The ONE qst. that should be asked of every GOP candidate

Every scientist that isn't a liar will tell you, there is NO WAY POSSIBLE, AT ALL, EVER, that DNA could have RANDOMLY arranged itself into ANYTHING that would have either ONE, CREATED LIFE, or TWO, EVOLVED.

The above from the same moronic ilk who label 99% of scientists who believe in global warming.....LIARS???
The border isn't secure. City Mayors in sanctuary cites DO pander to Hispanics. We have immigration laws but the feds don't enforce them.

You are one stupid fuck gnat!

Stick to your dreams of secession, dingbat.
I see again so calling out Democrats for pandering is dumb but calling Republicans out for it is not. The liberal do as we say not as we do is back again.

Dumb, very dumb "conclusion" was your premise.
At every scheduled debate for the GOP primaries, each of the candidates should be asked one very simple question....just to separate the sane from the insane:

"Do you believe in creationism or evolution....."

The answer to the above can help dwindle down the number of whomever should even be given a microphone and a podium.

Most of them will just say both.
Maybe because your big question is nothing more than an asinine attempt at a springboard to attack Christians?

That's what I thought.

One of the more important things I would like to know from ANY candidate is whether he or she is guided by faith...or facts. Not much more to "read" into my O/P.
At every scheduled debate for the GOP primaries, each of the candidates should be asked one very simple question....just to separate the sane from the insane:

"Do you believe in creationism or evolution....."

The answer to the above can help dwindle down the number of whomever should even be given a microphone and a podium.
At every scheduled debate for the GOP primaries, each of the candidates should be asked one very simple question....just to separate the sane from the insane:

"Do you believe in creationism or evolution....."

The answer to the above can help dwindle down the number of whomever should even be given a microphone and a podium.
Every scientist that isn't a liar will tell you, there is NO WAY POSSIBLE, AT ALL, EVER, that DNA could have RANDOMLY arranged itself into ANYTHING that would have either ONE, CREATED LIFE, or TWO, EVOLVED.

Evolution is an OLD THEORY, an ANCIENT THEORY, that the GOD HATERS DESPERATELY cling to, even though there's no science behind it that can be PROVEN.


CREATION is a MUCH more PLAUSIBLE "theory" to LIFE.
You're saying that the some Bronze Age philosopher carries more truth than science? And you expect us to believe that?
Look right wingers, if you want a president who believes in the "Rapture", you're certainly entitled to that level of stupidity....For my part, I'd rather have leadership of just a bit higher caliber.
then why did you vote for obama twice?
blows your theory out of the water, certainly no caliber of intellect in that one.
At every scheduled debate for the GOP primaries, each of the candidates should be asked one very simple question....just to separate the sane from the insane:

"Do you believe in creationism or evolution....."

The answer to the above can help dwindle down the number of whomever should even be given a microphone and a podium.

Explain The Big Bang, scumbag.

It WAS a creationist event


You can't so just shut the fuck up

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