The Omnibus Bill Isn't a Done Deal


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Seems the president has a loophole for stuff he - and his supporters - don't want. The 1974 Impoundment Act.

The Impoundment Control Act allows the president to ask Congress to rescind funds that have been allocated in the budget. Congress is not required to vote on the request, but if they do agree to vote, a simple majority in both chambers is all that is needed to approve cuts the president requests.

Congress has 45 days to approve any or all rescission requests from the president.

Did the president know this when he signed the act? One has to wonder.

More @ WH Considers Using Obscure Law To Gut Omnibus Bill, Democrats Helpless To Stop
I'm keeping my eye on this. If Trump can knock some of the dem garbage out of this monster, the media will howl.
They're going to scream cuts can't be made while slamming deficit spending at the same time. It will be odd to say the least.
Seems the president has a loophole for stuff he - and his supporters - don't want. The 1974 Impoundment Act.

The Impoundment Control Act allows the president to ask Congress to rescind funds that have been allocated in the budget. Congress is not required to vote on the request, but if they do agree to vote, a simple majority in both chambers is all that is needed to approve cuts the president requests.

Congress has 45 days to approve any or all rescission requests from the president.

Did the president know this when he signed the act? One has to wonder.

More @ WH Considers Using Obscure Law To Gut Omnibus Bill, Democrats Helpless To Stop

Oh look, another zealot trying to find an excuse for Trump's spending.

In case you have forgotten...$627,769,668,438.80...the amount added to the national debt this year by the Repub controlled government.

That puts us on pace to add 2.4 trillion dollars this year alone!
Seems the president has a loophole for stuff he - and his supporters - don't want. The 1974 Impoundment Act.

The Impoundment Control Act allows the president to ask Congress to rescind funds that have been allocated in the budget. Congress is not required to vote on the request, but if they do agree to vote, a simple majority in both chambers is all that is needed to approve cuts the president requests.

Congress has 45 days to approve any or all rescission requests from the president.

Did the president know this when he signed the act? One has to wonder.

More @ WH Considers Using Obscure Law To Gut Omnibus Bill, Democrats Helpless To Stop

Oh look, another zealot trying to find an excuse for Trump's spending.

In case you have forgotten...$627,769,668,438.80...the amount added to the national debt this year by the Repub controlled government.

That puts us on pace to add 2.4 trillion dollars this year alone!
But aren't they the fiscal conservative party ? Or is that only when Dems are in the WH??
Seems the president has a loophole for stuff he - and his supporters - don't want. The 1974 Impoundment Act.

The Impoundment Control Act allows the president to ask Congress to rescind funds that have been allocated in the budget. Congress is not required to vote on the request, but if they do agree to vote, a simple majority in both chambers is all that is needed to approve cuts the president requests.

Congress has 45 days to approve any or all rescission requests from the president.

Did the president know this when he signed the act? One has to wonder.

More @ WH Considers Using Obscure Law To Gut Omnibus Bill, Democrats Helpless To Stop

Oh look, another zealot trying to find an excuse for Trump's spending.

In case you have forgotten...$627,769,668,438.80...the amount added to the national debt this year by the Repub controlled government.

That puts us on pace to add 2.4 trillion dollars this year alone!
But aren't they the fiscal conservative party ? Or is that only when Dems are in the WH??
Only when dems are in White House...
Deficit nears $600 billion in first half of 2018

The federal budget deficit hit $598 billion in the first half of the 2018 fiscal years, according to the Congressional Budget Office, quickly outpacing the deficits of recent years. At the same point in 2017, the deficit was $78 billion lower. That year, the entire deficit amounted to $666 billion, just 11% higher than the amount the U.S. government had to borrow in the first half of 2018. The fast-increasing deficit expanded as government outlays grew 2.5 times faster than revenues. On the revenue side, which was up 2 percent over last year, the GOP tax reforms ate into individual tax revenue, and slashed corporate revenue by $22 billion, or 22 percent. On the spending side, Social Security ...
Read more
If some some cuts are made, who do you think is going to have a problem with it? The republicans are definately culpable, but if they try to do something about it the media will lose their mind.
Donald really does love renegging on agreed upon deals, doesn't he?

The law seems to merely set forth an organized method that limits the President's prerogative to not spend appropriated funds. Congress has always been free to rescind appropriations, and the President has always been free to ask Congress to do so. This act gives the President a 45 day window to not spend appropriated funds, basically waiting for a response from Congress to a request.

If Congress decided to grant the request such a bill would still be subject to the same rules as any normal legislation. Pretty much everything passes with a simple majority. Sure, from a procedural point of view this could be used to stab the other party in the back after having enacted an agreed upon budget. But that would be a once-and-done tactic. The other side would never trust you again, and the precedent would be set that opened the door to ongoing tit-for-tat retaliations every time control flips.

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