The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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If you listen to Obama's divisive speech then turn on MSNBC it's like a coordinated Obama love fest and race baiting wonderland..:lol:
Obama isn't worried about ****** against ****** crime. I'm sorry the main stream media states there is nothing wrong with stereo typing a race.
No blacks on the left will say that TM punched GZ, or that he was beating his head on the concrete. They paint the picture that TM was just a boy walking home when a WHITE hipanic stalked him down to murder him.

TM was a criminal thug who fucked with the wrong dude.

Blacks want to remain victims. Obama wants to keep that at the forefront for political profit.

Do you ever see any other racial leaders playing the race card? No you don't; it's always blacks. The other races don't see themselves as victims, and they do very well.

Has any of that been proven in a court of law? Because GZ was found not-guilty, doesn't automatically make TM guilty. You want fairness one way, but refuse to be even handed. Any wonder people are saying racism is at play in this controversy?
Another thing:

Trayvan lived with his father 90% of the time. He didn't have that good of a relationship with his mother.
His stepmother said Trayvon never mentioned his own mother yet now we have to feel sorry for the grieving mother of Trayvon.
There's a lot to be said about keeping the tradition of the family unit intact...we see the consequences...maybe I'll be called racist for pointing it out...and note Obama didn't speak a word of family and tradition...

It has been determined that if someone says things might or would be better in the black community if the kids were part of a "family", mother and father both at home raising the family then you are no doubt racist.

The left goes almost as nuts over this as they do if people on the right are critical of the lefts love of abortion.
As a White Hispanic, the one thing Obama can do to raise awareness of the whole Travyon thing and to keep it in the news is to resign the Presidency.

At best he's headed for impeachment and at worst we're headed the way of Egypt which just ousted its scumbag Muslim Brotherhood leader.

Obama, for Travyon, Resign

Who's with me?

Only in your dreams :lol::lol::lol:
Another thing:

Trayvan lived with his father 90% of the time. He didn't have that good of a relationship with his mother.
His stepmother said Trayvon never mentioned his own mother yet now we have to feel sorry for the grieving mother of Trayvon.
There's a lot to be said about keeping the tradition of the family unit intact...we see the consequences...maybe I'll be called racist for pointing it out...and note Obama didn't speak a word of family and tradition...

It has been determined that if someone says things might or would be better in the black community if the kids were part of a "family", mother and father both at home raising the family then you are no doubt racist.

The left goes almost as nuts over this as they do if people on the right are critical of the lefts love of abortion.

I see...maybe Obama should have said Trayvon should have been aborted...Presto! This would have never happened...Isn't it a tad bit odd that the left is so gung-ho about abortion...but yet rally behind children and tell us what they do is for the children? :eusa_eh:

I'd say the left is either full of shit (plausible and for their power) or confused...mix of both?
But according to GADAWG, you have the right to shoot someone just because they hit you. That's it.

It doesn't work like that, you have to be in fear of your life.

We do not live in the wild wild West anymore. Those days are long gone.

I love this quote.

And according to Barack, everything is somehow race related, even though those days are supposed to be long gone as well, but someone keeps stirring that old pot...

We don't live in slavery times anymore either, but some want us to think that we do, and so they keep stirring that pot with a big ole stick as well.:eusa_whistle:
Here's part of the message that president told the nation. He, himself, was profiled as a youth.

Here's the reality of the present. President Obama is STILL being profiled by conservatives today. It started before he ever took office. You can hear it on talk radio. You can hear it when certain members of Congress talk about the president. You can even read it right here on this message board.
Why do you believe that?...because Obama told you so?

Perhaps you believe all that he said about that fictitious girlfriend he had...what's her name? Ah! Julia, I think.

Obama is a great story teller. He's got you hoodwinked into thinking he's telling a true story rather than embellishing the truth and outright LYING to make the story fit his agenda.

About the only thing I believe about his stories of the past is that he smoked a lot of dope. I've seen pictures of him...complete with his jive-ass posture.

Obama is acting out a never ending fiction novel...and you are part of his starry-eyed following. I wouldn't doubt that you get that tingly "Chris Matthews" feeling in you legs when you here your hero's voice.
So, lets say for some odd reason Zimmerman does not pull the gun and shoot, gets pummeled, and suffers serious injury at the hands of the 17 year old, do you still defend Trayvon?
Obama: Trayvon Martin ?could have been me 35 years ago?

While i voted for Obama both times this is un-presidential! The commander and chief shouldn't be getting involved and turning an already volatile situation even worse and making it more racial.

Anything worth doing is worth doing well.

This is Obama's thing after all.

Imagine his chances if we all had known this about him before he was elected, huh??
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