The Only Funny Thing I've Found about This Election..

What I find funny is we have the two most disliked, and least qualified, candidates in history...

and people on each side is clamoring how great their candidate is.

Not me, I think they are both awful. The third party candidates are just as bad also
What I find funny is we have the two most disliked, and least qualified, candidates in history...

and people on each side is clamoring how great their candidate is.

Are they now.

What site are you reading?

What sites are you reading, that makes you believe either are qualified, and not immensely disliked?

Last I saw, both are in the vicinity, or above, 60% unfavorable.

The bulk of Trump experience is in finance,

the bulk of Hillarys is as First Lady, (which is NOT experience), carpet-bagged to a dark blue state from a red one to walk into a seat in Congress, and pulled Secretary of State out of a crackerjack box.
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I agree. Voting Libertarian is the mature and reasonable thing to do.

So you didn't like the entertainment. I get it. It's hard to book talent on a limited budget..

And we don't screen delegates quite as carefully as the other 2 parties do.. :lmao:


The difference being that your picture is the result of picture editing. The video I linked is an actual Libertarian candidate at their convention.

That's only because because she attempted to HIDE all of her bad judgements and string pulling and power plays... Who am I more ashamed of --- Really??? An anonymous guy who wanted some "exposure" on national CSPAN --- Or a power whore who disenfranchised MILLIONS of Democrat voters and displayed immense hypocrisy in leadership?

Sure, I know. Dale Smith told me the same thing. Not surprising to see you are taking advantage of all the stuff he claims to know.

So -- you're here to slime ME? Glad you're happy with the choices that the 2 parties gave you.. I'm not willing to wait to see how much further this nation declines with EITHER of them in office. Time to get some humility and public service back into the election process.

You don't want to discuss the horrendous leadership crisis facing America. I get that. Beat on me all ya want. I'm out to make sure NEITHER corporate political power gets rewarded for locking up America in a Death Match.

I'm not sure why you think I'm trying to slime you. If you have reason to believe voting Libertarian would be a good idea, then spit it out. Dale did say the same stuff you did about Hillary. Are you upset because I noticed that? Accusations backed by convoluted conspiracy theories are quite common from right wingers. You didn't thing anybody would notice the connection?
What I find funny is we have the two most disliked, and least qualified, candidates in history...

and people on each side is clamoring how great their candidate is.

Not me, I think they are both awful. The third party candidates are just as bad also

Find a 4th party. Ideally, four is a good number. With 2 you get this -----


and pretty soon ---- no one CARES about corruption, lying and incompetence because the OTHER IS WORSE ..

But with 3 or 4 ------


You get discussions, innovation, and accountability for actions REGARDLESS of who did what -- first or more egregiously..
Your link is broke

The video worked fine for me.

He said he fixed it, I got some Facebook page that said the link didn't exist

New link is a Youtube link. Those FB links are iffy. So you need to refresh the thread or the page.

Sort of mod question but you're a mod, why don't some Facebook video links work on here? About 2 out of 10 don't

It's the way they are "hosted" on Facebook.. If it has a blob:http: prefix --- it's not gonna work without a Log-In. That was drives hits to Facebook. The video is private hosted. But for most of the good stuff --- you can find the YouTube version and don't have to login to FB....
So you didn't like the entertainment. I get it. It's hard to book talent on a limited budget..

And we don't screen delegates quite as carefully as the other 2 parties do.. :lmao:


The difference being that your picture is the result of picture editing. The video I linked is an actual Libertarian candidate at their convention.

That's only because because she attempted to HIDE all of her bad judgements and string pulling and power plays... Who am I more ashamed of --- Really??? An anonymous guy who wanted some "exposure" on national CSPAN --- Or a power whore who disenfranchised MILLIONS of Democrat voters and displayed immense hypocrisy in leadership?

Sure, I know. Dale Smith told me the same thing. Not surprising to see you are taking advantage of all the stuff he claims to know.

So -- you're here to slime ME? Glad you're happy with the choices that the 2 parties gave you.. I'm not willing to wait to see how much further this nation declines with EITHER of them in office. Time to get some humility and public service back into the election process.

You don't want to discuss the horrendous leadership crisis facing America. I get that. Beat on me all ya want. I'm out to make sure NEITHER corporate political power gets rewarded for locking up America in a Death Match.

I'm not sure why you think I'm trying to slime you. If you have reason to believe voting Libertarian would be a good idea, then spit it out. Dale did say the same stuff you did about Hillary. Are you upset because I noticed that? Accusations backed by convoluted conspiracy theories are quite common from right wingers. You didn't thing anybody would notice the connection?

First off --- I'm no where NEAR a right-winger. Can out liberal you on MOST civil liberty and social issues.

Second -- I'm a scientist/engineer.. I worked with empiricals or known truths. Got no room for conspiracies.

So --- all the Gary Johnson discussion is in the Candidate Corner forum.. You'll notice that YOUR Hillary's forum looks a little like bombed out parts of Raquaa Syria --- while the Johnson/Weld forum actually HAS issues, platform, and plenty of general material..

THis gem is more fun to discuss in Politics --- because I love it when folks like you heckle... Libertarians have been heckled for 30 years now. But the fact is ---- we've been 20 years AHEAD on American political consensus. On DOZENS of issues. And some of the MOST IMPORTANT issues. People who check it out will see how long we've been right..
Your link is broke

The video worked fine for me.

He said he fixed it, I got some Facebook page that said the link didn't exist

New link is a Youtube link. Those FB links are iffy. So you need to refresh the thread or the page.

The easiest way to transfer any video is to right click on the video and a drop down will say "Copy video URL at current time." Click on that then right click and click "paste" on the message box. It will display as i.e. but when you POST REPLY will end up as the actual video. Works every time.

Explains a lot about people who are ASKING to serve the nation --- as opposed to people who EXPECT to gain power because of "who they are". It's hysterically funny and serious at the same time. Laughed and cried a bit --- I think..


Strange accent though. Somehow I doubt Abe spoke like that.

I like his John Lennon impression -- "shoot me". :lol:

Not sure I get the reference to "Walter White" :uhh:

Don't know Walter White either. Must not watch ET or Hollywood Tonite..

Onliest Walter White I know was President of the NAACP in the '50s. :dunno:
What I find funny is we have the two most disliked, and least qualified, candidates in history...

and people on each side is clamoring how great their candidate is.

Are they now.

What site are you reading?

What sites are you reading, that makes you believe either are qualified, and not immensely disliked?

Last I saw, both are in the vicinity, or above, 60% unfavorable.

The bulk of Trump experience is in finance,

the bulk of Hillarys is as First Lady, (which is NOT experience), carpet-bagged to a dark blue state from a red one to walk into a seat in Congress, and pulled Secretary of State out of a crackerjack box.

Reading comprehension is a lost art.

Here's what you posted:

"people on each side is clamoring how great their candidate is."​

That's not a statement about candidates. It's a statement about posters.

Wanna start over?
What I find funny is we have the two most disliked, and least qualified, candidates in history...

and people on each side is clamoring how great their candidate is.

Are they now.

What site are you reading?

What sites are you reading, that makes you believe either are qualified, and not immensely disliked?

Last I saw, both are in the vicinity, or above, 60% unfavorable.

The bulk of Trump experience is in finance,

the bulk of Hillarys is as First Lady, (which is NOT experience), carpet-bagged to a dark blue state from a red one to walk into a seat in Congress, and pulled Secretary of State out of a crackerjack box.

Reading comprehension is a lost art.

Here's what you posted:

"people on each side is clamoring how great their candidate is."​

That's not a statement about candidates. It's a statement about posters.

Wanna start over?

Reading comprehension is a lost art.

So it seems.

I described the problems with the candidates,

then pointed out that even with their lack of experience, they have people following them at rallies, speeches, etc.

hard to miss them on various news stations, news sites, yahoo homepage

"It's a statement about posters."

Work on your comprehension.
What I find funny is we have the two most disliked, and least qualified, candidates in history...

and people on each side is clamoring how great their candidate is.

Are they now.

What site are you reading?

What sites are you reading, that makes you believe either are qualified, and not immensely disliked?

Last I saw, both are in the vicinity, or above, 60% unfavorable.

The bulk of Trump experience is in finance,

the bulk of Hillarys is as First Lady, (which is NOT experience), carpet-bagged to a dark blue state from a red one to walk into a seat in Congress, and pulled Secretary of State out of a crackerjack box.

Reading comprehension is a lost art.

Here's what you posted:

"people on each side is clamoring how great their candidate is."​

That's not a statement about candidates. It's a statement about posters.

Wanna start over?

Reading comprehension is a lost art.

So it seems.

I described the problems with the candidates,

then pointed out that even with their lack of experience, they have people following them at rallies, speeches, etc.

hard to miss them on various news stations, news sites, yahoo homepage

"It's a statement about posters."

Work on your comprehension.


"people on each side is [sic] clamoring how great their candidate is."​

---- what's the subject in that sentence?? Hm? WHO is doing the clamoring?
What I find funny is we have the two most disliked, and least qualified, candidates in history...

and people on each side is clamoring how great their candidate is.

Are they now.

What site are you reading?

What sites are you reading, that makes you believe either are qualified, and not immensely disliked?

Last I saw, both are in the vicinity, or above, 60% unfavorable.

The bulk of Trump experience is in finance,

the bulk of Hillarys is as First Lady, (which is NOT experience), carpet-bagged to a dark blue state from a red one to walk into a seat in Congress, and pulled Secretary of State out of a crackerjack box.

Reading comprehension is a lost art.

Here's what you posted:

"people on each side is clamoring how great their candidate is."​

That's not a statement about candidates. It's a statement about posters.

Wanna start over?

Reading comprehension is a lost art.

So it seems.

I described the problems with the candidates,

then pointed out that even with their lack of experience, they have people following them at rallies, speeches, etc.

hard to miss them on various news stations, news sites, yahoo homepage

"It's a statement about posters."

Work on your comprehension.


"people on each side is [sic] clamoring how great their candidate is."​

---- what's the subject in that sentence?? Hm? WHO is doing the clamoring?


why would you assume I'm only referring to posters?

oops, forgot who I was posting to
Pretty much anyone that has attached themselves as either Democrat &/or Republican. I even know of a few that once were all gung-ho FOR Bernie, and NEVER Clinton....until Bernie caved and now they have sucked up to the Hillary bus......just because she's the Democratic nominee and they are hardcore Democrats. Seems they conveniently forgot all that 'Never Hillary' stuff.
And about the same with some hardcore Republicans that once were all over some of the other candidates and 'Never Trump' it's all about the Trump bus. People can be very fickle
two-party system, somebody had to think of that idea first, probably a democrat for such a terrible idea. dear congress, change the law to make the speaker to split the clock down the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc. parties, minimum of two seats not in the same state. there, done. nope, it's too easy, they'll never allow it.
Are they now.

What site are you reading?

What sites are you reading, that makes you believe either are qualified, and not immensely disliked?

Last I saw, both are in the vicinity, or above, 60% unfavorable.

The bulk of Trump experience is in finance,

the bulk of Hillarys is as First Lady, (which is NOT experience), carpet-bagged to a dark blue state from a red one to walk into a seat in Congress, and pulled Secretary of State out of a crackerjack box.

Reading comprehension is a lost art.

Here's what you posted:

"people on each side is clamoring how great their candidate is."​

That's not a statement about candidates. It's a statement about posters.

Wanna start over?

Reading comprehension is a lost art.

So it seems.

I described the problems with the candidates,

then pointed out that even with their lack of experience, they have people following them at rallies, speeches, etc.

hard to miss them on various news stations, news sites, yahoo homepage

"It's a statement about posters."

Work on your comprehension.


"people on each side is [sic] clamoring how great their candidate is."​

---- what's the subject in that sentence?? Hm? WHO is doing the clamoring?


why would you assume I'm only referring to posters?

oops, forgot who I was posting to

"People", exactly.
--- which makes the statement about people (here called "posters" --- AND NOT ABOUT CANDIDATES.

--- which is what I just said.

What sites are you reading, that makes you believe either are qualified, and not immensely disliked?

Last I saw, both are in the vicinity, or above, 60% unfavorable.

The bulk of Trump experience is in finance,

the bulk of Hillarys is as First Lady, (which is NOT experience), carpet-bagged to a dark blue state from a red one to walk into a seat in Congress, and pulled Secretary of State out of a crackerjack box.

Reading comprehension is a lost art.

Here's what you posted:

"people on each side is clamoring how great their candidate is."​

That's not a statement about candidates. It's a statement about posters.

Wanna start over?

Reading comprehension is a lost art.

So it seems.

I described the problems with the candidates,

then pointed out that even with their lack of experience, they have people following them at rallies, speeches, etc.

hard to miss them on various news stations, news sites, yahoo homepage

"It's a statement about posters."

Work on your comprehension.


"people on each side is [sic] clamoring how great their candidate is."​

---- what's the subject in that sentence?? Hm? WHO is doing the clamoring?


why would you assume I'm only referring to posters?

oops, forgot who I was posting to

"People", exactly.
--- which makes the statement about people (here called "posters" --- AND NOT ABOUT CANDIDATES.

--- which is what I just said.

- which makes the statement about people (here called "posters" ---

You really do have a reading comprehension problem, don't you?

"various news stations, news sites, yahoo homepage" are NOT posters.

Maybe the posters here are the only people you see and pay attention to, but I use other sources.
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Reading comprehension is a lost art.

Here's what you posted:

"people on each side is clamoring how great their candidate is."​

That's not a statement about candidates. It's a statement about posters.

Wanna start over?

Reading comprehension is a lost art.

So it seems.

I described the problems with the candidates,

then pointed out that even with their lack of experience, they have people following them at rallies, speeches, etc.

hard to miss them on various news stations, news sites, yahoo homepage

"It's a statement about posters."

Work on your comprehension.


"people on each side is [sic] clamoring how great their candidate is."​

---- what's the subject in that sentence?? Hm? WHO is doing the clamoring?


why would you assume I'm only referring to posters?

oops, forgot who I was posting to

"People", exactly.
--- which makes the statement about people (here called "posters" --- AND NOT ABOUT CANDIDATES.

--- which is what I just said.

- which makes the statement about people (here called "posters" ---

You really do have a reading comprehension problem, don't you?

"various news stations, news sites, yahoo homepage" are NOT posters.

May the posters here are the only people you see and pay attention to, but I use other sources.

Once AGAIN ------ fourth time now ----- the line actually was, and once again I quote:

"people on each side is [sic] clamoring how great their candidate is."
That doesn't have a DAMN thing to do with candidates, news stations, news sites, yahoos, yippees, bazooms, yoohoos, or boohoos The subject is, once again, "PEOPLE". Period.

Holy SHIT.
So it seems.

I described the problems with the candidates,

then pointed out that even with their lack of experience, they have people following them at rallies, speeches, etc.

hard to miss them on various news stations, news sites, yahoo homepage

"It's a statement about posters."

Work on your comprehension.


"people on each side is [sic] clamoring how great their candidate is."​

---- what's the subject in that sentence?? Hm? WHO is doing the clamoring?


why would you assume I'm only referring to posters?

oops, forgot who I was posting to

"People", exactly.
--- which makes the statement about people (here called "posters" --- AND NOT ABOUT CANDIDATES.

--- which is what I just said.

- which makes the statement about people (here called "posters" ---

You really do have a reading comprehension problem, don't you?

"various news stations, news sites, yahoo homepage" are NOT posters.

May the posters here are the only people you see and pay attention to, but I use other sources.

Once AGAIN ------ fourth time now ----- the line actually was, and once again I quote:

"people on each side is [sic] clamoring how great their candidate is."
That doesn't have a DAMN thing to do with candidates, news stations, news sites, yahoos, yippees, bazooms, yoohoos, or boohoos The subject is, once again, "PEOPLE". Period.

Holy SHIT.

That doesn't have a DAMN thing to do with candidates, news stations, news sites, yahoos, yippees, bazooms, yoohoos, or boohoos


You think they are talking about/to dogs, cats, horses, cows, etc when they do interviews?

The subject is, once again, "PEOPLE". Period.

Yes, the subject is "PEOPLE", not just 'POSTERS'.

People giving interviews, showing up at rallies, speeches, etc.

Stop acting the fool, if it is, indeed, an act
I'm not so sure it's an act. Pogo has a tendency to get stuck on some side topic and completely miss the point of the whole message.

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