the only remaining argument against capatalism

Asked and answered multiple times Bubba.
This statement is a lie.

Still looking for your answers::
-Who are you to judge what is moral; who are you to impose that judgement on others?
-Why do you choose to not understand that "equality" as the term is used in the context of the creation of this country and its government refers to equal treatment under the law, not equal wages or equal wealth?

Without false premises, distortions and lies, what would YOU ever have Bubba?

Obama wants to allow even more illegals and another amnesty.


Conservatives/GOP prefer to keep "illegals" in the shadows to better exploit them!

^ Truth

I don't want to keep them in the shadows, I want to send them back home.
Why do you hate poor Americans?

Sure you do Bubba, sure, lol

I do. I've said it many times.
Why do you want more illegals to drive down wages?
Are you a rich business man?
Why do you hate poor Americans?
No ... I never indicated you actually wanted the elevator pass ...



... And you aren't ever going to get my elevator pass no matter what government gives you.



Forget it, BlackSand, you're out of your element.

I cannot help it if you cannot separate one argument from the next ... So explain what the government will do that can help you get to the top.

I don't need you to explain the elevator pass because you don't have one ... And never will at the rate you are going.
It doesn't matter if you want one ... Or if you are simply pissed because someone else has one ... You aren't getting one either way, and nothing the government can do will ever make it any easier for you.

You are out of your element thinking that your ideas amount to a hill of beans ... Because they don't.

Without false premises, distortions and lies, what would YOU ever have Bubba?

Obama wants to allow even more illegals and another amnesty.


Conservatives/GOP prefer to keep "illegals" in the shadows to better exploit them!

^ Truth

I don't want to keep them in the shadows, I want to send them back home.
Why do you hate poor Americans?

Sure you do Bubba, sure, lol

I do. I've said it many times.
Why do you want more illegals to drive down wages?
Are you a rich business man?
Why do you hate poor Americans?

Sure, you "said it" yet support policy and politicians who support and do the opposite. Weird
Obama wants to allow even more illegals and another amnesty.


Conservatives/GOP prefer to keep "illegals" in the shadows to better exploit them!

^ Truth

I don't want to keep them in the shadows, I want to send them back home.
Why do you hate poor Americans?

Sure you do Bubba, sure, lol

I do. I've said it many times.
Why do you want more illegals to drive down wages?
Are you a rich business man?
Why do you hate poor Americans?

Sure, you "said it" yet support policy and politicians who support and do the opposite. Weird

Oh good you are still here....thought you might have been in another post....about a scarecrow.....
There is nothing wrong with capitalism as long as you have a strong government to regulate them
Obama wants to allow even more illegals and another amnesty.


Conservatives/GOP prefer to keep "illegals" in the shadows to better exploit them!

^ Truth

I don't want to keep them in the shadows, I want to send them back home.
Why do you hate poor Americans?

Sure you do Bubba, sure, lol

I do. I've said it many times.
Why do you want more illegals to drive down wages?
Are you a rich business man?
Why do you hate poor Americans?

Sure, you "said it" yet support policy and politicians who support and do the opposite. Weird

I support politicians who want to seal the border.
You support Obama who wants to import more illegals.
Why do you hate poor Americans?
Asked and answered multiple times Bubba.
This statement is a lie.
Still looking for your answers::
-Who are you to judge what is moral; who are you to impose that judgement on others?
-Why do you choose to not understand that "equality" as the term is used in the context of the creation of this country and its government refers to equal treatment under the law, not equal wages or equal wealth?
[meaningless picture deleted]
I accept your concession, that you know you cannot meaningfully or substantively answer the questions I put to you, forcing you to run away with your tail tucked between your legs.
Just like all the other mindless partisan bigots.
It is not immoral to have more than another.

It is jealousy to covet what is not yours
Conservatives/GOP prefer to keep "illegals" in the shadows to better exploit them!

^ Truth

I don't want to keep them in the shadows, I want to send them back home.
Why do you hate poor Americans?

Sure you do Bubba, sure, lol

I do. I've said it many times.
Why do you want more illegals to drive down wages?
Are you a rich business man?
Why do you hate poor Americans?

Sure, you "said it" yet support policy and politicians who support and do the opposite. Weird

I support politicians who want to seal the border.
You support Obama who wants to import more illegals.
Why do you hate poor Americans?
Asked and answered multiple times Bubba.
This statement is a lie.
Still looking for your answers::
-Who are you to judge what is moral; who are you to impose that judgement on others?
-Why do you choose to not understand that "equality" as the term is used in the context of the creation of this country and its government refers to equal treatment under the law, not equal wages or equal wealth?
[meaningless picture deleted]
I accept your concession, that you know you cannot meaningfully or substantively answer the questions I put to you, forcing you to run away with your tail tucked between your legs.
Just like all the other mindless partisan bigots.

lol, To funny Bubba

It is not immoral to have more than another.

It is jealousy to covet what is not yours



You just don't get it do you?

Where did I say give more to anyone?

Anyone is completely free to earn as much as he can.

And if someone earns more than me I have absolutely no right to any of it.

No one is stopping you or anyone else from making more money. You just don't have the gumption to do what it takes so you whine about other people's wealth instead.

It's pathetic.
No ... I never indicated you actually wanted the elevator pass ...



... And you aren't ever going to get my elevator pass no matter what government gives you.



Forget it, BlackSand, you're out of your element.

I cannot help it if you cannot separate one argument from the next ... So explain what the government will do that can help you get to the top.

I don't need you to explain the elevator pass because you don't have one ... And never will at the rate you are going.
It doesn't matter if you want one ... Or if you are simply pissed because someone else has one ... You aren't getting one either way, and nothing the government can do will ever make it any easier for you.

You are out of your element thinking that your ideas amount to a hill of beans ... Because they don't.


I'll help you out, since you didn't understand the post, yet insist on posting like you did.

The 'top floor/top of the building' represents advancement in society.

'The stairs' represents the route to achieve advancement in society. At one time, everyone took the stairs.

'The elevator' represents a faster route for advancement in society.

The necessity of an 'elevator pass' represents the loss of equal opportunity in America. The time of everybody being allowed the equal opportunity of taking the stairs to the top with everybody else in America has gone. Now there's two routes: the broken down stairs for the underprivileged, and the 'elevator pass', for the few lucky ones and the children of the lucky ones.

It's all about EQUAL OPPORTUNITY, and the death of that principle in our country.

Like I said, you're out of your element.
I don't want to keep them in the shadows, I want to send them back home.
Why do you hate poor Americans?

Sure you do Bubba, sure, lol

I do. I've said it many times.
Why do you want more illegals to drive down wages?
Are you a rich business man?
Why do you hate poor Americans?

Sure, you "said it" yet support policy and politicians who support and do the opposite. Weird

I support politicians who want to seal the border.
You support Obama who wants to import more illegals.
Why do you hate poor Americans?

Obama doesn't want to let millions more illegals come here?
Obama didn't sign an executive amnesty? LOL!
Maybe Obamacare can help you with that brain damage?
I'll help you out, since you didn't understand the post, yet insist on posting like you did.

The 'top floor/top of the building' represents advancement in society.

'The stairs' represents the route to achieve advancement in society. At one time, everyone took the stairs.

'The elevator' represents a faster route for advancement in society.

The necessity of an 'elevator pass' represents the loss of equal opportunity in America. The time of everybody being allowed the equal opportunity of taking the stairs to the top with everybody else in America has gone. Now there's two routes: the broken down stairs for the underprivileged, and the 'elevator pass', for the few lucky ones and the children of the lucky ones.

It's all about EQUAL OPPORTUNITY, and the death of that principle in our country.

Like I said, you're out of your element.

I said I didn't need you to explain it to me.
There is nothing equal about taking anything away from a specific portion of society because you don't like the fact they have it.

If your suggestion is to take what the rich have so they can equally suffer your failures ... Then I don't have a problem telling you to go fuck yourself.
If the government were to take everything the top 1% has ... They aren't going to give it to you ... And it wouldn't even pay off our national debt.

The basis of your argument boils down to what other people have ... And what you want to take from them ... Nothing else.

The best and greatest argument against the burgoise society otherwise known as capitalism is the moral argument. I just keep mentioning wealth gap or how it is unfair and people are so outraged that they rush to shut it down. Despite the fact that real communist societies have their own wealth gap between between favoured bureaucrats, chosen individuals and everyone else I just keep telling people how unjust the capatalism system is. I really don't care if nothing else has ever worked in the history of the world or how every other unfree economy was riddled with corruption and had appointed aristocracies to rule over the peasants. I just keep beating this drum to death just so I can shut it down.

The best and greatest argument against the burgoise society otherwise known as capitalism is the moral argument.

Communism much better, they know how to deal with the bourgeois, eh comrade?

Only those on the far far left support Marxism/Communism and they are members of the Socialist Worker's Party. Use of the C-word should be restricted, when used as an everyday rebuttal and pejorative it is hackneyed, and the default for the set of all those unable to write a concise, cogent response.
I think its sort of useless, and actually counterproductive, to support or oppose any issue of taxation or govt benefit based on pitting one segment of society against another. There's no doubt that all of the developed world is facing increased income and wealth disparity as a result of globalization. Workers here are competing against textiles from Bangladesh and pharmaceuticals from India, for example. Our unions can squawk all they want, but that is not going to change. The result is the moneyed few use their money to buy into the production of these goods. And that doesn't mean the moneyed few are horrible monsters. They behave rationally, like Mitt Romney, who by all accounts is a decent human being. But it does mean that their income and wealth increases exponentially faster than workers', and it's not because the moneyed few are somehow better or, as Mitt didn't seem to understand, "more deserving." That view is no more accurate than saying we should punish the robber barons.

When jobs no longer have healthcare benefits, and educational costs rise, and the debt spirals, it's not class warfare to raise taxes on the winners of globalization. But that doesn't mean providing everything for free, or raising taxes so much people move to Singapore (or wherever Zuckerman went) is good for society, either.

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