The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Judge Nelson whittled down manslaughter even further this morning. An instruction for voluntary manslaughter (by act) will be given, but not for involuntary (culpable negligence). I'm aware you know the distinction; I just put the proceeding in parentheses to clarify for others.

Thanks. I was sitting in court all morning with my thumb up my ass [proverbially speaking, that is, :D ] and had missed that decision by the judge.

FL. Statute 782.07 (in every subdivision) uses the term "culpable negligence." But it LOOKS like under subdivision 1, an "act" need not be a negligent act.

So, since GZ admitted the act of shooting the gun (intentionally) at TM, but said it was "justified" under the circumstances, IF the jury accepts that he DID the deed but rejects the claim of justification, they COULD find him guilty of the lesser crime.

However, if they say he's not guilty of murder because the shooting was justified, that determination of "justification" should logically and legally apply to the manslaughter as well. If justified at all, then it should be a COMPLETE defense.

A smart jury will quickly acquit.

These are 6 people who couldn't get out of jury duty.

A life changing experience.

I found ABBA--Dancing Queen--looking for Neil Diamond. Long live the silver ball--yes, I did that--glad that I did it. Rarely thought of important issues.
That's one of the favorite comments I remember I've made. How could GZ not have known what street it was when he has been there for years?

The prosecutor just said that and that he didn't say what street it was because it would show he's following Trayvon when he was told not to. He was lying.
"...the levels of fear escalated." Even in closing, Bernie is making the Defense's case for them.
0:00 Dispatcher: Sanford Police Department. This line is being recorded. This is Sean.

0:01 (sound of windshield wipers)

0:05 Zimmerman: Hey, we’ve had some breakins in my neighborhood., and there’s a real suspicious guy, ah, it’s Retreat View Circle,. Um, the best address I can give you is 111 Retreat View Circle. This guy looks like he’s up to no good or he’s on drugs or sumpin. It’s raining and he’s just walking around looking about.

0:11 (sound of door lock?)

0:16 (sound of windshield wipers)

0:25 Dispatcher: OK. And this guy, is he white, black or Hispanic?

0:29 Zimmerman: He looks black.

0:30 Dispatcher: Did you see what he was wearing?

0:31 (sound of windshield wipers)

0:33 Zimmerman: Yeah, a, a dark hoodie, like a grey hoodie and either jeans or sweatpants and white tennis shoes. He’s here now and he’s just staring,

0:44Dispatcher: OK, he’s just walking around the area?

0:46 Zimmerman: looking at all the houses.

0:46 (sound of windshield wipers)

0:47 Dispatcher: OK.

0:48 Zimmerman: And now he’s just staring at me.

0:49 Dispatcher: OK. It’s just it’s 1 1 1 1 Retreat View? Or 111?

0:53 Zimmerman: That’s the, that’s the clubhouse (unintelligible)

0:55 Dispatcher: That’s the clubhouse.

0:56 Zimmerman: (unintelligible)

0:57 Dispatcher: Do you know what the…he’s near the clubhouse right now?

0:58 Zimmerman: Yeah. Now he’s comin towards me.

1:00 Dispatcher: OK.

1:01 (sound of windshield wipers, gear selector)

1:03 Zimmerman: He’s got his hand in his waistband.

1:05 (sound of a ding)

1:06 (sound of window rolling up?)

Zimmerman: And he’s a black male.

1:09 (sound of gear selector)

1:10 Dispatcher: OK. How old would you say he

1:11 Zimmerman: He’s got

1:12 Dispatcher: looks?

1:13 Zimmerman: a button on his shirt. Late teens.

1:14 Dispatcher: Late teens. OK.

1:16 Zimmerman: Um hum.

1:16 (sound of windshield wipers)

1:17 Zimmerman: Sumpin’s wrong with him.

1:19 (sound like a thump noise)

1:21 Zimmerman: Yup. He’s comin’ to check me out. He’s got sumpin in his hands. I don’t know what his deal is.1:27 Dispatcher: OK, just let me know

1:28 Zimmerman: Please get an officer

1:29 Dispatcher: if he does anything…1

1:30 Zimmerman: over here.

1:31 (sound of windshield wipers)

1:32 Dispatcher: Yeah, we got em on the way. Just let me know if this guy does anything else.

1:34 Zimmerman: OK. These assholes, they always get away.1:38 (sound of gear selector)Learned today that people in this neighborhood have gotten away with home invasions

1:40 (sound of gear selector)

1:44 Zimmerman: Yup. When you come to the clubhouse, you come straight in and make a left. Actually you would go past the clubhouse.

1:46 (sound of windshield wipers)

1:54 Dispatcher: OK, so it’s on the left hand side from the clubhouse.

1:54 (sound of windshield wipers)

1:58 Zimmerman: No, you go in straight through the entrance and then you’d make a left. Uh, yeah, you go straight in, don’t turn and make a left. Shit, he’s running.

2:08 Dispatcher: He’s running? Which way is he running?

2:10 (door opens, sound of door alarm) Getting out of the car

2:10 Zimmerman: Ah, down towards the, ah, other entrance of the neighborhood.

2:14 (door closes)

2:14 Dispatcher: OK. Which entrance is that that he’s heading towards?

2:17 Zimmerman; The back entrance. Fucking punks.
The kid that was arrested for the home invasion lived near the back entrance. He was released/got away for being a 16 year old minor.

2:20 (wind noise)

2:23 Dispatcher: Are you following him?

2:25 Zimmerman: Yeah.

2:26 Dispatcher: OK, we don’t need you to do that.

2:28 Zimmerman: OK.
Out of the car already. GZ is told not to follow once out of the car.

Thanks for posting the transcript. Where did it say that "He said he was suspicious because he was looking at the houses in a non-paved cut through."?

"1:21 Zimmerman: Yup. He’s comin’ to check me out. He’s got sumpin in his hands. I don’t know what his deal is.1:27 "[/B]

"Shit, he’s running.

2:08 Dispatcher: He’s running? Which way is he running?

2:10 (door opens, sound of door alarm) Getting out of the car"

If zimmerman was so nervous of the guy, why would he get out of the car when Martin ran away, after he told the operator that "he had something in his hands"? Wouldn't a prudent adult who is armed, exercise more intelligent judgment and remain in his vehicle instead of pursuing Martin?
If I were in a neighbor hood watch program, I would not try forcible detainer if told by police not to do so.

You must adhere strictly to the rules if you are in the neighborhood watch:

If you are watching in a GATED FUCKING COMMUNITY, members of a race with special privileges , can enter as if they were in the Cabrini projects. Say an emphatic hello and give them the master key to every house.

Take pictures of yourself hugging him and email them to Angela Corey. Afterwards give him your cell phone. That's what homies do.

Thanks. I was sitting in court all morning with my thumb up my ass [proverbially speaking, that is, :D ] and had missed that decision by the judge.

FL. Statute 782.07 (in every subdivision) uses the term "culpable negligence." But it LOOKS like under subdivision 1, an "act" need not be a negligent act.

So, since GZ admitted the act of shooting the gun (intentionally) at TM, but said it was "justified" under the circumstances, IF the jury accepts that he DID the deed but rejects the claim of justification, they COULD find him guilty of the lesser crime.

However, if they say he's not guilty of murder because the shooting was justified, that determination of "justification" should logically and legally apply to the manslaughter as well. If justified at all, then it should be a COMPLETE defense.

A smart jury will quickly acquit.

These are 6 people who couldn't get out of jury duty.

A life changing experience.

I found ABBA--Dancing Queen--looking for Neil Diamond. Long live the silver ball--yes, I did that--glad that I did it. Rarely thought of important issues.

You get jury duty often, don't you? :D

Now GZ was supposed to tell TM that GZ is a little suspicious of him so would TM mind waiting with him until the cops arrive so they can check TM out.

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
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