The OLDER Official Discussion Thread for the creation of Israel, the UN and the British Mandate

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Jimmy Johnson - Israel: A Settler Colonial State?

Just one persons POV that has no basis in reality.

What nation sent the Jews to colonise the holy lands then as that is the basis for any such claims. As in the English were sent from England to colonise America, they were not invited by the lands sovereign rulers
Over 1000 requests of links to prove your racist claims


And you can't even do that Phoney! :finger3:

So when will you provide the links requested, instead of projecting your failings onto others ?

I at least give links until morons start ignoring requests to bring theirs to the board

How about a link to prove your claim above ?

You schmuck Phoney... :eusa_clap:

You SAY you provide links yet, you have failed to provide a link to your claim above! :cuckoo:
Over 1000 requests of links to prove your racist claims


And you can't even do that Phoney! :finger3:

So when will you provide the links requested, instead of projecting your failings onto others ?

I at least give links until morons start ignoring requests to bring theirs to the board

How about a link to prove your claim above ?

You schmuck Phoney... :eusa_clap:

You SAY you provide links yet, you have failed to provide a link to your claim above! :cuckoo:

What claim above is that then ?
Monte, out of curiosity, how would you define "transfer" as opposed to simple immigration?

Immigration does not entail the substitution of the existing inhabitants with the immigrants and the establishment of rule over the territory by the immigrants.

So show examples of this being the case between 1850 when the Jewish migration began and 1948 when Israel was created ?
No point explaining or showing to you,because when we still spew the same crap.....intresting though that you admit Jews migrated to Palestine,and were illegal immigrants,which incidentally we all already knew/know.........steve..hows Golders Green high street these days,still slipping over banana skins

In other words you cant find any evidence so just ignore the truth.

Monte, out of curiosity, how would you define "transfer" as opposed to simple immigration?

Immigration does not entail the substitution of the existing inhabitants with the immigrants and the establishment of rule over the territory by the immigrants.

So show examples of this being the case between 1850 when the Jewish migration began and 1948 when Israel was created ?
No point explaining or showing to you,because when we still spew the same crap.....intresting though that you admit Jews migrated to Palestine,and were illegal immigrants,which incidentally we all already knew/know.........steve..hows Golders Green high street these days,still slipping over banana skins

In other words you cant find any evidence so just ignore the truth.


See no evidence again so you deflect away from the truth
Immigration does not entail the substitution of the existing inhabitants with the immigrants and the establishment of rule over the territory by the immigrants.

So show examples of this being the case between 1850 when the Jewish migration began and 1948 when Israel was created ?
No point explaining or showing to you,because when we still spew the same crap.....intresting though that you admit Jews migrated to Palestine,and were illegal immigrants,which incidentally we all already knew/know.........steve..hows Golders Green high street these days,still slipping over banana skins

In other words you cant find any evidence so just ignore the truth.


See no evidence again so you deflect away from the truth
If I called you boy you would complain that I was being you have done before.
So show examples of this being the case between 1850 when the Jewish migration began and 1948 when Israel was created ?
No point explaining or showing to you,because when we still spew the same crap.....intresting though that you admit Jews migrated to Palestine,and were illegal immigrants,which incidentally we all already knew/know.........steve..hows Golders Green high street these days,still slipping over banana skins

In other words you cant find any evidence so just ignore the truth.


See no evidence again so you deflect away from the truth
If I called you boy you would complain that I was being you have done before.

How would calling me boy be anti semitic, you really are silly sometimes in your attempts at twisting the truth. Calling you boy in the deep south of the US of A would be racist, and no one would care.
The so called'67 borders were never borders.

This shit is solved with guns and jets, not panels and boards.

Not really. Duh bomb'em is old school. We live in a more civilized world now where we should abide by the rule of law.

And not try and force the rule of law retrospectively because we hate the Jews, like you do constantly. The rule of law says the arab muslims have no legal right to the west bank or Jerusalem, so why don't you shout for it to be acted on ?


I refer you to your many posts were you use international laws of the last 2 decades as hammers to crack 1920 nuts. Your claims of rights infringed when the rights did not exist until 50 years later. The LoN being a body capable under existing international laws and treaties enacted international laws through treaty and the arab muslims had no say in the matter being just squatters on land that the LoN owned. In 1923 they placed into treaty the partitiuon of Palestine into 2 separate entities arab Palestine and Jewish Palestine. The arab Palestine comprised 78% of Palestine leaving just 22% for the Jewish NATIONal home.

Now if you are such a stickler for international laws and human rights why aren't you fighting for the rights of the Jews and foe international laws to be recognised when they are in the Jews favour.
This shit is solved with guns and jets, not panels and boards.
Not really. Duh bomb'em is old school. We live in a more civilized world now where we should abide by the rule of law.
The rule of law in this situation took account of the fact that the Arab world lost their fight every time they've fought it. In this way the rule of law can only be so charitable. The reality remains that you have to choose strong allies, fight and win, or become accustomed to living in an alien society.
So you are still stuck in the duh bomb'em mode.

While you are still stuck in the "one day we will outnumber the Jews 10 million to one and be victorious over them" until then you will lose every time because you cant agree on a common leadership so end up getting bombed year after year. One day you will realise that it is your own stupid fault that you are losing every battle, when that day comes you will find it is too late to make amends
That wasn't me, chief.

You have spouted the demographics bullshit in the past so don't deny it now. The arab muslims have always had the superior forces and have failed to take advantage because of their religious commands and greed

I think at this point we can all agree that the people who decided creating Israel after WW2 was a good idea really fucked up and wouldn't do it again if they knew the shitstorm it would start.

This is one of those theoretical questions (calling for the hypothetical: "what if") where the answer is: "We'll never know now."

When I came back from Europe the first time, I had seen most of it through a 1970s version of a minds-eye; clearly not through the eyes of my father. The men and women who contributed to the WWII War effort were special, and had seen things and done things they would better left forgotten. The names and places like Monte Cassino, the Ardennes, Luzon, Normandy, Arnhem, Bastogne, provoked different memories for me then it did for them. The Battle of Bataan and Corregidor, Midway and Leyte Gulf --- all mean something more to them --- then it will ever will for me. They tackled and triumphed over two most powerful and ruthless military machines ever assembled.

It is very difficult for me to guess what, as Tom Brokaw called them, the "Greatest Generation" would have thought about the today's plight of the Jewish People and the arrogance of the Arab-Palestinian, in an attempt to defy the establishment of a Jewish National Home, and engaged in a deliberate effort to alter by force the decision of the UN and the Allied Powers. I'm not sure how the would react to the complaints of the Arab Palestinian People given that many of the key leaders that fought to overrun Israel support the NAZIs. The policy of the day, was deNAZIfication.

When COL William Quinn, ACofS G-2 was compiling the CIC reports one finding in Dachau, he wrote these words:

Given that the two leads of the Arab-Palestinian Resistance Militia Units (Holy War Army and Arab Liberation Army) were both NAZIs: (i) Hasan Salama, a special commando unit of the Waffen SS in Operation ATLAS, which was jointly operated by German Intelligence and Grand Mufti al-Husseini; (ii) Fawzi al-Qawuqi, was a Colonel in the Wehrmacht. Even the Grand Mufti Hajj Amin al-Husayni, an Arab nationalist, opponent to the establishment of a Jewish National Home, and future First President of the All Palestine Government, had direct ties to NAZI Germany, and the Führer.

Yes, it would be hard to say if they would choose the Jewish side --- or --- Arab-Palestinian side that was a former enemy element (Germany was still Occupied by Allied Forces).

Most Respectfully,
"today's plight of the Jewish People and the arrogance of the Arab-Palestinian, in an attempt to defy the establishment of a Jewish National Home"

That's the most biased nonsense I've ever seen.

It is true though, and anyone who is not brainwashed can see it as reality
Back to my original point, this "plight" of the Jewish people and anger at the "arrogant" Palestinians wouldn't exist if the creators of Israel had opted out instead of creating the country. If they had know the insane religious clusterfuck it would create, they never would have done it.
Israelis love this bullshit, themselves being religious clusterfuckers.

And the anti Jewish Nazis blame everyone but the muslims for the problem. The British did what they thought right and proper in 1917 and the civilised world agreed with them. By 1925 the political climate had changed and anti Semtism was on the rise because the banks had gone bad. The Jews got the blame and so Europe started to kill them of and try to sort the economic problems, they had nowhere to go other than Palestine which was theirs by international law. The LoN should have stepped up to the mark and told the arab muslims to back of or lose their nations, then this would not be the problem we have now.

I think at this point we can all agree that the people who decided creating Israel after WW2 was a good idea really fucked up and wouldn't do it again if they knew the shitstorm it would start.

This is one of those theoretical questions (calling for the hypothetical: "what if") where the answer is: "We'll never know now."

When I came back from Europe the first time, I had seen most of it through a 1970s version of a minds-eye; clearly not through the eyes of my father. The men and women who contributed to the WWII War effort were special, and had seen things and done things they would better left forgotten. The names and places like Monte Cassino, the Ardennes, Luzon, Normandy, Arnhem, Bastogne, provoked different memories for me then it did for them. The Battle of Bataan and Corregidor, Midway and Leyte Gulf --- all mean something more to them --- then it will ever will for me. They tackled and triumphed over two most powerful and ruthless military machines ever assembled.

It is very difficult for me to guess what, as Tom Brokaw called them, the "Greatest Generation" would have thought about the today's plight of the Jewish People and the arrogance of the Arab-Palestinian, in an attempt to defy the establishment of a Jewish National Home, and engaged in a deliberate effort to alter by force the decision of the UN and the Allied Powers. I'm not sure how the would react to the complaints of the Arab Palestinian People given that many of the key leaders that fought to overrun Israel support the NAZIs. The policy of the day, was deNAZIfication.

When COL William Quinn, ACofS G-2 was compiling the CIC reports one finding in Dachau, he wrote these words:

Given that the two leads of the Arab-Palestinian Resistance Militia Units (Holy War Army and Arab Liberation Army) were both NAZIs: (i) Hasan Salama, a special commando unit of the Waffen SS in Operation ATLAS, which was jointly operated by German Intelligence and Grand Mufti al-Husseini; (ii) Fawzi al-Qawuqi, was a Colonel in the Wehrmacht. Even the Grand Mufti Hajj Amin al-Husayni, an Arab nationalist, opponent to the establishment of a Jewish National Home, and future First President of the All Palestine Government, had direct ties to NAZI Germany, and the Führer.

Yes, it would be hard to say if they would choose the Jewish side --- or --- Arab-Palestinian side that was a former enemy element (Germany was still Occupied by Allied Forces).

Most Respectfully,


Once again RoccoR descends into spouting drivel, whilest simultaneously trying to create sympathy by invoking the Holocaust and "NAZI" Arabs. Are you taking lessons from Phoney? It's embarassing.

Had you bothered to do even a modicum of research, you would have discovered that ATLAS was an Abwehr operation, nothing at all to do with the SS, the unit was composed of ex-Brandenburg Regiment German soldiers who were born in Palestine amongst the Templar community of slighly whacko Protestant Christian "millenials", the two Muslims involved Hasan Salama and Abdul Latif were never Nazis.

Fawzi al-Qawuqi was given a colonel's rank for propaganda purposes, but never swore any German military oath, nor did he declare any allegience to Hitler. Grand Mufti Hajj Amin al-Husayni's "ties" to Hitler consisted of one 90 minute meeting during which a photo was taken.

Rat boy has no answer to the points raised again so resorts to LIES, HALF TRUTHS and PERSONAL ATTACKS.

How is linking to and posting source material that is from valid sites and trusted sources, so how can they be " drivel ".
Interesting pieces of history.

Once again a one sided anti semitic rant that you have dredged up to racially attack the Jews and their human, civil, religious and legal rights. Something you demand be handed to the arab muslims all the time, so why not the Jews ?
The Restoration of Israel
…14"Also I will restore the captivity of My people Israel, And they will rebuild the ruined cities and live in them; They will also plant vineyards and drink their wine, And make gardens and eat their fruit. 15"I will also plantthem on their land, And they will not again be rooted out from their land Which I have given them," Says the LORD your God.
After the Bar Kokhba revolt of 135 AD, Emperor Hadrian cleared the Holy Land of all Jews–both real and fake....The real Jews either believed in the Jewish Messiah and became Christians or disappeared from history forever. The Babylonian Jews moved to Hispania and renamed it Sepharad. From that time onward they always referred to themselves as "Jews" . . . and never as Samaritans.

Jehoshua the Jewish Messiah said:

I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan(Revelation 2:9).

Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee (Revelation 3:9).

St. Paul–a Hebrew of the Hebrews–gave the following definition of a Jew:

For he is not a Jew, which is one outwardly; neither is that circumcision, which is outward in the flesh: But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of God (Romans 2:28-29).

Most people who call themselves "Jews" today to not meet the Bible criterion of being a Jew. Therefore they must be LIARS and JEHOVAH promised that no liars would enter the Kingdom of Heaven:

For without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie (Revelation 22:15).

Most people believe that the worst criminals are murderers, robbers, rapists, pedophiles, drug-pushers etc., etc., but there is a far worse crime and that is CHANGING THE WORD OF ELOHIM.
During the Babylonian Captivity, the real Jews were taken to Babylon and King Nebuchadnezzar colonized Samaria with counterfeit "Jews."

Their "holy" mount was Mount Gerizin instead of Jerusalem.

The real Jews despised them and called them "devils."
The true Jews are not in their land as of this day,the insects in the israel today are Khazars Fake jews.
Revelation 3:9 I will make those who are of the synagogue of Satan these are the occupiers today.and have nothing to do with Jews.

Lookie here, Cheetah is able to type and also read the hate sites. Let's give him a hand and a banana as a prize and set up an interview with Louie Farrakhan to be hired as a secretary with these skills.

The true Jews are not in their land as of this day,the insects in the israel today are Khazars Fake jews.
Revelation 3:9 I will make those who are of the synagogue of Satan these are the occupiers today.and have nothing to do with Jews.

Lookie here, Cheetah is able to type and also read the hate sites. Let's give him a hand and a banana as a prize and set up an interview with Louie Farrakhan to be hired as a secretary with these skills.

Actually, Revelations 3:9 is in the Bible.

Bible Gateway passage: Revelation 3:9 - New International Version
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