The ONLY purpose in destroying 98.7% of Americans' health system is to


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
put in place Obama's long term objective in his words... "I happen to be a proponent of a single payer universal health care program."

which means that he ...

prefers to destroy the 1,300 health insurance companies
Obama doesn't care if these companies pay $100 billion a YEAR in Federal/State/Local taxes AND local property taxes on their office buildings!
Obama prefers to put out of work the 400,000 people that work in the health insurance companies!"
Obama prefers to pay out over 99 weeks at $300/week -- $11.8 billion in unemployment benefits.
Obama prefer to make up out of other people's tax payments the payroll taxes coming from these 400,000 employees that at $40,000/year these 400,000 employees SS/Medicare payments of @15.3% paid by employer/employee or $2.4 billion a year paid into Federal govt.

In an effort to do this Obama has totally LIED the biggest LIE .. bigger then any that Hitler told..
The Big Lie :(German: Große Lüge) is a propaganda technique.
The expression was coined by Adolf Hitler, when he dictated his 1925 book Mein Kampf, about the use of a lie so "colossal" that no one would believe that someone "could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously."
Big Lie - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

His big lie persuaded 219 House members to vote YES with 212 NO votes of which 34 Democrats joining all Republicans in opposition.
The BIG LIE is this: ON August 21, 2009 Obama said: "We are not a nation that accepts nearly 46 million uninsured men, women and children,"
46 Million Uninsured: A Look Behind The Number : NPR

WHAT 46 million?

GIVEN: The Census bureau says 10 million of the 46 million "uninsured' are not citizens…
leaving 36 million… NOT 46 million! 10 million are NOT CITIZENS yet Obama counts them as "uninsured"! BOGUS!
Source: Income, Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2009 - Income & Wealth - Newsroom - U.S. Census Bureau

GIVEN: 14 million are eligible for Medicaid..but they are counted as "uninsured"…. leaving 22 million…
Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association contracted with the Actuarial Research Corporation (ARC) to provide a detailed analysis of the uninsured identified by the Census Bureau, which found:
- Of the 44.7 million non-elderly uninsured individuals identified in the 2004 Census Current Population Survey (CPS) data,
nearly one-third — almost 14 million — were reachable through existing government
health programs such as Medicaid and the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) under current rules.
REACHABLE meaning all these people had to do was enroll! NO money. NO risks! Just enroll!

So far we've reduced the 46 million by 10 million NON-Citizens, 14 million that simply had to enroll as they were covered by Medicaid!
That leaves 22 million!

The last time I checked as an American I had the right to buy health insurance if I wanted to! That is MY RIGHT!

18 million people declaring that right that are under age 34, making over $50,000 a year decided it is cheaper just to pay out of pocket their
health needs then take up their employers' health plan.
Folks.. these are people who don't like to be called "free-loaders"! Their credit rating depends on their paying their bills so they are not the ones that
are the cause for hospitals absorbing the costs!

When you subtract 18 million from 22 million that leaves 4 MILLION that truly want and need health insurance! NOT 46 million!

YET THIS BIG LIE is destroying the health financing system for 98.7% of Americans that want or don't need health insurance!

This BIG LIE told often enough has convinced people yes we need single payer health insurance!

I don't know how many times I have to post this in how many different ways but folks WE'VE BEEN TOLD THE BIGGEST LIE SINCE HITLER!

YOU all are making it so complicated. It is simple math!
10 million are not eligible as they aren't citizens and therefore should not be counted as "uninsured"!
14 million who said they were uninsured and are counted by Obama... ONLY need to enroll in Medicaid...they are covered.
18 million DON'T WANT to buy insurance as they pay out of their pocket and obviously don't want their credit rating lowered by not paying the hospitals!
42 million!
SO any 3rd grader can subtract 42 million from 46 million and yes the math is 4 million truly uninsured!
And because NO ONE SEEMS to understand that We are seeing insurance rates projected to increase 122% from now to 2017!
We'll see insurance companies pricing themselves out of business!
And for WHAT?? THEY pay the bills! The Claims sent them by physicians that have stated they know $850 billion a year they send in claims
are WASTED out of fear of lawsuits!
Hospitals pad and pass their costs for the 4 million uninsured on to the PAYERS: Medicare/insurance which simply passes the costs on!
B) Experts i.e. physicians surveyed have said they know that nearly 30% of all health expenditures are duplicates, referrals.. AlL out of fear of lawsuits!
$850 billion a year! Simply because they don't want to be sued!
After all the experts i.e. doctors all contend they spend 34% of the national $2.5 trillion in duplicate tests,specialists. ALL out of fear of lawsuits!
That's $850 billion!
Findings from this survey include the following:
  • Physicians estimate the cost of defensive medicine in US at $650 to $850 billion per year. This is 26 to 34% of all US healthcare costs.
  • Up to 92% of US physicians practice defensive medicine.
  • 76% of physicians report that defensive medicine decreases patient access to healthcare.
  • 53% of physicians report delaying new techniques, procedures, and treatments due to fear of lawsuits.
  • Patients most affected by defensive medicine include those visiting emergency rooms and those requiring surgery.
  • Women are most affected by defensive medicine.
  • Emergency medicine, primary care, and OB/GYN physicians are most likely to practice defensive medicine.
  • 79 to 83% of surgeons and OB/GYNs have been named in lawsuits.
Source:Health News Observer ? Physicians Estimate The Cost Of Defensive Medicine In Us At 650 To 850 Bill Articles

This is a totally stupid!

PROVE ME WRONG on any of the above statements!
Put in place a government-run healthcare system and take over a sixth of the U.S. economy.
Single payer works.
Almost every other country knows it.
Don't y'all ever get tired of puking up the same old crap over and over and over again?

It's not for idiots like you that can't count to 20 unless you take off your shoes!

It's for the growing number of people that are finding out DAILY when their hours are reduced because of Obamacare!
For those people who will see per the experts, actuaries(big word for you I KNOW) projecting 122% rise in insurance premiums.
It's not for dumb fucks who think messing with the people who pay the claims solves the problem.. and totally ignorant as to
what creates those claims that are paid by Medicare/insurance AND private individuals out of pocket!
YOU have yet to admit that $850 billion in DEFENSIVE MEDICINE costs exist!
YOU totally ignore the FACT experts, i.e. the people that perform services that pay the claims ADMIT they do it out of fear of

AND to further show you ignorance YOU defend the millionaire, ambulance chasing lawyers that cause it!
[ame=]"We're Number 37" - Paul Hipp - YouTube[/ame]
Single payer works.
Almost every other country knows it.

WE HAVE 98.3% of Americans already covered by Medicare/Medicaid/private insurance!
It is the LIE that there are 46 million uninsured that 219 voted yes that is causing premiums to rise 122% doctors to quit!

AGAIN 10 million of 46 supposedly uninsured ARE NOT CITIZENS! 46 million less 10 million = 36 million.
Of the 14 MILLION counted as uninsured were eligible for Medicaid - and since 2007 10 million have enrolled"
That leaves 36 million less 14 million enrolled or eligible leaves 22 million.

18 million don't want insurance because they pay out of their pocket less then the premiums their employer would charge.
They also are under 34 and make over $50,000 and don't want their credit rating to be affected BY NOT paying their health bills!

That leaves 4 million!
Yea yea yea Obama wants Americans to die, and there will be death panels, and there are tanks a couple streets away...


YEA that's what the people heading toward the gas chambers all said as Hitler knew they would when he wrote:
The Big Lie :(German: Große Lüge) is a propaganda technique.
The expression was coined by Adolf Hitler, when he dictated his 1925 book Mein Kampf, about the use of a lie
so "colossal" that no one would believe that someone "could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously."
Big Lie - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Boy are you whiners going cry a storm when we do get single payer universal coverage. And the cost of medical coverage goes down, and the stats on longevity and infant mortality get better. A real shame to live in a nation that pays more for medical than any other in the world, yet the results are third world. And that is what you idiots wish to keep in place.
The ONLY purpose in destroying 98.7% of Americans' health system is to

annoy the fuck out of all of us with your repetitive threads on this forum.

And people like you who have problem making change at your McDee/s and seemingly still can't subtract 42 million from
46 million ..YOU don't have to read or respond .. it's NOT INTEND for IDIOTS!

It is intended for the growing number of people seeing their insurance premiums rising. Seeing the doctors quitting.
All because 219 yes votes BELIEVED THE BIG LIE.. 46 million uninsured!

All because millionaire lawyers are laughing their heads off at idiots like you who defend their making $200 billion a year
most from legal actions and these legal actions COST AMERICANS $850 billion a year in wasted tests,insurance claims
as the experts, i.e. the people that do the services attest!

This is NOT for simpletons like you that can't count up to 5 without picking your nose for help thinking snot improves your brains!
Boy are you whiners going cry a storm when we do get single payer universal coverage. And the cost of medical coverage goes down, and the stats on longevity and infant mortality get better. A real shame to live in a nation that pays more for medical than any other in the world, yet the results are third world. And that is what you idiots wish to keep in place.

WHY should there be a move when 98.7% are already covered?
And the remaining 4 million can be covered by taxing 10% of the lawyers YOU are so intent on protecting!
$20 billion of their $200 billion would pay the premium for those 4 million.. NATIONAL health system 100% for those that want IT!!
The insurance companies wrote Obamacare and they competing for the 30 million people that earn enough to qualify in the exchange. Illegal immigrants were not counted in the 45 million uninsured figure.
put in place Obama's long term objective in his words... "I happen to be a proponent of a single payer universal health care program."

which means that he ...

prefers to destroy the 1,300 health insurance companies
Obama doesn't care if these companies pay $100 billion a YEAR in Federal/State/Local taxes AND local property taxes on their office buildings!
Obama prefers to put out of work the 400,000 people that work in the health insurance companies!"
Obama prefers to pay out over 99 weeks at $300/week -- $11.8 billion in unemployment benefits.
Obama prefer to make up out of other people's tax payments the payroll taxes coming from these 400,000 employees that at $40,000/year these 400,000 employees SS/Medicare payments of @15.3% paid by employer/employee or $2.4 billion a year paid into Federal govt.

In an effort to do this Obama has totally LIED the biggest LIE .. bigger then any that Hitler told..
The Big Lie :(German: Große Lüge) is a propaganda technique.
The expression was coined by Adolf Hitler, when he dictated his 1925 book Mein Kampf, about the use of a lie so "colossal" that no one would believe that someone "could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously."
Big Lie - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

His big lie persuaded 219 House members to vote YES with 212 NO votes of which 34 Democrats joining all Republicans in opposition.
The BIG LIE is this: ON August 21, 2009 Obama said: "We are not a nation that accepts nearly 46 million uninsured men, women and children,"
46 Million Uninsured: A Look Behind The Number : NPR

WHAT 46 million?

GIVEN: The Census bureau says 10 million of the 46 million "uninsured' are not citizens…
leaving 36 million… NOT 46 million! 10 million are NOT CITIZENS yet Obama counts them as "uninsured"! BOGUS!
Source: Income, Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2009 - Income & Wealth - Newsroom - U.S. Census Bureau

GIVEN: 14 million are eligible for Medicaid..but they are counted as "uninsured"…. leaving 22 million…
Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association contracted with the Actuarial Research Corporation (ARC) to provide a detailed analysis of the uninsured identified by the Census Bureau, which found:
- Of the 44.7 million non-elderly uninsured individuals identified in the 2004 Census Current Population Survey (CPS) data,
nearly one-third — almost 14 million — were reachable through existing government
health programs such as Medicaid and the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) under current rules.
REACHABLE meaning all these people had to do was enroll! NO money. NO risks! Just enroll!

So far we've reduced the 46 million by 10 million NON-Citizens, 14 million that simply had to enroll as they were covered by Medicaid!
That leaves 22 million!

The last time I checked as an American I had the right to buy health insurance if I wanted to! That is MY RIGHT!

18 million people declaring that right that are under age 34, making over $50,000 a year decided it is cheaper just to pay out of pocket their
health needs then take up their employers' health plan.
Folks.. these are people who don't like to be called "free-loaders"! Their credit rating depends on their paying their bills so they are not the ones that
are the cause for hospitals absorbing the costs!

When you subtract 18 million from 22 million that leaves 4 MILLION that truly want and need health insurance! NOT 46 million!

YET THIS BIG LIE is destroying the health financing system for 98.7% of Americans that want or don't need health insurance!

This BIG LIE told often enough has convinced people yes we need single payer health insurance!

I don't know how many times I have to post this in how many different ways but folks WE'VE BEEN TOLD THE BIGGEST LIE SINCE HITLER!

YOU all are making it so complicated. It is simple math!
10 million are not eligible as they aren't citizens and therefore should not be counted as "uninsured"!
14 million who said they were uninsured and are counted by Obama... ONLY need to enroll in Medicaid...they are covered.
18 million DON'T WANT to buy insurance as they pay out of their pocket and obviously don't want their credit rating lowered by not paying the hospitals!
42 million!
SO any 3rd grader can subtract 42 million from 46 million and yes the math is 4 million truly uninsured!
And because NO ONE SEEMS to understand that We are seeing insurance rates projected to increase 122% from now to 2017!
We'll see insurance companies pricing themselves out of business!
And for WHAT?? THEY pay the bills! The Claims sent them by physicians that have stated they know $850 billion a year they send in claims
are WASTED out of fear of lawsuits!
Hospitals pad and pass their costs for the 4 million uninsured on to the PAYERS: Medicare/insurance which simply passes the costs on!
B) Experts i.e. physicians surveyed have said they know that nearly 30% of all health expenditures are duplicates, referrals.. AlL out of fear of lawsuits!
$850 billion a year! Simply because they don't want to be sued!
After all the experts i.e. doctors all contend they spend 34% of the national $2.5 trillion in duplicate tests,specialists. ALL out of fear of lawsuits!
That's $850 billion!
Findings from this survey include the following:
  • Physicians estimate the cost of defensive medicine in US at $650 to $850 billion per year. This is 26 to 34% of all US healthcare costs.
  • Up to 92% of US physicians practice defensive medicine.
  • 76% of physicians report that defensive medicine decreases patient access to healthcare.
  • 53% of physicians report delaying new techniques, procedures, and treatments due to fear of lawsuits.
  • Patients most affected by defensive medicine include those visiting emergency rooms and those requiring surgery.
  • Women are most affected by defensive medicine.
  • Emergency medicine, primary care, and OB/GYN physicians are most likely to practice defensive medicine.
  • 79 to 83% of surgeons and OB/GYNs have been named in lawsuits.
Source:Health News Observer ? Physicians Estimate The Cost Of Defensive Medicine In Us At 650 To 850 Bill Articles

This is a totally stupid!

PROVE ME WRONG on any of the above statements!

Lucky for us, it isn't out of the courts yet.
Single payer works.
Almost every other country knows it.

WE HAVE 98.3% of Americans already covered by Medicare/Medicaid/private insurance!
It is the LIE that there are 46 million uninsured that 219 voted yes that is causing premiums to rise 122% doctors to quit!

AGAIN 10 million of 46 supposedly uninsured ARE NOT CITIZENS! 46 million less 10 million = 36 million.
Of the 14 MILLION counted as uninsured were eligible for Medicaid - and since 2007 10 million have enrolled"
That leaves 36 million less 14 million enrolled or eligible leaves 22 million.

18 million don't want insurance because they pay out of their pocket less then the premiums their employer would charge.
They also are under 34 and make over $50,000 and don't want their credit rating to be affected BY NOT paying their health bills!

That leaves 4 million!

This is all very interesting.
Can you please link to your sources?

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