The oft repeated lie about Trump calling nazis good people


See...several trump supporters are firmly locked into blaming the victim, defending the Nazis, etc... And this is what they are willing to say in public. Can you imagine how deep the hatred goes in private?

And I do find that disappointing, but they are individuals and not representative of anyone else. Just as you are an individual, so I don't use your hate as an excuse to tar all those on the Left.

Far cry from your “nobody” boast from this afternoon.

I presumed you understood that "nobody" doesn't always include extremists. Sorry if you didn't understand.

I’m pretty sure the word “nobody” meant no body. These must be those “alternative facts” trump fluffers like yourself enjoy using.

Do you not know there are exceptions to every blanket statement? Again, sorry if my carelessness with language confused you. I'm sure that the intelligent people on your side understood.

Not really. I am fine saying nazi's and the Ku Klux Klan and their supporters who associate with them intentionally are bad.

I don't need to sit there and say "well these nazi supporters only joined them for this, and these guys only hang out with the Klan during this time of the month" and make up all these excuses with some 20 page diatribe on why I feel they aren't.
They rally was put together by the Traditional Socialist Party, Identity Evropa, the right stuff, The Nationalist Front, The Traditionalist Workers party, the National Socialist Movement, and the daily stormer. It was supported, attended, and advertised by the Atomwoffen Division even.

It was the biggest Nazi rally in decades. It is just my personal moral beliefs here, but I don't believe "Very Nice people" choose to spend their weekends joining side by side with the largest gathering of Nazi's in America. If other people believe very fine people do that, that's their belief. Just not mine.

Why would good people show up at a rally filled with Nazis, KKK and white supremacists and not leave?

They’re not good people.

People can believe that history should not be censored and not be nazis.

Marching at night with lit torches…
Chanting Nazi slogans….
Driving their car through protestors….

It’s all defended here daily…. Sad

I'm sad to see you lying so blatantly. No one is defending neo-Nazis marching at night with lit torches. No one defends chanting Nazi slogans. I would hope that every right thinking person would condemn driving cars through crowds of protesters. To see you trying to make believe it is happening is sad.

So what would you say to someone saying that the night before during that, they were defending those people saying that they were there to protest the statue instead?

See...several trump supporters are firmly locked into blaming the victim, defending the Nazis, etc... And this is what they are willing to say in public. Can you imagine how deep the hatred goes in private?

And I do find that disappointing, but they are individuals and not representative of anyone else. Just as you are an individual, so I don't use your hate as an excuse to tar all those on the Left.

Far cry from your “nobody” boast from this afternoon.

I presumed you understood that "nobody" doesn't always include extremists. Sorry if you didn't understand.

I’m pretty sure the word “nobody” meant no body. These must be those “alternative facts” trump fluffers like yourself enjoy using.

Do you not know there are exceptions to every blanket statement? Again, sorry if my carelessness with language confused you. I'm sure that the intelligent people on your side understood.
it's ok. 2+2 confuses him also.
Lookie here sandy squido......we all get you have a huge need to prove you are morally superior because you hate nazis.

That is all your sanctimonious posts amount screaming how you hate nazis

Your hatred has reduced you to an emotional wreck.

I challenged you to a debate on nazism but I suppose you lack the courage for that.
you're talking facts. he's screaming emotional outbursts and thinking they're the same.

fact is, emotions are not fact. :)
Valerie said:
what rights are you referring to, specifically...??

please note, those confederate statues were being taken down because citizens of those states petitioned their government with a redress of grievances, and by due process of the law it was decided by their government to remove them.

then confused confederate nazi symps pretended they were protesting removal because "FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHTS"...?


The "nazis" were pretending, but the "commies" were sincere. Gotcha.

vlad putin is the fascist commie you fear, yet you applaud when donny sucks his dick..

‘Jews will not replace us’: Why white supremacists go after Jews

White nationalists use tiki torches to light up Charlottesville march - CNN


Trump Tells G.O.P. Donors Democrats “Hate Jewish People”

pity all the parrot morons get so EASILY confused.. who does don the con think he's kidding..? oh wait :itsok:
aw fuck woman - the left calls everyone a racist and you swallow that like a $2 hooker.
This lie has been presented in the media so often some republicans even believe it....just goes to show the power of the media and how they are able to deceive so many....the latest being Adam Schiff......." look, it's not the Democratic Party that believes that there are good people on both sides of a Nazi rally," Rep. Schiff told CNN's "State of the Union." "There's just one party and one party leader who believes that, and that's Donald Trump."

Now......we must understand that some of these folks do not want the truth they want to believe that Trump is a Nazi ----as that fits their they keep repeating the lie.

Proof that President Called the Nazis in Charlottesville good people is a lie.....................Trump Didn't Call Neo-Nazis 'Fine People.' Here's Proof. | RealClearPolitics!
Another big Leftist lie. He called those that were protesting for and against the removal of the historic statues as good people, who had every right accorded to them by the constitution, to voice their opinions one way or another.

Yes, we all agree that he called those people who joined a Nazi and Klan rally which was to protest a statue and have nazi leaders speak as the headliners of the event were "very fine people". That he denounced the card carrying nazi's, but those supporters of their rally, the Nazi sympathizers, friends of the Klan, guys that wanted to lend their voices to a Nazi Rally, were very fine people.

I don't think very fine people choose to join a Nazi and Klan protest rather than any of the other protests that are not put together by Nazi's and the Klan. But that's me. People have different moral compasses and that's mine.

And I agree. They do have the right. Just because you have the right to do something I don't think means you are a good person for doing it.
Lookie here sandy squido......we all get you have a huge need to prove you are morally superior because you hate nazis.

That is all your sanctimonious posts amount screaming how you hate nazis

Your hatred has reduced you to an emotional wreck.

I challenged you to a debate on nazism but I suppose you lack the courage for that.
you're talking facts. he's screaming emotional outbursts and thinking they're the same.

fact is, emotions are not fact. :)

He's not worth debating because all he does is lie.
Whenever a trump fluffer comes within 5 feet of the truth, it’s shocking.

Confusing? Hardly.

What is laughable is the justification.

MIdfdle of the night torch rally chanting Nazi slogans. And we have a 300 post thread
Amazing how sensible your bitch ass can be when you’re forced into it.

I don't know what a "trump fluffer" is, but I do know that you seem determined to show that you can be just as hateful and unreasonable as those you condemn and that's sad.

At least I condemned them. You haven’t yet. Nor will you. And that’s sad.

And yet, I have and you refuse to acknowledge it because it doesn't fit your narrative. THAT is sad.


Must have been private messages. I’m sure you were quite forceful with your fellow fluffers.

And I'm sure that when you are not busy trying to mischaracterize those who don't agree with you, you're a very pleasant person.

I’m sure I have many, many flaws but being a nazi isn’t one of them. Being someone who loves the nazis isn’t one of them either.

Don’t you wonder why Trump attracts White Nationalists, Nazis, etc… ? Do you think its because they just have to support someone so they support a NY realtor who sings the praises of Israel or do you think it is because the GOP courts them?

See...several trump supporters are firmly locked into blaming the victim, defending the Nazis, etc... And this is what they are willing to say in public. Can you imagine how deep the hatred goes in private?

And I do find that disappointing, but they are individuals and not representative of anyone else. Just as you are an individual, so I don't use your hate as an excuse to tar all those on the Left.

Far cry from your “nobody” boast from this afternoon.

I presumed you understood that "nobody" doesn't always include extremists. Sorry if you didn't understand.

I’m pretty sure the word “nobody” meant no body. These must be those “alternative facts” trump fluffers like yourself enjoy using.

Do you not know there are exceptions to every blanket statement? Again, sorry if my carelessness with language confused you. I'm sure that the intelligent people on your side understood.

Which is probably why you shouldn’t make blanket statements to start with.
And I do find that disappointing, but they are individuals and not representative of anyone else. Just as you are an individual, so I don't use your hate as an excuse to tar all those on the Left.

Far cry from your “nobody” boast from this afternoon.

I presumed you understood that "nobody" doesn't always include extremists. Sorry if you didn't understand.

I’m pretty sure the word “nobody” meant no body. These must be those “alternative facts” trump fluffers like yourself enjoy using.

Do you not know there are exceptions to every blanket statement? Again, sorry if my carelessness with language confused you. I'm sure that the intelligent people on your side understood.

Which is probably why you shouldn’t make blanket statements to start with.

PS: I do it as well.
I don't know what a "trump fluffer" is, but I do know that you seem determined to show that you can be just as hateful and unreasonable as those you condemn and that's sad.

At least I condemned them. You haven’t yet. Nor will you. And that’s sad.

And yet, I have and you refuse to acknowledge it because it doesn't fit your narrative. THAT is sad.


Must have been private messages. I’m sure you were quite forceful with your fellow fluffers.

And I'm sure that when you are not busy trying to mischaracterize those who don't agree with you, you're a very pleasant person.

I’m sure I have many, many flaws but being a nazi isn’t one of them. Being someone who loves the nazis isn’t one of them either.

Don’t you wonder why Trump attracts White Nationalists, Nazis, etc… ? Do you think its because they just have to support someone so they support a NY realtor who sings the praises of Israel or do you think it is because the GOP courts them?

I think it's because they take orders from the Democrats to make it appear they are allying with Republicans to make Republicans look bad. I notice that Democrats never kicked any of them out of their Party, as the Republicans kicked David Duke out of theirs.
And I do find that disappointing, but they are individuals and not representative of anyone else. Just as you are an individual, so I don't use your hate as an excuse to tar all those on the Left.

Far cry from your “nobody” boast from this afternoon.

I presumed you understood that "nobody" doesn't always include extremists. Sorry if you didn't understand.

I’m pretty sure the word “nobody” meant no body. These must be those “alternative facts” trump fluffers like yourself enjoy using.

Do you not know there are exceptions to every blanket statement? Again, sorry if my carelessness with language confused you. I'm sure that the intelligent people on your side understood.
it's ok. 2+2 confuses him also.

You never answered:

Are you accusing Barr of lying when he said in his summary that Russian Intel hacked the DNC?
This lie has been presented in the media so often some republicans even believe it....just goes to show the power of the media and how they are able to deceive so many....the latest being Adam Schiff......." look, it's not the Democratic Party that believes that there are good people on both sides of a Nazi rally," Rep. Schiff told CNN's "State of the Union." "There's just one party and one party leader who believes that, and that's Donald Trump."

Now......we must understand that some of these folks do not want the truth they want to believe that Trump is a Nazi ----as that fits their they keep repeating the lie.

Proof that President Called the Nazis in Charlottesville good people is a lie.....................Trump Didn't Call Neo-Nazis 'Fine People.' Here's Proof. | RealClearPolitics!
Another big Leftist lie. He called those that were protesting for and against the removal of the historic statues as good people, who had every right accorded to them by the constitution, to voice their opinions one way or another.

Yes, we all agree that he called those people who joined a Nazi and Klan rally which was to protest a statue and have nazi leaders speak as the headliners of the event were "very fine people". That he denounced the card carrying nazi's, but those supporters of their rally, the Nazi sympathizers, friends of the Klan, guys that wanted to lend their voices to a Nazi Rally, were very fine people.

I don't think very fine people choose to join a Nazi and Klan protest rather than any of the other protests that are not put together by Nazi's and the Klan. But that's me. People have different moral compasses and that's mine.

And I agree. They do have the right. Just because you have the right to do something I don't think means you are a good person for doing it.
He didn't call the Nazis good people, idiot. There were four groups there, regular people on both sides who were voicing whether they were for or against the removal of the statues. And then there were the Nazis and Antifa, both racist scum that were there to pick a fight and cause mayhem. That the event only comprised of Nazis and Antifa, and those are the people that Trump was referring to as good people is fake news promoted by spineless, shameless Democrats and their puppets in the media.
At least I condemned them. You haven’t yet. Nor will you. And that’s sad.

And yet, I have and you refuse to acknowledge it because it doesn't fit your narrative. THAT is sad.


Must have been private messages. I’m sure you were quite forceful with your fellow fluffers.

And I'm sure that when you are not busy trying to mischaracterize those who don't agree with you, you're a very pleasant person.

I’m sure I have many, many flaws but being a nazi isn’t one of them. Being someone who loves the nazis isn’t one of them either.

Don’t you wonder why Trump attracts White Nationalists, Nazis, etc… ? Do you think its because they just have to support someone so they support a NY realtor who sings the praises of Israel or do you think it is because the GOP courts them?

I think it's because they take orders from the Democrats to make it appear they are allying with Republicans to make Republicans look bad. I notice that Democrats never kicked any of them out of their Party, as the Republicans kicked David Duke out of theirs.

Your tin foil hat may be on a bit too tight. The OP thinks 9/11 was an inside job as well.

You’re at home here.
This lie has been presented in the media so often some republicans even believe it....just goes to show the power of the media and how they are able to deceive so many....the latest being Adam Schiff......." look, it's not the Democratic Party that believes that there are good people on both sides of a Nazi rally," Rep. Schiff told CNN's "State of the Union." "There's just one party and one party leader who believes that, and that's Donald Trump."

Now......we must understand that some of these folks do not want the truth they want to believe that Trump is a Nazi ----as that fits their they keep repeating the lie.

Proof that President Called the Nazis in Charlottesville good people is a lie.....................Trump Didn't Call Neo-Nazis 'Fine People.' Here's Proof. | RealClearPolitics!
Another big Leftist lie. He called those that were protesting for and against the removal of the historic statues as good people, who had every right accorded to them by the constitution, to voice their opinions one way or another.

Yes, we all agree that he called those people who joined a Nazi and Klan rally which was to protest a statue and have nazi leaders speak as the headliners of the event were "very fine people". That he denounced the card carrying nazi's, but those supporters of their rally, the Nazi sympathizers, friends of the Klan, guys that wanted to lend their voices to a Nazi Rally, were very fine people.

I don't think very fine people choose to join a Nazi and Klan protest rather than any of the other protests that are not put together by Nazi's and the Klan. But that's me. People have different moral compasses and that's mine.

And I agree. They do have the right. Just because you have the right to do something I don't think means you are a good person for doing it.

I do not think you have any qualification or ability to judge the folks who showed up merely to protest the tearing down of Confederate monuments as in you have repeatedly demonstrated how coinfused your are.

How you got to be coinfused is another matter...could be you have no interest in the truth as in all you want to do is promote your moral superiority in you want to feel superior to other white folk. is certain though you are obsessed with Nazis.....yet you are not willing to debate nazism....what are you afraid of?
And yet, I have and you refuse to acknowledge it because it doesn't fit your narrative. THAT is sad.


Must have been private messages. I’m sure you were quite forceful with your fellow fluffers.

And I'm sure that when you are not busy trying to mischaracterize those who don't agree with you, you're a very pleasant person.

I’m sure I have many, many flaws but being a nazi isn’t one of them. Being someone who loves the nazis isn’t one of them either.

Don’t you wonder why Trump attracts White Nationalists, Nazis, etc… ? Do you think its because they just have to support someone so they support a NY realtor who sings the praises of Israel or do you think it is because the GOP courts them?

I think it's because they take orders from the Democrats to make it appear they are allying with Republicans to make Republicans look bad. I notice that Democrats never kicked any of them out of their Party, as the Republicans kicked David Duke out of theirs.

Your tin foil hat may be on a bit too tight. The OP thinks 9/11 was an inside job as well.

You’re at home here.

I'm not a fan of conspiracy theories, but my explanation fits the facts. The Democrats embraced Robert "Grand Kleagle" Byrd, while the Republicans expelled David Duke.
I don't know what a "trump fluffer" is, but I do know that you seem determined to show that you can be just as hateful and unreasonable as those you condemn and that's sad.

At least I condemned them. You haven’t yet. Nor will you. And that’s sad.

And yet, I have and you refuse to acknowledge it because it doesn't fit your narrative. THAT is sad.


Must have been private messages. I’m sure you were quite forceful with your fellow fluffers.

And I'm sure that when you are not busy trying to mischaracterize those who don't agree with you, you're a very pleasant person.

I’m sure I have many, many flaws but being a nazi isn’t one of them. Being someone who loves the nazis isn’t one of them either.

Don’t you wonder why Trump attracts White Nationalists, Nazis, etc… ? Do you think its because they just have to support someone so they support a NY realtor who sings the praises of Israel or do you think it is because the GOP courts them?
ask hillary to ask her KKK buddy next time the have dinner.
I noticed hillary and billary are talking about going on a speaking tour with some hollywood star....I guess they think since they no longer have any drawing power that the hollywood star will pack the crowds in. hehheh
This lie has been presented in the media so often some republicans even believe it....just goes to show the power of the media and how they are able to deceive so many....the latest being Adam Schiff......." look, it's not the Democratic Party that believes that there are good people on both sides of a Nazi rally," Rep. Schiff told CNN's "State of the Union." "There's just one party and one party leader who believes that, and that's Donald Trump."

Now......we must understand that some of these folks do not want the truth they want to believe that Trump is a Nazi ----as that fits their they keep repeating the lie.

Proof that President Called the Nazis in Charlottesville good people is a lie.....................Trump Didn't Call Neo-Nazis 'Fine People.' Here's Proof. | RealClearPolitics!
Another big Leftist lie. He called those that were protesting for and against the removal of the historic statues as good people, who had every right accorded to them by the constitution, to voice their opinions one way or another.

Yes, we all agree that he called those people who joined a Nazi and Klan rally which was to protest a statue and have nazi leaders speak as the headliners of the event were "very fine people". That he denounced the card carrying nazi's, but those supporters of their rally, the Nazi sympathizers, friends of the Klan, guys that wanted to lend their voices to a Nazi Rally, were very fine people.

I don't think very fine people choose to join a Nazi and Klan protest rather than any of the other protests that are not put together by Nazi's and the Klan. But that's me. People have different moral compasses and that's mine.

And I agree. They do have the right. Just because you have the right to do something I don't think means you are a good person for doing it.
He didn't call the Nazis good people, idiot. There were four groups there, regular people on both sides who were voicing whether they were for or against the removal of the statues. And then there were the Nazis and Antifa, both racist scum that were there to pick a fight and cause mayhem. That the event only comprised of Nazis and Antifa, and those are the people that Trump was referring to as good people is fake news promoted by spineless, shameless Democrats and their puppets in the media.

Reading isn't your strong suit is it bud? I didn't say he called Nazi's very fine people. Just people that choose to join the rally's they put on.

So what is your opinion. Do fine people attend rally's put on by Nazi's and the Ku Klux Klan? Or are just the Nazi's and Klan bad, but those who stand with them at times ok?

Must have been private messages. I’m sure you were quite forceful with your fellow fluffers.

And I'm sure that when you are not busy trying to mischaracterize those who don't agree with you, you're a very pleasant person.

I’m sure I have many, many flaws but being a nazi isn’t one of them. Being someone who loves the nazis isn’t one of them either.

Don’t you wonder why Trump attracts White Nationalists, Nazis, etc… ? Do you think its because they just have to support someone so they support a NY realtor who sings the praises of Israel or do you think it is because the GOP courts them?

I think it's because they take orders from the Democrats to make it appear they are allying with Republicans to make Republicans look bad. I notice that Democrats never kicked any of them out of their Party, as the Republicans kicked David Duke out of theirs.

Your tin foil hat may be on a bit too tight. The OP thinks 9/11 was an inside job as well.

You’re at home here.

I'm not a fan of conspiracy theories, but my explanation fits the facts. The Democrats embraced Robert "Grand Kleagle" Byrd, while the Republicans expelled David Duke.

I'm not a fan either. I mean sure Strom filibustered the Civil rights act of 1957. Byrd filibustered the one in 1964. Byrd recanted his acts, came out against racism, pushed MLK jr Day and other civil rights acts and stayed Democrat. Strom never recanted, instead becoming a Republican, and was one of the 14 Republicans who still voted against the Civil Rights restoration act in 1987 (said if you got federal funding your organization can't discriminate).

And which party does that fuckwad Steve King take part in?
Press and politicians are blind to the truth.
If you get your news from NBC, this is what you learned about the Unite the Right rally: “Charlottesville White Nationalist Rally Violence Prompts State of Emergency.”

That’s right: The problem was white nationalist violence. It was as if the demonstrators had behaved just like Black Lives Matter or masked antifa: looting, burning, stopping traffic, and roughing up bystanders.

Of course, what caused the violence was hostile counter-demonstrators, many of them wearing helmets and carrying shields. If they had not been there, there would have been no violence, and the rally would have taken place as planned.

Of all people, it was President Donald Trump who came the closest to getting it right, condemning “hatred, bigotry and violence on many sides.”

Violence at Charlottesville rally prompts state of emergency

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