The ONE qst. that should be asked of every GOP candidate

Who says God isn't the greatest scientist ever?

And why do dimocrap scum always want to separate God and science?

And most dimocrap scum don't even know who it was that first gave us the Big Theory (hint, it wasn't Hubbell)

dimocraps are just fucking stupid
nothing, since these fools think socialism will work, this time.

See, you and S.J., are not completely alone in the half-brained camp....Have another cup of tea.
do you think socialism will work in America?

I guess that depends on how one describes socialism.
  • County hospitals
  • police/sheriff departments
  • Sewage treatment facilities
  • Water delivery systems
  • Public Schools
  • The Army, Navy, Marines, AF and CG
  • etc.
All employ government employees who work, provide service and circulate their income throughout the community.
Explain The Big Bang, scumbag.

It WAS a creationist event

You're right.......I believe Breibart has the video with Gabriel as the narrator..

So, you got nothing.

That's what I thought.

If you want to argue him on his level, now is when you start repeating the request to give a link to this video, and if he cant (which he cant because we all know it does not exist) then you just keep calling him a liar no matter what he says, and you point to his video comment as proof.
its how a liberal will do it in order to waste time and try to run out the clock.
If you want to argue him on his level, now is when you start repeating the request to give a link to this video, and if he cant (which he cant because we all know it does not exist) then you just keep calling him a liar no matter what he says, and you point to his video comment as proof.
its how a liberal will do it in order to waste time and try to run out the clock.

Sound, VERY sound advice.........LOL
Do you believe Iran will abide by any agreements to not build nuclear weapons?

Who knows if they will abide by the agreement, if they do not they will suffer the consequences. They know we have the capacity to bomb them into the stone age.

If ten years pass and they have not, the Supreme Leader will be dead (hopefully) and a new generation of Iranian leaders maybe less crazy than the current theocratic crew.
Do you believe Iran will abide by any agreements to not build nuclear weapons?

Who knows if they will abide by the agreement, if they do not they will suffer the consequences. They know we have the capacity to bomb them into the stone age.

If ten years pass and they have not, the Supreme Leader will be dead (hopefully) and a new generation of Iranian leaders maybe less crazy than the current theocratic crew.

Great strategy!
nothing, since these fools think socialism will work, this time.

See, you and S.J., are not completely alone in the half-brained camp....Have another cup of tea.
do you think socialism will work in America?

I guess that depends on how one describes socialism.
  • County hospitals
  • police/sheriff departments
  • Sewage treatment facilities
  • Water delivery systems
  • Public Schools
  • The Army, Navy, Marines, AF and CG
  • etc.
All employ government employees who work, provide service and circulate their income throughout the community.
All are also required in the constitution. They all promote the general welfare of the country, and provide security for the country.
The burden of the above is shared by ALL (working) for the benefit of all.
so when you try to use these to justify obamacare or some other wealth distribution scheme, they dont equal each other.
An example in obamacare would be one person that works paying over 800.00 a month for his policy, (plus another 1000.00 a month for copay, while someone else (not working) might pay 60 a month for equal or better coverage. Not a burden that is shared by all. and not one that is a benefit to all. It serves me little or no benefit to contribute to someone elses health care in such a large way.
If you want to argue him on his level, now is when you start repeating the request to give a link to this video, and if he cant (which he cant because we all know it does not exist) then you just keep calling him a liar no matter what he says, and you point to his video comment as proof.
its how a liberal will do it in order to waste time and try to run out the clock.

Sound, VERY sound advice.........LOL
Thank you.
Ive been around a while, I know how these things work.
It serves me little or no benefit to contribute to someone elses health care in such a large way.

Well, yes it does.

If the person who doesn't bother carrying Health Insurance becomes catastrophically ill or injured, the Doctors and Hospitals are going to cost shift his bills onto you.

Then he goes on Welfare and Medicaid.

All of which costs you. A lot.

I am quite possibly the most conservative person in here but we need to have a mandatory participation in Health Insurance.
It serves me little or no benefit to contribute to someone elses health care in such a large way.

Well, yes it does.

If the person who doesn't bother carrying Health Insurance becomes catastrophically ill or injured, the Doctors and Hospitals are going to cost shift his bills onto you.

Then he goes on Welfare and Medicaid.

All of which costs you. A lot.

I am quite possibly the most conservative person in here but we need to have a mandatory participation in Health Insurance.
that has already been happening for years, and its been cheaper to cover them then now under obamacare, and lets be honest here, the idea behind obamacare is to insure those on welfare, so chances are this worthless person is already on welfare.
It would actually serve society more if that person were to just die. Hate to be cold but if they serve no purpose in society, then they are not a benefit to keep around.
At every scheduled debate for the GOP primaries, each of the candidates should be asked one very simple question....just to separate the sane from the insane:

"Do you believe in creationism or evolution....."

The answer to the above can help dwindle down the number of whomever should even be given a microphone and a podium.

Sure, right after you poll the congressional black caucus with the same question.
And that has what to do with their ability to run the country?

A closed mind does not make a good leader.
Do you mean a mind closed to the possibility of there actually being a God? I have to agree with you.
Faith in a God that defies all logic and science, or fath in a science that defies all logic and science.
take your pick.

Your premise is flawed.

Science has hypotheses, theories and laws - all of which are continually tested, verified or reformed. Nothing is immutable in science, faith in God in the heart and mind of a believer is immutable, and that's fine for the believer.

Me, I'm agnostic. I don't need a God in my life, it would not change by behavior because I fear the consequences, or hope to achieve a benefit beyond my life span.
At every scheduled debate for the GOP primaries, each of the candidates should be asked one very simple question....just to separate the sane from the insane:

"Do you believe in creationism or evolution....."

The answer to the above can help dwindle down the number of whomever should even be given a microphone and a podium.

Sure, right after you poll the congressional black caucus with the same question.
they dont have time for that, they are too busy with important issues like, keeping Guam rightside up.
And that has what to do with their ability to run the country?

A closed mind does not make a good leader.
Do you mean a mind closed to the possibility of there actually being a God? I have to agree with you.
Faith in a God that defies all logic and science, or fath in a science that defies all logic and science.
take your pick.

Your premise is flawed.

Science has hypotheses, theories and laws - all of which are continually tested, verified or reformed. Nothing is immutable in science, faith in God in the heart and mind of a believer is immutable, and that's fine for the believer.

Me, I'm agnostic. I don't need a God in my life, it would not change by behavior because I fear the consequences, or hope to achieve a benefit beyond my life span.
You discount God because it requires faith in something, yet you rally around science even though it requires basically the same amount of if not more faith.
Religion tells you how it is.
Science tells you how it might be if not for the pesky little problem of their might be's being shot down by their own laws of nature and physics. So you believe in a theory that theory says is impossible.
It really does make a bunch of sense when explained that way.

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