The ONE qst. that should be asked of every GOP candidate

If you were walking in the woods and found a watch. You would logically assume that there was a watchmaker out there somewhere who made it.

How come?

When JFK was running for the presidency, your ilk was concerned that the WH and the US was going to be subjugated to the wishes of the Vatican.....What the heck happened?
And you sound just like them.
And that has what to do with their ability to run the country?
Everything. If you're going to be basing all of your decisions off of magical prophecies from thousands of years ago, you should let your people know.

Saying you believe in creation does not connect as you imply.

I think if you can't connect two dots you should let people know.
Look right wingers, if you want a president who believes in the "Rapture", you're certainly entitled to that level of stupidity....For my part, I'd rather have leadership of just a bit higher caliber.

It's got nothing to do with being right wing or left wing.

Or are you telling me that everyone you've met who believed in God has made nothing but irrational decisions ?

I'll bet most drivers on the road are Christians and somehow traffic seems to work.
And that has what to do with their ability to run the country?
Everything. If you're going to be basing all of your decisions off of magical prophecies from thousands of years ago, you should let your people know.

Saying you believe in creation does not connect as you imply.

I think if you can't connect two dots you should let people know.
Can you clarify that a bit more? Connect what 2 dots?
And that has what to do with their ability to run the country?
Everything. If you're going to be basing all of your decisions off of magical prophecies from thousands of years ago, you should let your people know.

Saying you believe in creation does not connect as you imply.

I think if you can't connect two dots you should let people know.
Can you clarify that a bit more? Connect what 2 dots?

Any two dots.

There is no logical way to arrive at the idea that simply because someone believes in God they will base all their decisions on "magical" prophecies from thousands of years does not follow.

Most Christians are hypocrites...but I know several who love their neighbors as themselves and who follow the admonitions of Jesus to care for their fellow man.

Or is that being crazy ?

You can't draw one from the other and the poster is obviously incapable of anything that isn't built into his prejudice.
My ilk? You know nothing about me.

Now answer my question.

The best answer to your simplistic question may be found in what Franklin and Jefferson believed in......that there may have been a deity as watchmaker, winding up the watch and letting it run out. They felt strongly that there was a segment of the population who were dumb enough to intermix politics and policy with religiosity......democracy, they felt, had to also contend with a good dose of stupidity.

So by your own admission here, YOU acknowledge the very real possibility of a watchmaker and yet YOUR simplistic "mandatory " question does not.

Really insightful stuff you got here dude.
So by your own admission here, YOU acknowledge the very real possibility of a watchmaker and yet YOUR simplistic "mandatory " question does not.

Really insightful stuff y out got here dude.

Fine, YOU ask those who would be president of the US if they believe in watchmakers....I'll ask them for a bit more.
You can't draw one from the other and the poster is obviously incapable of anything that isn't built into his prejudice.

Since the above is directed to me, I'll respond that for "spiritual" uplifting I'll go to my parish....but for sound governance I'm looking at other venues.
You can't draw one from the other and the poster is obviously incapable of anything that isn't built into his prejudice.

Since the above is directed to me, I'll respond that for "spiritual" uplifting I'll go to my parish....but for sound governance I'm looking at other venues.


Thou shalt no lie......

Who'd want candidates who tell the truth.

We seem to do fine without them....I guess.
A would be president who does NOT believe in evolution has a lot more in common with ISIS leaders than a Jefferson or Madison.......But I'll leave up to FOX and Hiuckabee to tell you otherwise.
A would be president who does NOT believe in evolution has a lot more in common with ISIS leaders than a Jefferson or Madison.......But I'll leave up to FOX and Hiuckabee to tell you otherwise.

How would you know what Fox and Huckabee would tell me ?

I don't watch them.

But you must if you know what they are saying.

I guess your fondness for logic does not necessarily mean you've got it down.

Your first statement means nothing...unless you are claiming that this is sole criteria on which ISIS leaders operate.

And you learned that where ?
Dr Ben Carson,the famous, nay,THE LEGENDARY neurosurgeon, believes in creationism!!
If you were walking in the woods and found a watch. You would logically assume that there was a watchmaker out there somewhere who made it.

How come?

Watches are not produced by natural processes like birds and trees....If you really want to go down this road, go over to the religion board!!:cool:
Ones religious beliefs have nothing to do with if they can do the job of President. To dismiss someone because they believe in creationism is the height of closed minded arrogance and religious bigotry.
To dismiss someone because they believe in creationism is the height of closed minded arrogance and religious bigotry.

Are you then ready to vote in a rabbi, priest, imam to the oval office? How did Pat Robertson do last time around?
To dismiss someone because they believe in creationism is the height of closed minded arrogance and religious bigotry.

Are you then ready to vote in a rabbi, priest, imam to the oval office? How did Pat Robertson do last time around?
Depends on their policies not there religious beliefs. I couldn't help but notice you limited that question to just Republicans even though as far as I know all the Democratic candidates claim to be religious also. Do you find a Democratic candidate who might believe in creationism more acceptable?

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