The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Not new, Sallow.

The accusation that it was racial profiling is the bs that made this a pastime for those who want to pretend Trayvon is an innocent little victim. FBI killed that game plan long ago.

It was new for me.

And the feds haven't killed anything. They are letting Florida handle this first.

However, the "suspect" thing gives even more credence to the wannabe cop thing.

As does running, armed, through a dark stretch of pathway with NO street signs or addresses.


You have no evidence to show that the federal government is letting Florida handle his first, nor can you show where that has ever been the case before.

The federal government operates independently of the states. If there is a federal case, it goes on regardless of the state's case. The FBI investigated, and found no evidence for racial bias.

FBI investigation concludes: George Zimmerman not racist - Miami criminal justice |

George Zimmerman evidence: Prosecutor set to release Zimmerman evidence at 10 a.m. - Orlando Sentinel

It doesn't matter how many times you post those links. He'll only believe it if it comes from the HuffyPuffy Post or ThinkRegress.
Zimmerman had already drawn a conclusion about the kid as of the first non emergency call.

He kept calling Travon the suspect for one thing. He said he was walking casually in the drizzle as if that somehow made Travon guilty. He stalked Travon, we only have his account of how Travon moved, looked, what he supposedly said, that he may have been looking in houses, etc.. He is sticking to his story but the profiling is apparent especially in this reading of the statement.

Yes he did, but did he say it was because he was black? Nope. And another thing, he called him suspect so he could clarify himself to Officer Singleton. You are the one drawing conclusions, Sarah. He didn't stalk Martin because he was black, and he did comply with the dispatcher's request to cease and desist. He was heading back to his vehicle when he was attacked. There is no profiling, and you are simply seeing things you want to see.

You are just guessing about who attacked whom... From all of Zimmerman's reports, and there were at least 7 in evidence, he mentions Black teens.

Now, there may be some crime there that involves Black teens but Zimmerman's incessant, wannabe cop, 911 calls are suspect. The ones they put in evidence are only some of his calls. He and I will add, his wife, were always calling the cops and complaining.

Ever hear of crying wolf?

If you will go back and listen to the testimony of the Sanford Police employee that was in charge of the Neighborhood Watch program,'ll find that the way they had it set up was that members of the Watch were supposed to call the the Watch Captain (who was Zimmerman) and that the Watch Captain would be the one to call the Police. The fact that it's Zimmerman who makes the calls isn't "suspect"'s the way the system was supposed to operate.

As for him "crying wolf"? You might have a point if there were no break ins. Since there were numerous burglaries, including a home invasion, during that time it hardly falls under that description.
Zimmerman had already drawn a conclusion about the kid as of the first non emergency call.

He kept calling Travon the suspect for one thing. He said he was walking casually in the drizzle as if that somehow made Travon guilty. He stalked Travon, we only have his account of how Travon moved, looked, what he supposedly said, that he may have been looking in houses, etc.. He is sticking to his story but the profiling is apparent especially in this reading of the statement.

Yes he did, but did he say it was because he was black? Nope. And another thing, he called him suspect so he could clarify himself to Officer Singleton. You are the one drawing conclusions, Sarah. He didn't stalk Martin because he was black, and he did comply with the dispatcher's request to cease and desist. He was heading back to his vehicle when he was attacked. There is no profiling, and you are simply seeing things you want to see.

You are just guessing about who attacked whom... From all of Zimmerman's reports, and there were at least 7 in evidence, he mentions Black teens.

Now, there may be some crime there that involves Black teens but Zimmerman's incessant, wannabe cop, 911 calls are suspect. The ones they put in evidence are only some of his calls. He and I will add, his wife, were always calling the cops and complaining.

Ever hear of crying wolf?

One. Good made it clear who attacked whom. "The lighter skin color was on the bottom."

Two. Those calls did not prove state of mind. You should be paying attention to all of this.

Three. There was one call the prosecution played last week where there was a white caucasian male in the group he was calling about.

Four. The neighborhood that Zimmerman lived in is prone to break-ins and burglaries. Who wouldn't be scared for his property and well being? Zimmerman keeps making it clear in his calls that "there was a burglary" at some time before the call. He didn't "cry wolf" he was looking out for the safety and well-being of his neighbors. Saying Zimmerman profiled Martin, however, IS "crying wolf."

Lastly, Sarah, you're making shit up. You are unable to derive an honest opinion about the case, you just have an overtly biased one.
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It was new for me.

And the feds haven't killed anything. They are letting Florida handle this first.

However, the "suspect" thing gives even more credence to the wannabe cop thing.

As does running, armed, through a dark stretch of pathway with NO street signs or addresses.


You have no evidence to show that the federal government is letting Florida handle his first, nor can you show where that has ever been the case before.

The federal government operates independently of the states. If there is a federal case, it goes on regardless of the state's case. The FBI investigated, and found no evidence for racial bias.

FBI investigation concludes: George Zimmerman not racist - Miami criminal justice |

George Zimmerman evidence: Prosecutor set to release Zimmerman evidence at 10 a.m. - Orlando Sentinel

It doesn't matter how many times you post those links. He'll only believe it if it comes from the HuffyPuffy Post or ThinkRegress.

So you think putting it in the gigantic fonts is just wasted effort?

It's kinda fun though.
Zimmerman had already drawn a conclusion about the kid as of the first non emergency call.

He kept calling Travon the suspect for one thing. He said he was walking casually in the drizzle as if that somehow made Travon guilty. He stalked Travon, we only have his account of how Travon moved, looked, what he supposedly said, that he may have been looking in houses, etc.. He is sticking to his story but the profiling is apparent especially in this reading of the statement.

So what you're saying is that the young man that was in Sanford because he'd been suspended from school for stealing was unfairly profiled because George Zimmerman thought he was acting suspiciously?

Gee, Sarah...could it be that George Zimmerman might have been correct in his observations about Trayvon Martin that night? That the young man who had a history of theft was in fact checking out the neighborhood? I know that doesn't fit the "fairy tale" that's been written by the main stream media to portray "poor little Trayvon" but the closer you look at who this kid REALLY was, who he hung out with and how he conducted his life then it's not unreasonable to think that the person who only in Sanford BECAUSE he was a thief may have been up to his same old tricks again.

Let's bring Zimmerman's past into it as well. They disallowed his past, such as mental issues for Zimmerman in the medical statement on Friday.

Let's bring your mental issues in before allowing you to post here. Just as an example. :cuckoo:
Zimmerman had already drawn a conclusion about the kid as of the first non emergency call.

He kept calling Travon the suspect for one thing. He said he was walking casually in the drizzle as if that somehow made Travon guilty. He stalked Travon, we only have his account of how Travon moved, looked, what he supposedly said, that he may have been looking in houses, etc.. He is sticking to his story but the profiling is apparent especially in this reading of the statement.

Yes he did, but did he say it was because he was black? Nope. And another thing, he called him suspect so he could clarify himself to Officer Singleton. You are the one drawing conclusions, Sarah. He didn't stalk Martin because he was black, and he did comply with the dispatcher's request to cease and desist. He was heading back to his vehicle when he was attacked. There is no profiling, and you are simply seeing things you want to see.

You are just guessing about who attacked whom... From all of Zimmerman's reports, and there were at least 7 in evidence, he mentions Black teens.

Now, there may be some crime there that involves Black teens but Zimmerman's incessant, wannabe cop, 911 calls are suspect. The ones they put in evidence are only some of his calls. He and I will add, his wife, were always calling the cops and complaining.

Ever hear of crying wolf?

I've searched through all the Florida statutes and I can't find where it says, "if you every cry wolf you can no longer defend your life."

Shouldn't one accused of that have to register, maybe the Wolf Crier's offender list?
It was new for me.

And the feds haven't killed anything. They are letting Florida handle this first.

However, the "suspect" thing gives even more credence to the wannabe cop thing.

As does running, armed, through a dark stretch of pathway with NO street signs or addresses.


You have no evidence to show that the federal government is letting Florida handle his first, nor can you show where that has ever been the case before.

The federal government operates independently of the states. If there is a federal case, it goes on regardless of the state's case. The FBI investigated, and found no evidence for racial bias.

FBI investigation concludes: George Zimmerman not racist - Miami criminal justice |

George Zimmerman evidence: Prosecutor set to release Zimmerman evidence at 10 a.m. - Orlando Sentinel

I guarandamntee this ends here in Florida.

This is a state matter, not a fed matter. They closed the investigation.

It's all over but the dreaming.

Not that they didn't try to make it a hate crime. Not that they didn't want to make it a racial issue.

Too many people forget or just don't know who Holder is. He was Janet's right hand man. Holder cleaned up WACO for the old bitch.

Holder got not only Mark Rich a pardon but also terrorists and last but not least Eric baby got Weathermen women pardons from Clinton.

Man is an asshole supremo. And a very dangerous asshole supremo. You bet he was looking hard to try to get this one to the federal courts after Obama made Trayvon his son.
Zimmerman had already drawn a conclusion about the kid as of the first non emergency call.

He kept calling Travon the suspect for one thing. He said he was walking casually in the drizzle as if that somehow made Travon guilty. He stalked Travon, we only have his account of how Travon moved, looked, what he supposedly said, that he may have been looking in houses, etc.. He is sticking to his story but the profiling is apparent especially in this reading of the statement.

So what you're saying is that the young man that was in Sanford because he'd been suspended from school for stealing was unfairly profiled because George Zimmerman thought he was acting suspiciously?

Gee, Sarah...could it be that George Zimmerman might have been correct in his observations about Trayvon Martin that night? That the young man who had a history of theft was in fact checking out the neighborhood? I know that doesn't fit the "fairy tale" that's been written by the main stream media to portray "poor little Trayvon" but the closer you look at who this kid REALLY was, who he hung out with and how he conducted his life then it's not unreasonable to think that the person who only in Sanford BECAUSE he was a thief may have been up to his same old tricks again.

Let's bring Zimmerman's past into it as well. They disallowed his past, such as mental issues for Zimmerman in the medical statement on Friday.

Let's bring your mental issues in before allowing you to post here. Just as an example. :cuckoo:

What? Okay, now you're just insulting people.

You have no evidence to show that the federal government is letting Florida handle his first, nor can you show where that has ever been the case before.

The federal government operates independently of the states. If there is a federal case, it goes on regardless of the state's case. The FBI investigated, and found no evidence for racial bias.

FBI investigation concludes: George Zimmerman not racist - Miami criminal justice |

George Zimmerman evidence: Prosecutor set to release Zimmerman evidence at 10 a.m. - Orlando Sentinel

It doesn't matter how many times you post those links. He'll only believe it if it comes from the HuffyPuffy Post or ThinkRegress.

So you think putting it in the gigantic fonts is just wasted effort?

It's kinda fun though.

It sucks that some are blind to the truth.
Jesus,'s "bear" not "bare". You all make it sound like this is the right to wear short sleeves! LOL

Shh. Don't tell them you'll spoil all the fun. That nudnik Gatsby actually thinks the text says "bare arms" like reveal. Don't disappoint him that the word is "bear" meaning carry. I am having way too much fun watching these ignorant twats shit all over themselves trying to argue points they have no idea about.
Which brings us back to the Main Stream Media's biased coverage of this incident. The "narrative" they put forth was that a racist cop wanna be stalked and killed an innocent child on his way home from buying candy. The problem is that Zimmerman isn't racist and Martin was far from innocent.

You have no evidence to show that the federal government is letting Florida handle his first, nor can you show where that has ever been the case before.

The federal government operates independently of the states. If there is a federal case, it goes on regardless of the state's case. The FBI investigated, and found no evidence for racial bias.

FBI investigation concludes: George Zimmerman not racist - Miami criminal justice |

George Zimmerman evidence: Prosecutor set to release Zimmerman evidence at 10 a.m. - Orlando Sentinel

I guarandamntee this ends here in Florida.

This is a state matter, not a fed matter. They closed the investigation.

It's all over but the dreaming.

Not that they didn't try to make it a hate crime. Not that they didn't want to make it a racial issue.

Too many people forget or just don't know who Holder is. He was Janet's right hand man. Holder cleaned up WACO for the old bitch.

Holder got not only Mark Rich a pardon but also terrorists and last but not least Eric baby got Weathermen women pardons from Clinton.

Man is an asshole supremo. And a very dangerous asshole supremo. You bet he was looking hard to try to get this one to the federal courts after Obama made Trayvon his son.

There's a petition on the Tweeter to take this case to the Supreme Court. There are people who will continue to hang their agenda hats on this thing forever.

The gubbamint will be able to say "well we tried!" after this M2 overcharged dog and pony show. It won't go any farther than this, this is their big effort. They want to be done with this mess.
Now I've been trying to find more on Mark. There's not a lot on him out there.

He seems like one hell of a great strategist from what I have seen on him. Did Z's dad pick him? Or how did they get him?
There has been more testimony that the one on top, got up. The jury is going to hear all the evidence not just the evidence that you gun nuts approve of.
It was new for me.

And the feds haven't killed anything. They are letting Florida handle this first.

However, the "suspect" thing gives even more credence to the wannabe cop thing.

As does running, armed, through a dark stretch of pathway with NO street signs or addresses.


You have no evidence to show that the federal government is letting Florida handle his first, nor can you show where that has ever been the case before.

The federal government operates independently of the states. If there is a federal case, it goes on regardless of the state's case. The FBI investigated, and found no evidence for racial bias.

FBI investigation concludes: George Zimmerman not racist - Miami criminal justice |

George Zimmerman evidence: Prosecutor set to release Zimmerman evidence at 10 a.m. - Orlando Sentinel

It doesn't matter how many times you post those links. He'll only believe it if it comes from the HuffyPuffy Post or ThinkRegress.

Isn't the Examiner the one Romney quoted about Chrysler moving to China? I guess we should thank them for the Obama victory.
So what you're saying is that the young man that was in Sanford because he'd been suspended from school for stealing was unfairly profiled because George Zimmerman thought he was acting suspiciously?

Gee, Sarah...could it be that George Zimmerman might have been correct in his observations about Trayvon Martin that night? That the young man who had a history of theft was in fact checking out the neighborhood? I know that doesn't fit the "fairy tale" that's been written by the main stream media to portray "poor little Trayvon" but the closer you look at who this kid REALLY was, who he hung out with and how he conducted his life then it's not unreasonable to think that the person who only in Sanford BECAUSE he was a thief may have been up to his same old tricks again.

Let's bring Zimmerman's past into it as well. They disallowed his past, such as mental issues for Zimmerman in the medical statement on Friday.

Let's bring your mental issues in before allowing you to post here. Just as an example. :cuckoo:

What? Okay, now you're just insulting people.

It was just an example. :lol:
Wow. You've been spanked numerous times on this particular "belief" and you still repeat it. Shows that stupidity knows no bounds.
The trial will go south only if they vote to convict based on fear of repurcussions. On the evidence Zimmerman acted lawfully.

Haven't been "spanked" at all.

It's also telling you folks are defending this murderous bastard.

Who is so "brave" not only did he kill a kid but he beat up his fiancée.

And he also found time to hit a cop.

Real upstanding citizen.

Actually, Zimmerman shoved someone who was accosting his friend at a bar and it turned out that the guy was a cop that didn't identify himself. He was not convicted. There are conflicting stories between he and his fiancee, both claim the other hit them. Both were given restraining orders.

Why do you have to lie if you're so sure about this case?

Lie about what?

Zimmerman was arrested for assaulting a cop and had a restraining order put on him after he beat the shit out of his fiancée.

Additionally he was fired from his sparkling career as a security guard because of his temper.

You do know his present wife was arrested too, for lying about their finances..right?

This guy is a real model citizen, alrighty.
Zimmerman had already drawn a conclusion about the kid as of the first non emergency call.

He kept calling Travon the suspect for one thing. He said he was walking casually in the drizzle as if that somehow made Travon guilty. He stalked Travon, we only have his account of how Travon moved, looked, what he supposedly said, that he may have been looking in houses, etc.. He is sticking to his story but the profiling is apparent especially in this reading of the statement.

So what you're saying is that the young man that was in Sanford because he'd been suspended from school for stealing was unfairly profiled because George Zimmerman thought he was acting suspiciously?

Gee, Sarah...could it be that George Zimmerman might have been correct in his observations about Trayvon Martin that night? That the young man who had a history of theft was in fact checking out the neighborhood? I know that doesn't fit the "fairy tale" that's been written by the main stream media to portray "poor little Trayvon" but the closer you look at who this kid REALLY was, who he hung out with and how he conducted his life then it's not unreasonable to think that the person who only in Sanford BECAUSE he was a thief may have been up to his same old tricks again.

Let's bring Zimmerman's past into it as well. They disallowed his past, such as mental issues for Zimmerman in the medical statement on Friday.

Let's bring your mental issues in before allowing you to post here. Just as an example. :cuckoo:

My mental issues? What would those be, Sarah? I'm simply pointing out the glaring holes in the picture that the Main Stream Media painted about the confrontation between Martin and Zimmerman.
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