trayvan lived with his father 90% of the time. He didn't have that good of a relationship with his mother.
His stepmother said Trayvon never mentioned his own mother yet now we have to feel sorry for the grieving mother of Trayvon.
If the authorities even mentioned charging fat/ugly/stupid with perjury don't you know, there would be a high speed come apart!

If the prosecution had any scruples they would charge her. People have gone to jail for perjury, haven't they?

However, they probably coached her to say what she did. So it will be buried like barry's college transcripts!
Another thing:

Trayvan lived with his father 90% of the time. He didn't have that good of a relationship with his mother.
His stepmother said Trayvon never mentioned his own mother yet now we have to feel sorry for the grieving mother of Trayvon.
There's a lot to be said about keeping the tradition of the family unit intact...we see the consequences...maybe I'll be called racist for pointing it out...and note Obama didn't speak a word of family and tradition...
Another thing:

Trayvan lived with his father 90% of the time. He didn't have that good of a relationship with his mother.
His stepmother said Trayvon never mentioned his own mother yet now we have to feel sorry for the grieving mother of Trayvon.

I've been overdoing it---I thought it was all blacks that needed pity.
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