The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Stalking is never charged when there's someone arrested for murder. Stalking is something that would be charged by itself when there's no killing.

I'll admit that saying he was stalking is a little bit of a stretch, but since no one has come up with a better word to describe it, I use it. He was ALMOST stalking, so close to it as to be indecipherable. Well you get the idea.

Stalking is following and going to a place or location the person is, and coming into close proximity to where they are in that location. It becomes a crime only if you don't stop.

There isn't a better word or way to describe it. He wasn't stalking. He was survielling.

This is VERBATIM from the original transcipt/call between Zimmerman and the 911 dispatcher...

  • Dispatcher: Are you following him?
  • Zimmrman: Yeah
  • Dispatcher: OK, we don't need you to do that.
Read it and weep: Transcript of George Zimmerman's Call to the Police

Stop lying batch!

Did they ask "are you stalking him?"

I didn't think so. Shut the fuck up, Marc.
I don't know what Poutine is, so I looked it up and have to say, I vomited in my mouth a little. I think it was the "Cheese Curd" thing.

Anyway, there's a resturant in the Cincinnati area if you have a hankering.

Pleasant Ridge Chili - Pleasant Ridge - Cincinnati, OH

What the hell is wrong with people. Cincinnati is known for its chili, but not Fries, cheese and gravy. This is just wrong.

I thought it sounded disgusting also. Until I tried it~!
Are you trying to tell me that a guy who is fighting someone who is wearing a gun will not be able to tell there is is a gun simply because you think it is hard to see? What if it rubbed against the inside of his thigh, would he assume that the guy he was beating the crap of had a hard on that reached around to the back of his pants?
Did Zimmerman say Martin saw his gun? Or did Zimmerman say Martin felt his gun?

A comparatively small gun, holstered inside-the-pants behind the back and under a jacket, and at night, is not likely to be seen. Not totally impossible, but extremely unlikely.

Now, what about my other questions. I'm curious.
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I'm just going to tell you that that juror B29 isn't convicting GZ of anything. Hispanic nurse from Chicago. Just moved to the area less than 6 months before jury selection. Alzheimer's nurse. Seen plenty of black "children" killed and killing in Chicago. Very likely she believes GZ was acting in self defense. Already reported today that she wasn't making eye contact with BDLR today, and has been the lone one of the six women who takes very little notes.

So all it takes is one juror to set GZ free?

Hung jury. I think murder 2 is off the table. No way that's happening. Manslaughter hung jury is best state can get. B29 ain't having none of the state's shit. She is also one of the jurors that has been arrested before.
During closing arguments of Zimmerman's second-degree murder trial in the February, 26, 2012, shooting death of the 17-year-old Florida teen, prosecutor Bernie de la Rionda repeatedly played -- and picked apart -- what the defendant had said in interviews with police and media about that night.

Prosecution uses Zimmerman's own words against him -

WTF? They chose a jury that was supposedly untainted by the media, then allowed the prosecution to read media accounts to them.

actually Bernie yelled his lungs out at them while they watched the re enactment video. Bernie needs his ass kicked.
The shooter, Mr Zimmerman, should have been held in custody and certainly should not be walking free, still having a concealed weapons carry permit. From my reading, it seems this young man was pursued and there was no probable cause to engage him, certainly not pursue and shoot him….against the direction of the 911 responder. Let’s all be appalled at this instance not because of race, but because a young American man has lost his life, seemingly, for no reason.

Zimmerman is a private citizen and does not need probable cause to engage and question Martin. He is not a police man. Civil rights protections protect you from unreasonable search FROM THE GOVERNMENT. Martin has no obligation to answer his questions or be detained. But he also has no right to take a punch at Zimmerman. Which he did.

The rest of your post, not so much.

Needlessly pursuing Martin when instructed by the police not to do so, causing the death of another because of this irresponsible behavior, clearly conforms with the definition of manslaughter.

It was not a Police officer that told him NOT to follow Martin.

It was a 9-11 operator.

They are NOT police. They have no legal standing to tell a person what to do.

Besides, Zimmerman had turned around and started walking back to his vehicle when he was attacked from behind by Martin.

Oh, for God's sake. I don't have time to research this, but I do know that REASONABLE people will follow the advice of a police dispatcher. Especially in a case like this where there was no imminent danger that would cause Zimmerman to need to disregard what the dispatcher said.

I know if I was on that jury, the fact that Zimmerman didn't follow the advice he was given would be an important consideration to me.

Oh, now Zimmerman was attacked from behind??? So, you were there, then?
He has rights.

Funny, you want to shitcan this guy because he's 'not the right type' yet you'll support a total scumbag to the ends of the Earth.

I want to shitcan this guy because he killed a kid. Also because it will prevent riots and serve as a warning to the next gun-toting asshole who thinks he's The Punisher that there'll be consequences for bad judgement.

Oh, please point out which "total scumbag" I've supported to the ends of the Earth.



If Obama and friends had stayed out of it this never would have gone to trial. Instead they instigated the hatred that surrounds this travesty. They told the Sheriff to arrest Zimmerman and he said he had not probable cause. So they fired him.

You have to judge this case in a vacuum. It doesn't matter what the mob wants. If they want a lynching they can go fuck themselves. This isn't "To Kill A Mockingbird". These people don't have the right to a hanging.

You have heard by now that we paid for the dept of justice induced riots by now right?

Eric Holder and Obama should sit the f down and shut up.
Judge may add charges in attempt to convict Zimmerman.

She tried to get him to take the stand against the advise of counsel.

But do you blame her?

If she impresses the right people she may get nominated to the federal bench.


This is her last criminal case she's civil.

And you are more than likely right except I don't think it's Fed it's state. The feds closed the investigation and ran like hell.

However. She had a reversal by appelliate on this case early on and she is getting some very bad publicity so the political plans may back fire. In more ways than one and on more "politicians" juggling for this stepping stone trial than just this one.

She tried to stop the defense from deposing Benjamin Crump. The 5th Circuit Court of Appeals wouldn't have any of it.

In concluding that the trial court erred in denying Zimmerman an opportunity to depose Crump, we caution that any deposition of Crump is to be limited to inquiry of circumstances surrounding the interview of Witness 8 and the contents of such interview. Defense counsel may not inquire into Crump’s mental impressions regarding Witness 8, nor may counsel inquire as to the reasons why Crump conducted the interview in the manner in which he did. Additionally, we believe the work product privilege precludes defense counsel from making inquiry as to the reason(s) Crump attempted to locate Witness 8 and the methods employed to do so.

The deposition contemplated by our opinion should be relatively short and straight forward. We are confident that the trial judge will be able to take the steps necessary to ensure the deposition is limited to the subject areas describe above.
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Stalking is following and going to a place or location the person is, and coming into close proximity to where they are in that location. It becomes a crime only if you don't stop.

There isn't a better word or way to describe it. He wasn't stalking. He was survielling.

This is VERBATIM from the original transcipt/call between Zimmerman and the 911 dispatcher...

  • Dispatcher: Are you following him?
  • Zimmrman: Yeah
  • Dispatcher: OK, we don't need you to do that.
Read it and weep: Transcript of George Zimmerman's Call to the Police

Stop lying batch!

Did they ask "are you stalking him?"

I didn't think so. Shut the fuck up, Marc.

A 911 operator would never ask a leading question like that. Never.
Say you are walking home from buying a bag of Skittles and someone starts following you so you run off. Say you think you got away and suddenly, you hear "You punks always get away" so you turn around. Then they shoot you in the chest and you die. Guess you didn't get the chance to defend yourself.

How does it feel to be so dishonest that you literally have to make things up?

What did I make up?

Does this look like the back of someone's head who had been "pounded" into cement?


Zimmerman said Martin pounded his face and held his hands over Zimmermans mouth, only there was no DNA on Martin's hands. Doesn't this look like no more than one punch? No DNA, no smeared blood?


Medical examiners said the injuries were "insignificant". Zimmerman himself didn't seek medical help.

And remember, this is after his head was "pounded" into the cement, his face punched again and again and hands held over his mouth.

Since there are no severe injuries to back it up, would you say he was attempting to illicit "sympathy" from the jury? Because he knows he murdered a child?

I know, I know. Martin is black. That means he will always be guilty to Republicans.

Medical examiners said the injuries were "insignificant". Zimmerman himself didn't seek medical help.

Injuries don't count unless you are knocked unconscious or killed.
Especially when the perp is a black yute.
Interesting................apparently a lot of you posters have never had a bloody nose. can go down your throat, but when it does, you cough and sneeze trying to keep the blood from going down in your lungs. Sorry, but the body is wired to do that very thing.

And.....................when you sneeze, or cough, or figure out somewhere else for the blood to go, it's generally not in the closed part of the body.

Me personally? I think that Zimmerman followed TM, and was confronted by him (BTW................FL law says it doesn't matter who wins, it matters who starts the fight) and TM punched him in the nose for hassling him (that is................after GZ threw the first punch as stated by the girl he'd called when this happened), and GZ was pissed about having his ass kicked (remember, he scored low in the self defense class) and pulled the gun and shot TM.

GZ needs to go to jail. For at least 5 years.

The girl said she heard a bump then she heard wet grass. That isn't evidence that GZ threw the first munch you moron!

She also heard Martin say "Get off me".

What does wet grass sound like?
I'm not a conspiracy theorist but I could write a book on the politics of this single incident.

If someone could be persecuted to that level we all should be scared.
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During closing arguments of Zimmerman's second-degree murder trial in the February, 26, 2012, shooting death of the 17-year-old Florida teen, prosecutor Bernie de la Rionda repeatedly played -- and picked apart -- what the defendant had said in interviews with police and media about that night.

Prosecution uses Zimmerman's own words against him -

WTF? They chose a jury that was supposedly untainted by the media, then allowed the prosecution to read media accounts to them.

I could only hang in there for an hour and a half. Bernie grates my last nerve. He went on too long, in my opinion and hopefully that will help cost him his case.....
I'm not a conspiracy theorist but I could write a book on the politics of this single incident.

If someone could be persecuted to the level we all should be scared.

Absolutely book material. This entire prosecution is bullshit and more prominent people than I have said so.
The Prosecution has admitted that they didn't prove their overcharged allegations that Zimmerman is guilty of 2nd degree murder, so they are now asking the Judge to include lesser charges in an attempt to get any kind of conviction to appease the Black population and prevent riots.

I have never heard of this happening before. It must have... but I have never heard of it. Usually the Prosecutors will string together groups of charges knowing that each one increases their chances of a conviction if they fail on their primary charge.

All I can say is I hope that the Judge refuses to do it, or if she does, it is tossed on appeals. It's not the Judge's job to help the Prosecutors to get a conviction which is what will look like if she agrees to this.

called it.

Kinda shocked they are not charging him for wearing a disguise in public. After all, he was walking while white.

Having done some research, it is "normal", in Florida, for a prosecutor to be able to pile on lesser charges at the end of the trial. Judges normally approve it

I didn't know that.

IMHO, that is wrong. The Prosecution should have to prove what they charge, not charge what they hope they proved.

Clearly you didn’t do enough research:

In Florida, manslaughter is automatically included as a lesser charge in a second-degree murder case, unless the prosecution asks that it be omitted, and it did not.
Consequently, nothing is being ‘piled on,’ and the prosecution has done nothing ‘wrong.’
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