The oft repeated lie about Trump calling nazis good people

Good people arriving at a rally full of racists do not stick around
That goes for the Communist/anarchist prick thugs in Antifa as well, though to hear leftists tell it the melee in Charlottesville was all due to Nazis.

I'm not forgetting Antifa who rolled into Charlottesville all geared up and spoiling for a fight. If the liars on the left have their way they will control the narrative and completely substitute their revisionist bullshit for the truth.

To paraphrase Trump there were bad people on both sides.
If all you can do is lie, there's no point reading your posts.

They rally was put together by the Traditional Socialist Party, Identity Evropa, the right stuff, The Nationalist Front, The Traditionalist Workers party, the National Socialist Movement, and the daily stormer. It was supported, attended, and advertised by the Atomwoffen Division even.

It was the biggest Nazi rally in decades. It is just my personal moral beliefs here, but I don't believe "Very Nice people" choose to spend their weekends joining side by side with the largest gathering of Nazi's in America. If other people believe very fine people do that, that's their belief. Just not mine.

Why would good people show up at a rally filled with Nazis, KKK and white supremacists and not leave?

They’re not good people.

Only a narrow minded ass would say that about people, over something as harmless as historical statues.
Would you attend a confederate statue rally full of Nazis and KKK?

Are you pretending to not know that the rally organizers were dishonest in their advertising?

Why would good people show up at a rally filled with Nazis, KKK and white supremacists and not leave?

They’re not good people.

Only a narrow minded ass would say that about people, over something as harmless as historical statues.
Would you attend a confederate statue rally full of Nazis and KKK?

I once went to a rally about teacher pay and working conditions and found out later that it was put together by the local group of Communist USA. Doesn't make me a communist nor a supporter of their ideals.

When you stay until dark, light a torch, start chanting slogans….yes it may make you a communist or at the very least appear to be a communist from the outside looking in.

Then you should prove that everyone who attended the monument rally stayed and lit torches and chanted slogans.
They rally was put together by the Traditional Socialist Party, Identity Evropa, the right stuff, The Nationalist Front, The Traditionalist Workers party, the National Socialist Movement, and the daily stormer. It was supported, attended, and advertised by the Atomwoffen Division even.

It was the biggest Nazi rally in decades. It is just my personal moral beliefs here, but I don't believe "Very Nice people" choose to spend their weekends joining side by side with the largest gathering of Nazi's in America. If other people believe very fine people do that, that's their belief. Just not mine.

Why would good people show up at a rally filled with Nazis, KKK and white supremacists and not leave?

They’re not good people.

People can believe that history should not be censored and not be nazis.

Marching at night with lit torches…
Chanting Nazi slogans….
Driving their car through protestors….

It’s all defended here daily…. Sad

I'm sad to see you lying so blatantly. No one is defending neo-Nazis marching at night with lit torches. No one defends chanting Nazi slogans. I would hope that every right thinking person would condemn driving cars through crowds of protesters. To see you trying to make believe it is happening is sad.

No, but it's ok to join in with those who do is what you are saying correct? Or is it bad to join a nazi rally, promoted as a nazi rally with headline speakers who are leaders of Nazi groups, and people like this at the front of the march?

They rally was put together by the Traditional Socialist Party, Identity Evropa, the right stuff, The Nationalist Front, The Traditionalist Workers party, the National Socialist Movement, and the daily stormer. It was supported, attended, and advertised by the Atomwoffen Division even.

It was the biggest Nazi rally in decades. It is just my personal moral beliefs here, but I don't believe "Very Nice people" choose to spend their weekends joining side by side with the largest gathering of Nazi's in America. If other people believe very fine people do that, that's their belief. Just not mine.

Why would good people show up at a rally filled with Nazis, KKK and white supremacists and not leave?

They’re not good people.

Only a narrow minded ass would say that about people, over something as harmless as historical statues.
Would you attend a confederate statue rally full of Nazis and KKK?

I once went to a rally about teacher pay and working conditions and found out later that it was put together by the local group of Communist USA. Doesn't make me a communist nor a supporter of their ideals.

Excellent point. But dishonest assholes might try to smear you as one, based on that.

That is what we are seeing now.

Why would good people show up at a rally filled with Nazis, KKK and white supremacists and not leave?

They’re not good people.

Only a narrow minded ass would say that about people, over something as harmless as historical statues.
Would you attend a confederate statue rally full of Nazis and KKK?

I once went to a rally about teacher pay and working conditions and found out later that it was put together by the local group of Communist USA. Doesn't make me a communist nor a supporter of their ideals.

When you stay until dark, light a torch, start chanting slogans….yes it may make you a communist or at the very least appear to be a communist from the outside looking in.

My understanding is the torch marching was on the previous night.
They’re not good people.

Only a narrow minded ass would say that about people, over something as harmless as historical statues.
Would you attend a confederate statue rally full of Nazis and KKK?

I once went to a rally about teacher pay and working conditions and found out later that it was put together by the local group of Communist USA. Doesn't make me a communist nor a supporter of their ideals.

When you stay until dark, light a torch, start chanting slogans….yes it may make you a communist or at the very least appear to be a communist from the outside looking in.

Then you should prove that everyone who attended the monument rally stayed and lit torches and chanted slogans.

Wait... You've seen the people there. Dressed in KKK robes and welcomed. Dressed in nazi regalia and accepted, waving nazi flags and other flags of neo nazi groups and welcomed. You've seen your lie debunked that it wasn't promoted as such.

So what about the largest nazi/klan rally in decades, overtly advertised as a nazi rally, put together by nazi's, with nazi headline speakers is something that a good person would want to be a part of?
They rally was put together by the Traditional Socialist Party, Identity Evropa, the right stuff, The Nationalist Front, The Traditionalist Workers party, the National Socialist Movement, and the daily stormer. It was supported, attended, and advertised by the Atomwoffen Division even.

It was the biggest Nazi rally in decades. It is just my personal moral beliefs here, but I don't believe "Very Nice people" choose to spend their weekends joining side by side with the largest gathering of Nazi's in America. If other people believe very fine people do that, that's their belief. Just not mine.

Why would good people show up at a rally filled with Nazis, KKK and white supremacists and not leave?

They’re not good people.

People can believe that history should not be censored and not be nazis.

Marching at night with lit torches…
Chanting Nazi slogans….
Driving their car through protestors….

It’s all defended here daily…. Sad

I'm sad to see you lying so blatantly. No one is defending neo-Nazis marching at night with lit torches.
Tipsycatlover is. She even denies the nazi slogans

No one defends chanting Nazi slogans. I would hope that every right thinking person would condemn driving cars through crowds of protesters. To see you trying to make believe it is happening is sad.

See for yourself:
Ya mean the fat chick who never got hit by a car and died of a heart attack?
That fat chick?

I imagine if I looked hard enough I can see someone calling his conviction (he being Fields) a huge miscarriage of justice.

Just kidding:

It wasn’t hard at all:

The oft repeated lie about Trump calling nazis good people

100 posts earlier in this very thread.

That you don’t condemn these people is sad.
They’re not good people.

Only a narrow minded ass would say that about people, over something as harmless as historical statues.
Would you attend a confederate statue rally full of Nazis and KKK?

I once went to a rally about teacher pay and working conditions and found out later that it was put together by the local group of Communist USA. Doesn't make me a communist nor a supporter of their ideals.

When you stay until dark, light a torch, start chanting slogans….yes it may make you a communist or at the very least appear to be a communist from the outside looking in.

My understanding is the torch marching was on the previous night.

Yes that is right. And made every news station and news media all over that night. So there goes the "this rally wasn't advertised as something bad" excuse. You knew exactly what those groups were there to do and who they were ahead of time. What they'd come to Charlottesville that weekend for. AND STILL showed up the next day???

How are you defending good people going to a blatant nazi rally, that promoted itself as a nazi rally, that openly showed it's speakers would be leaders of major nazi groups....

And you got a head notice that their pre-rally get together when those groups got in town was this.

download (3).jpg

And they woke up the next day seeing that across the news and said "Boy I can't wait to get there and see what they have planned for day 2 now!"
Last edited:
Only a narrow minded ass would say that about people, over something as harmless as historical statues.
Would you attend a confederate statue rally full of Nazis and KKK?

I once went to a rally about teacher pay and working conditions and found out later that it was put together by the local group of Communist USA. Doesn't make me a communist nor a supporter of their ideals.

When you stay until dark, light a torch, start chanting slogans….yes it may make you a communist or at the very least appear to be a communist from the outside looking in.

My understanding is the torch marching was on the previous night.

Yes that is right. And made every news station and news media all over that night. So there goes the "this rally wasn't advertised as something bad" excuse. You knew exactly what those groups were there to do and who they were ahead of time. What they'd come to Charlottesville that weekend for. AND STILL showed up the next day???

Did you watch the local news last night? I did not.

So, in your post, all you really did was verify that the torch march was the night before. THanks.
Would you attend a confederate statue rally full of Nazis and KKK?

I once went to a rally about teacher pay and working conditions and found out later that it was put together by the local group of Communist USA. Doesn't make me a communist nor a supporter of their ideals.

When you stay until dark, light a torch, start chanting slogans….yes it may make you a communist or at the very least appear to be a communist from the outside looking in.

My understanding is the torch marching was on the previous night.

Yes that is right. And made every news station and news media all over that night. So there goes the "this rally wasn't advertised as something bad" excuse. You knew exactly what those groups were there to do and who they were ahead of time. What they'd come to Charlottesville that weekend for. AND STILL showed up the next day???

Did you watch the local news last night? I did not.

So, in your post, all you really did was verify that the torch march was the night before. THanks.

Yes, and the guys in nazi regalia, hoods and robes were there the next day too. So you are saying somehow they completely ignored the news on the rally they were going for, walked up and were what? Blind and deaf? Saw the nazi flags and maybe thought they were peace signs? Saw the white hoods and robes and thought maybe they were playing ghosts on halloween? How fucking retarded do you have to pretend to be to support going to a fucking nazi/klan rally.

What you are trying to defend is that Hellen Keller might have been there. Is that it? Someone in a coma?
Those were literally the Nazi Wannabee's. He said the Nazi's who put the thing together were bad. But there were good people wanting to be in the Nazi rally.

If all you can do is lie, there's no point reading your posts.

They rally was put together by the Traditional Socialist Party, Identity Evropa, the right stuff, The Nationalist Front, The Traditionalist Workers party, the National Socialist Movement, and the daily stormer. It was supported, attended, and advertised by the Atomwoffen Division even.

It was the biggest Nazi rally in decades. It is just my personal moral beliefs here, but I don't believe "Very Nice people" choose to spend their weekends joining side by side with the largest gathering of Nazi's in America. If other people believe very fine people do that, that's their belief. Just not mine.

Why would good people show up at a rally filled with Nazis, KKK and white supremacists and not leave?

Because it was falsely publicized as a rally about the historical statues. As you have been told many times before.

No it wasn't. Look at the fliers! Straight off the websites that promoted them. It listed the leaders of 5 of the largest Nazi groups in America as the speakers for the rally along with a Klan grand wizard.

Straight off the Stormer website. What about this do you find attractive or hiding any idea of what it may be about?View attachment 254927

Geez on STORMFRONT, they put up the obvious nazi ads?


There was also plenty of much less radical advertising. Such as this.****-right-1.jpg
If all you can do is lie, there's no point reading your posts.

They rally was put together by the Traditional Socialist Party, Identity Evropa, the right stuff, The Nationalist Front, The Traditionalist Workers party, the National Socialist Movement, and the daily stormer. It was supported, attended, and advertised by the Atomwoffen Division even.

It was the biggest Nazi rally in decades. It is just my personal moral beliefs here, but I don't believe "Very Nice people" choose to spend their weekends joining side by side with the largest gathering of Nazi's in America. If other people believe very fine people do that, that's their belief. Just not mine.

Why would good people show up at a rally filled with Nazis, KKK and white supremacists and not leave?

Because it was falsely publicized as a rally about the historical statues. As you have been told many times before.

No it wasn't. Look at the fliers! Straight off the websites that promoted them. It listed the leaders of 5 of the largest Nazi groups in America as the speakers for the rally along with a Klan grand wizard.

Straight off the Stormer website. What about this do you find attractive or hiding any idea of what it may be about?View attachment 254927

Geez on STORMFRONT, they put up the obvious nazi ads?


There was also plenty of much less radical advertising. Such as this.


That returns nothing. Ok so lets say you are dumb and didn't look up anything about it other than a random picture.

You get there and there's the guys waving swastikas, the flyers listing the nazi speakers, and the klan there in hoods. Why do you make the decision that this is definitely the right place, you are joining this group?

Like don't you say "fuck... this is not what I thought I signed up for. I don't want to walk with Nazi's and the Klan and listen to Nazi's speak"?
Only a narrow minded ass would say that about people, over something as harmless as historical statues.
Would you attend a confederate statue rally full of Nazis and KKK?

I once went to a rally about teacher pay and working conditions and found out later that it was put together by the local group of Communist USA. Doesn't make me a communist nor a supporter of their ideals.

When you stay until dark, light a torch, start chanting slogans….yes it may make you a communist or at the very least appear to be a communist from the outside looking in.

Then you should prove that everyone who attended the monument rally stayed and lit torches and chanted slogans.

Wait... You've seen the people there. Dressed in KKK robes and welcomed. Dressed in nazi regalia and accepted, waving nazi flags and other flags of neo nazi groups and welcomed. You've seen your lie debunked that it wasn't promoted as such.

So what about the largest nazi/klan rally in decades, overtly advertised as a nazi rally, put together by nazi's, with nazi headline speakers is something that a good person would want to be a part of?

THe few photos I've seen from that rally of people in such garb, were in very small groups, with no indication that the larger rally was even aware of them. Indeed, it is never clear WHICH day those photos were taken.

Why would good people show up at a rally filled with Nazis, KKK and white supremacists and not leave?

They’re not good people.

People can believe that history should not be censored and not be nazis.

Marching at night with lit torches…
Chanting Nazi slogans….
Driving their car through protestors….

It’s all defended here daily…. Sad

I'm sad to see you lying so blatantly. No one is defending neo-Nazis marching at night with lit torches.
Tipsycatlover is. She even denies the nazi slogans

No one defends chanting Nazi slogans. I would hope that every right thinking person would condemn driving cars through crowds of protesters. To see you trying to make believe it is happening is sad.

See for yourself:
Ya mean the fat chick who never got hit by a car and died of a heart attack?
That fat chick?

I imagine if I looked hard enough I can see someone calling his conviction (he being Fields) a huge miscarriage of justice.

Just kidding:

It wasn’t hard at all:

The oft repeated lie about Trump calling nazis good people

100 posts earlier in this very thread.

That you don’t condemn these people is sad.

Sad to see you lie so regularly. I happily condemn neo-nazis and their defenders. I don't have a problem defending people who aren't neo-nazis, though. Why do you feel obligated to paint everyone with a neo-nazi brush?
I once went to a rally about teacher pay and working conditions and found out later that it was put together by the local group of Communist USA. Doesn't make me a communist nor a supporter of their ideals.

When you stay until dark, light a torch, start chanting slogans….yes it may make you a communist or at the very least appear to be a communist from the outside looking in.

My understanding is the torch marching was on the previous night.

Yes that is right. And made every news station and news media all over that night. So there goes the "this rally wasn't advertised as something bad" excuse. You knew exactly what those groups were there to do and who they were ahead of time. What they'd come to Charlottesville that weekend for. AND STILL showed up the next day???

Did you watch the local news last night? I did not.

So, in your post, all you really did was verify that the torch march was the night before. THanks.

Yes, and the guys in nazi regalia, hoods and robes were there the next day too. So you are saying somehow they completely ignored the news on the rally they were going for, walked up and were what? Blind and deaf? Saw the nazi flags and maybe thought they were peace signs? Saw the white hoods and robes and thought maybe they were playing ghosts on halloween? How fucking retarded do you have to pretend to be to support going to a fucking nazi/klan rally.

What you are trying to defend is that Hellen Keller might have been there. Is that it? Someone in a coma?

Link please.
Would you attend a confederate statue rally full of Nazis and KKK?

I once went to a rally about teacher pay and working conditions and found out later that it was put together by the local group of Communist USA. Doesn't make me a communist nor a supporter of their ideals.

When you stay until dark, light a torch, start chanting slogans….yes it may make you a communist or at the very least appear to be a communist from the outside looking in.

Then you should prove that everyone who attended the monument rally stayed and lit torches and chanted slogans.

Wait... You've seen the people there. Dressed in KKK robes and welcomed. Dressed in nazi regalia and accepted, waving nazi flags and other flags of neo nazi groups and welcomed. You've seen your lie debunked that it wasn't promoted as such.

So what about the largest nazi/klan rally in decades, overtly advertised as a nazi rally, put together by nazi's, with nazi headline speakers is something that a good person would want to be a part of?

THe few photos I've seen from that rally of people in such garb, were in very small groups, with no indication that the larger rally was even aware of them. Indeed, it is never clear WHICH day those photos were taken.

What the fuck? Do a google search. There dozens of different nazi group flags on display, people with swastika tattoos and shirts. People wearing german nazi uniforms, taken on August 12, 2017.

Quit the fucking lying
They rally was put together by the Traditional Socialist Party, Identity Evropa, the right stuff, The Nationalist Front, The Traditionalist Workers party, the National Socialist Movement, and the daily stormer. It was supported, attended, and advertised by the Atomwoffen Division even.

It was the biggest Nazi rally in decades. It is just my personal moral beliefs here, but I don't believe "Very Nice people" choose to spend their weekends joining side by side with the largest gathering of Nazi's in America. If other people believe very fine people do that, that's their belief. Just not mine.

Why would good people show up at a rally filled with Nazis, KKK and white supremacists and not leave?

Because it was falsely publicized as a rally about the historical statues. As you have been told many times before.

No it wasn't. Look at the fliers! Straight off the websites that promoted them. It listed the leaders of 5 of the largest Nazi groups in America as the speakers for the rally along with a Klan grand wizard.

Straight off the Stormer website. What about this do you find attractive or hiding any idea of what it may be about?View attachment 254927

Geez on STORMFRONT, they put up the obvious nazi ads?


There was also plenty of much less radical advertising. Such as this.


That returns nothing. Ok so lets say you are dumb and didn't look up anything about it other than a random picture.

You get there and there's the guys waving swastikas, the flyers listing the nazi speakers, and the klan there in hoods. Why do you make the decision that this is definitely the right place, you are joining this group?

Like don't you say "fuck... this is not what I thought I signed up for. I don't want to walk with Nazi's and the Klan and listen to Nazi's speak"?


And link please for your other claims.

Why would good people show up at a rally filled with Nazis, KKK and white supremacists and not leave?

They’re not good people.

People can believe that history should not be censored and not be nazis.

Marching at night with lit torches…
Chanting Nazi slogans….
Driving their car through protestors….

It’s all defended here daily…. Sad

I'm sad to see you lying so blatantly. No one is defending neo-Nazis marching at night with lit torches.
Tipsycatlover is. She even denies the nazi slogans

No one defends chanting Nazi slogans. I would hope that every right thinking person would condemn driving cars through crowds of protesters. To see you trying to make believe it is happening is sad.

See for yourself:
Ya mean the fat chick who never got hit by a car and died of a heart attack?
That fat chick?

I imagine if I looked hard enough I can see someone calling his conviction (he being Fields) a huge miscarriage of justice.

Just kidding:

It wasn’t hard at all:

The oft repeated lie about Trump calling nazis good people

100 posts earlier in this very thread.

That you don’t condemn these people is sad.

The fat chick wasn't hit by the car,and of course I denounce what the guy did.

When you start denouncing pantifa get back with me.
Would you attend a confederate statue rally full of Nazis and KKK?

I once went to a rally about teacher pay and working conditions and found out later that it was put together by the local group of Communist USA. Doesn't make me a communist nor a supporter of their ideals.

When you stay until dark, light a torch, start chanting slogans….yes it may make you a communist or at the very least appear to be a communist from the outside looking in.

Then you should prove that everyone who attended the monument rally stayed and lit torches and chanted slogans.

Wait... You've seen the people there. Dressed in KKK robes and welcomed. Dressed in nazi regalia and accepted, waving nazi flags and other flags of neo nazi groups and welcomed. You've seen your lie debunked that it wasn't promoted as such.

So what about the largest nazi/klan rally in decades, overtly advertised as a nazi rally, put together by nazi's, with nazi headline speakers is something that a good person would want to be a part of?

THe few photos I've seen from that rally of people in such garb, were in very small groups, with no indication that the larger rally was even aware of them. Indeed, it is never clear WHICH day those photos were taken.

The people you are talking to have as their goal to tar everyone with the neo-nazi label because they must vilify their opposition and never let the truth get in their way. It saddens me to see them use such cheap and dishonest tactics.

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