The oft repeated lie about Trump calling nazis good people

It was a Nazi event

Trump knew that and still called them good people. It took him days to "clarify"

It was a protest against the destruction of historical monuments.

Put together by nazi's and the Ku Klux Klan. There's hundreds of protests against removing those monuments of those who led the fight against the USA not put together by the Klan and Nazi's.

I'm fine if you want to join a church, and think good people do that. If you specifically choose the Church of the National Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, I disagree with you being a good person.

I don't think joining a Nazi and Klan rally is ever something good people do.
again - you have been shown several times now the group that put it together. if you still maintain the nazi's put it together - then please show me the evidence that supports this claim.

mac has done that. he's given you the mans name and organization and the history of such. yet you still put your hands over your hears and eyes at the same time yet forget to cover the mouth - so you spout out the same tired disproven statement time and again.

They want to believe there's a lot of "Nazis" in this country.
Not all Nazis but KKK, Storm Fronters, White Supremacists ......birds of a feather

Hmmm.........this whole two year attempt at branding all Trump supporters as Nazi's.......

Id get it if it was politically effective but as a strategy, its been a total train wreck...............

Posted on April 9, 2019 by John Hinderaker in 2020 Presidential Election, Donald Trump
Trump Rising

I’ve been waiting for President Trump’s approval rating to rise in the wake of the collapse of the Mueller investigation. That now seems to be happening, as Rasmussen Reports finds him at 53% approval, 45% disapproval, for a healthy +8 margin. It is also noteworthy that Trump’s “strong approval” now exceeds his “strong disapproval” by one point, something that rarely happened with Barack Obama.

Trump Rising

IDK.....or is the idea in here to just look like a hero to your side on a community message board? Seems kinda ghey to me............:2up::113::113:
What do you think the average age of those protesters are? Probably around 22. Kids, basically. They're being rebellious and edgy like kids have always done. I bet you most of them have never read Mein Kampf or even knows how to spell it.

What about all the antifa kids who showed up the next day with their communist flags and gas masks? You think they've read Marx and truly want to violently overthrow capitalism and give the state ownership of the means of production?

Which makes it even more important to not tell young adults that you can still be a "very nice person" if you attend Klan and Nazi rally's on the weekend wouldn't you say?

Maybe they haven't read Mein Kampf. But those nazi leaders excited at the opportunity to get impressionable young people board and speak to them at this event I bet have.
what is important is not allowing our culture to have 1 viewpoint dictate to all the others what and why we should think what we do. you'd not have me pushing my values on you but here you are shoving yours around on others and getting some good fake rage going when not all agree with you.
And yes, it was the Nazi's and Klan who put this together with Jason Kessler as the local person helping.

The groups Jason Kessler was working with to set up and have the rally were:

The Daily Stormer
The Right Stuff
The National Policy Institute
four separate Nationalist Front Groups
Vanguard America
The National Socialist Movement
The Loyal White Knights
The Confederate White Knights
The fraternal Order of Alt-Knights
Identity Evropa.

These groups took on the lead of promoting their event. Of setting up their speakers for the event. Of writing the fliers for the event.

For example Mike Enoch on his Right Stuff podcast saying "“Regardless of the status of the permit, [the police have said] they would be following through on their end. We are also prepared for the alternative. Police are saying they are offering the same level of protection, as if we had the permit.”

But yeah, organizing the rally with police and preparing an alternative isn't organizing

Richard W. Preston the self-identified imperial wizard of the Confederate White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan saying on his facebook page before he was banned calling his members to attend "OUR" rally.

Yes, many nazi and klan groups have worked hard to try and scrub that relationship with Kessler after the event.

But like I've shown, some of their old flyers exist. Their being listed as public speakers for the event are still there. Even some of the podcasts are still out there.

But somehow people are trying to say "Well sure, Nathan Damigo of Identity Evropa, and Matthew Heimbach of the Traditionalist Workers Party, and Mike Enoch of the Right Stuff, and organized their speaking engagements for the unite the right rally, promoted the rally, talked about the work they were doing with the police before the rally to ensure it went well, but weren't organizers???

What about that lawsuit that Identity evropa was crowdfunding, and other nazi groups joined in on before they got banned from the crowdsourcing site. The one where they were crowdsourcing for a defense fund saying after months of effort and obtaining valid permits, Charlottesville police failed to protect attendees from crowds of counter-protesters

But that effort and work wasn't organizing? How can you stick to that same tired lie, when nazi's literally were fighting to sue over the hard work they put in setting it up. Do you think if you scrub enough facebook pages and say it enough times you can change reality?

i'll make it as simple as i can -

i may hate what you say with everything i have - but i will fight for your right to say it.

when you start saying "you don't have these rights cause i don't think you should" THEN you've gone "fascist".

what rights are you referring to, specifically...??

please note, those confederate statues were being taken down because citizens of those states petitioned their government with a redress of grievances, and by due process of the law it was decided by their government to remove them.

then confused confederate nazi symps pretended they were protesting removal because "FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHTS"...?

And yes, it was the Nazi's and Klan who put this together with Jason Kessler as the local person helping.

The groups Jason Kessler was working with to set up and have the rally were:

The Daily Stormer
The Right Stuff
The National Policy Institute
four separate Nationalist Front Groups
Vanguard America
The National Socialist Movement
The Loyal White Knights
The Confederate White Knights
The fraternal Order of Alt-Knights
Identity Evropa.

These groups took on the lead of promoting their event. Of setting up their speakers for the event. Of writing the fliers for the event.

For example Mike Enoch on his Right Stuff podcast saying "“Regardless of the status of the permit, [the police have said] they would be following through on their end. We are also prepared for the alternative. Police are saying they are offering the same level of protection, as if we had the permit.”

But yeah, organizing the rally with police and preparing an alternative isn't organizing

Richard W. Preston the self-identified imperial wizard of the Confederate White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan saying on his facebook page before he was banned calling his members to attend "OUR" rally.

Yes, many nazi and klan groups have worked hard to try and scrub that relationship with Kessler after the event.

But like I've shown, some of their old flyers exist. Their being listed as public speakers for the event are still there. Even some of the podcasts are still out there.

But somehow people are trying to say "Well sure, Nathan Damigo of Identity Evropa, and Matthew Heimbach of the Traditionalist Workers Party, and Mike Enoch of the Right Stuff, and organized their speaking engagements for the unite the right rally, promoted the rally, talked about the work they were doing with the police before the rally to ensure it went well, but weren't organizers???

What about that lawsuit that Identity evropa was crowdfunding, and other nazi groups joined in on before they got banned from the crowdsourcing site. The one where they were crowdsourcing for a defense fund saying after months of effort and obtaining valid permits, Charlottesville police failed to protect attendees from crowds of counter-protesters

But that effort and work wasn't organizing? How can you stick to that same tired lie, when nazi's literally were fighting to sue over the hard work they put in setting it up. Do you think if you scrub enough facebook pages and say it enough times you can change reality?

i'll make it as simple as i can -

i may hate what you say with everything i have - but i will fight for your right to say it.

when you start saying "you don't have these rights cause i don't think you should" THEN you've gone "fascist".

what rights are you referring to, specifically...??

please note, those confederate statues were being taken down because citizens of those states petitioned their government with a redress of grievances, and by due process of the law it was decided by their government to remove them.

then confused confederate nazi symps pretended they were protesting removal because "FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHTS"...?

ooo - a "derp" - you are cool and shit.

but at least that explains your confusion.

people have every right to talk about doing whatever they want with their history. all sides. you seem to be ok with using your rights and getting offended when someone elses uses theirs in a manner you don't like.

get over it.
It was a protest march….that just ended up having a bunch of identical torches…..handed out to the protestors…..that were all lit…..and they marched at night….chanting Nazi slogans…..

Are you arguing that the two were separate events that happened to occur and none of the people protesting against the removal of historical monuments were involved in the march?

What do you think the average age of those protesters are? Probably around 22. Kids, basically. They're being rebellious and edgy like kids have always done. I bet you most of them have never read Mein Kampf or even knows how to spell it.

What about all the antifa kids who showed up the next day with their communist flags and gas masks? You think they've read Marx and truly want to violently overthrow capitalism and give the state ownership of the means of production?

Which protestors…are You talking about the tiki-torch-waffen?

Sweetie......need some new talking points. The Nazi tag for Trump has been an ePiC failure.( check recent poll #'s). A plan B would be a good idea for your side at this point[email protected]

Yet here you are responding.

Yep.....if you notice, Im only in these threads for the spike the football moments!! The facial dunks!!:coffee:

I only notice you when you respond to me. Otherwise, you don’t register.
Valerie said:
what rights are you referring to, specifically...??

please note, those confederate statues were being taken down because citizens of those states petitioned their government with a redress of grievances, and by due process of the law it was decided by their government to remove them.

then confused confederate nazi symps pretended they were protesting removal because "FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHTS"...?


The "nazis" were pretending, but the "commies" were sincere. Gotcha.

vlad putin is the fascist commie you fear, yet you applaud when donny sucks his dick..

‘Jews will not replace us’: Why white supremacists go after Jews

White nationalists use tiki torches to light up Charlottesville march - CNN


Trump Tells G.O.P. Donors Democrats “Hate Jewish People”

pity all the parrot morons get so EASILY confused.. who does don the con think he's kidding..? oh wait :itsok:
And yes, it was the Nazi's and Klan who put this together with Jason Kessler as the local person helping.

The groups Jason Kessler was working with to set up and have the rally were:

The Daily Stormer
The Right Stuff
The National Policy Institute
four separate Nationalist Front Groups
Vanguard America
The National Socialist Movement
The Loyal White Knights
The Confederate White Knights
The fraternal Order of Alt-Knights
Identity Evropa.

These groups took on the lead of promoting their event. Of setting up their speakers for the event. Of writing the fliers for the event.

For example Mike Enoch on his Right Stuff podcast saying "“Regardless of the status of the permit, [the police have said] they would be following through on their end. We are also prepared for the alternative. Police are saying they are offering the same level of protection, as if we had the permit.”

But yeah, organizing the rally with police and preparing an alternative isn't organizing

Richard W. Preston the self-identified imperial wizard of the Confederate White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan saying on his facebook page before he was banned calling his members to attend "OUR" rally.

Yes, many nazi and klan groups have worked hard to try and scrub that relationship with Kessler after the event.

But like I've shown, some of their old flyers exist. Their being listed as public speakers for the event are still there. Even some of the podcasts are still out there.

But somehow people are trying to say "Well sure, Nathan Damigo of Identity Evropa, and Matthew Heimbach of the Traditionalist Workers Party, and Mike Enoch of the Right Stuff, and organized their speaking engagements for the unite the right rally, promoted the rally, talked about the work they were doing with the police before the rally to ensure it went well, but weren't organizers???

What about that lawsuit that Identity evropa was crowdfunding, and other nazi groups joined in on before they got banned from the crowdsourcing site. The one where they were crowdsourcing for a defense fund saying after months of effort and obtaining valid permits, Charlottesville police failed to protect attendees from crowds of counter-protesters

But that effort and work wasn't organizing? How can you stick to that same tired lie, when nazi's literally were fighting to sue over the hard work they put in setting it up. Do you think if you scrub enough facebook pages and say it enough times you can change reality?

i'll make it as simple as i can -

i may hate what you say with everything i have - but i will fight for your right to say it.

when you start saying "you don't have these rights cause i don't think you should" THEN you've gone "fascist".

what rights are you referring to, specifically...??

please note, those confederate statues were being taken down because citizens of those states petitioned their government with a redress of grievances, and by due process of the law it was decided by their government to remove them.

then confused confederate nazi symps pretended they were protesting removal because "FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHTS"...?

ooo - a "derp" - you are cool and shit.

but at least that explains your confusion.

people have every right to talk about doing whatever they want with their history. all sides. you seem to be ok with using your rights and getting offended when someone elses uses theirs in a manner you don't like.

get over it.

And yes, it was the Nazi's and Klan who put this together with Jason Kessler as the local person helping.

The groups Jason Kessler was working with to set up and have the rally were:

The Daily Stormer
The Right Stuff
The National Policy Institute
four separate Nationalist Front Groups
Vanguard America
The National Socialist Movement
The Loyal White Knights
The Confederate White Knights
The fraternal Order of Alt-Knights
Identity Evropa.

These groups took on the lead of promoting their event. Of setting up their speakers for the event. Of writing the fliers for the event.

For example Mike Enoch on his Right Stuff podcast saying "“Regardless of the status of the permit, [the police have said] they would be following through on their end. We are also prepared for the alternative. Police are saying they are offering the same level of protection, as if we had the permit.”

But yeah, organizing the rally with police and preparing an alternative isn't organizing

Richard W. Preston the self-identified imperial wizard of the Confederate White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan saying on his facebook page before he was banned calling his members to attend "OUR" rally.

Yes, many nazi and klan groups have worked hard to try and scrub that relationship with Kessler after the event.

But like I've shown, some of their old flyers exist. Their being listed as public speakers for the event are still there. Even some of the podcasts are still out there.

But somehow people are trying to say "Well sure, Nathan Damigo of Identity Evropa, and Matthew Heimbach of the Traditionalist Workers Party, and Mike Enoch of the Right Stuff, and organized their speaking engagements for the unite the right rally, promoted the rally, talked about the work they were doing with the police before the rally to ensure it went well, but weren't organizers???

What about that lawsuit that Identity evropa was crowdfunding, and other nazi groups joined in on before they got banned from the crowdsourcing site. The one where they were crowdsourcing for a defense fund saying after months of effort and obtaining valid permits, Charlottesville police failed to protect attendees from crowds of counter-protesters

But that effort and work wasn't organizing? How can you stick to that same tired lie, when nazi's literally were fighting to sue over the hard work they put in setting it up. Do you think if you scrub enough facebook pages and say it enough times you can change reality?

i'll make it as simple as i can -

i may hate what you say with everything i have - but i will fight for your right to say it.

when you start saying "you don't have these rights cause i don't think you should" THEN you've gone "fascist".

what rights are you referring to, specifically...??

please note, those confederate statues were being taken down because citizens of those states petitioned their government with a redress of grievances, and by due process of the law it was decided by their government to remove them.

then confused confederate nazi symps pretended they were protesting removal because "FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHTS"...?


It's funny. I've said from the start they have the RIGHT to join a Klan or Nazi rally. People have that right to be a shitbag.

I just think that those who join a Klan or Nazi rally are not good people. If he's talking about the RIGHT to protest, I am always on board with that. Just because you are a nazi, a klan member, a nazi sympathizer, a friend of the Klan, doesn't mean you no longer have rights. And if you are protesting with Nazi's or the Klan or a pedophile group or anything like that I think you are scum.

Saying someone has the right to protest isn't saying they are a good person. It's a mealy mouth response to try and side with fucking nazi's and the Klan without actively saying "I support them". It's the lukewarm nazi sympathizers statement where they want to defend them, but not overtly, so they try and change it to arguing they have the right to do what they do.

My guess is that moron iceburg is on post 40 here still trying to avoid answering if he thinks good people go to nazi and Klan rally's. Because he knows what he feels in his heart. But yeah it's pretty ugly to put words to those beliefs. So he'll dance for hours trying as hard as he can to continue to support them every way possible using more lies and distractions without saying what he feels.
And yes, it was the Nazi's and Klan who put this together with Jason Kessler as the local person helping.

The groups Jason Kessler was working with to set up and have the rally were:

The Daily Stormer
The Right Stuff
The National Policy Institute
four separate Nationalist Front Groups
Vanguard America
The National Socialist Movement
The Loyal White Knights
The Confederate White Knights
The fraternal Order of Alt-Knights
Identity Evropa.

These groups took on the lead of promoting their event. Of setting up their speakers for the event. Of writing the fliers for the event.

For example Mike Enoch on his Right Stuff podcast saying "“Regardless of the status of the permit, [the police have said] they would be following through on their end. We are also prepared for the alternative. Police are saying they are offering the same level of protection, as if we had the permit.”

But yeah, organizing the rally with police and preparing an alternative isn't organizing

Richard W. Preston the self-identified imperial wizard of the Confederate White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan saying on his facebook page before he was banned calling his members to attend "OUR" rally.

Yes, many nazi and klan groups have worked hard to try and scrub that relationship with Kessler after the event.

But like I've shown, some of their old flyers exist. Their being listed as public speakers for the event are still there. Even some of the podcasts are still out there.

But somehow people are trying to say "Well sure, Nathan Damigo of Identity Evropa, and Matthew Heimbach of the Traditionalist Workers Party, and Mike Enoch of the Right Stuff, and organized their speaking engagements for the unite the right rally, promoted the rally, talked about the work they were doing with the police before the rally to ensure it went well, but weren't organizers???

What about that lawsuit that Identity evropa was crowdfunding, and other nazi groups joined in on before they got banned from the crowdsourcing site. The one where they were crowdsourcing for a defense fund saying after months of effort and obtaining valid permits, Charlottesville police failed to protect attendees from crowds of counter-protesters

But that effort and work wasn't organizing? How can you stick to that same tired lie, when nazi's literally were fighting to sue over the hard work they put in setting it up. Do you think if you scrub enough facebook pages and say it enough times you can change reality?

i'll make it as simple as i can -

i may hate what you say with everything i have - but i will fight for your right to say it.

when you start saying "you don't have these rights cause i don't think you should" THEN you've gone "fascist".

what rights are you referring to, specifically...??

please note, those confederate statues were being taken down because citizens of those states petitioned their government with a redress of grievances, and by due process of the law it was decided by their government to remove them.

then confused confederate nazi symps pretended they were protesting removal because "FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHTS"...?

ooo - a "derp" - you are cool and shit.

but at least that explains your confusion.

people have every right to talk about doing whatever they want with their history. all sides. you seem to be ok with using your rights and getting offended when someone elses uses theirs in a manner you don't like.

get over it.
When have I EVER mentioned the RIGHT to protest? Besides saying earlier I agree that they have that right.

What I am saying is I disagree good people join nazi and Klan rally's and don't support that.

Sorry you have to go lie and to such extremes to protect nazi's and the Klan fr
And yes, it was the Nazi's and Klan who put this together with Jason Kessler as the local person helping.

The groups Jason Kessler was working with to set up and have the rally were:

The Daily Stormer
The Right Stuff
The National Policy Institute
four separate Nationalist Front Groups
Vanguard America
The National Socialist Movement
The Loyal White Knights
The Confederate White Knights
The fraternal Order of Alt-Knights
Identity Evropa.

These groups took on the lead of promoting their event. Of setting up their speakers for the event. Of writing the fliers for the event.

For example Mike Enoch on his Right Stuff podcast saying "“Regardless of the status of the permit, [the police have said] they would be following through on their end. We are also prepared for the alternative. Police are saying they are offering the same level of protection, as if we had the permit.”

But yeah, organizing the rally with police and preparing an alternative isn't organizing

Richard W. Preston the self-identified imperial wizard of the Confederate White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan saying on his facebook page before he was banned calling his members to attend "OUR" rally.

Yes, many nazi and klan groups have worked hard to try and scrub that relationship with Kessler after the event.

But like I've shown, some of their old flyers exist. Their being listed as public speakers for the event are still there. Even some of the podcasts are still out there.

But somehow people are trying to say "Well sure, Nathan Damigo of Identity Evropa, and Matthew Heimbach of the Traditionalist Workers Party, and Mike Enoch of the Right Stuff, and organized their speaking engagements for the unite the right rally, promoted the rally, talked about the work they were doing with the police before the rally to ensure it went well, but weren't organizers???

What about that lawsuit that Identity evropa was crowdfunding, and other nazi groups joined in on before they got banned from the crowdsourcing site. The one where they were crowdsourcing for a defense fund saying after months of effort and obtaining valid permits, Charlottesville police failed to protect attendees from crowds of counter-protesters

But that effort and work wasn't organizing? How can you stick to that same tired lie, when nazi's literally were fighting to sue over the hard work they put in setting it up. Do you think if you scrub enough facebook pages and say it enough times you can change reality?

i'll make it as simple as i can -

i may hate what you say with everything i have - but i will fight for your right to say it.

when you start saying "you don't have these rights cause i don't think you should" THEN you've gone "fascist".

what rights are you referring to, specifically...??

please note, those confederate statues were being taken down because citizens of those states petitioned their government with a redress of grievances, and by due process of the law it was decided by their government to remove them.

then confused confederate nazi symps pretended they were protesting removal because "FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHTS"...?


It's funny. I've said from the start they have the RIGHT to join a Klan or Nazi rally. People have that right to be a shitbag.

I just think that those who join a Klan or Nazi rally are not good people. If he's talking about the RIGHT to protest, I am always on board with that. And if you are protesting with Nazi's or the Klan or a pedophile group or anything like that I think you are scum.

Saying someone has the right to protest isn't saying they are a good person. It's a mealy mouth response to try and side with fucking nazi's and the Klan without actively saying "I support them". It's the lukewarm nazi sympathizers statement where they want to defend them, but not overtly, so they try and change it to arguing they have the right to do what they do.

My guess is that moron iceburg is on post 40 here still trying to avoid answering if he thinks good people go to nazi and Klan rally's. Because he knows what he feels in his heart. But yeah it's pretty ugly to put words to those beliefs. So he'll dance for hours trying as hard as he can to continue to support them every way possible using more lies and distractions without saying what he feels.
i've told you a thousand times i'm protecting RIGHTS WE ALL FUCKING SHARE - not how they choose to use them.

if you could comprehend that difference this would go a lot better. but if we're just going to go back to insulting each other and the whole "Neener Neener I'm morally superior" shit you like to do - i'm out. i'll stop wasting my time on another who refuses to think, just react.
Lookie here sandy squido......we all get you have a huge need to prove you are morally superior because you hate nazis.

That is all your sanctimonious posts amount screaming how you hate nazis

Your hatred has reduced you to an emotional wreck.

I challenged you to a debate on nazism but I suppose you lack the courage for that.
It was a protest against the destruction of historical monuments.

Put together by nazi's and the Ku Klux Klan. There's hundreds of protests against removing those monuments of those who led the fight against the USA not put together by the Klan and Nazi's.

I'm fine if you want to join a church, and think good people do that. If you specifically choose the Church of the National Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, I disagree with you being a good person.

I don't think joining a Nazi and Klan rally is ever something good people do.
again - you have been shown several times now the group that put it together. if you still maintain the nazi's put it together - then please show me the evidence that supports this claim.

mac has done that. he's given you the mans name and organization and the history of such. yet you still put your hands over your hears and eyes at the same time yet forget to cover the mouth - so you spout out the same tired disproven statement time and again.

They want to believe there's a lot of "Nazis" in this country.
Not all Nazis but KKK, Storm Fronters, White Supremacists ......birds of a feather

Hmmm.........this whole two year attempt at branding all Trump supporters as Nazi's.......

Id get it if it was politically effective but as a strategy, its been a total train wreck...............

Posted on April 9, 2019 by John Hinderaker in 2020 Presidential Election, Donald Trump
Trump Rising

I’ve been waiting for President Trump’s approval rating to rise in the wake of the collapse of the Mueller investigation. That now seems to be happening, as Rasmussen Reports finds him at 53% approval, 45% disapproval, for a healthy +8 margin. It is also noteworthy that Trump’s “strong approval” now exceeds his “strong disapproval” by one point, something that rarely happened with Barack Obama.

Trump Rising

IDK.....or is the idea in here to just look like a hero to your side on a community message board? Seems kinda ghey to me............:2up::113::113:
We like to call them déplorables

Don’t you?
Tipsycatlover is. She even denies the nazi slogans

See for yourself:
I imagine if I looked hard enough I can see someone calling his conviction (he being Fields) a huge miscarriage of justice.

Just kidding:

It wasn’t hard at all:

The oft repeated lie about Trump calling nazis good people

100 posts earlier in this very thread.

That you don’t condemn these people is sad.

The fat chick wasn't hit by the car,and of course I denounce what the guy did.

When you start denouncing pantifa get back with me.

It seems the guy was convicted of hitting her with his car, so I can't understand why you'd make such a claim. Stick to the truth. If nothing else, it'll confuse then clowns on the Left.

Whenever a trump fluffer comes within 5 feet of the truth, it’s shocking.

Confusing? Hardly.

What is laughable is the justification.

MIdfdle of the night torch rally chanting Nazi slogans. And we have a 300 post thread
The fat chick wasn't hit by the car,and of course I denounce what the guy did.

When you start denouncing pantifa get back with me.

It seems the guy was convicted of hitting her with his car, so I can't understand why you'd make such a claim. Stick to the truth. If nothing else, it'll confuse then clowns on the Left.

Just going by the actual video.
The fat chick wasn't hit by the car,and of course I denounce what the guy did.

When you start denouncing pantifa get back with me.

She was murdered.

She died due to the guys actions.
Lock him up,or preferably execute the guy.

Amazing how sensible your bitch ass can be when you’re forced into it.

I don't know what a "trump fluffer" is, but I do know that you seem determined to show that you can be just as hateful and unreasonable as those you condemn and that's sad.

At least I condemned them. You haven’t yet. Nor will you. And that’s sad.

And yet, I have and you refuse to acknowledge it because it doesn't fit your narrative. THAT is sad.
It seems the guy was convicted of hitting her with his car, so I can't understand why you'd make such a claim. Stick to the truth. If nothing else, it'll confuse then clowns on the Left.

Just going by the actual video.
She was murdered.

She died due to the guys actions.
Lock him up,or preferably execute the guy.

She was a liberal cockroach who died because her friends with bats started beating on the fellow's car....he was surrounded and greatly out numbered by leftwingers with bats....he was merely attempting to get away.

She should not have been there in the middle of the road....she got what she deserved.

The Media’s Niagara of Lies About Charlottesville


See...several trump supporters are firmly locked into blaming the victim, defending the Nazis, etc... And this is what they are willing to say in public. Can you imagine how deep the hatred goes in private?

And I do find that disappointing, but they are individuals and not representative of anyone else. Just as you are an individual, so I don't use your hate as an excuse to tar all those on the Left.

Far cry from your “nobody” boast from this afternoon.

I presumed you understood that "nobody" doesn't always include extremists. Sorry if you didn't understand.
The fat chick wasn't hit by the car,and of course I denounce what the guy did.

When you start denouncing pantifa get back with me.

It seems the guy was convicted of hitting her with his car, so I can't understand why you'd make such a claim. Stick to the truth. If nothing else, it'll confuse then clowns on the Left.

Whenever a trump fluffer comes within 5 feet of the truth, it’s shocking.

Confusing? Hardly.

What is laughable is the justification.

MIdfdle of the night torch rally chanting Nazi slogans. And we have a 300 post thread
It seems the guy was convicted of hitting her with his car, so I can't understand why you'd make such a claim. Stick to the truth. If nothing else, it'll confuse then clowns on the Left.

Just going by the actual video.
She was murdered.

She died due to the guys actions.
Lock him up,or preferably execute the guy.

Amazing how sensible your bitch ass can be when you’re forced into it.

I don't know what a "trump fluffer" is, but I do know that you seem determined to show that you can be just as hateful and unreasonable as those you condemn and that's sad.

At least I condemned them. You haven’t yet. Nor will you. And that’s sad.

And yet, I have and you refuse to acknowledge it because it doesn't fit your narrative. THAT is sad.


Must have been private messages. I’m sure you were quite forceful with your fellow fluffers.
Just going by the actual video.
She died due to the guys actions.
Lock him up,or preferably execute the guy.

She was a liberal cockroach who died because her friends with bats started beating on the fellow's car....he was surrounded and greatly out numbered by leftwingers with bats....he was merely attempting to get away.

She should not have been there in the middle of the road....she got what she deserved.

The Media’s Niagara of Lies About Charlottesville


See...several trump supporters are firmly locked into blaming the victim, defending the Nazis, etc... And this is what they are willing to say in public. Can you imagine how deep the hatred goes in private?

And I do find that disappointing, but they are individuals and not representative of anyone else. Just as you are an individual, so I don't use your hate as an excuse to tar all those on the Left.

Far cry from your “nobody” boast from this afternoon.

I presumed you understood that "nobody" doesn't always include extremists. Sorry if you didn't understand.

I’m pretty sure the word “nobody” meant no body. These must be those “alternative facts” trump fluffers like yourself enjoy using.
It seems the guy was convicted of hitting her with his car, so I can't understand why you'd make such a claim. Stick to the truth. If nothing else, it'll confuse then clowns on the Left.

Whenever a trump fluffer comes within 5 feet of the truth, it’s shocking.

Confusing? Hardly.

What is laughable is the justification.

MIdfdle of the night torch rally chanting Nazi slogans. And we have a 300 post thread
Just going by the actual video.
She died due to the guys actions.
Lock him up,or preferably execute the guy.

Amazing how sensible your bitch ass can be when you’re forced into it.

I don't know what a "trump fluffer" is, but I do know that you seem determined to show that you can be just as hateful and unreasonable as those you condemn and that's sad.

At least I condemned them. You haven’t yet. Nor will you. And that’s sad.

And yet, I have and you refuse to acknowledge it because it doesn't fit your narrative. THAT is sad.


Must have been private messages. I’m sure you were quite forceful with your fellow fluffers.

And I'm sure that when you are not busy trying to mischaracterize those who don't agree with you, you're a very pleasant person.
She was a liberal cockroach who died because her friends with bats started beating on the fellow's car....he was surrounded and greatly out numbered by leftwingers with bats....he was merely attempting to get away.

She should not have been there in the middle of the road....she got what she deserved.

The Media’s Niagara of Lies About Charlottesville


See...several trump supporters are firmly locked into blaming the victim, defending the Nazis, etc... And this is what they are willing to say in public. Can you imagine how deep the hatred goes in private?

And I do find that disappointing, but they are individuals and not representative of anyone else. Just as you are an individual, so I don't use your hate as an excuse to tar all those on the Left.

Far cry from your “nobody” boast from this afternoon.

I presumed you understood that "nobody" doesn't always include extremists. Sorry if you didn't understand.

I’m pretty sure the word “nobody” meant no body. These must be those “alternative facts” trump fluffers like yourself enjoy using.

Do you not know there are exceptions to every blanket statement? Again, sorry if my carelessness with language confused you. I'm sure that the intelligent people on your side understood.
This lie has been presented in the media so often some republicans even believe it....just goes to show the power of the media and how they are able to deceive so many....the latest being Adam Schiff......." look, it's not the Democratic Party that believes that there are good people on both sides of a Nazi rally," Rep. Schiff told CNN's "State of the Union." "There's just one party and one party leader who believes that, and that's Donald Trump."

Now......we must understand that some of these folks do not want the truth they want to believe that Trump is a Nazi ----as that fits their they keep repeating the lie.

Proof that President Called the Nazis in Charlottesville good people is a lie.....................Trump Didn't Call Neo-Nazis 'Fine People.' Here's Proof. | RealClearPolitics!
Another big Leftist lie. He called those that were protesting for and against the removal of the historic statues as good people, who had every right accorded to them by the constitution, to voice their opinions one way or another.

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