The OLDER Official Discussion Thread for the creation of Israel, the UN and the British Mandate

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No, you just have to look deeper into history than the "overview" you get from most sources.

We do, it's just that pro-Palestinians usually prefer to frame 'history' in just the last 100 years. And accept only sources that support their agenda for Arab Muslim colonialism.
There are some misleading things about the creation of Israel. One of the things that is always mentioned is resolution 181. Israel briefly mentions it in its Declaration of independence. It is regularly said that Israel acquired more land than that allotted to it in the resolution among other things.

The problem with all of this smoke about resolution 181 is that it did not happen. Resolution 181 recommended that the Security Council partition Palestine giving a list of things to be implemented. The Security Council did not Implement Resolution 181. It just didn't happen.

Another thing you will see regularly is a term like formerly mandated territory. This implies that the territory was not Palestine but was the territory of the mandate. This is not true. The mandate had no land. It worked inside Palestine.
Drawing up the framework of nationality, Article 30 of the Treaty of Lausanne stated:

“Turkish subjects habitually resident in territory which in accordance with the provisions of the present Treaty is detached from Turkey will become ipso facto, in the conditions laid down by the local law, nationals of the State to which such territory is transferred.”

Mandates were not states. They were temporarily assigned administrations.

There is more than that when you look at the actual history.
You see once we pass the 100 year barrier, things begin to look messy for the Arabs, it's a matter of context.

The massacres in Hebron, Sefad, Tiberias, Jerusalem...

Battle of Hebron - Wikipedia
1834 looting of Safed - Wikipedia
1838 Druze attack on Safed - Wikipedia

All this legalese...laws can be interpreted in many ways.
I fail to see how this relates to my post.

Your post was the usual Arab colonialist talking points.

If You step outside Your comfort zone and actually look a the lives of the minorities under Arab Muslim rule, might actually GET IT, not just the Arab point of view, but the point of view of the indigenous minorities who deserve self determination in their land, free from Your European hypocrisy.

History goes far beyond the 100 years. Be honest.
Are you saying that my post is not true?
Israel was attacked you idiot. Why do you keep making a fool of yourself with your clown dancing?

S/766 of 22 May 1948

What follows is one of several questions posed on behalf of the UN and the Israeli response.

(h) Have Arab forces penetrated into the territory over which you claim to have authority?

Answer to Question (h)
: Arab forces have penetrated into the territory of the State of Israel in certain corners of the Northern Negev and in the Jordan Valley south of Lake Tiberias. In addition, planes of the Royal Egyptian Air Force have repeatedly raided Tel Aviv and southern Jewish settlements, while Iraqi air-force planes have been raiding settlements in the Northern Jordan Valley and artillery of the Syrian and Lebanese armies have been shelling settlements in Upper Galilee from across the frontier.
Answer to Question (h): Arab forces have penetrated into the territory of the State of Israel in certain corners of the Northern Negev and in the Jordan Valley south of Lake Tiberias.
This is a statement by an Israeli spokesman. It is not an historic account.

Milestones: 1945–1952 - Office of the Historian
Grain of salt.

Your usual tactic - post pointless irrelevancies when your attempt at argument crashes to the ground in flames.
Many historic accounts have Israeli "say so" history. These are things that are repeatedly said over time that everyone just "understands" to be true and do not look to see that they are, in fact, true. They just run with those assumptions.

Just your assumption.
That's what happens when five Arab nations attack the newly formed state of Israel to "drive the Jews into the sea" and fail epically. And then two of those nations Egypt and Jordan, occupy the West Bank and Gaza for 20 years, without a peep from anybody about this mythical "Palestine". Funny eh? Even the neighboring Arabs didn't believe in a Falastinen

What's funny is your propaganda. The Arab League intervened (and entered only the non-Jew and international partitions) to try to defend the non-Jews from Jewish ethnic cleansing and killing of non-Jews, Christians included. As usual you just parrot propaganda. Haifa (within the Arab partition), for example, was laid to siege and surrendered to the Jews long before the Arab League intervened or Israel declared independence.

It was a Jewish invasion, not the other way around. Mr. Propaganda.
Bzzzzz wrong, once the state of Israel was formed, it was the Arab savages that attacked Israel in order to drive the Jews into the sea, but failed. Of course the savages did attack the Jews many times before, In 1929, and even in the 1600's and before,

Israel was never attacked you idiot. The Arab League only entered the no-Jew and international zones to protect the non-Jews from the Jewish animals.
Ha ha ha. History according to an Islamonazi internet jihadi.

Milestones: 1945–1952 - Office of the Historian

The Arab-Israeli War of 1948
The Arab-Israeli War of 1948 broke out when five Arab nations invaded territory in the former Palestinian mandate immediately following the announcement of the independence of the state of Israel on May 14, 1948. In 1947, and again on May 14, 1948, the United States had offered de facto recognition of the Israeli Provisional Government, but during the war, the United States maintained an arms embargo against all belligerents.
So, where does it mention Israel being attacked?
Why do Pali-Nazi supporters pretend to be blind, deaf, and dumb?

Maybe you should ask a friend or relative assist you with your reading comprehension problems.

The Arab-Israeli War of 1948 broke out when five Arab nations invaded territory in the former Palestinian mandate immediately following the announcement of the independence of the state of Israel on May 14, 1948. In 1947, and again on May 14, 1948
Israel was attacked you idiot. Why do you keep making a fool of yourself with your clown dancing?

S/766 of 22 May 1948

What follows is one of several questions posed on behalf of the UN and the Israeli response.

(h) Have Arab forces penetrated into the territory over which you claim to have authority?

Answer to Question (h)
: Arab forces have penetrated into the territory of the State of Israel in certain corners of the Northern Negev and in the Jordan Valley south of Lake Tiberias. In addition, planes of the Royal Egyptian Air Force have repeatedly raided Tel Aviv and southern Jewish settlements, while Iraqi air-force planes have been raiding settlements in the Northern Jordan Valley and artillery of the Syrian and Lebanese armies have been shelling settlements in Upper Galilee from across the frontier.
Answer to Question (h): Arab forces have penetrated into the territory of the State of Israel in certain corners of the Northern Negev and in the Jordan Valley south of Lake Tiberias.
This is a statement by an Israeli spokesman. It is not an historic account.

Milestones: 1945–1952 - Office of the Historian
Grain of salt.

Your usual tactic - post pointless irrelevancies when your attempt at argument crashes to the ground in flames.
Many historic accounts have Israeli "say so" history. These are things that are repeatedly said over time that everyone just "understands" to be true and do not look to see that they are, in fact, true. They just run with those assumptions.
So you're replacing actual historical facts for fake PaliNazi propaganda.
This is a statement by an Israeli spokesman. It is not an historic account.

Milestones: 1945–1952 - Office of the Historian
Grain of salt.

Your usual tactic - post pointless irrelevancies when your attempt at argument crashes to the ground in flames.
Many historic accounts have Israeli "say so" history. These are things that are repeatedly said over time that everyone just "understands" to be true and do not look to see that they are, in fact, true. They just run with those assumptions.
So you're replacing actual historical facts for fake PaliNazi propaganda.
You failed to mention which of my facts are incorrect.

Your usual tactic - post pointless irrelevancies when your attempt at argument crashes to the ground in flames.
Many historic accounts have Israeli "say so" history. These are things that are repeatedly said over time that everyone just "understands" to be true and do not look to see that they are, in fact, true. They just run with those assumptions.
So you're replacing actual historical facts for fake PaliNazi propaganda.
You failed to mention which of my facts are incorrect.

I believe you failed to offer any facts.
Interesting that over 500 villages were destroyed and 750,000 refugees were created from a land without people.

Who is a 'Palestinian refugee'?
Someone who's resided only 2 years prior to 1948.
Refusing to Fight for What Was Never Theirs

Letting the true Arab nations invade and fight in their place, the fake-nationality Paleonasties ran away. That desertion forfeited any claims to the land.

Your usual tactic - post pointless irrelevancies when your attempt at argument crashes to the ground in flames.
Many historic accounts have Israeli "say so" history. These are things that are repeatedly said over time that everyone just "understands" to be true and do not look to see that they are, in fact, true. They just run with those assumptions.
So you're replacing actual historical facts for fake PaliNazi propaganda.
You failed to mention which of my facts are incorrect.
You failed to read again, five Arab nations invaded Israel the day it announced statehood.
Grain of salt.

Your usual tactic - post pointless irrelevancies when your attempt at argument crashes to the ground in flames.
Many historic accounts have Israeli "say so" history. These are things that are repeatedly said over time that everyone just "understands" to be true and do not look to see that they are, in fact, true. They just run with those assumptions.
So you're replacing actual historical facts for fake PaliNazi propaganda.
You failed to mention which of my facts are incorrect.

I believe you failed to offer any facts.
Indeed he did

Your usual tactic - post pointless irrelevancies when your attempt at argument crashes to the ground in flames.
Many historic accounts have Israeli "say so" history. These are things that are repeatedly said over time that everyone just "understands" to be true and do not look to see that they are, in fact, true. They just run with those assumptions.
So you're replacing actual historical facts for fake PaliNazi propaganda.
You failed to mention which of my facts are incorrect.
It is at this point that Tinmore attempts to lure you down his very twisted rabbit hole to his very twisted 'truth'.

I've been there years ago, trust me.
Martin Kramer deserves our thanks: in “The Forgotten Truth about the Balfour Declaration,” he has illuminated the important role played by Nahum Sokolow in the diplomacy that led to the 1917 endorsement by the wartime allies and associated powers of the idea of a Jewish national home in Palestine under British protection. He has thereby enlarged our understanding, not only of how the Balfour Declaration came about but also of how it became part of international law.

(full article online)

How the Balfour Declaration Became Part of International Law
Martin Kramer deserves our thanks: in “The Forgotten Truth about the Balfour Declaration,” he has illuminated the important role played by Nahum Sokolow in the diplomacy that led to the 1917 endorsement by the wartime allies and associated powers of the idea of a Jewish national home in Palestine under British protection. He has thereby enlarged our understanding, not only of how the Balfour Declaration came about but also of how it became part of international law.

(full article online)

How the Balfour Declaration Became Part of International Law
This person makes some leaps to come to the conclusion that he does. Didn't you notice them when you read the article?
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