The oft repeated lie about Trump calling nazis good people

Are you stupid? Both the nazis and others who are not nazis showed up at an event protesting the removal of the statue.
It was a Nazi event
If you showed are an a-hole
lol Poor little Democrat, you have to work so hard just to drum up a few lies to smear the President with.

What's the lie? Or when you hear a fact you don't like you just pretend it's not true... Because living in pretend land is so much fun.

So why do you think Nazis and Nazi sympathizers aren't aholes? What qualities of the American Nazi do you like so much you feel the need to defend them

Ilhan Omar is the biggest Nazi sympathizer in Congress.


So what is your opinion. Do you think good people join Nazi and Klan Rally's? You really seem to not want to answer a simple question
They are much like the antifa and black lives matter groups al9ng with the democratic socialist party and the American Communist party and the black panthers
Someone who said that, even if it wasn't out of context, would be a better person than Ilhan Omar.

But really really bad right?

Thats what you are getting at. Got it

Not relative to Democrats, even out of context.

Actually he set the context . The rally on August 12th of 2017 put together by Nazis and the Klan. That was clear. Very fine people joined that rally.

Do you support the antisemitism the Democratic Party supports?

Not at all. Don't support it from either side. Fuck Omar and her anti semitism. Granted she apologized for her remarks while Trump never changed his stance that you can go to a Nazi rally and still be a fine American.

This thread though is on if you support that people can be very fine people who go to Nazi and Ku Klux Klan Rally's. long as you attempt to maintain the lie that Trump said Nazis are fine people cannot expect to be treated other than as one who rejects the truth and is willing to lie to promote your agenda.
I guess if I was to protest the Confederate statues being taken down. I wouldn't choose a Nazi/Klan rally myself to do it. There are plenty of them which explicitly oppose those groups and kick out nazis that I would choose to attend.

I guess I'm just not a Nazi sympathizer or friend of the Klan and no matter what their rally is about I wouldn't join them.

Which is why I think making the choice to attend one put together by the Nazis and Klan, one who's speakers aren't historians on Lee, but Nazi and Klan leaders is not what good people do. reveal you have a mind that is closed to the truth....those folks who showed up to protest the tearing down of historical monuments aka like the talibian is notorious for...had no idea all these verious left and right wing radicals would show up.

Even the police were not prepared for all these groups....and one would think with all their sources of information they would have been prepared for what came down...obviously they were not prepared as in they could not keep the counter demonstrators isolated from those who had a permit to demonstrate....thus all the violence that erupted.

All the blame for the violence rests on the shoulders of the counter demonstrators who showed up ready to commit violence to disrupt and shut down a legal and peaceful demonstration.

You overlook all in you have no desire for the just want to promote your and the democratic partys agenda.
Did a few pages ago.

"Excuse me, they didn't put themselves down as neo-Nazis, and you had some very bad people in that group. But you also had people that were very fine people on both sides. You had people in that group – excuse me, excuse me"

So do you think as long as you say you aren't a neo Nazi, you can still go to their Rally's and join them and the Ku Klux Klan and be a sympathizer and supporter at their rally and a "very fine person"?

Or do you think very fine people don't go to join Nazi and Klan Rally's?

If you are going to refer to what President Trump said then you should show the complet quote and do take a snip here and there out of context.

That is a dead giveaway that you are not being honest and in fact are attempting to deceive.

Quite pathetic boyo!
She may be the biggest nazi sympathizer in the Democratic Party, but certainly not the only one. When Pelosi tried to pass a resolution to censure her anti semitic rants, the Congressional Black Caucus defended them and since them all the candidates for the Democratic nomination have turned against Israel as a show of support for Omar and the CBC. The Democratic Party is today nazi central in the US.

Have been for a long time. The passive media has been making Joseph Goebbels proud for decades. Its disturbing.

I agree. I mean fuck . Now you can go to a nazi rally on the weekend and still be a very nice person..

Correct. As long as you aren't white.
Oh I don't care what race you are. If you think very nice people go to Nazi and ku Klux Klan Rally's I will disagree
So what do you think about someone saying you can go to the largest Nazi rally in decades and still be a very fine person. Disgusting right?

Someone who said that, even if it wasn't out of context, would be a better person than Ilhan Omar.

But really really bad right?

Thats what you are getting at. Got it

Not relative to Democrats, even out of context.

Actually he set the context . The rally on August 12th of 2017 put together by Nazis and the Klan. That was clear. Very fine people joined that rally.

Could you paste the quote?

He does not have the honesty to do that....he will post a snip here and there out of context....but he will never post the complete post because it wouold prove he has been lying and continues to lie with no shame....he must think everyone on here is as stupid as he in he has no idea that most see right through his b.s.
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They did organize the party in Charlottesville
They organized their party there but not everyone showed up to join their party. Others showed up just to protest the removal of the statue.
You show up at a Nazi rally?
Are you sick?
Are you stupid? Both the nazis and others who are not nazis showed up at an event protesting the removal of the statue.
It was a Nazi event
If you showed are an a-hole
lol Poor little Democrat, you have to work so hard just to drum up a few lies to smear the President with.

hehheh....exactly right. Spot On!
It was a Nazi event
If you showed are an a-hole
lol Poor little Democrat, you have to work so hard just to drum up a few lies to smear the President with.

What's the lie? Or when you hear a fact you don't like you just pretend it's not true... Because living in pretend land is so much fun.

So why do you think Nazis and Nazi sympathizers aren't aholes? What qualities of the American Nazi do you like so much you feel the need to defend them

Ilhan Omar is the biggest Nazi sympathizer in Congress.
She may be the biggest nazi sympathizer in the Democratic Party, but certainly not the only one. When Pelosi tried to pass a resolution to censure her anti semitic rants, the Congressional Black Caucus defended them and since them all the candidates for the Democratic nomination have turned against Israel as a show of support for Omar and the CBC. The Democratic Party is today nazi central in the US.

Have been for a long time. The passive media has been making Joseph Goebbels proud for decades. Its disturbing.

Yes....our media has degenerated into nothing more than the propaganda machine of the leftwing...very,very similar to how the german media was just a nazi propaganda machine. Which of course is to be expected in a dictatorship....

but we are supposed to be a free nation....what is even worse that not only is our msm terribly biased....but now we have organizations like google, facebook,twitter, etc.etc.----all on board this propaganda machine ---they have and are doing incredible damage to America not even to mention their effort to conduct a Coup d' Etat against a legally elected American President.
So what do you think about someone saying you can go to the largest Nazi rally in decades and still be a very fine person. Disgusting right?

Someone who said that, even if it wasn't out of context, would be a better person than Ilhan Omar.

But really really bad right?

Thats what you are getting at. Got it

Not relative to Democrats, even out of context.

Actually he set the context . The rally on August 12th of 2017 put together by Nazis and the Klan. That was clear. Very fine people joined that rally.

Do you support the antisemitism the Democratic Party supports?

Of course he does because his simplistic mind is incapable of understanding that today's liberals are the modern anti-semites building on and perpetuating Hitler's legacy.

The democratic party has degenerated into a satannic cult that has deceived many.....a great tragedy and a great danger for America...actually our biggest danger as in they have deceived our youth by promising them stuff...and today....lots of people (not just the milinnials) want free stuff...not understanding the immorality of that in it is pure theft to force a hardworking guy to pay taxes to support those who are too lazy to work and on top of that...bite the hand that feeds them.

They come out against the farmers....most of them are so stupid they do not even know where their food comes from.....they think Walmart manufactures it in some facility somewhere. hehheh I am serious.
You show up at a Nazi rally?
Are you sick?
Are you stupid? Both the nazis and others who are not nazis showed up at an event protesting the removal of the statue.
It was a Nazi event
If you showed are an a-hole
lol Poor little Democrat, you have to work so hard just to drum up a few lies to smear the President with.

What's the lie? Or when you hear a fact you don't like you just pretend it's not true... Because living in pretend land is so much fun.

So why do you think Nazis and Nazi sympathizers aren't aholes? What qualities of the American Nazi do you like so much you feel the need to defend them
How many do you know just curious are there hundreds millions or are they a obscure number like amtifa

I have never seen a so called neo-nazi except on T.V. and I am sure that holds true for most....these clowns dressing up like the nazis of olden times and waving the swastika around are simply folks who have a need for attention...want to see themselves on t.v. and at best just want to upset the status quo which is screwing them left and right.
Are you stupid? Both the nazis and others who are not nazis showed up at an event protesting the removal of the statue.
It was a Nazi event
If you showed are an a-hole
lol Poor little Democrat, you have to work so hard just to drum up a few lies to smear the President with.

What's the lie? Or when you hear a fact you don't like you just pretend it's not true... Because living in pretend land is so much fun.

So why do you think Nazis and Nazi sympathizers aren't aholes? What qualities of the American Nazi do you like so much you feel the need to defend them

Ilhan Omar is the biggest Nazi sympathizer in Congress.
She may be the biggest nazi sympathizer in the Democratic Party, but certainly not the only one. When Pelosi tried to pass a resolution to censure her anti semitic rants, the Congressional Black Caucus defended them and since them all the candidates for the Democratic nomination have turned against Israel as a show of support for Omar and the CBC. The Democratic Party is today nazi central in the US.

It is crystal clear they have kowtowed to the ignorant minorities whose only real purpose is to get as much free stuff as they can from the gubmint.

If the White Working Class knew how much of their tax monies goes to support the minorites and not even to mention the hordes of starving blacks in Africa who they pay to feed though it is presented as being from the United Nations....if they really knew....there would be a revolution tomorrow.

We have literally spent trillons to attempt to upgrade our most troublesome minority but they are no better off today than they ever were.....actually worse off.

The War on Poverty: $15 Trillion and Nothing to Show for It
Someone who said that, even if it wasn't out of context, would be a better person than Ilhan Omar.

But really really bad right?

Thats what you are getting at. Got it

Not relative to Democrats, even out of context.

Actually he set the context . The rally on August 12th of 2017 put together by Nazis and the Klan. That was clear. Very fine people joined that rally.

Do you support the antisemitism the Democratic Party supports?

Not at all. Don't support it from either side. Fuck Omar and her anti semitism. Granted she apologized for her remarks while Trump never changed his stance that you can go to a Nazi rally and still be a fine American.

This thread though is on if you support that people can be very fine people who go to Nazi and Ku Klux Klan Rally's.
Two lies in one post, impressive, even for you. First, Omar never apologized for her anti semitic rants. She seems to have apologized for offending Jewish constituents but never stepped back from her anti semitic rants; in fact, in her "apology" she repeated her lie about AIPAC.

Second, the President did specifically condemn the hate and violence of the nazis and KKK after the event.

"Racism is evil -- and those who cause violence in its name are criminals and thugs, including KKK, neo-Nazis, white supremacists, and other hate groups are repugnant to everything we hold dear as Americans," Trump said in response to the attacks in Charlottesville, Virginia, over the weekend.

"Those who spread violence in the name of bigotry strike at the very core of America," Trump said.

Trump calls KKK, white supremacists 'repugnant' - CNNPolitics

However, your claim that it was impossible for anyone to have gone to the park to protest the removal of the rally if he wasn't a nazi or a Klan member remains just a statement of bias, much like Omar's statements of bias about American Jews.
But really really bad right?

Thats what you are getting at. Got it

Not relative to Democrats, even out of context.

Actually he set the context . The rally on August 12th of 2017 put together by Nazis and the Klan. That was clear. Very fine people joined that rally.

Do you support the antisemitism the Democratic Party supports?

Not at all. Don't support it from either side. Fuck Omar and her anti semitism. Granted she apologized for her remarks while Trump never changed his stance that you can go to a Nazi rally and still be a fine American.

This thread though is on if you support that people can be very fine people who go to Nazi and Ku Klux Klan Rally's.
Two lies in one post, impressive, even for you. First, Omar never apologized for her anti semitic rants. She seems to have apologized for offending Jewish constituents but never stepped back from her anti semitic rants; in fact, in her "apology" she repeated her lie about AIPAC.

Second, the President did specifically condemn the hate and violence of the nazis and KKK after the event.

"Racism is evil -- and those who cause violence in its name are criminals and thugs, including KKK, neo-Nazis, white supremacists, and other hate groups are repugnant to everything we hold dear as Americans," Trump said in response to the attacks in Charlottesville, Virginia, over the weekend.

"Those who spread violence in the name of bigotry strike at the very core of America," Trump said.

Trump calls KKK, white supremacists 'repugnant' - CNNPolitics

However, your claim that it was impossible for anyone to have gone to the park to protest the removal of the rally if he wasn't a nazi or a Klan member remains just a statement of bias, much like Omar's statements of bias about American Jews.

Excellent analysis.
But really really bad right?

Thats what you are getting at. Got it

Not relative to Democrats, even out of context.

Actually he set the context . The rally on August 12th of 2017 put together by Nazis and the Klan. That was clear. Very fine people joined that rally.

Do you support the antisemitism the Democratic Party supports?

Not at all. Don't support it from either side. Fuck Omar and her anti semitism. Granted she apologized for her remarks while Trump never changed his stance that you can go to a Nazi rally and still be a fine American.

This thread though is on if you support that people can be very fine people who go to Nazi and Ku Klux Klan Rally's.
Two lies in one post, impressive, even for you. First, Omar never apologized for her anti semitic rants. She seems to have apologized for offending Jewish constituents but never stepped back from her anti semitic rants; in fact, in her "apology" she repeated her lie about AIPAC.

Second, the President did specifically condemn the hate and violence of the nazis and KKK after the event.

"Racism is evil -- and those who cause violence in its name are criminals and thugs, including KKK, neo-Nazis, white supremacists, and other hate groups are repugnant to everything we hold dear as Americans," Trump said in response to the attacks in Charlottesville, Virginia, over the weekend.

"Those who spread violence in the name of bigotry strike at the very core of America," Trump said.

Trump calls KKK, white supremacists 'repugnant' - CNNPolitics

However, your claim that it was impossible for anyone to have gone to the park to protest the removal of the rally if he wasn't a nazi or a Klan member remains just a statement of bias, much like Omar's statements of bias about American Jews.

Wow you are actually lying to call someone out for lying. Omar said “I unequivocally apologize.” So to say she didn't is a lie. Now whether or not you believe her apology (I really doubt it) is a different topic.

So did you not see that? Or do you intentionally lie to pretend she didn't say that?

And yes. Trump did condemn the hate of the nazi's. What he did not condemn was people going to nazi and KKK rally's like I said.

And I never said you can't go to the park. In fact I said there are 364 days you could choose to protest the statue removal, where you could choose NOT to attend a nazi and Klan rally.

I've said not all were card carrying nazi's and Klan members as you lie. In fact I have said in many posts they were not. But if you make the choice to join a Nazi event, a KKK event, I guess my bias says those are not good people who decide that. I don't believe Trump changed his stance that "very fine people" can attend nazi rally's on the weekend. Whether you call those standing in solidarity with Nazi's and the Klan nazi sympathizers or friends of the Klan, or just people who like associating themselves with Nazi and Klan rally's is fine. I still don't think those people are "very nice people"

Like I've said, I like a good prayer breakfast. If the Nazi's are putting on one, I won't attend that one. I like a good poker run. I don't think good people will attend a poker run put on by the Klan, even if the event they are hosting is a good event.

I guess my question to you is simple. Trump said "KKK, neo-Nazis, white supremacists, and other hate groups are repugnant to everything we hold dear as Americans" So do you think that was him saying those others who attended that Klan/Nazi put together rally are in fact not "very nice people"? Do you think those who attend events put on by repugnant hate groups and lend their voices to their rally's are not good Americans and Trump was wrong for saying originally those were very nice people?
Last edited:
It was a Nazi event
If you showed are an a-hole
lol Poor little Democrat, you have to work so hard just to drum up a few lies to smear the President with.

What's the lie? Or when you hear a fact you don't like you just pretend it's not true... Because living in pretend land is so much fun.

So why do you think Nazis and Nazi sympathizers aren't aholes? What qualities of the American Nazi do you like so much you feel the need to defend them

Ilhan Omar is the biggest Nazi sympathizer in Congress.


So what is your opinion. Do you think good people join Nazi and Klan Rally's? You really seem to not want to answer a simple question
They are much like the antifa and black lives matter groups al9ng with the democratic socialist party and the American Communist party and the black panthers

So you are saying you disagree with the statement that they are "very nice people".

I agree with you wholeheartedly. That kind of acceptance of those who joined that rally is NOT what we need and those are not "very nice people".
I'm really starting to wonder how people associate those two things.

How can you say "KKK, neo-Nazis, white supremacists, and other hate groups are repugnant to everything we hold dear as Americans" but also say "very nice people" can join to rally with those groups?

To me, KKK, nazi's, white supremacists are repugnant. As are those who join their events whether or not they are a card carrying member or not.
They did organize the party in Charlottesville
They organized their party there but not everyone showed up to join their party. Others showed up just to protest the removal of the statue.
You show up at a Nazi rally?
Are you sick?
Are you stupid? Both the nazis and others who are not nazis showed up at an event protesting the removal of the statue.
It was a Nazi event
If you showed are an a-hole
lol Poor little Democrat, you have to work so hard just to drum up a few lies to smear the President with.

It was a Nazi event

Trump knew that and still called them good people. It took him days to "clarify"
They organized their party there but not everyone showed up to join their party. Others showed up just to protest the removal of the statue.
You show up at a Nazi rally?
Are you sick?
Are you stupid? Both the nazis and others who are not nazis showed up at an event protesting the removal of the statue.
It was a Nazi event
If you showed are an a-hole
lol Poor little Democrat, you have to work so hard just to drum up a few lies to smear the President with.

It was a Nazi event

Trump knew that and still called them good people. It took him days to "clarify"

It was a protest against the destruction of historical monuments.
You show up at a Nazi rally?
Are you sick?
Are you stupid? Both the nazis and others who are not nazis showed up at an event protesting the removal of the statue.
It was a Nazi event
If you showed are an a-hole
lol Poor little Democrat, you have to work so hard just to drum up a few lies to smear the President with.

It was a Nazi event

Trump knew that and still called them good people. It took him days to "clarify"

It was a protest against the destruction of historical monuments.

Put together by nazi's and the Ku Klux Klan. There's hundreds of protests against removing those monuments of those who led the fight against the USA not put together by the Klan and Nazi's.

I'm fine if you want to join a church, and think good people do that. If you specifically choose the Church of the National Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, I disagree with you being a good person.

I don't think joining a Nazi and Klan rally is ever something good people do.
You show up at a Nazi rally?
Are you sick?
Are you stupid? Both the nazis and others who are not nazis showed up at an event protesting the removal of the statue.
It was a Nazi event
If you showed are an a-hole
lol Poor little Democrat, you have to work so hard just to drum up a few lies to smear the President with.

It was a Nazi event

Trump knew that and still called them good people. It took him days to "clarify"

It was a protest against the destruction of historical monuments.
Nazi protest march
I guess if I was to protest the Confederate statues being taken down. I wouldn't choose a Nazi/Klan rally myself to do it. There are plenty of them which explicitly oppose those groups and kick out nazis that I would choose to attend.

I guess I'm just not a Nazi sympathizer or friend of the Klan and no matter what their rally is about I wouldn't join them.

Which is why I think making the choice to attend one put together by the Nazis and Klan, one who's speakers aren't historians on Lee, but Nazi and Klan leaders is not what good people do. reveal you have a mind that is closed to the truth....those folks who showed up to protest the tearing down of historical monuments aka like the talibian is notorious for...had no idea all these verious left and right wing radicals would show up.

Even the police were not prepared for all these groups....and one would think with all their sources of information they would have been prepared for what came down...obviously they were not prepared as in they could not keep the counter demonstrators isolated from those who had a permit to demonstrate....thus all the violence that erupted.

All the blame for the violence rests on the shoulders of the counter demonstrators who showed up ready to commit violence to disrupt and shut down a legal and peaceful demonstration.

You overlook all in you have no desire for the just want to promote your and the democratic partys agenda.
for some, it's simply easier to group up and stereotype and call everyone 1 thing vs understand everyone.

it takes work and effort to treat people as individuals, not an echo-chamber of group think. some people are just not willing to make that mental effort and sandsquid seems to be there.

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