The on going persecution of Donald Trump

Indeed, poster 'washamaricom'! It does seem odd.

Where is Jordan, Roger Stone, Mark Meadows, Navarro, Eastman, Ginnie Thomas, and others? They could mount a vigorous defense, one would think. After all, they were there in the trenches and saw and heard and participated in it happening. They are 'in-the-know'. Why aren't they here defending Don Trump?


No merde'? Why would anyone threaten your life? What have you done that other folks want to kill you?
Just curious.


You know, good poster 22, I have queried you before on just who this 'power structure' is that you so seem to fear. So now, today, do you have an answer? Can you name names?

I haven't seen barricades 'dropped'.....but I have seen videos of cops retreating away from several doors (reportage says 3 doors) in the face of a mob charging at the handful of cops in their way.
So, so stipulated......some doorways were not vigorously defended. But, importantly, how many rioters/attackers came in through those three doors versus the number of rioters who came in through violently breached doors and windows?
Numbers matter. No?

BTW, did you watch the first hearing? With the testimony of the cop being savaged by the mob? The documentary-creator who watched it all up close and personal?


Time will tell, BluesLegend. See you here on this thread in a week.
ps....make sure you watch the next hearing day after tomorrow.


So, L'il Bripat thinks Raffensburger was lying?
Sterling was fibbing?
Bowers was making it up?
And what about the two poll workers who had to hide from Trump goons? Were they fantasizing that?
I ask you L'il Bripat because....well, because all of them sure seemed credible to me.
But not you?

ps....and I don't mean to be personal, L'il Bripat, but......but did you even watch today's hearing? Have you watched any of the hearings?

They taped Trump's call to Raffenburger.
Bullshit. Virtually every witness who testified to what they saw first hand is a Repub, or was a member of the admin, or both. The entire narrative you're trying to create that we are only hearing one side of the story is unsubstantiated baloney. It's just one more sad attempt to deny the truth.
It is a case of the ever-expanding paranoia of a cult - Even folks like Barr and Ivanka are now complicit in the vast conspiracy against their Lardass Loser.
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Where is the documented refutation of all the sworn, corroborative testimony?

What prevents the Trump propaganda outlets from spreading such a cogent, substantive rebuttal?
It's an asinine jingle. America has always been great.
then why do you want american people to suffer? strange way to show it's great by doubling gas prices and creating shortages of products and punishing americans. wow. That's great to you?
then why do you want american people to suffer? strange way to show it's great by doubling gas prices and creating shortages of products and punishing americans. wow. That's great to you?

My God you're stupid.
Trump has a penchant for crapping on marriages that goes beyond his rutting with paid-off bimbos behind the backs of trophy wives.

Kelly Conway's swallowing the orange Kool-Aid created a rift between her and her conservative legal scholar hubby, of course, but it appears that Mr Chuckles might have been responsible for exposing wife Ivanka in a blatant trumpy lie:

Trump aides didn't know someone was filming Trump on January 6​

According to the Times it had been organized by Trump's son-in-law, Jared Kushner, and was conceived of as a "legacy project" for Trump.
[T]he footage... showed Ivanka Trump in an interview speaking in support of her father's attempt to undermine the election result.
That statement contradicted her claims elsewhere that she had instead rejected his election-fraud claims after learning they were not supported by evidence.
Trump aides told Rolling Stone that they had "no idea" the film crew had had months of access to Trump and his family.
"What the fuck is this?" a former campaign official texted the outlet.

Of course, there is nothing to prevent hardcore trump bum kissers from refuting the sworn testimonies of so many Republicans of integrity, Capitol Police, and even that of Trump goons themselves, other than their inability to contrive any credible exculpatory evidence.

All they can do is spew their churlish invectives and slanders.

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Speaker of the Arizona House of Representatives
"Up until recently, it is a new pattern in our lives to worry what will happen on Saturdays," he said about his family. "Because we have various groups come by."
Groups have video trucks accusing Bowers of being a pedophile and corrupt politician, blaring loudspeakers and threatening him and his neighbors.
"It was disturbing," he said, getting emotional again.
It is a kangaroo investigation. They had an agenda from the beginning and are doing whatever they have to do to fulfill their agenda of having a sham investigation just before the midterms with the final report due JUST before the midterms. They scheduled the damn thing during prime time for this soul purpose but ratings have been very small. People care more about inflation. It is very telling that even the kangaroo lead investigators are saying that they will not refer Trump for any criminal charges. It's all about the show, where they edit things to make them come out the way they want.
then why do you want american people to suffer? strange way to show it's great by doubling gas prices and creating shortages of products and punishing americans. wow. That's great to you?
How do global inflation and slowed international transport relate to the thread's topic, the playing of the "victim card"?

The on going persecution of Donald Trump​

They only ask the questions they want to ask and refuse to ask any questions that would make Trump look good. And, they only use selective evidence, editing out the things they want to edit out.
All your ridiculous beliefs from the GOP Propaganda Machine have been laughed out of court in 62+ cases. You are anti-American fools...who listen to total lying swine...
All your ridiculous beliefs from the GOP Propaganda Machine have been laughed out of court in 62+ cases. You are anti-American fools...who listen to total lying swine...
What are you blabbering about? Just because courts have shown that the election was not "stolen" has nothing to do with the bogus kangaroo hearings trying to claim that Trump committed illegal activities by claiming the election was stolen. Democrats perpetuated the big lie for years after the 2016 election. Why can the left perpetuate false claims about the 2016 election for years but Trump and the right can't do that with the 2020 election?
Mitt Romney as pontious pilate.
Mike pence as judas...
And as always hillary clinton will play the role of Harriet Tubman
I think a more prescient subject title would something along the lines of "the upcoming prosecution of the former Grifter-in-Chief."

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