The oft repeated lie about Trump calling nazis good people

Are you stupid? Both the nazis and others who are not nazis showed up at an event protesting the removal of the statue.
It was a Nazi event
If you showed are an a-hole
lol Poor little Democrat, you have to work so hard just to drum up a few lies to smear the President with.

It was a Nazi event

Trump knew that and still called them good people. It took him days to "clarify"

It was a protest against the destruction of historical monuments.

Put together by nazi's and the Ku Klux Klan. There's hundreds of protests against removing those monuments of those who led the fight against the USA not put together by the Klan and Nazi's.

I'm fine if you want to join a church, and think good people do that. If you specifically choose the Church of the National Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, I disagree with you being a good person.

I don't think joining a Nazi and Klan rally is ever something good people do.
again - you have been shown several times now the group that put it together. if you still maintain the nazi's put it together - then please show me the evidence that supports this claim.

mac has done that. he's given you the mans name and organization and the history of such. yet you still put your hands over your hears and eyes at the same time yet forget to cover the mouth - so you spout out the same tired disproven statement time and again.
You show up at a Nazi rally?
Are you sick?
Are you stupid? Both the nazis and others who are not nazis showed up at an event protesting the removal of the statue.
It was a Nazi event
If you showed are an a-hole
lol Poor little Democrat, you have to work so hard just to drum up a few lies to smear the President with.

It was a Nazi event

Trump knew that and still called them good people. It took him days to "clarify"

It was a protest against the destruction of historical monuments.

It was a protest march….that just ended up having a bunch of identical torches…..handed out to the protestors…..that were all lit…..and they marched at night….chanting Nazi slogans…..

Are you arguing that the two were separate events that happened to occur and none of the people protesting against the removal of historical monuments were involved in the march?
It was a Nazi event
If you showed are an a-hole
lol Poor little Democrat, you have to work so hard just to drum up a few lies to smear the President with.

It was a Nazi event

Trump knew that and still called them good people. It took him days to "clarify"

It was a protest against the destruction of historical monuments.

Put together by nazi's and the Ku Klux Klan. There's hundreds of protests against removing those monuments of those who led the fight against the USA not put together by the Klan and Nazi's.

I'm fine if you want to join a church, and think good people do that. If you specifically choose the Church of the National Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, I disagree with you being a good person.

I don't think joining a Nazi and Klan rally is ever something good people do.
again - you have been shown several times now the group that put it together. if you still maintain the nazi's put it together - then please show me the evidence that supports this claim.

mac has done that. he's given you the mans name and organization and the history of such. yet you still put your hands over your hears and eyes at the same time yet forget to cover the mouth - so you spout out the same tired disproven statement time and again.

They want to believe there's a lot of "Nazis" in this country.
lol Poor little Democrat, you have to work so hard just to drum up a few lies to smear the President with.

It was a Nazi event

Trump knew that and still called them good people. It took him days to "clarify"

It was a protest against the destruction of historical monuments.

Put together by nazi's and the Ku Klux Klan. There's hundreds of protests against removing those monuments of those who led the fight against the USA not put together by the Klan and Nazi's.

I'm fine if you want to join a church, and think good people do that. If you specifically choose the Church of the National Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, I disagree with you being a good person.

I don't think joining a Nazi and Klan rally is ever something good people do.
again - you have been shown several times now the group that put it together. if you still maintain the nazi's put it together - then please show me the evidence that supports this claim.

mac has done that. he's given you the mans name and organization and the history of such. yet you still put your hands over your hears and eyes at the same time yet forget to cover the mouth - so you spout out the same tired disproven statement time and again.

They want to believe there's a lot of "Nazis" in this country.
it supports their emotional needs. like i've said quite a bit - this entire facade to get rid of trump was someone selling emotional insurance and it just ran out on any dorkass dumb enough to buy it.
Are you stupid? Both the nazis and others who are not nazis showed up at an event protesting the removal of the statue.
It was a Nazi event
If you showed are an a-hole
lol Poor little Democrat, you have to work so hard just to drum up a few lies to smear the President with.

It was a Nazi event

Trump knew that and still called them good people. It took him days to "clarify"

It was a protest against the destruction of historical monuments.

It was a protest march….that just ended up having a bunch of identical torches…..handed out to the protestors…..that were all lit…..and they marched at night….chanting Nazi slogans…..

Are you arguing that the two were separate events that happened to occur and none of the people protesting against the removal of historical monuments were involved in the march?

What do you think the average age of those protesters are? Probably around 22. Kids, basically. They're being rebellious and edgy like kids have always done. I bet you most of them have never read Mein Kampf or even knows how to spell it.

What about all the antifa kids who showed up the next day with their communist flags and gas masks? You think they've read Marx and truly want to violently overthrow capitalism and give the state ownership of the means of production?
Im laughing.......the progressive dolts have been hammering this Nazi narrative for two years now and Trumps poll numbers keep going up!! 53% yesterday......yuk.....yuk.....:backpedal:

At what point do these people figure out they need a beer and a plan?:dunno:
It was a Nazi event
If you showed are an a-hole
lol Poor little Democrat, you have to work so hard just to drum up a few lies to smear the President with.

It was a Nazi event

Trump knew that and still called them good people. It took him days to "clarify"

It was a protest against the destruction of historical monuments.

It was a protest march….that just ended up having a bunch of identical torches…..handed out to the protestors…..that were all lit…..and they marched at night….chanting Nazi slogans…..

Are you arguing that the two were separate events that happened to occur and none of the people protesting against the removal of historical monuments were involved in the march?

What do you think the average age of those protesters are? Probably around 22. Kids, basically. They're being rebellious and edgy like kids have always done. I bet you most of them have never read Mein Kampf or even knows how to spell it.

What about all the antifa kids who showed up the next day with their communist flags and gas masks? You think they've read Marx and truly want to violently overthrow capitalism and give the state ownership of the means of production?

Which protestors…are You talking about the tiki-torch-waffen?
lol Poor little Democrat, you have to work so hard just to drum up a few lies to smear the President with.

It was a Nazi event

Trump knew that and still called them good people. It took him days to "clarify"

It was a protest against the destruction of historical monuments.

It was a protest march….that just ended up having a bunch of identical torches…..handed out to the protestors…..that were all lit…..and they marched at night….chanting Nazi slogans…..

Are you arguing that the two were separate events that happened to occur and none of the people protesting against the removal of historical monuments were involved in the march?

What do you think the average age of those protesters are? Probably around 22. Kids, basically. They're being rebellious and edgy like kids have always done. I bet you most of them have never read Mein Kampf or even knows how to spell it.

What about all the antifa kids who showed up the next day with their communist flags and gas masks? You think they've read Marx and truly want to violently overthrow capitalism and give the state ownership of the means of production?

Which protestors…are You talking about the tiki-torch-waffen?

Them and the ones the next day who were all decked out in armor and shit.
It was a Nazi event

Trump knew that and still called them good people. It took him days to "clarify"

It was a protest against the destruction of historical monuments.

It was a protest march….that just ended up having a bunch of identical torches…..handed out to the protestors…..that were all lit…..and they marched at night….chanting Nazi slogans…..

Are you arguing that the two were separate events that happened to occur and none of the people protesting against the removal of historical monuments were involved in the march?

What do you think the average age of those protesters are? Probably around 22. Kids, basically. They're being rebellious and edgy like kids have always done. I bet you most of them have never read Mein Kampf or even knows how to spell it.

What about all the antifa kids who showed up the next day with their communist flags and gas masks? You think they've read Marx and truly want to violently overthrow capitalism and give the state ownership of the means of production?

Which protestors…are You talking about the tiki-torch-waffen?

Them and the ones the next day who were all decked out in armor and shit.

Not sure….I looked at the disgusting video once more:

Hard to tell how old the extremists were with their torches lit chanting their Nazi slogans…..
To me they look close to lower-middle-age.

But I don’t know what age I would prescribe to the nazis. James Fields is 20 y/o and going away for life.
lol Poor little Democrat, you have to work so hard just to drum up a few lies to smear the President with.

It was a Nazi event

Trump knew that and still called them good people. It took him days to "clarify"

It was a protest against the destruction of historical monuments.

It was a protest march….that just ended up having a bunch of identical torches…..handed out to the protestors…..that were all lit…..and they marched at night….chanting Nazi slogans…..

Are you arguing that the two were separate events that happened to occur and none of the people protesting against the removal of historical monuments were involved in the march?

What do you think the average age of those protesters are? Probably around 22. Kids, basically. They're being rebellious and edgy like kids have always done. I bet you most of them have never read Mein Kampf or even knows how to spell it.

What about all the antifa kids who showed up the next day with their communist flags and gas masks? You think they've read Marx and truly want to violently overthrow capitalism and give the state ownership of the means of production?

Which protestors…are You talking about the tiki-torch-waffen?

Sweetie......need some new talking points. The Nazi tag for Trump has been an ePiC failure.( check recent poll #'s). A plan B would be a good idea for your side at this point[email protected]
And yes, it was the Nazi's and Klan who put this together with Jason Kessler as the local person helping.

The groups Jason Kessler was working with to set up and have the rally were:

The Daily Stormer
The Right Stuff
The National Policy Institute
four separate Nationalist Front Groups
Vanguard America
The National Socialist Movement
The Loyal White Knights
The Confederate White Knights
The fraternal Order of Alt-Knights
Identity Evropa.

These groups took on the lead of promoting their event. Of setting up their speakers for the event. Of writing the fliers for the event.

For example Mike Enoch on his Right Stuff podcast saying "“Regardless of the status of the permit, [the police have said] they would be following through on their end. We are also prepared for the alternative. Police are saying they are offering the same level of protection, as if we had the permit.”

But yeah, organizing the rally with police and preparing an alternative isn't organizing

Richard W. Preston the self-identified imperial wizard of the Confederate White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan saying on his facebook page before he was banned calling his members to attend "OUR" rally.

Yes, many nazi and klan groups have worked hard to try and scrub that relationship with Kessler after the event.

But like I've shown, some of their old flyers exist. Their being listed as public speakers for the event are still there. Even some of the podcasts are still out there.

But somehow people are trying to say "Well sure, Nathan Damigo of Identity Evropa, and Matthew Heimbach of the Traditionalist Workers Party, and Mike Enoch of the Right Stuff, and organized their speaking engagements for the unite the right rally, promoted the rally, talked about the work they were doing with the police before the rally to ensure it went well, but weren't organizers???

What about that lawsuit that Identity evropa was crowdfunding, and other nazi groups joined in on before they got banned from the crowdsourcing site. The one where they were crowdsourcing for a defense fund saying after months of effort and obtaining valid permits, Charlottesville police failed to protect attendees from crowds of counter-protesters

But that effort and work wasn't organizing? How can you stick to that same tired lie, when nazi's literally were fighting to sue over the hard work they put in setting it up. Do you think if you scrub enough facebook pages and say it enough times you can change reality?
lol Poor little Democrat, you have to work so hard just to drum up a few lies to smear the President with.

It was a Nazi event

Trump knew that and still called them good people. It took him days to "clarify"

It was a protest against the destruction of historical monuments.

Put together by nazi's and the Ku Klux Klan. There's hundreds of protests against removing those monuments of those who led the fight against the USA not put together by the Klan and Nazi's.

I'm fine if you want to join a church, and think good people do that. If you specifically choose the Church of the National Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, I disagree with you being a good person.

I don't think joining a Nazi and Klan rally is ever something good people do.
again - you have been shown several times now the group that put it together. if you still maintain the nazi's put it together - then please show me the evidence that supports this claim.

mac has done that. he's given you the mans name and organization and the history of such. yet you still put your hands over your hears and eyes at the same time yet forget to cover the mouth - so you spout out the same tired disproven statement time and again.

They want to believe there's a lot of "Nazis" in this country.

Nah, the 3 million visits a day to the daily stormer website is really just one peson clicking it 3 million times.

While there may or may not be a lot of Nazi's, it seems a LOT of people sure come out of the woodwork to take up the job of being a Nazi sympathizer to fight for them.
It was a Nazi event

Trump knew that and still called them good people. It took him days to "clarify"

It was a protest against the destruction of historical monuments.

It was a protest march….that just ended up having a bunch of identical torches…..handed out to the protestors…..that were all lit…..and they marched at night….chanting Nazi slogans…..

Are you arguing that the two were separate events that happened to occur and none of the people protesting against the removal of historical monuments were involved in the march?

What do you think the average age of those protesters are? Probably around 22. Kids, basically. They're being rebellious and edgy like kids have always done. I bet you most of them have never read Mein Kampf or even knows how to spell it.

What about all the antifa kids who showed up the next day with their communist flags and gas masks? You think they've read Marx and truly want to violently overthrow capitalism and give the state ownership of the means of production?

Which protestors…are You talking about the tiki-torch-waffen?

Sweetie......need some new talking points. The Nazi tag for Trump has been an ePiC failure.( check recent poll #'s). A plan B would be a good idea for your side at this point[email protected]

Yet here you are responding.
It was a protest against the destruction of historical monuments.

It was a protest march….that just ended up having a bunch of identical torches…..handed out to the protestors…..that were all lit…..and they marched at night….chanting Nazi slogans…..

Are you arguing that the two were separate events that happened to occur and none of the people protesting against the removal of historical monuments were involved in the march?

What do you think the average age of those protesters are? Probably around 22. Kids, basically. They're being rebellious and edgy like kids have always done. I bet you most of them have never read Mein Kampf or even knows how to spell it.

What about all the antifa kids who showed up the next day with their communist flags and gas masks? You think they've read Marx and truly want to violently overthrow capitalism and give the state ownership of the means of production?

Which protestors…are You talking about the tiki-torch-waffen?

Sweetie......need some new talking points. The Nazi tag for Trump has been an ePiC failure.( check recent poll #'s). A plan B would be a good idea for your side at this point[email protected]

Yet here you are responding.

Yep.....if you notice, Im only in these threads for the spike the football moments!! The facial dunks!!:coffee:
It was a Nazi event

Trump knew that and still called them good people. It took him days to "clarify"

It was a protest against the destruction of historical monuments.

Put together by nazi's and the Ku Klux Klan. There's hundreds of protests against removing those monuments of those who led the fight against the USA not put together by the Klan and Nazi's.

I'm fine if you want to join a church, and think good people do that. If you specifically choose the Church of the National Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, I disagree with you being a good person.

I don't think joining a Nazi and Klan rally is ever something good people do.
again - you have been shown several times now the group that put it together. if you still maintain the nazi's put it together - then please show me the evidence that supports this claim.

mac has done that. he's given you the mans name and organization and the history of such. yet you still put your hands over your hears and eyes at the same time yet forget to cover the mouth - so you spout out the same tired disproven statement time and again.

They want to believe there's a lot of "Nazis" in this country.

Nah, the 3 million visits a day to the daily stormer website is really just one peson clicking it 3 million times.

While there may or may not be a lot of Nazi's, it seems a LOT of people sure come out of the woodwork to take up the job of being a Nazi sympathizer to fight for them.

The daily stormer gets lots of hits because it's funny and subversive.
It was a Nazi event

Trump knew that and still called them good people. It took him days to "clarify"

It was a protest against the destruction of historical monuments.

Put together by nazi's and the Ku Klux Klan. There's hundreds of protests against removing those monuments of those who led the fight against the USA not put together by the Klan and Nazi's.

I'm fine if you want to join a church, and think good people do that. If you specifically choose the Church of the National Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, I disagree with you being a good person.

I don't think joining a Nazi and Klan rally is ever something good people do.
again - you have been shown several times now the group that put it together. if you still maintain the nazi's put it together - then please show me the evidence that supports this claim.

mac has done that. he's given you the mans name and organization and the history of such. yet you still put your hands over your hears and eyes at the same time yet forget to cover the mouth - so you spout out the same tired disproven statement time and again.

They want to believe there's a lot of "Nazis" in this country.

Nah, the 3 million visits a day to the daily stormer website is really just one peson clicking it 3 million times.

While there may or may not be a lot of Nazi's, it seems a LOT of people sure come out of the woodwork to take up the job of being a Nazi sympathizer to fight for them.

what you keep confusing are people fighting for rights we all share as *ONLY* support for people you wish to classify as extremist.

this is why i simply can't go along with you on this. you generalize and group stereotypes together for the sole reason of making it easy to condemn all and claim moral superiority.

but you honestly have zero idea of the background of these people and which may or may not fit your mold you lay down so easily. you simply don't seem to want to recognize not everyone fits into your 3-4 buckets of thought.
lol Poor little Democrat, you have to work so hard just to drum up a few lies to smear the President with.

It was a Nazi event

Trump knew that and still called them good people. It took him days to "clarify"

It was a protest against the destruction of historical monuments.

Put together by nazi's and the Ku Klux Klan. There's hundreds of protests against removing those monuments of those who led the fight against the USA not put together by the Klan and Nazi's.

I'm fine if you want to join a church, and think good people do that. If you specifically choose the Church of the National Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, I disagree with you being a good person.

I don't think joining a Nazi and Klan rally is ever something good people do.
again - you have been shown several times now the group that put it together. if you still maintain the nazi's put it together - then please show me the evidence that supports this claim.

mac has done that. he's given you the mans name and organization and the history of such. yet you still put your hands over your hears and eyes at the same time yet forget to cover the mouth - so you spout out the same tired disproven statement time and again.

They want to believe there's a lot of "Nazis" in this country.
Not all Nazis but KKK, Storm Fronters, White Supremacists ......birds of a feather
And yes, it was the Nazi's and Klan who put this together with Jason Kessler as the local person helping.

The groups Jason Kessler was working with to set up and have the rally were:

The Daily Stormer
The Right Stuff
The National Policy Institute
four separate Nationalist Front Groups
Vanguard America
The National Socialist Movement
The Loyal White Knights
The Confederate White Knights
The fraternal Order of Alt-Knights
Identity Evropa.

These groups took on the lead of promoting their event. Of setting up their speakers for the event. Of writing the fliers for the event.

For example Mike Enoch on his Right Stuff podcast saying "“Regardless of the status of the permit, [the police have said] they would be following through on their end. We are also prepared for the alternative. Police are saying they are offering the same level of protection, as if we had the permit.”

But yeah, organizing the rally with police and preparing an alternative isn't organizing

Richard W. Preston the self-identified imperial wizard of the Confederate White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan saying on his facebook page before he was banned calling his members to attend "OUR" rally.

Yes, many nazi and klan groups have worked hard to try and scrub that relationship with Kessler after the event.

But like I've shown, some of their old flyers exist. Their being listed as public speakers for the event are still there. Even some of the podcasts are still out there.

But somehow people are trying to say "Well sure, Nathan Damigo of Identity Evropa, and Matthew Heimbach of the Traditionalist Workers Party, and Mike Enoch of the Right Stuff, and organized their speaking engagements for the unite the right rally, promoted the rally, talked about the work they were doing with the police before the rally to ensure it went well, but weren't organizers???

What about that lawsuit that Identity evropa was crowdfunding, and other nazi groups joined in on before they got banned from the crowdsourcing site. The one where they were crowdsourcing for a defense fund saying after months of effort and obtaining valid permits, Charlottesville police failed to protect attendees from crowds of counter-protesters

But that effort and work wasn't organizing? How can you stick to that same tired lie, when nazi's literally were fighting to sue over the hard work they put in setting it up. Do you think if you scrub enough facebook pages and say it enough times you can change reality?

i'll make it as simple as i can -

i may hate what you say with everything i have - but i will fight for your right to say it.

when you start saying "you don't have these rights cause i don't think you should" THEN you've gone "fascist".
What do you think the average age of those protesters are? Probably around 22. Kids, basically. They're being rebellious and edgy like kids have always done. I bet you most of them have never read Mein Kampf or even knows how to spell it.

What about all the antifa kids who showed up the next day with their communist flags and gas masks? You think they've read Marx and truly want to violently overthrow capitalism and give the state ownership of the means of production?

Which makes it even more important to not tell young adults that you can still be a "very nice person" if you attend Klan and Nazi rally's on the weekend wouldn't you say?

Maybe they haven't read Mein Kampf. But those nazi leaders excited at the opportunity to get impressionable young people board and speak to them at this event I bet have.

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