The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Is it the bias I have developed watching this trial or is the Prosecution really being unlovable and unattractive in this closing argument? I am being strongly unconvinced by his argument and somewhat put off by his demeanor.
Stand your ground means you are allowed to use deadly force without running away, it does not mean you can start a fight because you think the guy is mean. Feel free to prove me wrong by citing the exact portion of the Florida law that backs you up.

However, a person is justified in the use of deadly force and does not have a duty to retreat if:

(1) He or she reasonably believes that such force is necessary to prevent imminent death or great bodily harm to himself or herself or another or to prevent the imminent commission of a forcible felony;

Moving the goalposts again?

Since Zimmerman was walking away from Martin he was, obviously, not in reasonable fear of death or bodily injury.
I didn't move the goalposts, I answered your question. There is no evidence Zimmerman was walking away from Martin.
Here's the current score, trial fans.

Fucking punks - 5
Asshole (verbal) - 4
Asshole (on screen) - 1

Now, back to the game.
Let's say you see a guy who looks like he might be walking under the eaves of a residential community. I suggest this constitutes a fair ground to be suspicious of him.

Following him is (a) allowed, (b) lawful and (c) simply NOT the same thing as "profiling." Indeed, it is something that might be damn useful. It allows you to keep an eye on the guy in case your suspicions are -- ultimately -- proven to be warranted.

What do neighborhood watch guys DO, by definition?

They tend to WATCH! If the guy you seek to watch is on the move, you can't exactly keep watching him if he walks OUT of your line of sight. So, there's the rub. HOW might a reasonable, fair, rational person solve this dilemma? Could it be by following the guy so you can CONTINUE to watch?

By Golly. I think we're on to something now.
0:00 Dispatcher: Sanford Police Department. This line is being recorded. This is Sean.

0:01 (sound of windshield wipers)

0:05 Zimmerman: Hey, we’ve had some breakins in my neighborhood., and there’s a real suspicious guy, ah, it’s Retreat View Circle,. Um, the best address I can give you is 111 Retreat View Circle. This guy looks like he’s up to no good or he’s on drugs or sumpin. It’s raining and he’s just walking around looking about.

0:11 (sound of door lock?)

0:16 (sound of windshield wipers)

0:25 Dispatcher: OK. And this guy, is he white, black or Hispanic?

0:29 Zimmerman: He looks black.

0:30 Dispatcher: Did you see what he was wearing?

0:31 (sound of windshield wipers)

0:33 Zimmerman: Yeah, a, a dark hoodie, like a grey hoodie and either jeans or sweatpants and white tennis shoes. He’s here now and he’s just staring,

0:44Dispatcher: OK, he’s just walking around the area?

0:46 Zimmerman: looking at all the houses.

0:46 (sound of windshield wipers)

0:47 Dispatcher: OK.

0:48 Zimmerman: And now he’s just staring at me.

0:49 Dispatcher: OK. It’s just it’s 1 1 1 1 Retreat View? Or 111?

0:53 Zimmerman: That’s the, that’s the clubhouse (unintelligible)

0:55 Dispatcher: That’s the clubhouse.

0:56 Zimmerman: (unintelligible)

0:57 Dispatcher: Do you know what the…he’s near the clubhouse right now?

0:58 Zimmerman: Yeah. Now he’s comin towards me.

1:00 Dispatcher: OK.

1:01 (sound of windshield wipers, gear selector)

1:03 Zimmerman: He’s got his hand in his waistband.

1:05 (sound of a ding)

1:06 (sound of window rolling up?)

Zimmerman: And he’s a black male.

1:09 (sound of gear selector)

1:10 Dispatcher: OK. How old would you say he

1:11 Zimmerman: He’s got

1:12 Dispatcher: looks?

1:13 Zimmerman: a button on his shirt. Late teens.

1:14 Dispatcher: Late teens. OK.

1:16 Zimmerman: Um hum.

1:16 (sound of windshield wipers)

1:17 Zimmerman: Sumpin’s wrong with him.

1:19 (sound like a thump noise)

1:21 Zimmerman: Yup. He’s comin’ to check me out. He’s got sumpin in his hands. I don’t know what his deal is.1:27 Dispatcher: OK, just let me know

1:28 Zimmerman: Please get an officer

1:29 Dispatcher: if he does anything…1

1:30 Zimmerman: over here.

1:31 (sound of windshield wipers)

1:32 Dispatcher: Yeah, we got em on the way. Just let me know if this guy does anything else.

1:34 Zimmerman: OK. These assholes, they always get away.1:38 (sound of gear selector)Learned today that people in this neighborhood have gotten away with home invasions

1:40 (sound of gear selector)

1:44 Zimmerman: Yup. When you come to the clubhouse, you come straight in and make a left. Actually you would go past the clubhouse.

1:46 (sound of windshield wipers)

1:54 Dispatcher: OK, so it’s on the left hand side from the clubhouse.

1:54 (sound of windshield wipers)

1:58 Zimmerman: No, you go in straight through the entrance and then you’d make a left. Uh, yeah, you go straight in, don’t turn and make a left. Shit, he’s running.

2:08 Dispatcher: He’s running? Which way is he running?

2:10 (door opens, sound of door alarm) Getting out of the car

2:10 Zimmerman: Ah, down towards the, ah, other entrance of the neighborhood.

2:14 (door closes)

2:14 Dispatcher: OK. Which entrance is that that he’s heading towards?

2:17 Zimmerman; The back entrance. Fucking punks.
The kid that was arrested for the home invasion lived near the back entrance. He was released/got away for being a 16 year old minor.

2:20 (wind noise)

2:23 Dispatcher: Are you following him?

2:25 Zimmerman: Yeah.

2:26 Dispatcher: OK, we don’t need you to do that.

2:28 Zimmerman: OK.
Out of the car already. GZ is told not to follow once out of the car.

Thanks for posting the transcript. Where did it say that "He said he was suspicious because he was looking at the houses in a non-paved cut through."?

"1:21 Zimmerman: Yup. He’s comin’ to check me out. He’s got sumpin in his hands. I don’t know what his deal is.1:27 "[/B]

"Shit, he’s running.

2:08 Dispatcher: He’s running? Which way is he running?

2:10 (door opens, sound of door alarm) Getting out of the car"

If zimmerman was so nervous of the guy, why would he get out of the car when Martin ran away, after he told the operator that "he had something in his hands"? Wouldn't a prudent adult who is armed, exercise more intelligent judgment and remain in his vehicle instead of pursuing Martin?

Rachel Jeantel puts him on the non-paved cut through path. Non-emergency says looking at houses. The operator asked the neighborhood watch guy what he was doing. He was trying to follow instructions.
Everything he did was legal and if I am walking through a strange neighborhood at night I accept the possibility that someone might question my presence.

Many people would interpret being approached at night in a desolate and isolated spot as an attempt to assault them or worse.

Stalking is repeated following or harassing. Can't be accomplished in one night. Shut the hell up about stalking.

How do we know he hadn't done that with many people but was lucky enough not to have a confrontation or police involvement? That would be repeated behavior and be stalking. Just because it is with different people doesn't prevent it from being stalking.
Oh, his inflections are so disingenuous. He's not believing what he's saying.

I don't think this prosecution team ever believed GZ should have been charged. Said that all along. Their heads were held over the coals and their jobs threatened by Corey. Had to be.
Is it the bias I have developed watching this trial or is the Prosecution really being unlovable and unattractive in this closing argument? I am being strongly unconvinced by his argument and somewhat put off by his demeanor.

Tweet of the day for you:

>>Moving the riots from Sanford to DC would be so much more convenient for the DOJ riot organizers
These are 6 people who couldn't get out of jury duty.

A life changing experience.

I found ABBA--Dancing Queen--looking for Neil Diamond. Long live the silver ball--yes, I did that--glad that I did it. Rarely thought of important issues.

You get jury duty often, don't you? :D

lol. Too corrupt.

I believe in the power of the silver ball. There is a Kroger that was once next to a famous Atlanta disco. Disco Kroger--they have the silver ball preserved. Those were the days my friend, those were the days. No regrets.

Bell bottoms and 'Jeremiah Was a Bullfrog'--I will find all of my priceless CD's. 'Peace Train'---Cat Stevens. I have quite a collection. :)
Is it the bias I have developed watching this trial or is the Prosecution really being unlovable and unattractive in this closing argument? I am being strongly unconvinced by his argument and somewhat put off by his demeanor.

Wow! Completely agree!
Is it the bias I have developed watching this trial or is the Prosecution really being unlovable and unattractive in this closing argument? I am being strongly unconvinced by his argument and somewhat put off by his demeanor.

He's not trying to be attractive. He's describing a killing.

Most people vote for the tallest guy with the best hair.
I can buy the argument that Trayvon could really have been uneasy at somebody who appeared to be following him in the dark. Couldn't ALL of us be uneasy in that situation?

What I can't buy is that a 17-yr-old kid with no apparently disabilities and apparently in pretty good physical condition could not have sprinted away and gone home where he would have been safe. Of course the anti-Zimmerman folks say that had he not gotten out of the truck, if he had not followed Trayvon, Trayvon would still be alive. Therefore Zimmerman is a murderer.

But if Trayvon had not confronted Zimmerman, if he had just gone home as normal people would have done, it can be equally argued that Trayvon would still be alive.
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